Full Text for CTM Book Review 8-11 (Text)

(ttnurnr~iu mqtnlngiral .nut1}ly Continuing LEHRE UNO ~EHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. vm November, 1937 No. 11 CONTENTS Page The Pastor and His Guide. o. A. Geiseman ............. _ .... .... ........... ............ 809 Luther, seine Kaethe und seine Kinder. P. E. Kretzmann ................... 815 A Christian's Certainty. H. Warneck .................. _ ................. _ ........ _ ...... 8%4 The Aims of Christian Education. P. E. Krefzmann ......... ...................... 842 Outlines on the Eisenach Epistle Selections ........ ............................... 849 Miscellanea .................... ...... .................................... ........................................ 859 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich Zeitgeschichtliches ...................... 867 Book Review. - Literatur .............................................................................. 881 Eln Predlger muss nieht allein wei- den. also dass er die Schafe unter- weise. wie sle rechte Christen sollen leln. sondem auch daneben den Woel- fen we'~Ten. dass ale die Schafe nicht angrelfen und mit talseher Lehre ver- fuehren und Irrtum eln1uehren. LutheT Es ist kein Ding. das die Leute mehr bel der Klrche behaelt denn die gute Predlgt. - Apologie. ATt. 24. If the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare hirnaelf to the battle? -1 COT. 14. 8. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBLISIDNG HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. ARCBI ., Book Review - £itetatut 881 Book Review - £iteratur Full Assurance. By H. A. Ironside. The Bible Institute Colportage As- sociation, Chicago, TIL 127 pages, 5%X7%. Price, 75 cts. The Cross of Christ. By George P. Pierson. American Tract Society, New York. 173 pages, 5%X7%. Price, $1.50. The Christian Evangel. By John McNicol. American Tract Society, New York. 193 pages, 51/2X7%. Price, $1.50. Of these three books, written from the fundamentalist viewpoint, the first is by far the best, in fact, the only one that we can recommend to our pastors. Dr. Ironside's purpose is to give full assurance of salvation to all believers. While a Lutheran would have stressed some points overlooked by the author, there is a truly Biblical, therefore Lutheran, ring to such passages as the following: "Confidence based upon an emotional experience would leave one in utter bewilderment when that emotion passed away. But assurance based upon the Word of God abides, because that Word is unchangeable." (P.4Z.) "Faith rests on the naked Word of God." (P.46.) "No Christian can afford to neglect his Bible. If he does, he will be stunted and dwarfed in his spiritual growth and will be a prey to doubts and fears and may be carried about by every wind of doctrine." (P.4S.) "It is not faith that saves the soul. It is the One whom God has set forth as the object of faith. It is true, we are justified by faith instrumentally, but actually we are justified by His blood. The weakest faith in Jesus saves. The strongest faith in self, or in good works, or in the Church, or in its ordinances leaves you lost and undone still." (P. lOS.) On the other hand, the Reformed errors are evident. "God claims one-seventh of man's time." (P.lll.) Bap- tism is a "figure of salvation." (P.llS.) "Predestination means that some day all the redeemed shall become just like the Lord Jesus." (P.94.) How dues that agree with page 92, where we read: "We are never told that Christ died for the elect. But what does the Word say? 'Christ died for the ungodly.' Are you ungodly? Then He died for you. Put in your claim and enter into peace"? On page 92 the author fol- lows the Bible; on page 94, his teacher, Calvin. In spite of these and other flaws, which the discerning eye will discover, we can recommend the book to our pastors. Fundamentalism of an entirely different type is represented by the authors of the other two books. While theoretically basing their presen- tation on the Bible (McNicol offers a "Scriptural Index" covering seven pages), and while teaching the fundamentals of the Christian religion, these two books breathe the spirit of Calvin, their approach to the Bible is frequently that of rationalizing theologians, and moreover, sad to say, the Cross of Christ is viewed and the Christian Evangel is presented from the standpoint of millennialism and dispensationalism, which ob- scures the brightness of the Cross and beclouds its glorious message. Our expectations raised by the beautiful titles were sadly disappointed on reading the contents. THEO. LAETSCH 882 Book Review - .\.litet(ttur The Triune God. By C. Norman Bartlett, S. T. D., professor in the- National Bible Institute of New York. American Tract Society, New York. 194 pages, 51/zX7%. Price, $1.50. About the Old Faith. The Important Truths of the Christian Faith. By- Henry W. Frost. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York. 128 pages, 51J4X7%. Price, $1.25. These two popular theological works demonstrate the newly awak- ened interest of large numbers in the Christian faith, which now is being studied with new vigor after Modernism has proved its utter futility to provide anything that satisfies the religious cravings of men. The pendulum is swinging back to the right, and books setting forth the old faith are again being published and read. The first volume presents: in simple language the doctrine of the Holy Trinity; but the author does not throughout adhere to the Biblical teachings on the Trinity. The book is in fact full of errors, and big ones at that, such as subordina- tionism, kenoticism, etc. The author speaks of the "necessitation of the- Trinity," which, if duly pressed, presupposes a pantheistic view of God. He unduly limits the Father when he declares that God in Christ is omnipresent in the universe through the Holy Spirit. He holds that all three persons participated in the incarnation, though Scripture teaches: the very opposite. In short, the volume is not a safe guide, and we regret that the American Tract Society has lent it its prestige and backing; for many who hope to find the true doctrine of the Holy Trinity in it will be deceived. Perhaps the outstanding fault of the- monograph is that it does not furnish Scripture proof for its several views, hut demands that its readers receive them as true upon the mere statement of the author. - Frost's About the Old Faith is a popular presentation of the chief teachings of the Christian faith adapted to. the comprehension of the youthful reader. Unfortunately it, too, con- tains many false teachings. The doctrine regarding the Sacraments is, utterly inadequate in its treatment and very misleading. The writer holds that "evolution is an undeniable fact," though he means theistic evolution, which, however, is as little of a fact as is atheistic evolution. Very- strongly he urges millennialism and dispensationalism and with it hosts; of other errors and inaccuracies. He believes that demons are not fallen angels, but belong in a class by themselves. Were they evil ab ortu? "No," answers the author, for God created all creatures good .. But why, then, are they not fallen angels? He does not say. He knows: various ends of the world: the end of the present age, the end of the millennial age. Hence it is very apparent that also Frost's About the Ok! Faith is not a safe guide for our American youth; for much of what it contains is not Scripture doctrine, but vain speculation, which has its. source in the ignorant reason of man. J. T. MUELLER ~er ~ienft ber ~irdje an ber ~entigen \Jnenfdj~eit. m:ntegungen 3um !)lad)" benfen flir bie d)riftrid)en m!eltfonferen3en 1937 unb 1938. mon !lito!;;' D. :;su1iu~ UUd)ter. merIag bon [. !8ertelsmann, ®liter~lo~. 115 l5ettenr 6X9. !lIrei~, fartoniert: M.3. D. \IUd)ter, "bet feU einem Menfd)enalter im internationalen IDHffion~leben: fte~t unb fid) mit ben ~li~rern ber meiften ebange(ifd)en .\.lanber in ~reunbfd)aft Book Review - ~iteta±ut 883 betbunben roeib, rom in biefem !8iid)Iein untet bem ®efid)g.punft ~itd)e, r5taat unb molt ,bie beraeitige ~age bet ebangeIifd)en ~itd)e aUf bem (,5;rbentunb fad)Iid) batfteUen unb einem Ineitmn ~teis nadjbenHid)et ~efet bie Gtoben unb mannig~ fad)en llltobleme bet ~eutigen lffieHrage na~ebringen' ". {,5;t d)ataftetifiett bie bet~ fd)iebenen lffidtteIigionen, bie betfc!)iebenen r5l)fteme bet lll~Hofo.p~ie (roit Iefen ba: IIlffield)e ~ntroorten gcuen bic lll~HofoplJien auf bie btei gtoben ~ebenstutfd 8u~ faU, %ob unb ®eroijfen? 9cad) eillcm ialJt~Ullbettdangen, allgefttengten, oft leibenfd)aftrid)en \}otfd)en llad) etner foHben p~Hofop~ifd)en lffieUanfd)auung ~at unfet ®efd)Ied)t ben merfudj ill met511leifhmg faft aufgegeben", 15.24), bie bet~ fc!)iebenen miiUet unb beren iRegierungilfotmen, untetfud)t bie !8egtiffe mortstum, iRaffe (roit Iefen ba: "mOll (,5;roigfeit unb ffiein~eit itgenbrodd)et iRaffen fann man affo nur in t~etotifd)et ftoettteioung teben; beun fdbft bie 50 lllto~ent 9CotbUet in :Ileutfd)Ianb oeftelJen fd)on aus ~roei iRaffen" ufro., 15. 87), bas met~ ~uHniS bon ~itc!)e unb r5taat (roit Iefen ba: ,,(,5;ine %tennung bon ~itd)e unb r5taat roiU in fitd)Iid)en ~teifen niemanb; abet iebet ift entfd) fo ffen, biefen fc!)loeten lffieg 3U gelJen, roenn et gIauot, fid) iiber3eugen 3U miiffen, bab nUt aUf bief em lffiege bas teine (,5;bangeIium aU et~a1ten ift. 1I - "SJiet finb neue @tena~ teguHetullgen erfotbetIid), unb fie miijfen bon beiben r5eiten (bon ~itc~e unb r5taat) untet e~tHd)et ~netfennung i~teij (,5;igented)tes gefud)t roetDen", 15. 76-79) unb bie fpeaififd)en llltobIeme bet lJJliffionspta~is - bas aUes unlet bem @efid)g~ punft bes bon ®ott bet SHrclje auferfcgten :Ilienftes an bet lJeutigen lJJlenfd)~eit. (,5;s finben fid) lJict bide ±reffHc!)c ~riirtetullgen. :Ilet t~eologifd)e r5tanblJUnft ffiidjiets ift abet bet mobern~.\Jofit\be. Unll llie mobetn~pofitibe ffiid)tung betbidet untet anbetm, in bdteff bet ~el)tuntetfd)iebe cine pofitibe r5teUung au ne~men. 150 roe~t in unfetm !8iid)lein bet unioniftifd)e @eift. lffiit tteffen fogat aUf biefen ~usfptud): ,,:Ilas met~iiltniS bOll [I)tiftentum unb :;Sslam ift bon ~nfanG an unfteunbIid) geroefen. :Ilie beiben ffiefigionen finb na~e metroanbte, unb, roie fo oft, ift bet SJab 3Illifc!)en @efd)roiftern am bitterften. 1I (15.35.) :Ilet unioniftifd)en ~nfd)auung entfptingen au d) biefe @cbanfen: ,,:Ilie una sancta ~at nie e~iftiett." lffiit miiffen batum lIum bie moUenbung bet una sancta, ,bet e i n e n ~emgen a 1 I gem e in e n ~itd)e', tingen". ,,:;Sn bet %I)eologie bet iRefotmationsfitd)en ift @eroidjt aUf ben Untetfd)ieb bet fid)tbaten unb bet unfidjtbaren ~itd)e gdegt. llltaftifd) ift mit ienem Untetfd)ieb nid)t bid an3ufangen." (15. 57-67.) jffiet nid)t an bie Unfid)toatfeit bet ~itd)e glaubt, roitb bie ~in~eit unb ~inigfett - bie ia ein ~tttibut bet ~eingen d)tiftrid)en ~trd)e ift - aUf unioniftifc!)em jffiege ~et3uf±eUen fud)en. :Ilet mobetn~.pofitibe %~eolog ~at befanntlid) aud) bet ~e~te bon bet roiittlid)en :;Snfpitation bet SJeHigen r5d)tif± abgefag±. 150 tebet aud) D. iRid)tet bon "cinet fo aUfumg aufammengeroiitfelten r5ammfung bet neutefta~ mentrid)en r5d)tiften", entftanben aus "ben @laubensiibetaeugungen bet apofto e lifd)en @emeinben", babon, ban "bie ;Jubend)tiften bet ~eibenfd)tiftrid)en ~itd)e bas faft ausfd)HebHcf) bon i~nen gefd)tieuene 91eue %eftament iibetmad)t I)aoen" unb bab "bas ~fte %eftament bie mteratutgefd)id)te bes iStaeHtifclj~iiibifcf)en moUes in f e f) t b ct f c!) i e ben e t tel i g i ii f e t SJ ii ~ en I age ift". (15.44. 46. 57.) %~. (,5; n g el b et lJlntiirIiif)c ~4eorogie nnb t4eoftntifo)c I5if)lUiirmmi lici IDMnnif)t4on. mon \}tiebrid) SJiibnet, lllo·ftot, lie. theo!. metIag bon [. !8ettefSmann, ®iitets~ Io~. 1936. 152 r5eiten 6%X9%. lllteg, fattoniett: M.4.50. :;sn biefet r5d)tift - einet untet bet ~eitung !!Bernet ~retts gefd)tieoenen :Iliffettation - roitb untetfud)t, ob unb tnroiellleit bie %~eologie bes natiitIid)en 884 Book Review - Xlttetntut 9.nenfdjen - bie ~~eologie bet metnunft unb bell ®efetes - bie ~~eologie 9.ndnndjt~onll beeinf(ujit ~nt. lImon einet nntUrlidjen ~~eologie rntionnler ~rt, bon einet nl'ologetifdjen medUt3ung bet S'jeilSbotfdjnft bes @;vnngeliums fnnn liei 9.nelnndjt~on nidjt gmbet Illerben" (6.74.121. 142). ~ebodj "fdjeint 9.ndnndj- t~on bie S'jeHige 6djtift unb i~ten Xle~tge~nU butdj betnUnftige @;tllliigungen ftUten unb fid)etn 3U llloUen". @;t gebtnudj± 3.~. ~rgumente bet ~l'ologem, "ut firmissima assensione doctrinam ecc1esiae amplectamur" (6.11 f.). - ifetnet, finben fidj bei 9.nelnndj±~on ~nfiite 3ur ,,±~eoftntifdjen 6djllliirmerei"1 .~uf ®tunb bet mittdnUerlidjen t~eofrntifdjen ®ebnnfengiinge lin~n±e fidj nudj bei 9.nelnndj±~on eine ii~nlidje ~usilleitung bell .Rirdjenliegriffes nn. 6tnn± unb .Rh:dje blieben 31llnr immet teguliert nelieneinnnber. ~ber im ®tunbe Illnr bet 6tnat um bet .Rirdje Illillen bn unb eml'fing bon i~r feine q,lf(idjten" (6. 110). Untet ,,±~eoftntifdjer 6djllliirmerei" betf±e~t abet Lic. S'jUliner nudj biefes, "bab mnn aus bem ®lauben ein 6djnuen mndjen mildjte" (6.7), unb biefes ~emU~en iff nidjts anberes ng ein ~usf(ub bet "natUtlidjen ~~eologie". ~n biefet met- binbung fommt ber 6~nergiSmus 9.nelandj±~ons 3ur 61'tndje (6.131-135). ,,)\)ie Xle~te bom fteien ~illen Illnr milglidj geillotben burdj bnll )\)ogma, bab in ®ott feine lllibetfl'tedjenben ~illen angenommen Illetben bUtfen" (biefen einlei- ±enben 6at IllUtben Illit etillns anbets fotmulieten), ",Cum promissio sit universalis nec sint in Deo contradictoriae voluntates, necesse est in nobis esse aliquam discriminis causam, cur Saul abiiciatur, David reci- piatur; id est, necesse est aliquam esse actionem dissimilem in his duobus'. S'jiet Illitb aus bem ebnngelifd)en ~fl'eft bes gn1ibigen ®ottes, an beffen' met. ~eibungen Illit unll 3U ~nIten ~nlien, bie log i f dj e if 0 I get u n g gqogen, bab ... im 9.nenfd)en fdbft ein ®tunb fUt feine metbammung 0 bet ~ t t e ± • ± u n g liegen mub. )\)nll nennen Illit 6i)netgiSmus." ,,)\)ntum fann nud) bie bon Xlut~et fo leibenfdjaftltdj nngegtiffene )\)efinition bes @;rnllmus geliiUigt Illet. ben: ,Liberum arbitrium in homine facultatem esse applicandi se ad gratiam, id est, audit promissionem et assentiri conatur et abiicit peccata contra conscientiam.' . .. ~Ue bon uns bei 9.nelnndj±~on nls gefii~tlidj ange. beu±eten q,lunUe finb in ~rt. II ber Formula Concordiae 3Ut 61'tadje getom. men unb en±lllebet berillotfen obet ridjtiggefteUt Illotben. 9.nelandj±~on en±ging nut mit ~o± ber nnmentltdjen ~ennung nIS f~nergiftifdjet ~ttle~ter." ~udj Ulier ben ~er± bet ~l'ologetif, bns met~ii1tniS bet q,l~i1ofol'~ie unb mernunf± 3Ut ~~eologie unb bie metmifdjung bon .Ritdje unb 6tnnt bietet biefe 6djrift Illett. boUe @;tiltterungen. ~~. ~ n g e r bet Varieties of Christian Experience. By Sverre Norborg. Published by Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, Minn. 289 pages, 6X8%. Price, $2.50. Dr. Sverre Norborg is a lecturer at the University of Minnesota and a member of the faculty of Augsburg Theological Seminary, Minne- apolis, Minn. He is a brilliant student in the field of the philosophy of religion and a forceful writer. The present series of lectures repre- sents, in effect, a review of Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James, which, thirty-five years ago, caused such a great stir in academic circles. The author, according to his own thesis, raises the problem of the psychic uniqueness of Christian experience and attempts to show the definite difference between Christian faith and Christian experience. (Italics those of the author.) The study is certainly thorough, taking Book Review - mtetatut 885 up all the questions which at the present time are agitating the minds of men with reference to psychology and personality, the Christian expe- rience, the reality of God, and various pathological aspects connected with the religious life of people. The author makes an analysis of human personality and behavior along scientific lines, with frequent reference to statements taken from the Bible. Some of his sentences are truly epigrammatic, as when he states: "Scientifically, this means the end of the myth of mechanistic evolutionism, the fancy of mechanistic biology and psychology." (P.44.) "We shall meet the Freudian and pseudo- Freudian libertinists with a firm protest against their materialistic dog- matism, their unrealistic, inflamed sensualism, their immoral lack of ethical challenge and norms." (P.65.) There are many searching state- ments and questions pertaining to the work of the pastor in his cure of souls, which alone ought to induce many pastors to study the book. But we cannot agree with the author in his evident admiration for Karl Barth; for he was not the rediscoverer of Luther's real theology. Nor can we follow the author in his insistence on making conversion a long- drawn-out affair, unless he definitely includes the antecedent acts of God's providence. Conversion, in the strict Biblical sense of the term, is always instantaneous, a change from darkness to light, from death to life. Cpo CONCORDIA THEOL. MONTHLY, I, 561-570.804---810. P. E. KRETZMANN The Creed of Jesus. A Study of the Pearl of Prayers. By George Dorn. The Lutheran Literary Board, Burlington, Iowa. 111 pages, 6X9. Price, $1.00. May be ordered through Concordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Dorn is pastor of the Hollywood Lutheran Church (U. L. C. A.), Hollywood, Cal., and these addresses expounding the Lord's Prayer are a direct outgrowth of his parish work. The title may seem somewhat strange, and the author says concerning it: "The title The Creed of Jesus may seem a little out of place when applied to Jesus. These few brief sentences give us a marvelous insight into His philosophy of life. It is therefore peculiarly appropriate Lo use this title. It is doctrinally all-comprehensive." (P. 4.) Since every pastor is obliged to deal with the Lord's Prayer so frequently in his catechetical work, in sermons, and in pastoral administrations, he will welcome every exposition of it that may give him further thoughts and keep him from going stale. This treatment will be of value, chiefly because of its many new viewpoints, many of which were suggested by Luther's Large Catechism. Only rarely will the reader find reasons to disagree with the author, as when he states (p. 51) : "The way to the millennium is along the path of obedience." The printing and binding of the book are neatly done. P. E. KRETZMANN Concerning the Ministry. By John Oman. Harper & Brothers, New York. 180 pages, 5%X8%. Price, $2.25. This book, in twenty-two chapters, covers a wide field of a minister's work. It says many good things in a good way. Much in the book makes real worth-while reading. Any pastor will be benefited by it. The author's style is unique but attractive. It is well that the book con- tains little theology, for its theology is bad. J. H. C. FRITZ 886 Book Review - mtetatut When Death Speaks. Ten Meditations on the Life Eternal. By H. Reed Shepfer. The Lutheran Literary Board, Burlington, Iowa. 103 pages, 6X9. Price, $1.00. May be ordered through Concordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. The author of these addresses is pastor of Grace Lutheran Church (U. L. C. A.), Rochester, Pa., and these messages were delivered in his own work. Their titles are significant: When Death Speaks; How Jesus Faced Death; What Is Death?; When Jesus Spoke of Death; Our Hope of Immortality; When Shadows Fall; Faith which Waits; Adventuring with God; At Eventide There Shall Be Light; Recognition in Heaven. The addresses are not expository, the texts being usually one or more brief statements of Scripture; but they are truly devotional and evan- gelical, with many quotations from the Church's treasures of hymnody. The pastor who has many funeral sermons to preach will find these ad- dresses very stimulating. P. E. KRETZMANN Personal Christianity. By W. T. Conner, Ph. D., D. D., Zondervan Pub- lishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. 101 pages, 51f4X8ljz. Price, $1.00. Dr. Conner is professor of Systematic Theology in Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Seminary Hill, Tex., and is definitely a Fundamentalist in his theology. The fourteen addresses here offered are thoroughly evangelical, even if the texts are usually so brief as to preclude expository work. There is no effort at oratory, but every ad- dress presents some Scriptural truth in a simple way, with clear illus- trations and definite applications. This is seen even from a list of the subjects treated: Faith in God; Repentance; Jesus the Bread of Life; The Vision of Faith; What Is Prayer?; Praying in the Name of Jesus; Assurance of Salvation; The Sealing of the Spirit; The Christian's Ideal; The Urgency of Life's Mission; Paul's Master Passion; The Supreme Good; Paul's Cure for Worry; The Power of the Spirit. A few state- ments in the book seem to point to Arminian thinking, as when the author says (p. 70): "God gives righteousness of character, but He gives it only to those who are willing to go through fire to attain it." If a Lutheran pastor desires a sample of good evangelical preaching in another denomination, this book will give him the information. P. E. KRETZMANN Jewels of Promise. By W. M. Seay, D. D., Th. D. Broadman Press, Nash- ville, Tenn. 151 pages, 51J4X7%. Price, $1.00. The Rev. W. M. Seay is pastor of a Baptist church in South Carolina, and he as well as the Broadman Press belong to the Southern Baptist Convention. These facts explain the religious background of Jewels of Promise, which present eighteen brief sermons of a devotional nature, based upon Scripture-texts that hold out special divine promises to God's saints, e. g., the "Promise of Cleansing from all Sin," the "Promise of Satan's Defeat," the "Promise of the Comforter." The author himself describes the purpose of the book when he says: "These sermons, taken for the most part from the Psalms, are an earnest attempt to apply in the name of Christ 'the balm of Gilead' to wounded and stricken souls and to comfort the people of God." We see in this book, with its simple Book Review - ~iteratur 887 Christian faith so nobly stressed, a new proof of the power of the divine Word to preserve faith in times of rationalism and atheism; for only sincere Christians can write, or demand for study, such books as Jewels of Promise. J. T. MUELLER Heaven. By George Beiderwieden. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 1937. 32 pages. Price, 25 cts. A beautiful booklet, giving Scriptural answer to the questions: What is heaven? Where is heaven? What kind of place is heaven? Who is in heaven? Will our bodies be in heaven? What kind of bodies shall we have in heaven? Shall we know one another in heaven? Will there be any evil in heaven? What are the outstanding joys in heaven? How do we get to heaven? What is meant by the degrees and differences in heaven? -It will be welcomed by pastors, who may use it or recom- mend it as a gift to those who mourn the loss of a loved one. THEa. HOYER Daily Food for Christians. For every day of the year. A. J. Holman Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 192 pages, 5X2%. In red, blue, brown, and black leather bindings. Price, 50 cts. This little book of daily devotions is small enough to be carried in a vest-pocket or ladies' purse. It contains a suitable Bible-passage, a hymn-verse, and a closing Bible-passage; one set of these for every day of the year, from January 1 to December 31. Though the selections stand in no relation to the ecclesiastical year, except incidentally, they seem to be well chosen and are excellent seed-grains for profitable daily meditations. W. G. POLACK The Psychology of Dealing with People. By Wendell White, Ph. D. The Macmillan Company, New York. 256 pages, 51fzX8. Price, $2.50. May be ordered through Concordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jeffer- son Ave., St. Louis, Mo. No pastor can learn too well the art of dealing with people, of studying their personalities and characteristics, and of practising true leadership. The understanding and tactfulness which are required for this part of pastoral work are very ably discussed in this book, although it is intended for leaders in various professions. The book is very prac- tical throughout, the author suggesting dozens of statements which may be used in approaching others for the sake of enlisting their cooperation in any cause. Some of the chapters are truly fascinating, as the head- ings show: Presenting One's Ideas Indirectly; Designating an Act as Creditable or Discreditable; Removing Objectionable Ideas Inoffen- sively; Preventing Wrong-doing; Preventing Peculiar Behavior; Fur- thering Mental Health. The book will prove most profitable reading, and we venture to say most men who read it once will want to study it more thoroughly. P. E. KRETZMANN BOOKS RECEIVED From the W. A. Wilde Company, Boston, Mass.: The Christian Gentleman. By William H. Ridgway. 143 pages, 51f4X7%. Price, $1.25. 888 Book Review - £itetatut From the Abingdon Press, New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: The Laughing Valley and Other Story Sermons for Children. By Virginia Greene Milliken. 202 pages, 5X1lt':!. Price, $1.50. What Jesus Means to Me. By Raymond Calkins. '53 pages, 51f4x1lt':!. Price, 35 cts. Rule of the Road. By Anne Byrd Payson. 244 pages, 5X7lJ.!. Price, $1.50. The Art of Living. By Norman Vincent Peale. 144 pages, 5X7lJ.!. Price, $1.00. From Fleming H. Revell Company, New York, London, and Edinburgh: Children's Everyland Story-Sermons. By Hugh Thomson Kerr. 185 pages, 5x7lJ.!. Price, $1.50. From Harper & Brothers, New York: Fraternal Sermons and Addresses. By G. B. F. Hallock, D. 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