m~tnln!lttal :SlnntlJly
Vol. XI January, 1940 No.1
Foreword. w. Arndt ____________ ____ . __ .. ... ____ ._____ . .. ____ . . .. _ ... _. __ _ ._. . 1
Der Lutherische Weltkonvent. Th. Engelder _____ . ______ .. _._. __ .... _ .. _ .. ___ ... _ .. _ 11
The Significance of the Doctrine of the Church and the Ministry
J. Theodore Mueller ____ .. __ .. . _ . ____ ... _. ___ .________ 19
Entwuerfe ueber die von der Synodalkonferenz angenommene
EpisteIreihe _________ .... _____ ..... ___ ... __ .. _. __ ._ .. _ .. __ ._______ .. _ . __ ._ ... . __ . ___ .. _______ 36
Miscellanea ___ __ ._. _____ . __ . _ .. ____ ._ . _____ .... . . ___ . __ ... _ .... ________ . ________ . __ . ____ ._. ____ ...... _____ . 50
Theological Observer - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches . ______ ._ .. _. ._. 59
Book Review - Literatur .. _____________________ ... ... _. _ .. _. __ .. _. __________ ._._._ _ 73
Ein Predlger muss nicht a1lein wei-
den, also dass er die Schafe unter-
weise. wie sie rechte Christen sollen
sein, sondern auch daneben den Woel-
fen wehTen, dass sie die Schafe nlcht
angreifen und mit falscher Lehre ver-
fuehren und Irrtum einfuehren.
Es ist kein Ding, das die Leute
mehr bel der K1rche behaelt denn
die gute Predigt. - Apologie, Arl.24
If the trwnpet give an uncertain
sound. who shall prepare himself to
the battle? -1 COT. 14:8
Published for the
Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States
:Dec S3utI;edfd)e lli\eItfonbent 11
There is one body and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope
of your calling: one Lord, one faith, one Baptism, one God and
Father of all, who is above all and through all and in you all"; and
1 Cor. 12: 13: "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body,
whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free,
and have been all made to drink into one Spirit"? ( Cf. Western
Dist. Syn. Report, 1867, President's address, p.11.) Furthermore,
must not the success which God has abundantly bestowed on the
recent negotiations between the American Lutheran Church and
our Synod and which fills our hearts with gratitude and joy at the
same time be an incentive for us to continue these endeavors?
There can be but one answer: 'Irye have to manifest the same
spirit of ecumenical Lutheranism as the fathers; and while we
with might and main have to oppose the temptations of false
religious Liberalism, which undoubtedly is our chief foe in these
latter days, we must likewise beware of falling prey to the enemy
on the other extreme, that of fanatical separatism. May God help
our journal to steer the right course as it launches out at the
opening of another decade! W. ARNDT
c,!)et: ~utijertfdje 1IDdtfonl.lent *)
:Det: 8mecf bc;:lEu±ljerifcljen jffieItfonben±i3 mitb bon bem @:i1;efutib~
fomitee folgenbermo13en lJcftimmt: "The Need for Lutheran Solidarity.
This fundamentally ecumenical character of Lutheranism should
receive more concrete expression than has yet been done. The
times seem to demand that the inner unity already existing among
the Lutherans of the world be cultivated and mobilized. The pur-
pose of this outward expression of Lutheran fellowshilJ is not
ostentation, not the display of size or so-called achievement. . . .
The purpose in seeking to develop Lutheran solidarity is to help
meet the difficulties that confront our churches just now in com-
mon with all Christendom, to unite our forces in support of our
Lutheran brethren who are now suffering for their faith. . .. The
purpose is to help one another in preserving, and sharing with all
nations, the treasures we possess in the Gospel of our Lord, whom
we know to be the Redeemer of the world from sin. This purpose
is to be achieved. . . (b) by cultivating a Lutheran consciousness
in individual Lutherans and in Lutheran church-bodies, (c) by
furthering Lutheran unity within the several lands where Lutheran
*) S3utI;crifdier IIDcftfonbent i}U %llriS bout 13. 111iJ DUm 20. :Dftobec 1935.
'Ilenffd)riit, l)cransgegebcn 1m Slluftrag Dei] (hcfutiblo111itees. lUIs &)anDfd),ift
gebrucft. 'Berlin, 1939. 175 6eiten 5ljzX9.
12 %let 53uH)etifdje ®eltfonbent
forces are not at present united, (d) by forming a practical entente
or alliance among all the Lutheran church-bodies in the world."
(CoNe. THEOL. MTHLY" VIII, €l.470. The Lutheran, 7. ~prn 1937.)
Sl:ler !Rebafteur be§ Lutheran fpridj± fidj baruver aIf 0 au§: "The
paragraphs of that section- 'The Need for Lutheran Solidarity'-
are thoroughly practical for the preservation of distinctive Luther-
anism. We are for them. . .. It is the twentieth century's con-
tribution to the movement begun by Martin Luther. Let the Lu-
therans everywhere get back of the committee with support and
encouragement." (The Lutheran, 21. ~priI 1937.) ~udj wir finb
bafur. "The need for Lutheran solidarity" ift eine bringenbe. ~lIe
2u±ljeraner lolIten barauf ljinarveiten, baB unter iljnen eine innetIidje
®Iauven§gemeinfdjaf± auftanbe lomme. Sl:ler 2utljerifdje lllieItfonbeni
ljat fidj ein erljavene§ .BieI geftecH. Sl:lie @intfdjIieBung be§ jjSarifer
Sl:onbent§ {autet: "The Lutheran World Convention declares it as its
purpose to bring the Lutheran churches and organizations of the
world into an enduring and intimate relationship with one another
in order to promote oneness of faith and confession and to ward
off antagonistic and hostile influences," (Lutheran World Almanac,
1934-1937, €l. 32.) Sl:lafur finb wir. Sl:lafur ift bie lJRiffourif~nobe:
".Bwecre ber €l~nobe finb: 1. @irljaItung unb {Yorbetung ber @iinljeit
De§ reinen ~efenntniffe§ (@iplj. 4, 3-6; 1 Sl:or. 1, 10) unb hie gemein~
fame ~vweljr alIe§ feparatiftifdjen unb feftiererifdjen Unwefen§ (!Rom.
16, 17)." €lo fteljt audj bie €llJnobaIfonferena: ,,§ III: .Bwecr unb
.Bid. \lrUBerer ~u§brucf ber ®eifte§einigfeit ber ve±reffenben €l~noben;
gegenfeitige €ltiidung im ®Iauven unb ~efenntni§; {Yorbetung ber
(tinigfeit in 2eljre unb jjSra;t;i§ unb ~ef eitigung bodommenber broljenber
€ltotung berf elven." ~eber redjte 2utljeraner wirb barauf ljinarveiten,
baB bie @iinigfeit im ®eift gefjjrbert unb bie borfallenbe Uneinigfeit
oefeitigt werbe. "Promote oneness of faith!" Sl:ler .Bweet be§ 2utlje~
tifdjen llliertfonbent§ ift ein guter,
Sl:ler 2u±ljetifdje lllieIHonbent vefoIgt aver nidjt bie redj±e lJRetljobe,
biefe§ .Bier au etteidjen. Sl:ler Sl:onben± bon 1935 ift fetner ~ufgave
nidjt geredj± gelIJorben. Sl:la§ geljt au§ ber 2dture be§ borHegenben
S\:onbentveridjte§ ljerbor. lllienn ein ~U§lIJiirtiger bief en ~ericf)t Heft,
fo fommi er auf ben ®ebanfen, baB, lIJa§ €loIibaritiit vetrifft, in ber
!utljerif djcn s\:irdje bcr llliert alIe§ in iDrbnung f ei. Unb boJj ift nicf)t
alIe§ in iDrbnung 1 Sl:lie 2utljeraner viIben feine @iinljeit, lIJa§ bie 2eljre
oetrifft. (ti.i ljett) djt unter iljnen eine arge .Bettiff enljeit. €lie finb
fidj nidjt einig in ber ~nfpiration§reljre, Sl:lie groBe WCeljr3aljI lIJeigert
fidj, bie 2eljre au vefennen, baB bie S)eiIige €ldjrift lIJortIicf) infpiriert
unb in allen iljren ~u§fagen infalIiveI if±. Sl:lie ljeutigen 2u±ljeraner
leljren nicljt einljeitridj bon ber lBefeljtung, lEieIe bon iljnen finb au§~
gefprodjene €l~nergiften. lEide 2utljeraner finb ber reformierten ~venb~
maljI§Ieljre augefalIen; bide vefIagen ei.i, baB ljeute ilberljaup± nodj
IDet ~ut~etif~e !llieltfonbent 13
uber biefe 2egre geftritten witb. @:£l giOt audj bieIe Iutfjerifdje S'eenotifer.
Unb bie 2utljeraner liHben teine gefdjIoffene ~ront bem 20genulieI
gegenulier. ~ier werben bie ~reimaurer aligewiefen, bort werben fie
wiInommen geljei'i3en. ~a, audj in bem ~unft ber !Redjtfet±igung£lIegre
ift nidjt alles in Orbnung. @:£l giOt angefegene 2utgeraner, bie betreff£l
biefe£l ~unftes aur Orbnung gerufen werben mUffen. jillem bas jillogI
ber Iutgerifdjen SHrdje am ~eraen riegt, mu'i3 bon biefen ~ingen 910tia
negmen. ~er 2utgerifdje jillertfonbent mu'i3 bon biefen ~ingen 910tia
neg men. ~lier aus bem lBeridjt ulier feine @litung in ~aris ift nidjt
au erf eljen, ba'i3 man ben @ldjaben ~of elJg£l lief egen gat. IDCan ift liber
bie 2eljrbifferenaen weggegangen. ~nan ljat nidjt bie ~rage lieljanbert:
m3ie fonnen wir bie @iinljcit in 2egre unb lBefenntnis gerftellen unb lie"
forb ern ("promote oneness of faith and confession") in bet ~nflJi"
ration£lIegre, in ber 2eljte bon bet lBefegrung ufw.? ~n ber ~enffdjrift
finben wir eine ~rebigt ulier ~og. 13, 34, cine ~nflJradje ulier 1 ~og.
5,4, cine ulier ~f. 75, 4, eine ~rebigt uber @ladj. 4, 6, ~ortriige ulier
,,~a£l 2utget±um unb bie teIigiofe ~rife ber ®egenwat±", ulier ,,~a£l
2utget±um unb bie ~nnere IDCiffion geute", iifJer "Lutheranism and
Foreign Missions at the Present Time", ulier "Le Lutheranisme dans
la crise du monde actuel" unb uber "Lutheranism and the Coming
Generation" mit iljten ~orreferaten unb enbIidj bie @in!fdjrie'i3ungen.
~a£l finb ia alles ®egenftiinbe, bie aUf Iutgerifdjen ~onbenten lie"
flJrodjen werben blirfen, lieflJtodjen werben foIIten. ~lier ein ~onbent,
bem es um ~erftellung ber Lutheran solidarity au tun ift, fann nidjt
umgin, audj bie traurige 2erriffengeit in ber Iutljerifdjen ~itdje unb
beren Urfadje aur ~iSfuffion au ftellen. IDCan will "a practical
entente, or alliance," gerftellen. ~a mu'i3 man bor allen ~ingen cine
entente cordiale gerftellen. @:ine iiu'i3ere @iingeit ogne @iinigfeit ber
2egre, be£l @linne£l, taugt nidjg, giiIt audj nidjt.
~ieIes bon bem, was in ben ~rebigten unb !Referaten gefagt
wurbe, ift fein, treffenb unb aeUgemii'i3. @lo a. lB., wenn 2anbesoifdjof
IDCaragrens f agt: ,,~ie ®ro'i3e unb hie ~taft ber Iutgerif djen 2eljre
lJefteljt barin, baf3 fie im ®runbe nut ein einaiges ~nIiegen lennt:
® 0 it e £l ® nab e ina: g tift o. . .. ~iellcidjt barf man unter
bem @iinbrucr alles beffen, was geuie bie ~irdje ber !Reformation IDCartin
2utljer£l in ber jilleIt burdjaufiimpfen gat, fo fagen: @is ift iljre firdjen"
gefdjidjtIidje @lenbung, baran au erinnern, baf3 cine ~irdje ftetlien muf3,
wenn fie bas jillot± ®ottes nidjt meljr gat. u ~tiifes ~nulJeI gat bas
±reffIidje jillot± geflJrodjen: "This is the heart of all the Scriptures,
this declaration of forgiveness, of reconciliation. . .. Our Lutheran
Church counts as a special treasure her certainty of the gracious
God. Her confident message will never, can never, be silenced on
earth. . .. The saving grace, which centers in the cross of Christ,
must be the changeless center of our preaching and teaching.
Nothing will ever change that center and its importance." m3ir
14 ilet l3uil)crifd)c fillelt!onbcnt
freuen un!3 iUier bie 2fu!3fage D. 2arf en£;: "Our confessions are the
Church's united testimony to the central truths of the Gospel,
and we cannot attempt in Asia or Africa to build the Church upon
any other foundation than that upon which our Confessions
build. . .. At Eisenach, in 1923, Bishop Ihmels said: 'Luther's
doctrine is a word for all men. Why? Briefly and sharply, because
it has to do with the rediscovery of the old way to God through
faith in Jesus Christ.''' ®in lffiot± bon ~ifdjof lnaljamiigi (®f±Ianb):
,,~n biefem :8ufammenpraII ber @ebanfen unferer jugenbIidjen &Jeraen
ift immer flater unb Harer gebJorben bie jj5arole: :8 u m I u ± lj e "
r i f dj en Gf lj xi ft e n tum! . .. 9lidj± djriftIidje ~ugenbaroeit in
intcdonfeHioneller ~erein!3forll1 - nein I ~ugenbridje!3 @ell1einbc~
{eDen in ber \Sorll1 be!3 fonfeffionellen 2u±ljet±ull1!3." @rooifdjof ®dh
~aHa (lSinnlanb) berhJirfi bie @bolution!3Ieljre, "eigentndj bie &JiJPO"
±ljefe", unb fagt: ,,~n ben ~aljren bor bern ~riege hJar bie @bolution!3"
Ieljrc ein bon ben @eliiIbeten allgemein angenommene!3 ::Dogma. ::Die
2cljre hJar bem ::Dutdjfdjni±t?'ll1enfdjen feljr fdjmeidjcInb; man badjte
unb fiiljUe hJie lffiagner im ,\Sauft': ,lffiie ljertIidj hJeit ljalien inil: c?'
georadjtl' . .. ~ie @rIofung bc?, j)J(enfdjen hJutbe immer meljr aI?,
@?ellifterWfung gefat3i." ::Diefe lffialjrljeiten miiffcn unjerm Iutljerijdjen
~on immer hJicber eingepriig± inerben - biefe lffialjrljeiten bor (TUen
anbern -, unb fie muffen ben anbern Shrcljcn Bum $trot - unb ben
anbern ~irdjen ijum &Jcil - Iaut berfiinbigt incrben. 2flicr bamit lja±
ber 2u±ljerifdje lffiertfonbent nodj nidjt feine @?cljulbigfeit gdan. ®r
fcljllIbet e!3 bem Iufljerifdjen GfljriftenboH unb bor aHem bcm Gfljrif±C1l~
bon in ber lffiefi, ane!3 au tun, Ina!3 in feiner ~raft ftclj±, Ul11 aUe?', llla?'
bie rcine 2eljre be!3 @bangeIium!3 oefubeU, au§ ber ljcutigen Iu±ljerifdjen
~irdje aU?'ijufegen. lffiir freuen un?' ulier jeben ~Jlenfdjen, ber Iaut in
bie lffiert fjineinntft: ~Iidjt?, ag bie @nabe @otte!3 in Gfljrif±o [ lffiir
bJiffen audj, baB aTIein aUf bief er @ntnbIage redjte Iutljerif dje SoIi~
bnrHiit aufgebau± hJerben flllm. 2flier bn?' lonnen luir nidjt berfte ljcn
bat Miinner, bie lieioncn, bat fur ben @?unber aTIe?, bon bcr @nabe
@otte!3 in Gfljrifto alifjiing± unb fUr ba?' lffiofjlergeljen ber ~irdje aUe!3 bon
bet @eltung be?' lffiorte!3 @lotte!3, ber &JeiHgen @?djrif±, abljiingt, bodj
ou ~rrtumern f±iTIfdjhJeigen fonnen, bic bic @nabc @otte?' unb tie
'2rutoritiit ber ~:?eiHgen @?djrift nn±aften. Hnb gerabe incH hJir bief e
Miinner 11m be!3 oDengennnnten :8eugniffe!3 hJiHen ljodjfdjiiten unb
Iieoen, briingt e~ un!3, iljnen bief en ~orfjar± all tun.
lffienn 2cu±e bamit ijnfrieben finb, baB man in ben &JauptjlJaljr~
ljeiten einig ift unb nidjt bicI ~efen!3 ll1adjt iilier ~iffercnoen, bie j onf±
bodommen mrigen, fo nennt man ba!3 Unioni!3mu?'. ~n bem 2utlje"
tifdjen lfficItfonben± lnelj±c - nadj ben ljier mitgeteilten ~etljanblungen
oU ut±eUen - eine unioniftifdje 2uft. @§ hJurbcn aHerbfng?, 2fu!3fage.n
gemacljt, bie groDe \Sormen be?' Unioni?,mu?, berurteilten. @?o fagic
jj5riif c?' ~nulier: "New Babel towers of attempted religious unity
SDet \lutgetifdJe lllie1ttonbent 15
are built, though the confusion of religious tongues is a hopeless
one. . .. When we stress exaggerated statistical totals and boast
of our great numbers, we are trusting in might. The same is true
when we emphasize overmuch the increased efficiency the Church
will gain by a forced 'united front.'" D . .2arfen fagte: "Lutherans
generally, in Europe as well as America, have definitely taken ex-
ception to Rethinking Missions, especially to the opening chapters,
in which is set forth the theological basis for a view of missions
which has as its objective a new, unified world culture, which
missions are to color by contributing such Christian elements as it
may be able. The tendency of the report is distinctly syncretistic.
And it is a hopeful sign that exception has been taken to it in
almost all missionary circles in Great Britain and even by a
majority of the non-Lutherans in the United States." :.Danenen
macljten ficlj aner auclj fiade unioniftifclje ®eIiifte nemerfbar. @:io fagte
D. mt)ben: "Modern young people have very little patience with
hair-splitting theological questions but are intensely practical in
their views of religion. And certainly we must admit that the
religious situation in the world today lends considerable weight
to the attitude of youth. With a world on fire and with govern-
ments themselves leading the assault of atheism and unbelief
against the Church of Christ, we may well ask ourselves if the
time has not come when, without sacrificing any of our own con-
victions, we must cease discussing our differences, and rather
seek to discover on how much we can agree." stlie neiben ~or~
referate au bcm 8lefera± D. mlJbcns gingen nicljt aUf biefen liiil en
@:iai;? ein. 11nb loom aus ber ~erfammlung fjeraus bagegen ~rotef±
erfjonen lDorben ifi, fo fag± ber gebrucHe mericlj± babon niclj±s. :.Die
mebe ~afteur 2fppias, Inspecteur Ecch~siastique bon ~aris, if± fjier
nicljt mttgeteiH. 2fner ein miffourifcljer meobaclj±er ±eiIt foigenbes mit:
"As a remedy for the religious crisis of our times he advocated
a 'Lutheranism which may at last cast away all the shackles of an
old-fashioned confessionalism and fabricate a closer union with
the Reformed bodies.' He found that 'the Eisenach and Copen-
hagen conventions had been much too Lutheran and that it were
high time now for the third convention to hazard itself into deeper
water.' . .. We have not heard of any protest or remonstrance."
(CoNe. THEOL. MTHLY., VII, S.17.) )}}5arum luurbe biefer Unionift
nicljt borgenommcn? 056 lio± ficlj cine teine ®eIegenfjeit baau. get:
miffourifclje meoliacfj±cr icljreilit: "We were pleased to hear at last
also one representative of the Parisian clergy affirm as the need
of present-day Lutheranism, if it wishes to keep its youth in the
fold, the abandoning of all unionistic practices. He deplored that
there were still many pastors who showed too much fondness for
things that are not Lutheran." (L. c., @:i.21.) stla fjiitte es aum
16 S)er ~ut~edfd)e !ffiertfonbent
5treffen fommen follen. WJer jeber burf±e oei jeiner imeinung oleioen. -
\man fjatte teinen lEodrag lioer bie ftrittige ~nfpirationsrefjre borge~
fefjen. ~bet: e13 tuurbe eine ~U13fagc gemacfjt, bie cine Q3cfprecfjung
biefe13 \l3unfte13 notrocnbig fjiitte ~erborrufen mufien. ~ft bie @5cfjrift
@otte13 jillot±e ober en±~iiIt fie blot @oHe13 jillort? DTel'tor Bauerer
cdliirte: ,,~cfj oraucfje nur bie oeiben 2entra1roafjrfjeiten bes Butfjer~
tums au nennen, bie man a113 ba13 rYormaI~ unb a113 ba13 imateriar~
prinilijJ ber DTeformation au oeaeicfjnen pfIeg±. SDas cine oefagt, baB
ba13 jillort ®ottes in bet SJeHigen @5cfjrift bie alleinige Quelle bet SJetr13~
r,ja~r~eit ift unb bat bie ~ircfje unb aUe13, tuas aur ~irclje gcfjiirt, ficlj
aUein an ba13 ~lJrt ®otte13 ilU fjaIten ~at unb allein bom jillort ®otte13,
[lOn ~fjriftu13, bet: ba!.i jillort 0:lotte,~ if±, Ieven fann. u mancljc Butfjercmer
fagen, bat bie SJeiIige @5cljrif± ba13 ~ort 0:lotte13 ift. ~nbere fagen,
baB man unterfcfjeiben mUfle 3tuifcfjen @5cfjrif±tuort unb 0:lottesl1)Ort;
bie ~irclje lei gefmnben nur an bas jillort (\)oi±e13, bas in ber SJeiIigen
@5cljrif± 3U finben ift, an ~fjriftus. SDarf 0 c i b e 13 in ber ~ircfje ge~
Iefjrt tuetben '? ~ltf bem But~et:if cljcn ~emonbent burfte oeibe13 ge1efjrt
werben: ~lIc13 in bet: @5cfjrift ift l1crvinblicfje13 0:lotfestuort - nur ber
Steil bet @5cfjrift, ber ~fjriftum heibt, ift ®o±tes jillort. SDa13 nennen
tuil: Unionismus. I!l:nbere reb en aI1crbing13 ~ieroei bon "hair-splitting
theological questions". - D. Barf en ift ein 5'einb be13 @5t)nfreti13mu13,
ber in Rethinking Missions empfo~ren tuirb. !!it ift aucfj gegen ben
@5t)nfretii3mus, ber bie ru±~erilcfje unb bie reformierie ~ircfje unb anbere
3ufammenfcfjmeI3en tum. ®r fagic - unb tuit: freuen unB, ba'[) er es
gefag± fjat -; "Luther had no thought of breaking with the existing
Church. But when he was banned because of his adherence to
Scripture, he could not compromise for the sake of reestablishing
a semblance of unity. From then till now Lutherans have not been
the ones to foment divisions in the body of Christ. True Luther-
anism is broad and ecumenical. Nevertheless, because we believe
that confessional Lutheranism is loyalty to the Gospel, we have
not been ready to yield to certain insistent modern demands for
union." Unb in bemfelbeu ~tem3ug tuirb ben jilleIHonferenaen, ber
World Conference on Faith and Order, Universal Christian Con-
ference on Life and Work, International Missionary Council bas
~ort gerebe±. ~ft ber Butfjerifcfje jillertfonbcnt fUr ober gegen ben
Unionismus in jeber rYorm? ®r ijat nicfjt gegen b i e f e rYorm be13
Uniouii:Jmu13 !,roteftiert: "We must cease discussing our differences
[with other churches] and rather seek to discover on how much
we can agree."
Unb er oefurt1)ortet i e n e 5'onn be13 Unionismu13, ber bie bev
fcfjiebenen \l3arteien innerfjaHi ber Iutijerifcfjen ~ircfje trot ben obtualteu~
ben SDifferenilen aI§ eine !!iinijeit angefeijen tuiffen tuill. SDas ®6efutib~
romitee rebet ja bon "the inner unity already existing among the
Lutherans of the world" unb "this outward expression of Lutheran
~et 2utfjetifdJe ~ertfonbent 17
fellowship". Unb im ,,~irdjenbrattu bom 20. WCat borigen ZSafjre§
fpradj fidj fj3rafe£l .!i?nubel iiber bie IBebeuiung be£l £utfjerifdjcn llleU"
Ionbent£! aifo au§: "ctnlJIidj taudjte ba§ IBeftreben auf, ber tiefinnerlicfJen
ctinigrcit ber £utfjeraner in ber liller± Haren 2lu£lbrucf au tJedei~en.
~ief e .!i?unbgebung ber @Iaulien£leinfjeit beftefj± je~t im £utfjerif djen
lilleItfonbent. u (CoNe. TBEOL. MTHLY., X, @i. 542.) Sl)a£l ift Untoni£l"
mu§, roenn man bon ciner tiefinnerlidjen ctinigfeit ber £utfjeraner in
ber lilleH rebet, bie bodj in roidjtigen ®Iaulien§fragen aU£leinanber"
gefjen. 91adj ber ~arftelIltng be£l ct,!;eiutibfomitee£l unb fj3raf e£l S1'nulicI§
ift ber £utfJerifdje llldtfonbent cine unioniftifdje mereinigung. Unb
man foute fidj fjiiien, fidj ~ierbei aUf £u±fjer ilU lierufen. "It is the
twentieth century's contribution to the movement begun ." - - ;in
Luther." @io fagi ber Lutheran. £utfjer foIl bic0 angcfangen fjaben'?
~er £utfjer, ber gefagt fjat: "liller leine £efjre, @IaulJen unb IBe"
fenntni§ fur mCtfjr, redjt unb geluitl fji:i:It, ber tann mit Ctnbern, fo falfdje
£efjre fiifjren obel: berfeIben augetan finb, nidjt in e i n em @italIc
ftefjen"? (@it. R 2luflg., 17, 1180.) ,,@iofdjefl fjat D. IDcajor erlnogcn,
bafur gebanft unb 3u folgen treufidj 3ugefag±. u ~er £utfjerifdje lilleU"
ionbent, ber fidj f agen latlt, bat man bOH £efjrun±erf djieben in bet
djrifHidjen S\'irdje iibcrfjaupt unb in ber Iu±qerifdjen ,'iHrcf)e infonberqei+
nidjt bid fagen foIT, manbeH nidjt in ben IBaf)nen £utf)exfl.
ZSft aber ber £utfjerifdje lilleItl'onbent bafur beranimortridj, roenn
®neber beflf elben bedefjrte Wnlidjten au§fpredjen ~ linb mut man bon
ifjm tJcdangen, bat er nadj bet £efjrftellung ber Iutfjerifdjen 5l'irdjen"
forper, bie et repriifentier±, frage unb, roo 2lbrocidjungen bon ber Iuffjc"
tifdjen £efjre borfommen, biefe auredjtauftellen fudje? ~a§ mutl man
bon if)m bedangen, folange fdne ctdIi:i:rung baftefjt: "The Lutheran
World Convention declares it as its purpose to bring the Lutheran
churches and organizations of the world into an enduring and
intimate relationship with one another in order to promote oneness
of faith and confession." Sl)at bie tcine £ef)re in feinen @ii~ungen
Har unb fri:i:ftig beaeugt mirb, roie bafl f djon ofterfl gef dj efj en ift, ift c in
@idjritt sum Bid. Wber ein aroelter @idjtitt mut foIgen. ~ie falf dje
2efjre mut bef eingt roerben. @iolange bafl nidjt gefdjiefj±, barf man
nidjt fagen, bat ber £utfjerifdje lilleHfonbent ber ±iefinnedidjen ctinig"
feit ber £utfjeraner in ber ~eH 2luflbrucr betIeifj±.
Wber bie Unterfudjung unb IBefcitigung ber 2efjrbiffetenaen roiirbe
bieT Beit erforbern, mefjr Bdt, ag bem lillcrtfonbent aur merfiigung
itcfjt I Unb roeIdje lmufje unb Wrbeit luurbe ba§ toften! ZSa, efl ift
feine Ieidjie ~rufgabe, bie Berriffenfjeit ber Iuifjerifdjen ~irdje au fjeilen.
ctfl lDutbe bide, bide :;Safjre bauett!. ctfl forbert bieI ®ebuIb. ®fl
forbert fdji:i:rffte ®emiffenfjaf±igfeit unb unnadjgie6ige ctntfdjiebenfjeit.
ct~ foftet fdjroere @iorge unb mandjen ~ummer. ctfl tofte± Opfer man"
djetIei Wrt. Unb e§ ,priift bie S;?eraett. 2utfjer fjat efl etfafjren. Sl)ie
merfaffer ber ~onforbienformeI fjaben e~ erfafjren unb f)aben bie lmiifje
18 :tier ~ut~etifdje ~emlJnbent
unb lSorge unb ~ngft aUf ficlj genommen. ~ver ba'3 fjofje, gottgefiillige
Bier ift e'3 tucrt.
,,(E'3 fonnicn aver unlievfame WufiriHe borfommcn, lUCHn aUf bem
£utfjerifcljen ~cmonbent !ftebe unb ®cgcnrebe erfoIgte." 2Barum benn?
Sl:ann ein (ffjtif± ben anbern nicljt ermafjncn unb aur D1cbe fteHen, ofjne
baB unIievfame ~uftritte bodommen? - :Elie iiuBere Iu±ljerifclje 1S0li"
bardii± mocljte aUerbing'3 gefpreng± toerben. Wver bafiir ift ba'3 djtif±"
Iiclje ®etoiffen niclj± beranttoortriclj.
~n bem 2h±ifel be'3 Lutheran (21. WpriI 1937), ber bie Lutheran
world solidarity vcfpricljt, finbet iidj bie memedung: "It should not
be forgotten that the Synodical Conference (Missouri and Wis-
consin synods) in the United States has not participated in the
Lutheran World Conventions." 2Benn ber £ut~etifclje ~emonbcnt
biefe0 ~Q~r, toie geplant, ~ier in ~merifL1 ficlj berfammeIt, toerben
merireter ber lS1)nobaHonferenii bavd fein? (Ein Btoed ber lS1)nobaI"
fonferena ift ia Die {Yorberung ber rut~erifcljen 1S0fibaritii±. ~enn ba0
@6efutibfomitee bie merficljerung gi[]t, baB bie £e~rbifieren8en aut
ISpraclje fommen lucrben unb bae 2ht0firljt iff, baB ber 2BeIifonben±
mit ber Beit ISteHl1ng ne~men toirb, fo llJerben o~ne Bl11Cifd 9mffourier
unb ~i§confiner erfcljcinen. ISie toiirben mit mifcljof mara~ren0 De"
tonen, baB bie rut~erifclje Sl:irclje nut rin cinaige§ ~nnegen xennt:
®0±te0 ®nabe in (ffjrifto, unb baB barum in ber £u±~erifcljen Sl:itclje
feine £efjre, bie bie ® nab e ®otte0 Ieugne±, feinedd lS1)nergi0m110,
gebulbet toirb. ISie toiirben mit 1Zlifcljof 9Jlara~ren§ veioncn, baB eine
Sfitclje fterven mUll, juenn fie ba0 ~ort ~\)otte0 nicljt mcfjr fjat unb baB
batum feine £cfjre, bie bie ®ottricljrcit ber SJeiIigen GllJrift irgenbtoie
feugnet, in bet Iutfjerifcljen Sl:itclje geprebig± toerbcn barf.
~n ciner !fteaenfion tocrben geIegenHiclj auclj