Dr. Erik M. Heen (-)

Dr. Heen’s education credentials include a B.A. from Harvard College, 1973; a M.Div. from Harvard Divinity School, 1982; a M.Th. from Luther Theological Seminary, 1990; a M.Phil. from Columbia University, 1993 and a Ph.D. from Columbia University, 1997. He currently serves as John H. P. Reumann Chair in Biblical Studies and professor of New Testament at The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. Dr. Heen's specific New Testament research interests include Paul, the Gospel of John, and the Book of Revelation. Dr. Erik Heen is interested in the role of Scripture in the contemporary church as well as what the New Testament can tell us about the origins of Christianity. Increasingly, the history of biblical interpretation has also been a focus of his research. Together with Phil Krey, President of LTSP, he edited the Epistle to Hebrews volume in the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture series (InterVarsity, 2005). He is currently researching the use of the Bible among Lutherans in North America in the 20th century. As part of his interpretation studies, he seeks to learn all he can about how the Bible is being actually read in parishes and homes in the United States today. Dr. Heen was part of the development of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Book of Faith initiative, and wrote the initiative's document Scriptural Theology and the ELCA: Challenges and Resources.


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