UJ4rnlngtrul flnut1Jly
Vol. X March, 1939 No.3
The Means of Grace as Viewed by the Reformed. J. T. Mueller .. . 161
Christi Selbstzeugnis von seiner Person und seinem Amt
F. Pfotenhauer ______ . __ .. ___ .. __ ....... _. 175
The Doctrine of Justification According to Duns Scotus, Doctor
Subtilis. Theo. Dierks _ ..... _ .... _ ..... _ .... _ .. __ ._ .. __ ... _._._. ____ . ____ _ ._ . 179
The Institutional Missionary and the Sick. E. A. Duemling _. __ .. _._. 187
Predigtentwuerfe fuer die Evangelien der Thomasius-
Perikopenreihe __ .... _ .... _ ... __ ... __ ._ .. ___ ... __ . ___ . ___ ._. _____ ._. ___ .. ___ ._. ___ . _._. ___ 195
MisceUanea _. __ . _____ ... ____ ._. _ __ _ __________________ .. ________ . _________ .. ___ ._ .. _______ 203
Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgesehiehtlicbes __ .... ________ . _____ 218
Book Review. - Literatur ________ ... ______ .. _._. _________ ._ ... _ .. ___ .... _. 233
ElD PredJger mUllS n1cht alleln fDd-
den, al80 dass er die Schafe unter-
weise. wle sie rechte ChrIsten sollen
Ieln. sondern auch daneben den Woel-
fen fDeh1'4!n, dass s1e die Schafe nlcht
angrelfen und mit falscher Lehre ver-
fuebren und Irrtum elnfuebren.
Es 1st keln Ding. das die Leute
mehr bel der KJrche bebaelt clam
die gute Predlgt. - Apologlc, An. 24.
If the trumpet give an uncertain
sound who shall prepare hlmIe1f to
the battle? -1 C01'.14,'.
Published for the
Ev. Lath. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States
'lJrebigtentloiitfe fii r bie ~f)nmajiu§"(5;bangelienberito\len 195
tion of the sick at public institutions who is selfish or self-centered.
Certainly no one can work among the sick and needy with any
degree of success unless he forgets self and dedicates himself to
this great cause and important and blessed work. The sight of
poverty, the cry of the distressed, the plea of the soul waiting for
its release, the hopelessness and despair that hovers over many, all
grip the heart of the Christian worker and spur him on to work to
the limit of his strength. Among other things, it was these that drew
compassion from Jesus as He looked on the multitudes without
a shepherd. His was a life dedicated to suffering humanity. Can
ours be less if we are true Christians? All this requires more con-
stant prayer, more consecration, more sacrifices, in order that
precious souls shall not be lost. Let us, then, continue to do the work
assigned to us by our Lord and Master prayerfully and cheerfully,
and also to show compassion and sympathy to the sick, to visit
and comfort them in their afflictions and sorrows. And when our
work on earth is done, we shall be greeted in heaven and wel-
comed into eternal glory by the Lord, who will say: "Well done,
thou good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few
things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into
the joy of thy Lord."
Milwaukee, Wis.
~tehtgtentwihfe fUr hie @uangeIien her :!fjomllfin~"
Sonntag ffientini$ccre
;;s 0 lj. 8, 21--30
;;sCEfu 2ieoe au ben @lunbern, ,\lut 15, 1. 2. Widj± nur lBu\3fer±igen,
audj oi±±eren iYeinben erweif± er ~eifanb§Heoe burdj fein 2Bor±. 5re,r;±.
fIDie ~Q;fn~ mit UngfiinlJigcn lJerfii~rt
1. CE r f± r a f ± i lj r en Un g I a u 0 en 2. CE roe il e u g ± fi dj i lj n e n
Si>on±e,r;±: ;;sljre @lunbe ber UngIauoe. ,,@lo iljr nidj± gIauoet, ba\3 idj
e£! fei", ~. 24. @lie eljr±en iljn nidj± aI£! ben IDleHia£!, waljren @ott,
naljmen f ein 2Bor± nidjt an, ~. 47. SDa£! fonnie nidji anber£! f ein: fie
lnaren irbifdj gefinnt, bon unien ljer, ~. 23; bon iljrem ~aier, bem
5rellfd, ~. 44; 3eigten gottIofe @efinnung, ~. 22. 2BeIdj gotte£!Iiif±er~
fidje mebeI @lo berofenbet, ba\3 fie £rare 2Bor±e nidj± berf±anben, ~. 27.
Grljrif±ll£! broljt iljnen ba£! @eridj± an. @lie wurben fteroen in iljrer
@lunbe, ~. 21. SDie ei n e 5robfunbe ift ber Unglauoe. ;;Seber IDlenfdj
ift ein @lunber, unter bem iYludj. 2Ber an Grljriftllm grauot, ljat ~er~
196 ~tebigtent\11litfe flit bie :tgDmllfius:~bangeltenlletifDllen
gebung; bet: ,Born ®ottes bIeibt nidjt ubet: i~m. ~er ~®fum bertoitft,
~at feine mettung. Si:ein fdjrecUidjeres ~ort in bet ISibeI: ,,@:Io toerbet
i~r ftetben in euren @:Iunben." ,,~o idj ~ingel:je, ba fOnnt i~r nidjt ~in~
fommen", !B. 21. ~@if us ge~t burdj Eeiben ilum !Bater; fie fonnen nidjt
ilum !Batet:, benn: ~o~. 14, 6. ~urdj il:jren UngIauben fdjHeten fie fidj
feIbft bom ewigen SjeH aus, berwerfen bas Eidj± bet: ~eH, bIeUien in ber
{Yinfiemis. ~eti beradjten, bertoerfen fie i~n, liiftern unb fpotten; es
fommi ein ~ag, ba toerben fie edennen, bat er es if±, baB er tut unb
:cebei, wm; ber !Bater geIe~rt ~at, !B. 28, ber ~ag feiner ~iebedunfi.
5Dunn muffen aITe ,Bung en befennen ufto., ~~iL 2, 10. 11. - Sjeute finb
bie meifien menfdjen ungliiubig. ~~nen mut i~re @:Iunbe geileigt, bie
@:Iirafe ®ottcs angcbro~t werben, abet nut:, um fie flir ~®fum au ge~
winnen, um i~nen bann 0:~tiftum au prebigen. @:Io ber Sj@irr.
~®fus firaf! nidj! nur ~re @:Iunben, er beileugt fidj i~nen audj.
\!fur i~re {Yrage gibt et: il:jnen mebe unb \!fnttoot:t, !B. 25. ~dj bin bas,
was idj bon \!fnfang bon mit: feIort ausgefagt ~abe, ®oties @:Io~n, ~ol:j.
5,17; ber ~JCeHias, ~o~. 4, 26; bas ISrot bes Eebens, ~olj. 6; bas Eidjt
ber ~ert, !B. 12; bom !Bater gefanbt, !B. 16; bet bon ooen @:Itammenbe,
!B. 23. - @ir ift bet SjeiIanb ber ~er±, !B. 28. Si:reuaeset:~ol:jung. ~dj
ge~e ~intoeg, !B. 21; gemeint 1ft fein Sjingang aum !Bater burdj Eeiben
ufto. @ir beutet Har an, baB er fur aITe IDlenfdjen ein boITgiHtiges @:Iu~n~
opfer bring en toiII. !Bom !Bater gefanht, tut er feinen ~iUen, audj im
Eeiben, !B. 29. 5Der !Bater befennt ridj au i~m. 5Diefes @:IeIbft3eugnis ift
aUbediiffig, wal:jr~aftig, !B. 26. ~®fus t:ebet es in hie ~ert l:jinein aIs
ber bon ®ott gefanbte grote ~rop~et. @:IoIdje ~rehigt ift nidjt in ben
~inb gerebet, ridjtet i~ren ,Btoea aus, ben einen Bum ®eridjt, ben anbern
3um SjeiI.
@is gIaubten bieIe an i~n, !B. 30. 5Die \!fnht:ol:jung bes ®eridjt5
,,~~r toerhet fteroen in euren @:Iunben" madjte cinen tiefen ®inbrucf
aUf fie. ~enn bem f 0 ift, toie fiinnen wit f elig toerben? @:Io au ~fing ~
ften, 2fpoft. 2, 37. 5Des Sj®rrn mebe l:jatte i~r Sjera getroffen; fie fa~en
nut ben etoigen ~ob bor fidj. D~ne ~®fum ift feine Sjoffnung. @:lie
famen aum ®Iauben an i~n. ~~r ®Iaube tourbe burdj ~®fll ~rebigt
erwecft. illas er bon fidj ferbft beaellgte, uberaeugte fie, bat er es fei,
ber @:Io~n ®oHes, ber meHias, ~o~. 1,45. 49. ~lln toerben fie nidjt in
@:Iunben fterben, fonbem Leben.
~nbers fann man mit UngIaubigen nidjt bet:fol:jren. ®rft ®efe~,
bann ®bangelium. \!foet: tnie ~®fU§, fo folIen audj wit Qiebe bmdj~
olicfen laUen, inniges !BerIangen, @:IeeIen all :cetten. ~t bt:ofjt ®eridjt
on; aug1eidj abet: prebigt er iljnen funes ®bangeIium, jU. 21. 28. ~rot
Sjoljn llnb @:IpoH berrier! er nidjt feine muge; breimaI: fterben in
@:IunDen. man fligIt fein ljerslidjes @:Ieljnen burdj, fie oll gewinnen.
}!RoITt iljt: wiffen, wer idj bin, fo adjtet auf meine !Rebe, !B. 25. illie mun
~rebigteJttiDiirfe fiir bie srf)omnfius~~bnJtgeHen\lerifo\lCJt 197
er lidj liber ben