Full Text for CTM Book Review 9-1 (Text)

arnurnr~itt (UQtnlngiral flnutlJly Continuing LEHRE UND WEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. IX January, 1938 No.1 CONTENTS Page The Danger of Lowering Professional Standards P. E. Kreizmann __ . ____ .___ 1 St. Paul and Woman's Status. J. T. Mueller .... -.-.--.-.--.-.--__ . __ 13 Abgoetterei unter dem Volk Israel im Alten Testament P. E. KretzmallD-____ 21 Sermon Study on las. 4, 13-17. Th. Laetsch.-_______________ 32 Miscellanea _______ . ____ . ___ ._._. __ ._. ______ . ________________ 41 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-ZeitgeschichtIiches __ . _______ 51 Book Review. - Literatur __________ .. ________________________ 69 EIn Prediger muss nlcht alleln wet- den, also dass er die Schafe unter- weise. wie de rechte Christen sollen seln. sondern auch daneben den Woe1- fen wehTIm, dass de die Schafe nlcht angreifen und mit faJscher Lehre ver- tuehren und Irrtum elnfuehren. Luthe1" Es 1st keln Ding. das die Leute mehr bel der Kirche behae1t denn die gute Predigt. - Apologle, Arl. 24. It the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare hImself to the battle? -1 Cor_ 14, 8. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBLISHING BOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. ARC IV Book Review - 53itetatur 69 Book Review - £itcratuf Messiah: His Nature and Person. Messianic Series No.2. By David L. Cooper, Th. M., Ph. D., 4417 Bernice St., Los Angeles, Cal. 224 pages, 5lj2X8. Price, $1.25. This is an interesting and worth-while book. The author is the president of the Biblical Research Society, has written a number of conservative books, is a firm believer in the inspiration and trustworthi- ness of the Holy Scriptures, is also well informed about Jewish learning and interpretation, knows his Hebrew well, and presents in the present volume a picture of the Messiah on the basis of the outstanding Mes- sianic prophecies. The six chapters of the book have the following titles: "Current Jewish Conception of Messiah"; "The Angel of the Lord"; "Early Rays of Messianic Glory"; "Messiah a Descendant of David"; "The Noonday Radiance of Messianic Glory"; "The Evening Glow of Messianic Glory"; and then a table of the Scripture-texts mentioned or treated is added. The author states correctly that the Hebrew word alma, Is. 7, 14, can be translated only with "virgin" and not, as Rabbi Isaac Leeser renders it, "a young woman" (p.146). When treating Is. 53, he emphasizes the atoning sacrifice of the Messiah (p. 68), and his motto for the whole book is Is. 1, 18, quoted by him in the Hebrew: "Come, now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord." He makes use of the best modern commentators, like Hengstenberg, Delitzsch, Urquhart, and quotes Keil, and very properly so, again and again (pp. 94. 96. 99. 100. 113. 117. 118, etc.). But we regret to note that he also follows Keil (p.94) in the typical interpretation of 2 Sam. 7, 12-16, although the New Testa- ment directly refers the passage to Christ, Heb. 1, 5. And we also observe with regret that he has chiliastic leanings, quoting William Zuckerman, who speaks "of the Palestinian boom as a modern miracle. Truly, Israel's time is at hand" (p.95). The author is a great lover of the Hebrew text, quoting it again and again without making a display of his Hebrew knowledge, lLtld he dedicates the volume "to Dr. John R. Sampey, whose instruction in the Hebrew language caused me to thirst for the satisfying waters flowing from the perennial fountain." L. FuERBRINGER An Introduction to Paul. By Paul Sevier Minear, Department of New Testament Interpretation, Garrett Biblical Institute. The Abingdon Press, New York, Cincinnati, Chicago. 82 pages, 4%X61/z. After a brief foreword this little volume brings five chapters dealing with Paul and his work: "1. Meeting Paul; 2. Accompanying Paul; 3. Photographs of Paul; 4. Faith, Hope, and Love; 5. Paul's Legacy." The study helps that are included in the volume consist of a map, a chronological summary, selected biographies, and references and sug~ gestions for study. The work rests on the researches and studies of the foremost scholars in this sphere and is well adapted to show our pastors and teachers what views are chiefly stressed nowadays touching the Apostle to the Gentiles. There are many illuminating paragraphs in the book. Often, however, I could not agree with the author. When he, for 70 Book Review - \?Ueratur instance (p.24), thinks that Barnabas was sent to Antioch because the original Christians in Jerusalem had become alarmed on account of the addition of so many Gentile converts, he plainly goes beyond our sources. Is there any evidence that Paul and Silas had to leave Philippi because of the antagonism of Jewish residents? (Cf. p.28.) While we reject the author's evident Modernism, we are grateful to see him point out that Paul taught the monergism of the Holy Spirit. W. ARNDT The Interpretation of St. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians, to the Ephesians, and to the Philippians. By R. C. H. Lenski. Lutheran Book Con- cern, Columbus, O. 911 pages, 6X9. Price, $4.00. Order from Concordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Here another one of the volumes of the commentary of the late Dr. Lenski on the New Testament is presented to the Church. Since the nature and the excellencies of this commentary are now well known, hardly more is necessary than to announce the appearance of the new volume. Yet it would be ungracious to let this large book go on its way without a few remarks on how it treats some of the famous questions pertaining to this section of the Pauline epistles. We therefore mention a few details. Galatians is assumed by Dr. Lenski to have been written to the Christians of Southern Galatia, and good arguments are advanced for this view. The time of its composition is held to be that of the second missionary journey and the place Corinth. Ephesians is thought to have been written in Rome and to have been addressed to the con- gregation in Ephesus, and the modern theory of an Ephesian p1"Ovenance of this epistle, holding that it is a circular letter, is rejected. Philippians naturally is looked upon as belonging to the first Roman imprisonment of Paul. In the interpretation of the celebrated passage Eph. 1, 3 the intuitu fidei view of election is championed. Intuitu fidei is said to be a short form. for the longer phrase "in view of the all-sufficient merits of Christ perseveringly apprehended by divinely wrought faith" (p. 357) . Dr. Lenski, in discussing this phrase, says: "The objection that this is, or at least sounds, synergistic depends on the conception one has of 'faith.' When one has the truly Biblical conception that faith is in toto divinely wrought, that all power lies in the Christ, the one and only content filling the cup of faith, the objection falls." While we hold that Lenski is mistaken in assuming that Paul taught an election intuitu fidei, and while we regret that he did not, like other members of his synod, disavow the phrase, we cannot charge him with synergism. In general, we may say that this volume measures up to the high standards of its predecessors. W. ARNDT S)cr s i~te straft berlor. .!l'iinig jJctbinanb unb feine ~artei fa~m fid) geniitigt, ein 0tiid bes lSe< fd)luffes naef) bern anbern auf3ugeben lInb mit ben elJangeHfd)en jJiirften 0id)et< l)eitsbetirlige oll fd)Iiclien; unb fo roar Diefer etfte gro~e ~etflld) bet ffiiimifef)en, bie !Refotmation 3U bernid)ten, rin jJeI)lfcI)Iag. ~tof. stii~n 3ie9t am 0cljlll~ biefer Wb~anblung bas jJa3it: //00 1Jatten sroat auef) bie ~bange1ifef)en nief)t gefiegt, abet fie ljatten fid) be~aulJtet. 0ie ~atten nief)t emid)t, roas fie natiitIief)erroeife erftrelJen mu~ten: rcief)sgefetIid)e Wnedennung ober Sl)ulbung i~res ~orgeljens, b au ern b e 0ief)erljeU. Wbet fie ljatten cine iljnen feinblid)e @efeMenung bes ffieid)es aufgel)arten unb bot I Ii u fig e eiciJer~cit, roenn auti) 3roeifclljaften Um< fangS, etteid)t. 5ie IOll~ten, i)a~ fie meiter 3U fCimjlfen ljaben 11liitbclt. II @erabe bas lettm ift nocI) au betonen: 0eit btefem fficid)stage rou~te man aUf lut~eri< fef)er 0eite, roic man bran roar; bie ffieil)en fot1berten fid). S3anbgtaf ~I)mlJlJ bon fdeffen fd)tieb an fetne 0cf)roeftet: //SDer ®ift roiber bas ~emge ~bange1ium ift in ben S3euten fo gro~, ba~ ief) glauoe, fonnten fie aIle bon unferer ~artei in einem S3iiffel ettrlinten, fie nliljmen teine 0d)iiffel basu. 0ie ~allen's lange Ileroliimt; aUf biefem fficief)stag ljat bie 00nne ben 0d)nee alJgeIedt." - Sum erftenmal roitb uns ~ier bie ganse @etljief)te bes ~toteftatiDnsrcid)stages geooten; man fie~t, roie Book Review - £itetatut 77 biele ~ntereffen bei ben l8efd)ntffen in l8etrad)t geaogen werben mubten, wie in ®otte§ i;)anb getabe bie 1l0Iitifd)e £age ber \Reformation Bugute fam. m!a§ ber merfaffer bietet, ru~t aUf ~mten, Me et fUr Me i;)erau§gabe ber :!leutfd)en \Reid)§~ tag§aUen gefammeU ~at; fo bringt ba§ l8ud) bier neue§, wid)tige§ unb wertboUe§ lJJlaterial. :r ~ e o. i;) 0 ~ e r 91euliau bet Stunfinnatiun. mon D. lJJlartin :!lihne. merlag bon ~. l8erter§~ mann, ®Uter~Io~. 232 l5eHen 6Yz X 9Yz. ~rei~: .Rartoniert, RM. 6.50; gebunben, RM. 8. ~s ift bies ein l8ud), bas man nid)t o~ne ~uten witb Iefen fiinnen. ~n ben erften BltJei .Ralliteln gibt bet lllerfaffer l5eite 15-47 eine ltJertboUe i'tberfid)t Uber hie gefd)id)trid)en ®runbIagen ber .Ronfirmation unb fommt bann aUf l5eite 48-117 aUf bie ~rneurungsbeftrebungen bon 1845 bis 1935 BU f\lred)en, ba~ ~eibt, aUf bie l8eitrebungen, bie .Ronfirmation ben in ber llloUmrd)e :!leutfd)Ianbll uefte~enben lllet~iHtniffen fo an3u\laffen, bab fie i~ren eigentrid)en Swecf nid)t ber~ Ieugnet. lJJlan tlJitb nid)t aUem, wall ber lllerfaffer fagt, feine Suitimmung geben fiinnen. Um nur eins BU erwn~nen, feine ~usfU~rung Uber ball lller~nrtng bet :raufe unb be~ ®Iauuenll 3ueinanber Uberfie~t, bab bie ,,~ufna~me", bie ,,~in~ gIieberung", in Me .Rird)e als ben £eib ([~rifti nid)t "grunblegenb burd) Mefe :raufe, gIeid)gUrtig, ob fie in ber j}'orm ber ~rltJad)fenentaufe ober ars .Rinbertaufe boU30gen ltJitb" (15.8), fonbern burd) ben -®Iauben an ~~ium, ben I5Unber~ ~eUanb, beltJittt wirb. :!lieier ®Iaube·ltJitb in ben .Rinbern eben burd) bie :raufe, ba§ l8ab bet m!iebergeburt, gewitft. :!lie 0:t\uad)fenentaufe fOU aber nad) ~lloft. 2,41 nur an benen boUBogen werben, "hie bas m!ort gerne anna~men", bie alfo burd) ®otteiJ m!ort bereits 3um ®Iauben gefommen unb eben bamit in ben £eib ~~rifti eingegliebert worben finb. :!liefen bient hie :raufe bann nid)t fowo~I ars l8ab bet m!iebergeburt aIS bielme~r als bas l8ab ber ~rneutung, in beffen .Rraft fie tngrid) ben aUen ~bam erfnufen unb ben neuen lJJlenfd)en ~etborfommen Iaffen. ~iJ ~errfd)t ~iet bei bem lllerfaffer eine Unnar~eit aud) in be3ug aUf bie fid)tbate unb unfid)tbare .Ritd)e. :!let fid)tbaren .Rird)e witb man burd) ben aubeten ~ft ber :raufe eingegriebert, ber unfid)±baren .Ritd)e, bie aUein ber £eib ~~rifti ift, aUein burd) ben ®Iauben, bet in ben .Rinbern burd) bie :raufe gewitft witb, bet im ®e~orfam gegen ®ottes m!ort im :taufbefe~I in ben ~rwad)fenen bas lllet~ Iangen nad) ber :raufe erwecft. :!lem lllerfaffet ift es ein ~rnft mit ber d)riftrid)en ~taie~ung ber ~eranwad)~ fenben ~ugenb vg aum lJJlannesartet. ~m britten .RalJitel weit er Uber biefen ®egenitanb io ernite m!orte 3U reben, augleid) fo lltaftifd)e m!infe fUr einen foI(~en Untettid)t iU geben, bajj man gan3e l5eUen abbrucfen miid)te. £eibet bIcibt et in bem ®ebanfen bet lllortsfitd)e aI§ fd)iet dn3ig bered)tigter j}'otm bet fid)b uaten .Ritd)e ftecfen. ~Uerbing§ ~at bie lllomUrd)e an bet ~etanltJad)fenben ~ugenb i~te ~f!id)t nid)t getan. ~ver et meint, ltJenn in Sufunft bie lllom~ fitd)e einen gtUnblid)eten Unterrid)t in ®otte§ m!ott gabe, fo wUrbe man "nid)t in ben eHigen \RUcf3ug aUf bie mnie ber j}'reiltJiUigfeitsfitd)e" getrieven ltJerben, bor ber er dnen orbenUid)en i;)ottor au ~aven fd)eint, bet bes iiftern Bum ~us~ brucf fommt. :!ler lllerfaff er Ubetfie~t, bab, ie gtUnbIid)et man ®ottes m!ort treibt, ba§ ~eijjt, ie gewiffen~aftet man in feinem Unterrid)t ®ottes m!ort Bnr aUeinigen \Regel nnb \Rid)tfd)nnr be§ ®Ianvens nnb m!anbel§ mad)t, nm fo ltJeni~ get bie .Ritd)e eine llloUSfird)e fein Witb. m!ert bIeibt m!eU nnb rajjt fid) ®ottes m!ort nid)t gefaUen; fie bleibt nut bei einet .Rird)e, Me es mit ®ottes llliort nid)t me~r ernit nimmt. Unb ie grUnblid)er ber Unterrid)t in bet £e1)te ber 78 Book Review - ~itetatUt mobemiftife!)en ~ut~etanet gettieoen hlitb, bie bie .I') aUjJ tf tUde bes \fiortes fted) leugnen, ie me~r man um itgenblne!e!)n Urfael)cn luillen an ciner moIfsfird)c fcft~ ~iift, bie alletfei l3e~te unter fiel) bulbet, !tm fo hleniger lnitb biefe moHSfitd)e cine .Ritcf)e im I5hme beg grouen .I')~rm bet mrd)e Meiben, ~o~. 8, 31. 32; l3uf. 9, 26. \fiit filrd)ten, bau es in einer momfircf)e nie ba~in tommen hlitb, bafl tin gelniffen~aftet ){laftot, ein l5eelfotger nae!) bem .I')et3en ®ottes, mit gutcm ®c~ \oifien fein ~mt hlitb fil\)1:en fjjnnen. i\'tcifitd)c, unb i\'teitite!)e mit .reonfitma~ lion !tnb ~lufnaf)mc in bie ~16enbma~lsgemcinfd)aft in bem ie~t allgemein ge~ 6riiud)lidJen ~ltet, unb bann grilnblie!)er, Ireuer, ffei\3iger Untcrricf)t in ®nttcs \fiort, ethla nad) ben ffiatfd)l1igen bes merfaffets eingerie!)tet, ball ift bie cinaige \fieife, fie!) ein teines ®ehliffen unb red)lc ~mtsftcubigteit 3U ochlaf)ten, 3uglcid) aud) ®ottes ffieid) , ben l3eib crf)rifti, 3U oauett. ::Den Ihfolg ilbetlii\3t man hann (Slott, l)J(ad. 4, 26-29. mon feinett ilienem betlangt bet .I')C\:rr nicf)t ~tfolg, fonbem %teue, 1 ~Dr. 4,2, unb ein %ei! bet %teue ethleift ficf) im ®ef)otfam gcgen ffijjm. 16, 17. %~. l3 ii t f d) One Thousand New lliusirations. By Aquila Webb. Richard R. Smith, Inc., New York. 283 pages, 5%X81f2. Price, $1.00. May be ordered through Concordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. James A. Barkley, who has written the introduction to this book, says of the author: "I have studied him in his pulpit and on the plat- form. He knows the Bible and can reveal its truths in a more clear and convincing manner than any clergyman I have ever known. His ser- mons are strong and convincing because they reveal so clearly the great truths of the Bible. He preaches Christ the Savior and, like his Master, drives his lessons home by the skilful use of illustrations." When a man of this type selects illustrations for sermons, we may expect that they are in conformity with the Bible. In this we are not disappointed as we page through this book. We recommend this book to our pastors, also to laymen. The psychological reason for using illustrations is that everyone thinks in pictures. An illustration well chosen will help to make the hearer better understand and remember the truth presented. Christ, in His preaching, made use of illustrations. J. H. C. FRITZ The Philosophy of CJn'istian Education. By Herman Harrell Horne. Fleming H. Revell Company, New York. N. Y. 171 pages, 5X7ljz. Price, $1.50. Principles of Religious Education. By George H. Fickes. Fleming H. Revell Company, New York, N. Y. 246 pages, 5lJzx8l!4. Price, $2.00. Here we have two recent books which deserve the attention of religious educators. Horne, who has written other notable books, offers his views on the fundamental points in a philosophy of Christian educa- tion in a manner which is both interesting and challenging. He is clearly a believer in some of the fundamentals of the Holy Scriptures, which is evidenced, for example, by this paragraph: "The resurrection of Jesus is a necessary consequence of His having come forth from God. He must return to God in vindication of His mission, and man must know of His return to authenticate man's salvation through Him." (P.166.) The Book Review - 2itctatut 79 essence of the philosophy of Christian education is contained in the italicized statement: "Christian education is the perfecting of man in the image of God as revealed in Christ." Yet the book throughout requires discriminating readers. The author's epigrammatic brevity sometimes results in an inadequate presentation. Besides, the author occasionally makes concessions to error or shows a deficient understanding of the doctrine involved. On page 101 he seems to present millennialist views when he speaks of Christ's principles of social reform as assuring "in God's good time the coming of the kingdom on earth." He criticizes the fact that Jesus believed in demoniac possession (p. 27); he declares that it was God's power, not His own, which Jesus used in casting out demons (p. 33); he does not understand John 17,3 correctly (p.48), etc. On the other hand, the chapter on "How Jesus Taught" is a splendid summary of the methods used by the Master Teacher of all times.- The second book will be a valuable addition to the library of religious educators everywhere. There are a few bad spots, it is true, as when the author tries to harmonize the "truths of geology" of the wrong kind with the truth of the revealed religion (p.62) or when he speaks of Abraham as receiving the call from God after he himself had decided to make the decisive step (p.75), or when he postulates the human responsibility for the incoming of the divine Spirit (p.84). But these statements can easily be corrected, and the book, as a whole, is a splendid contribution to our literature in the field. P. E. KRETZMANN Concerning Preachers. . By Josiah Blake Tidwell. Fleming H. Revell Company, New York. 188 pages, 5'Y.4x7%. Price, $1.50. The writer of this book presents a variety of topics which are of interest and value to the preacher. Such topics as the preacher and his body, his intellect, his family, his church, his pastoral oversight, and his sermon are treated. The author, according to his own admission, does not "attempt to present a comprehensive treatise on any of the many subjects that concern preachers" but has selected a large number which he deems "important for every preacher to know and observe." In bringing this book to the attention of our pastors, we trust that their good judgment will ignore what cannot be approved. J. H. C. FRITZ On Growing Old Gracefully, By the Rev. Charles Courtenay, M. A. The Macmillan Company, New York. 1936. 235 pages, 5lj2X8. Price, $2.00. May be ordered through Concordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. This is a delightful book. The very opening paragraph of chapter 1 is bound to lure the reader on, where the author states: "Grow old we must. It is quite possible we may decide not to grow old gracefully. What are the alternatives? For we must grow old somehow. Well, we may, if we desire it, grow old gracelessly. I use the word in a religious sense, as growing old without the grace of God, and so gracelessly ... an old age without God is ... desolating." These sentences indicate the tone of the book. It is written from the angle of a believing Christian and is replete with wholesome and witty remarks and discussions of the many 80 Book Review - S3tteratur problems that confront men and women of middle and advanced age. It is difficult for the reviewer to pick out one particular section above any other, but the chapter "The Temptations of Old Age" struck him with particular force. The book closes with the paragraph "What a glo- rious prospect for the aged and the aging! It is good to be content. It is better to be joyous. It is best of all to be at peace in Jesus our Lord. Thank God, it is for us all-peace at the last." We earnestly recom- mend this book to our readers, even if they feel that they cannot agree with every statement. P. E. KRETZMANN lIDo alier Me lSihtile miidjtig geluorilen Ht. mer~anDlungen bet @31)nobe bcr (3;b."S3ut~.lYteifirrr)c bet i~te1: 53. @3!)nooaltagung in (\jrofl"bfin~en, A. D. 1936. medag oe~ @3d)riftenberein~ (~. matner), 3roictau, @3ad)fen. 63 @3eiten 6X9. !jSrei~: M.1. ~iefer @3!)nooalbetid)t intereffiert uns nicf)t nur tucgen bet bie1en Wtittei" lungen, Die er tibet Die ~rbeit unietct mrtiber in ~eutfcf)lano ent~art, fonoem befonoer~ aucf) roegen bes IReferag tiber bas oben angcgebene sr~ema. stier mOr" tragenbe roar IReftor D. Wtartin illiiUfomm bom @3eminar in medin"3e~lenDorf· (3;~ luiro trefflicf) geaeigt, roa~ @3tinbe ift unb roie fie au etnet fd)redlid)en Wtacf)t tuirb. stlas @3d)fuj3roort roetft nann aUf bie iiberroinnung (Jin. illi. ~ r n D t PRELIMINARY NOTICE The Summer Session at Concordia Seminary will be held, God win- ing, from July 4 to July 16, 1938. With this school will be connected a Pastors' Institute. Further information will be given in om: next number. Comnmnicaticll!§ arc to be addressed to Prof. P. E. J H, 801 De Mun Ave., St.lLouis, Mo. EACCALAUREATE SERVICES With reference to the item appearing under this caption in the December, 1937, issue, it should be noticed by our readers that the item is offered merely for discussion in pastoral conferences. P. E. K. NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS In order to render satisfactory service, we must have our current mailing-list correct. The expense of maintaining this list has been materially increased. 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