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by Dr. Emanuel August Mayer , Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch , Rev. Dr. John Henry Charles Fritz , August Ferdinand Bernthal , and Herbert John August Bouman
by Lutheran Companion and John Theodore Mueller
by Rev. Friedrich Heinrich Brunn , John Theodore Mueller , and Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt
by Paul Edward Kretzmann , Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , John Theodore Mueller , Ludwig Ernst Fuerbringer , Rev. Dr. John Henry Charles Fritz , Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch , Dr. Theodore Hoyer , and Rev. Dr. William Gustave Polack
by Frederick Emanuel Mayer
by Ludwig Ernst Fuerbringer
by Rev. Dr. Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther
by Prof. Theodore Engelder
by Paul Edward Kretzmann , Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch , John Theodore Mueller , Friedrich H. Niedner , and Paul Koenig
by Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt and Paul Edward Kretzmann
by Paul Edward Kretzmann , John Theodore Mueller , Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , Prof. Theodore Engelder , Rev. Dr. John Henry Charles Fritz , and Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch
by Theodore Dierks
by Paul Edward Kretzmann
by John Theodore Mueller
by Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , Friedrich H. Niedner , Dr. Emanuel August Mayer , Rev. Dr. John Henry Charles Fritz , Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch , Rev. Paul G. Birkmann , and Gotthold Herman Friedrich Smukal
by Rev. Friedrich Heinrich Brunn , Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , John Theodore Mueller , and Frederick Emanuel Mayer
by Prof. Theodore Engelder , John Theodore Mueller , Paul Edward Kretzmann , Ludwig Ernst Fuerbringer , Rev. Dr. John Henry Charles Fritz , and Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch
by Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt
by Dr. Emanuel August Mayer , Paul Edward Kretzmann , Herbert John August Bouman , C. A. Gieseler , Elfred L. Roschke , and John Theodore Mueller
by Prof. Theodore Engelder , Paul Edward Kretzmann , and Richard Theodore Du Brau
by Frederick Emanuel Mayer , Dr. Theodore Conrad Graebner , Dr. Theodore Hoyer , Prof. Theodore Engelder , Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , and John Theodore Mueller
by Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , John Theodore Mueller , Prof. Theodore Engelder , Dr. Theodore Hoyer , and Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch
by Oliver C. Rupprecht
by Victor August Walter Mennicke
by Otto Emmanuel Sohn
by Dr. Ottomar Krueger , Rev. Alex William Charles Guebert , Rev. Alex William Charles Guebert , Walter H. Bouman , Mark J. Steege , and Herman Ottoman Alfred Keinath