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by Paul Edward Kretzmann
by Rev. Dr. William Gustave Polack
by Prof. Theodore Engelder
by Richard William Heintze
by Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch
by Dr. Theodore Hoyer
by Rev. Edward Julius Friedrich
by Ludwig Ernst Fuerbringer
by Theodore Henry Carl Buenger
by Herbert John August Bouman , Gotthold Herman Friedrich Smukal , and F H Eggers
by Prof. Theodore Engelder , Paul Edward Kretzmann , Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , and John Theodore Mueller
by Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , Paul Edward Kretzmann , Dr. Theodore Hoyer , Prof. Theodore Engelder , Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch , Ludwig Ernst Fuerbringer , and Rev. Dr. John Henry Charles Fritz
by F H Eggers and Herbert John August Bouman
by Prof. Theodore Engelder , E. H. Meinzen , and Paul Edward Kretzmann
by Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , John Theodore Mueller , Prof. Theodore Engelder , Rev. Dr. John Henry Charles Fritz , and Lutheran Sentinel
by Paul Edward Kretzmann , Dr. Theodore Conrad Graebner , Dr. Theodore Hoyer , John Theodore Mueller , Rev. Dr. William Gustave Polack , Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch , Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , and Ludwig Ernst Fuerbringer
by William Heyne
by F H Eggers , Gotthold Herman Friedrich Smukal , and Herbert John August Bouman
by John Theodore Mueller , Prof. Theodore Engelder , and Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt
by Paul Edward Kretzmann , Rev. Dr. William Frederick Arndt , Prof. Theodore Engelder , Dr. Theodore Conrad Graebner , Ludwig Ernst Fuerbringer , John Theodore Mueller , Rev. Dr. William Gustave Polack , and Theodore Ferdinand Karl Laetsch
by Justin A Petersen