Full Text for CTM Theological Observer 7-11 (Text)
shall ea,t and drink and whcrewitha.l ye shall
be clQothed, and the kingdom Qof GOod and His righteousness will then be
a,dded nnto you. 'VJlen all YOour economic schemes haVe> been put into'
a.ction; when your planned economy ha,fj been duly planned; when the
capitalistic system ha.s gone' down to tho dead gods and broken things;
wIlen yQour cooperative state, wha,tever may be its, sha,pe, ha.s risen upon
tIle. ruins, your real ta,sk remains the same. The beneficiaries of your
idealism are nQot going to flock to' your a.]tars to' thank YOoU fOor your
mis,taken intervention. They a,re go'ing tOo be- as far from the kingdom O'f
God as ever; ancl you will have to' return tOo the 0'lel preacl1ing of
righteOousn8lss with all the vigor and enthusiasm that may be left after
liberty has beon destroyed and the planned economy, which will not include
you in its plans, has been introduced.''' That me'ans, more, briefly 8(lC-
pressed: "Your whole social-gosp8l1 scheme, is bo'und to turn out to be
a, wretched failure, and besides, by your social gOSopel you a,re not going
tOo make, anyone a, Christian." But why, then, remain a, Universalist?
Theological ObserveI'. - ~itcl)1icl)~3eitgcfcl)id)tlid)es, 867
Laymen and the Preaching of the Social Gospel. - An article in
the Ohristian Oentury seems to be telling the truth when it depicts the
viewpoints of the clergy and the laity with respect to the social gospel as
follows: "There is a gulf between the clergy and the laity in their ways
of thinking and socially applied religion. Perhaps it would show more
consideration for the men of our churches, who are, by and large, men of
good will, if it should be said that there is a gulf between the spiritual
viewpoint on life as enunciated by the pulpit and the practical exigencies
of life as encountered by the laymen. Those practical considerations in-
volve cargoes of such value that many laymen prefer not to place them
in the hazardous care of ministerial pilots. They say that the pulpit should
leave social and economic questions quite alone. This is one danger
avoided, but so is the possibility of a commerce offering great rewards.
However we may describe the gulf, it surely exists." The writer then out-
lines what is called the "new partnership" plan, which is sponsored by
the Unitarian Laymen's League and which "proposes to construct a bridge
of understanding over that gulf. It assays the difficult task of achieving
a group conscience on the part of religious-minded people with respect to
the vital social, economic, and political issues of the day, a conscience
that shall represent the joint conclusions of ministers and laymen." Coming
from the Unitarians, who have not much of a theology to preach, the
plan does not cause great surprise. The writer, however, is justified in
holding that the gulf he speaks of exists not only in Unitarian churches,
but in all the denominations where the social gospel is preached. A.
Judge Upholds Right to' R.efuse Salute to Flag. - Saeramento,
Cal. (NCJC.) -In the first test case, in California" Judge Pe,ter J. Shields
has granted a, mandamus, writ to Joseph Ga,brielli, compelling the Saera,-
mento' school autho'rities to' readmit his nine'-yea,r-O'ld daughter Cha.rlotte'.
The, family a,re' members nf Jehnvah's Witnesses, and Gha,rlotte wa,s. sus-
pended fo.r refus,ing to, salute' the flag. '
Judge Shields says: "The, Constitution s,ta,tHS tha,t the free exercise
and enjoyment of reHgious profession and worship, without discrimination
or preference, shaH forever be gua,ranteed in this Sta,te'." However, he'
insisted that the objedion to the' salute must be "purely religious in
cha,raete-r," adding: "If there' is any particle of political or sodal purpose
involved in the ma,tter, her action will not be' tolerated." - Living Ohurch.
Brief Items. - "Although it has taken but one' per cent. nf the min-
isters and but five per cent. of the members, the' newly organized Presby-
terian Church of America, has begun to grow. Three' presbyte>ries ha,ve, been
sta,rteel: New Jersey, New York and New England, and Philadelphia. The
Knox Presbyterian Church nf Philadelphia, WRS' the' first to unite with the
new Church. An interesting debate a,t the Philadelphia, presbyte'ry hinged
on escha,to,logical liberty as one church wanted to' make' sure it would al-
wa,ys have a, premillennial pastm. The Independent Boa,rd for Presbyterian
Foreign JliIissions nnw has nineteen missionaries," some loca,ted in China.,
nthers in India" Japan, JliIanchukun, and Pe,ru. What missiona,ry zeal!
But we' no,te, tha,t the germ of serious dissens,inn is, in the' new boely because,
some' of its members are given to the premillennia.l vaga.ries; so' the, body
from the' very sta,rt is a, house, divided aga,inst itseU. The paTt nf this
868 Theological Observer. - ~h:d)1id)~,8eitgefd)id)md)es.
item which is in quotation-marks is, taken from the Oh,-istian Oentwry.-
At La,chish, where a,rcheological resea,rch is going on, "three' specimens, of
alphahetical script were found. One is penned on the' remains of a, ewer
in a temple; the second around a, red bowl in a, tomb; and the third on
another piece of pottery. They aU belong too the pe,riod B. O. 1295-1262
and a,re conside'red as the connecting link between the Phenician and the
Q1ldest alphabetical script which was found in the peninsula, of Sinai en-
graved on stQoncs." (Ohristia,l/, Oentu1-Y.) - It is reported tha,t P'wsby-
terian missions in Korea, are considering clo'sing their schools at which
secular educa,tion is ca,rried on because, the, Japanese go'Vermnent demands
that at times all schoQlls must engage in public obe,isance a,t Japane'se
shrines. - The' PTcsbyterian prints the Gunning P'rize Essay of 19,34, writ-
ten hy Rev. De Ha,rt-Davies, M. A., D. D., ha,ving the heading "Biblical
HistQory in the' L'ight Qof ~~rcheological Discovery since A. D. 19DO!' The
author very pmpe'rly confines, his a,ttention to' the! chief po,ints of interest
in this fidd. LQoking Qover the chapter headings, ten in number, one, must
say tha,t he- has selected the' ma.tters, that have been given chief prominence
in this, endeavor dnring the last decades. ThQse of (Jur readers who aTe
pa,rticula.rly interested in a,rchcolQogical resea,rch, a,s fa,r a,s, it has bea,ring
Qn the' trustworthiness. of the Scriptures, shQuld try to Qobta.in a, CQPy of
this essay. - A persQon does nQt have to be a friend Qf the Papacy to stand
aghast a,t the news of reIigi.ous perse,cution perpetra,tecl in Spa,in these
clays. N m cloes the cQnsidera,tion that tlw Roman Ga,thQolic Church through
its oxplQita,tion of the masses, amI thrQugh its policy of keeping its members
ignorant brought this disaster upon itself reduce the enormity of the
a,trocities, that aJ'e rep oded. An item appearing in one' Qof our exchanges
late in August reads: "The Pope' has been officia,lly nQtified tha,t, (lne
Spanish bishop has been burned a.live a.ncl four Qothers murclered by raclical
mollS, accordillg to a Universal Service dispatch from ,Tatican City. The
repo'rt statecl tha,t the Bisho'p Qof Siguenza, was tarred and burned a,t the
stake. The nther bishops repmted murde'red were thnse of .Ja.en, Lerida"
SegQorelia, and Ba,rbastl"O'. The Va,tican also. was notified tha,t the Arch-
bishop of Toleelo and the' Bishop of M;ldrid ha,ve been forced tOo flee for
their lives."·- What a,re the prominent present tl1eological tendencies?
A writer in the Living Church, reviewing a, book by Edwin Ewa,rt Aubrey,
entitled P1'csent Theological Tendencies, gives this convenient, helpful sum-
ma,ry: "Dr. Auhrey's classification shows 1) modernism (a, methQod rather
than a, creed, and on the, wam,); 2) dialectical theology ('Fa,ther' KiNke-
gaanl and his variant childl'eu- Ba.,rth, Brunner, and, painfully, Reinhold
Niebuhr); 3) neo-Thomism (tlle revival of "rational" theQology in Ma,ri·
ta,in, Dawson, Wust, and other Catholics); 4) na,turaIism (a, eliverse group,
including Dewey as wen a.s Wieman and among theistic naturalists both
]3ergson and General Smuts); and 5) thc' 'new superna turaJists' like' Dean
lnge, Dr. Temple', and D. C. Macintosh." It ma,y give' us some sa,tisfaction
that conserva,tive, Biblical theology is not listed among the "tendencies." -
Ritualists, as is well known, have a, tendeucy too debate, things tha,t are of
little moment. In Greece, for instance, the OrthodQox Church is convulsed
and rQocked with re,sFect to' the question whether the Julian calendar may
be set a.s,ide and the Gregorian, now used quite gcne'rally in Christian
eonntrie'8, be adopted. Wlrat a, pity to see peopleo spend immense' amounts
Theological Observer. - seird)fic()'~.8eitgefd)id)md)es. 869
O'f energy on things tha,t do not matter! - From Geneva come's the news
tha,t Protestant churches in Spain ha,vel suffered very little damage. In
several instances where incendia,ries, planned destruction of Protestant
church edifices they were persuaded to chang'e their minds. One must not
forget, of course, tha,t in all 8pa,in there are only about six thousand
Protestants. - Die Ev(]'ngelisah-Lutherisahe Freikirahe, the official organ
of our brethren in Germany, has, issued a, special number, in which the
sessions of their last convention a,re' wen reported and the sixtieth anni-
versary of their church organization is fittingly commemorated. One hun-
dred copies may b8' obtained for 18 marks. A.
II. lmilllnil.
bor aU em bie ~iiringer ~eutfcljen @:~riften,
bie biefen D'tuf et~elien. @:lie rooUen bie fogenannte NationaHitclje. 05 i n e
S'i'irclje foU fein, bie hie glmae 31ation umfaBt, beren IDCitgIieb jeber iff, ber
870 Theological Observer. - ,!Hrd}nd}~3eitgefd}td}t1id}eg.
aur beutfdjen ~ation gefjorl. ®s foIl nidjt mefjr gelien Eutfjeraner unb
meformierle, \l3roteftanten unb SfatfjoHfen; ja, es fdjeint, afS women fie
ifjre ~re audj flir biejenigen offnen, bie fidj ulierfjauvt nidjt mefjr aum
.x>®t:t:n (,ffjriftus liefennen. ~er neuen ~ationamrdje follen ofjne weHeres
aIle angefjoren, bie bie Deutfdje mollsgemeinfdjaft liejafjen.
~uf Den ~anaern foIl alles gevrebigt werDen burfen, was irgenDwie ber
beutfdjen }illiebergeliurl entfvridjt unb fie forberl .
.Bur ~urdjfeJ;)ung biefes .Biele§; in ber ~irdje foIl notigenfa@ bie .x>iIfe
be§; @Staate§; in ~nfvrudj genommen werDen.
®§; fjat ben ~nfd}ein, aI§; wurbe ber \l3Ian ber ~ationaIfirdje bem }illorl
~®fu entfvredjen bon ber "ei n e n .x>erbe". ~lier e~ ift baliei eli en ba§;
bergeffen, bat ber .x>®t:t: forlfiifjrl "unb ei n .x>irle". ,®§; gefjt benen, bie
bie ~ationamrdje wollen, nidjt mefjr widndj um ben " ei n en .x>ir±en".
lman rebet mofjI liei ifjnen bom .x>eifanb; aber e§; ift nidjt mefjr ber
.x>eiIanb ber ?BweL lman rebet mofjI bom (,ffjriftengIaulien; alier e§; ift nidjt
ber (,ffjtiftengIaulie, ben @otte§; )Barmf)eraigfeit burcg feinen ~nedjt Eutfjet
bem beutfdjen moll wiebetgefdjenft fjat.
lman weit in biefen ~eifen nidj±, baf3 ~riftu§; bet .x>®t:t: ift unb bat
nidj±£l nelien ifjm \l3IaJ;) fjat. ~a§; moll ift ifjnen fo widjtig wie ber .x>®n
(,ffjriftu§;, ja widjtiger aI§; bet .x>®t:t: (,ffjtiftu§;. ~arum fonn±e einet ber
flifjtenben ~fjutinger ~eutfdj,en (,ffjtiften edfiiten, um bet ®infjeit be§; beut~
fdjen molle§; wilIen fei er lieteH, audj ben .x>®tt:n (,ffjriftu§; baranaugelien.
lman meit in Diefen ~reifen nidji§; bon bem tobHdjen ®mf±, bet in ber
)Botfdjaft ~®fu fiegt. mOt ifjm ift aIle§; menfdjHdje !mefen, audj ba§; ebeIfte,
berfoten unb berbammt. @Sie alier bediinbigen, baf3, wet nur redjt beutfdj
f ei, audj dn redjter (,ffjtift f d.
lman weit liei ifjnen nidj±£l babon, baf3 ber .x>®t:t: ~riftu§; bet einaige
unb®inmafige ift unb bat fein ®tfofung§;wed etwa§; einaige§; unb ®in~
mange§; if±. ~er .x>®t:t: (,ffjtif±u§; ift ifjnen nut ciner bon benen, hie burdj
ben· ®infaJ;) ifjre§; Eelien§; ®rfofung litingen. mOt allem Vrebigen fie, bat
audj ~eu±fdjIanD mit feinem @SdjicffaI tefigiofe ®dofung fdjaffe. ~a§; Eeib
~eutfdjIanM feit 1914 Witb ifjnen au einem ameiten @oIgatfja; bet ~uf~
lirudj ~eutfdjranb~ feit 1933 Wirb ifjnen ilu cinem neuen iOftem.
®§; finb unter ifjnen Eeute, bie nodj weiter gefjen. ~n Icidjtfettiger
}illeif e reben fie bom }illed ~®fu (,ffjtifti. iOVferlob unb )BIu± (,ffjtifti nennen
fie iilierffiiffigen Sfram, ben ber beutfdje lmenfdj bon fjeute nidjt mefjt liraudje.
@So ftefjt ifjte Eefjre in }illiberfvrudj ilur Eefjte bet Iutfjetifdjen Sfirdje
unb aur Eefjre bet )Bilier. ~fjte Eefjte ift ~t:t:Iefjte.
@:ine SfirdjenIeitung, bie fidj geliunben wdt an bas @:bangeIium, mut
gegen foIdje ~trfefjre aufftefjen, mut fidj mit allet Shaft, bie ifjr gefdjenfi
if±, gegen foIdje ~t:t:Iefjte aur }illefjr feJ;)en. ~ie Eeitung ber lialJrifdjen Ean~
be~firdje weit um biefe ifjte \l3fIidjt unb wirb' im gegelienen ~ugenliIicf b~
tun, wa§; not1tJenbig if±.
lman Wirb un§; borwerfen: ~a§; ift nidj±£l anbete§; afS @eaiinf ber
@SdjtiftgeIefjrlen unb ~eoIogen, bie ifjren @Iaulien nut im ~oVf fjalien, aber
nidjt im .x>ercren. lman wirb uw botwetfen, bat roir mit bem SfamVf gegen
Theological Observer. - .Ritd)1td)~8eitllefd)id)t1id)e~ 871
biefe Eefjre lieMo§ unb feThftgeredjt bie '@infjeit ber SWrdje unb bie @infjeit
be§ moHe§ aerreitlen.
mag man ba§ bon un§ fagen, wenn man'§ nidjt Iaffen Iann!
)fiir 1'tJ1ffen, e§ giM nidj± aUerlei ~erren, fonbem nur ben e 1 n e n
.0@rm; barum gibt e§ nidjt aUerlei )fiafjrfjeiten, fonbern nur bie ei n e
)fiafjrfjeit; barum gibt e§ audj nidjt aUerlei ~bangefien, fonbem nur ba§
e i n e ~bangelium bon bem @:fjriftu§, ber ba geftorben ift fUr unfere @5un.
ben nadj ber @5djrifj: unb begraben unb auferftanben am britten Stage nadj
ber @5djrift. )fio nidjt einaig unb aUein biefe§ ~bangeIium bedunhigt wirb,
ba wirb bie @fjre be§ .0~rrn @:fjriftu§ berle~±; benn man fjat au§ i~m etwa§
anbere§ gemadjt, alB wa§ er feIber fein woIlte.
)fio ba§ gefdjiefjt, ba wirb unfer morf um ben :cLroft feine§ @lewiHen§
unh UUl ba§ ~eiI feiner @5de betrogen. SDenn aHein ba§ biblifdje @llan~
gelium rettet unfer mon bon @5unbe unb St.ob.
Um ber (Eljre @:ljrifti WiHen barf bie SWrdje fein anbere§ ~bangelium
berfiinhigen, barf fie fein anbere§ l(Ellangelium buIben auf iljren &fanaeIn.
Um be§ ~eire§ unfer§ molfe§ wifIen mun fie unerbittlidj fdjeiben aWifdjen
~aljr~eit unb Euge.
@lott wein, batl w'ir nidjt mit Ieidjtem ~erven f 0 ur±eilen unb ridjten
unb ben Sl'amj.Jf fihnj.Jfen gegen bie falfdje Ee~re. ~roer e§ ift ba§ )fiort
@lotte§, ba§ ba fdjeibet abJiidjen Euge unb )fia~rljeit, abJifdjen Ed)re unb
~rrreljre, BiDifdjen @lIauben unb Ung[auben.
~er fann bJeiher ba§ ~ort @lotte§?
~eiI ttJir geIiunben finb an bie§ )fiort @otte§, fiinnen bJir aUf hie mer.
fudje, bie aUf biefe ~eife bie beutfdje Wationalfirdje fdjaffen bJoUen, nur
an±tDorien mit einem en±fdjiebenen unb en±fdjloffenen Wein. Wiemanb unb
nidjt§ rann un§ abJingen, bat ttJir au einer foldjcn ~irdje ja fagen.
lJJcan Wirb un§ bann bortl1crfen, batl ttJir nidj± au unferm beutfdjen moH
fteljen. ~JCag man fagen, iDa§ man nidjt [aiien fm111 [ ~ir befeljlen biefe
@5adje @ott. ~r weitl, baB wir bereit finb, unferm mon jebe§ Dj.Jfer au
bringen. @ i n Dj.Jfer aber bfrrfen wir nidjt bringen, ba§ ift ba§ Dj.Jfer
ber jillafjrljeit.
)fia§ w'orrten ttJir lieber, al§ bat e§ e i n e &firdje in unferm beutfdjen
moHe giibel )fiir ±tauern, bat wir im ~eifig±1lm @lot±e§ nidj± gemeinfam
ftcljen fonnen; baB bie cincn baljin geljen unb bic anhem bortljin. Wber
aur ~inljeit ber SWrdje gibt e§ nur e i n en )fieg: Un fer beu±fdje§ molt bon
oben biB un±en mut lidj befennen Bum @banr\eIium; unfer mon mut lidj
IDCann fUr IDCann befefjren BU ifjm, ber gefagt fjat: ,,~dj bin ber ~rfte unb
ber Ee~te unb ber Eebenbige. ~dj war tot, unb fiefje, idj bin lebenbig bon
~ttJigfeit au ~bJigfeit unb fjabe bie @5djIfrffel ber ~iiUe unb be§ Stobe§."
@lot±e§ ~eiliger @leift ftefje un§ bei, batl mir aUe, ~irdjenleitung unb
~farrer unt> ~irdjengemeinben, ±teue Beugen bideB clJ~rm werben I Unb
er, ber ~(Frr ber stirclje, bJirb aUen tuuen ,Beugenbienft fegnen unb fdjaffen,
bai3 au feiner Bdt werhe e i n c\)irte unb e in e .0erhe. U.
:!ln~ ~nd)~tum beB f1Caif)uH5ii;lmu§ tn 2ffrifn. Wadj ciner in bem
IDCiffion§'blatt "UHgemeine IDCiffion§nadjridj±en" beriiffentlidjten IDCitteiIung
au§ ber riimifdjen IDCiffion§aeitfdjrifj: ,,:tlie fatfjolifdjen miffionen" ift 2tfrifa
gegenwiirtig ba5 bei weitem frudjtbarfte tyeIb ber fatfjoIifdjen IDCiHion§.
arbeit. ~m ~aljre 1933 aiifjrte bie fa±ljolifdje IDCiffion inBgefamt auf ben
berfdjiebenen IDCiffion§fcTbem 16.6 IDCmionen &fatljoIifen unb 2.6 IDCiIlionen
872 Theological Observer. - .Rit4Jli4J~8eitgef4Ji4Jm4Jd.
st'aufliewetliet. ~n 0:frifa lie±rug bie 3a~I flinf IDeillionen stat~omen unb
awei IDWlionen st'aufliewetbet. ~n biefem ~a~t en±fallen 61. 7 ~tooent
bet lneubefe~r±en aUf \1l:ftifa. imie riejig rafclj bie tomifclje IDeiHion in 0:frifa
gewacljfen if±, ergilii fic!) au~ ben folgenben 3a~Ien: ~m ~aqre 1918 3i±~ne
man in \1l:ftifa 1.87 IDcillionen Sl'atqoIifen, im ~a~te 1923 2.66 IDeillionen,
im ~a~te 1929 3.90 IDelllionen. \1l:m f±i±rlften ift bet 150dfcljtitt im IDeif~
fion~wacljMum in 3entralaftila unb ba Wiebet in bet lnotbwefteCfe be~
fttiqeren SDeu±fc!)oftafrifa un/» in muanba unb Urunbi, bem jett beIgifcljen
IDeanbaggeliiet. @etabe bod aliet witb ben beutfcljen ebangeIifcljen IDeif~
lionen, bie frllqcr: qiet mit gtof3em ®tfoIg gearbeite± qalien, bet 3mtiH
bcttDeiged. SDaf3 bie tomifclje IDeiffion nattirIiclj aUf stoften bet lJto±ef±an~
±ifcljen, bie bon ben momifcljen bieffaclj betbti±ngt WitD, 5'orifcljtit±e maclji,
battibet ift fcljon IL-ingft in ben ebangeIifcljen IDeiHion~oeitfcljtiften auf~ bit~
±erf±e geffagt wotben. mom qat botwiegenb bart f eine sttiumlJqe gefeiert,
W'O bie gtof3e \1l:rmm e~ ben beutfcljen ®bangeIifcljen unmogIiclj macljte, iqt
imed fottauf dilen. ~. st. IDe.
Antimasonic Action. - From the correspondence of the Ohristian
Century emanating from Tokyo, J apau, we clip the following paragraph:
"American Masons will be surprised to learn what the Kanagawa pre-
fectural police has di scovered concerning the amazing international insti-
tution of Freemasonry. It is a powerful secret order, having headquarters
in the United States, 'composed mostly of people of Jewish extraction.'
Secret orders are strictly forbidden in Japan, and as this one is said to
ilave been active in the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the
World '~iar, and even in the League of Nations' treatment of the Sino-
Japanese embroglio, the Japanese police and gendarmes are concerned over
its possible activities in Japan."
~nd)t !tnll' ~eihc. mOt un~ negt bl1~ ailJeiie ~eft be~ erften 0aqtgang~
bon "imacljt uub imelbe", bem flJeaififclj ±qeoIogifcljen 9Jtgau unfetet Q3riibet
in ®tibametifa. imit freuen un~ fowoqI tibet ben ~nql1ft biefet neuen ±qeo~
Iogifcljen 3eitfcljrift Wie tiliet ben ston, ben fie anfcljli±gt. ®ingefeite± witb
bie lnummer butclj ein 1 eqt aeitgemiif3e~ mOtw'ort, worin bie tecljte ®tellung
bet ±teulu±qetifcljen stitclje bem ~rrtum uufetet 3ci± gegentibet fein cljataf~
terifiert Witb. SDann foIgt ein etmutigenbet UtmeI tibet ben gtof3en IDeif~
fiowbefe~I [qtif±i, .llRatf. 16, 15, mH tecljict stennaeicljnung bet Uufgabe
bc~ cljtiftIicljen ~rebiger~. SDaran reiq± ficlj ein bogmatifclj~e;t;egetifcljet Ut~
tiM tibet IDeatt~. 3, 11, ein \1l:ltffa~ tillet "SDie 2e~te bom Q3ernf untet
gegenwi±digen met~i±Itniflen", cine fe~t feine .I'l'atecljefe, lJtafiifclje \1l:rtifeI
betfcljiebenen ~nqalt~, auclj einen tibet ben ®cljulliau, lnacljricljten unb Q3e~
merrungen, Q3ticljetoeflJrecljungen UfiD. imet ba~ @elb baau ~at, foute ficlj
Nefe in±eteffan±e 3eitfcljtif± beftelleu. ~n uufetnt [oncotbia~merrag faun
man etfaqten, rote ~oclj ficlj bet Q3el±eIlung~lJtei~ bon 10$000 abet l1uclj btei
~efo~ gegenroi±rtig beIuuft, e±wa awifcljen ein un!) Bwei SDoIlat~. SDie 3ei±~
f~tift btent nicf)t nut ~af±oten, fonbern l1ucI) 2eqtern, unb fie betbanft i~t
®rfcljeinen ber statafaclje, bl1f3 ba~ li~qetige Q3Il1ti, ba~ ia ftit !)11~ (£~tiften~
boH in~gemcin beftimmt ift, fcinem :Broee! niclj± me~t geniig±e. SDaf3 unfete
Q3ttibet in ®tibametifa e~ Wl1gen, cine folclje 3eitfcljtif± in~ 2eben au tufen,
aeugt bon qoqem IDeu±. @fiiCf aUf aum gU±en mserrJ ~eiI bem 5'Ieif3 unb
Q;ifet, bet ficlj qier be±frtigt J ~. 5t. IDe.