Full Text for CTM Book Review 11-1 (Text)

(!!nurnr~ia m~tnln!lttal :SlnntlJly Continuing LEHRE UND ~EHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LUTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. XI January, 1940 No.1 CONTENTS Page Foreword. w. Arndt ____________ ____ . __ .. ... ____ ._____ . .. ____ . . .. _ ... _. __ _ ._. . 1 Der Lutherische Weltkonvent. Th. Engelder _____ . ______ .. _._. __ .... _ .. _ .. ___ ... _ .. _ 11 The Significance of the Doctrine of the Church and the Ministry J. Theodore Mueller ____ .. __ .. . _ . ____ ... _. ___ .________ 19 Entwuerfe ueber die von der Synodalkonferenz angenommene EpisteIreihe _________ .... _____ ..... ___ ... __ .. _. __ ._ .. _ .. __ ._______ .. _ . __ ._ ... . __ . ___ .. _______ 36 Miscellanea ___ __ ._. _____ . __ . _ .. ____ ._ . _____ .... . . ___ . __ ... _ .... ________ . ________ . __ . ____ ._. ____ ...... _____ . 50 Theological Observer - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches . ______ ._ .. _. ._. 59 Book Review - Literatur .. _____________________ ... ... _. _ .. _. __ .. _. __________ ._._._ _ 73 Ein Predlger muss nicht a1lein wei- den, also dass er die Schafe unter- weise. wie sie rechte Christen sollen sein, sondern auch daneben den Woel- fen wehTen, dass sie die Schafe nlcht angreifen und mit falscher Lehre ver- fuehren und Irrtum einfuehren. LutheT Es ist kein Ding, das die Leute mehr bel der K1rche behaelt denn die gute Predigt. - Apologie, Arl.24 If the trwnpet give an uncertain sound. who shall prepare himself to the battle? -1 COT. 14:8 Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBUSHING HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. Book Review - S3iteratur 73 Book Review - £itcratur All books reviewed in this periodical may be procured from or through Con- cordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. The Validity of the Gospel Record. By Ernest Findlay Scott, D. D., Professor of New Testament Criticism, Union Theological Seminary, New York. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1938. 213 pages, 5X7%. Price, $2.00. This book is of real value to all theologians who desire to inform themselves on recent developments and tendencies in the field of higher criticism pertaining to the Gospels. Dr. Scott is known as an authority on this subject, having held the chair of New Testament criticism at Union Seminary, N. Y., for many years. While the author saddens us through his rejection of the verbal inspiration and inerrancy of the Scriptures, he is opposed to the destructive views of some modern investigators who set out to deny the credibility of our gospels. He opposes the view that from the very start the teaching of Jesus and the report about it were altogether different things (p. 39).. Very definitely he informs us that sound scholarship nowadays rejects the view that our gospels are based on deliberate deception (p. 91). Engag- ing in acute reasoning, he holds that the genuineness of the gospel account is demonstrated by the inclusion of material which at the time of writing no longer was intelligible to the readers or did not agree with their principles of conduct (p. 104). What he has in mind is illustrated by his pointing to the emphasis given in the teaching of Jesus to the kingdom of God, an emphasis which, he holds, no longer was found in the message of the Church when three decades or so had elapsed. Though we cannot agree that what he says about the negligible preaching of the Kingdom around 60 A. D. tallies with the facts (Cf. Rom. 14: 17), the general argument that traces in the gospels testify to the origin in an earlier age of the material presented deserves the careful study of apologists. The chief value of the book lies in its description and examination of the views held by the so-called Formgeschichtliche Schule, which arose in Germany after the World War and whose chief exponents are Dibelius, Bultmann, and K. L. Schmidt. Men in our country who have written on this particular form of criticism are B. S. Easton of the Epis- copal Seminary in New York and F. C. Grant of Union Seminary in the same city. The advocates of the position under consideration try to go back beyond the time when our gospels were written and to determine in what form or forms the material now placed before us in the gospels existed and circulated during those early years. It is held that some of it had the form of miracle stories, some that of parables, some that of proverbial sayings, etc. The whole Christian teaching as it was promulgated by the servants of the Church was, so it is assumed, cast in definite patterns, and in these it was handed down till the gospel- writers fused what was separate into connected narrative. What an extraordinary exercise for one's fancy speculations of this sort afford 74 Book Review - ~iterQtur can be seen without difficulty. From the work before us we obtain information on the position of those who take this view of the situation obtaining before and at the time of the composition of our gospels. Dr. Scott deplores that the tendency manifesting itself in this criticism is to throw doubt on the reliability of our gospels. He thinks that "form criticism" has some foundation in fact, but he wishes to see it remain sane and mindful of its limitations. Whatever is true in these theories he believes confirms rather than weakens the credibility of the records given us by the evangelists. The work will then be helpful to those who have to defend the sacred accounts, even though they refuse to share the wrong views on the character of the Bible for which Dr. Scott and Union Seminary are known. W. ARNDT .Bunt !BcrftiinbniB bet f\Jnoptifdjen j mit benen Ivitb man nid)g madjen tonnen.· lilleiter: .3)er cine jne~t bie Sd)ladjttei~e, um fid) in bet ®emeinbearflcit 3U berftiedjen. 3)er anbere toenbet eiu, es mUflten nun aHe Sitafte fUr ben Slump! fret gemadjt toetben. !Beibe ~altungen toerben ben fitcl)licl)en (2;rforberniffen nicl)t geredjt. (g mUfl erreicl)t toerben, nafl heines, bet ~umvf unb bie ftetige ~ltbeit bet ®emeinne, .\';)anb in .\';)anb ge~t. . .. ~n ber !llefotmationsaroeit mullte ber fiimpfenbe S3ut~er balb Bur lBifttation [cf)reiten, um bon unten ~er 2U oauen." .150 rdatilliert bie G:infalt bie .R'tiege bet .R'ircf)e, @3ie fann £5 crtragen, bafl mitten in ber ,ffiu~e' bes Sllufliaus bie B'anfare bes .Rriegs crtllnt." @3cl)lielllielj: .lillas tuiire falfd)er, als borfcl)neU aus ber 5tatfad)e gcmeill[amer ~lot eine fircf)fiel)e (2;in~eit fonftruieren 3U looUen?" 3)en ~uSfU~~ tungen tiber "ben @3a~ ber Slluguftana, bafl sur red)ten (2;inl)eit ber .R'ttdje bet consensus de doctrina evangelli genUge", {onnen tuit niel)t beiftimmen. I/£;)Hf, ®ott, ItJa~ ift aus biefcm Salle aUes gcmadjt tuorben 1! lillie biele lila!e tuutbe er [0 gelc[en, a{g laute er, 3ur (2;inf)cit bet .I1'il:dje gef)ore bie G:in~eit bet 5tl)eologie! .. , !Balb fuel)t tonfeffionaliftifel)e Saftamentst~eologie, bie - bot~ fiel)tig ausgebtticft - nut mit gto\Jtet lilU!)e if)re @3d)riftgemii\Jf)clt nadjl1leifen fann, ~iet bie ffied)tfertigung ber mrd)mlpa!tung j balb tuir'o aull einem be~ ftimmtm lBerftiinbnis 'oer Sd)eibung geiltliel)er bon toeltlidjet ®el1lalt ein Sd)ib~ bolet~, obfd)on bieg lBetftiin'onig niel)t o'oer taum in bet 53age ift, fid) bon bet !Bot[djaft bom SlrCU3 ~er alS not\vmbig 3U ertueilen." (15.19.) - lillie ift ber @3all (15.20) 3U berftelJen: "SDa lann unter ben 5tf)eo{ogen bet 5l'am~f loben um bie[e unb jcne jJrage, bie bet ®emein'oe ftemb ift, fo ball fie fid) etft lanofam ill fte I)ineinlebCl1 mufl"7 SDie 5tl)co(ogm ~abm bod) fein ffied)t, liver 3)inge aU ftreiten, bie bie mrcl)e niel)ts angel)en. ~s fd)eint abet, bafl Il1.smufim bail ffiecl)te im @3inn flat. crt [el)lie\lt 1)ier mit bem @3a1Je: .3)azu ftnb ia Ic!)lie\llic!) bie 5tlJeoIO\lCl1 ba, ball fie es bet ®emeinbe fagen, tues!)alb gera'oe {)iet bet \lanae