President of the Michigan District, Missouri Synod, 1912-1914; Professor of Concordia Seminary, Springfield, Illinois, 1914-1926; Professor of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, 1926-1946. "Staunch defender of verbal inspiration. . .Contributed to L. u. W., TM, and CTM; other works include Scripture Cannot Be Broken; Reason or Revelation? Was chief tr. of F. A. O. Pieper's Christliche Dogmatik in the ed. that appeared 1950–57 under the title Christian Dogmatics."* *“Theodore Engelder, 1865–1949,†CTM, XX (August 1949), frontispiece and pp. 561–563.
by Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch , Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier I, Prof. Theodore Engelder , Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , Rev. Dr. William Gustave Polack , Dr. Theodore Conrad Graebner , Rev. Alfred Martin Rehwinkel , Paul Edward Kretzmann , John Theodore Mueller , and Dr. Theodore Hoyer
by Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , John Theodore Mueller , Prof. Theodore Engelder , Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch , Paul Edward Kretzmann , Ludwig Ernst Fuerbringer , Rev. Dr. William Gustave Polack , Rev. Dr. John Henry Charles Fritz , Frederick Emanuel Mayer , and Dr. Theodore Hoyer
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