Full Text for CTM Dispositionen ueber die erste von der Synodalkonferenz angenommene Evangelienreihe and Outlines on the Eisenach Epistle Selections 7-11 (Text)

errIidjreit GS!)rifti an un>3 trag en - ieber einae!ne, alle ®emeinben, ieber :.tliftrHt, bie ganse (S\JtlObe. ®. &;>. (S m u far. ~icrunbaluan3i!1ftcr (Sonntag nadj l::rinitati~. WC a r f. 8, 34-38. :.tlurdji3 S'i:rcua aur S'i:rone, burdj Beiben aur &;>erdidjfei±. (So iuar ei3 bei .';5(;15fu, fo ift ei3 audj bei feinen .';5ilngern. (So illar ei3 bei .';5(;15fu. m. 31. 32a; bgI. Bu!. 24, 26. :.tliefe llBode illaren bem (Simon jjSetrUi3 iirgerfidj. (;I5r 08. 32b; WCatt!). 16,22) meinte, bem WCeniai3 .';5i3ruef0 bilrfe bodj fo e±illaB nidjt illiberfa!)ren. .';5a, baB llBod bom S'i:reua, gerube audj bom S'i:reua GS!)rifti, ift ber menfdjfidjen mernunft anftoBig unb iirgedidj. :.tlie mernunft edennt eben nidjt ben ®reuel ber (silnbe unb ~i:m ein foIdjei3 (lpfer iuie bai3 Sfreuaei3Ieiben GS~rifti nidjt filr notig aut (;I5dofung ber (silnberilleH. - .';5(;15fuB aber: m.33. .';5aillo!)I, baB ift rctn gottIidjer, 10nbern ein menfdjHdjer, ia ein fatanifdjer ®ebanre, baB baB SheUi3eBleiben GS!)rifti nidjt notig fei 3U unferer (;I5dofung. ®oit fdjii~t bie (silnbe redjt ein; fie ift in feinen ~eiIigen ~ugen ein furdjf6arer ®reueI, fo baf3 ein unermef3fidjeB (lpfer erforbedidj ift, fie au filljnen unb bie filnbige WCenfdjljeit au edefen. :.tlaljer: m. 31. ~ber audj illir GSfjrif±en, illir;silnger .';5(;15fu, milff en burdjB Sheua aur S'i:rone, burdj uftu. ge!)en. zyreifidj nidjt in bemfelben (Sinn luie GSfjriftui3, nidj± um audj nodj fefber, in e±illaB illenigf±eni3, unfere @lilnbe au filljnen, fonbern um redjte j)CadjfoIger GS!)rifti au fein. :.tlabon !)anbert unf er ~e&t. llBir edennen barauB: ~urfJ luir G:fjriften, lUir ~ftnget ~~u, miifien burrfJB ~t'CltJ 5Ut st'tone, butdj Beiben Jnt &;>crrfirfJfcit. 1. j)Cadjbem .';5(;15fui3 (Simon jjSetrui3 auredj±geilliefen ljatte, fptadj er: m. 34. llBit GSlJtiften finb b a a u be r u fen, baB illir GSlJrifto nadj" foIgen follen. llBeldj ein lJolJer, lJerrHdjer \Bernf i1t baB! (;I5iner, ber .';5(;15fu llBode geljed unb feine llBerl'e gefdjau± ljaite, rief begeiftert auB: "WCeifter, idj illill bit nacljfolgen, luo [immerJ bu ljingeljf±." Unb nun bon ®oit bernfen fein, GSljrifto nadj3ufolgenl 2. ~ber ber \Bernf in bie 9'cadjfofge GSljrifti ift ein \Bernf aum Beiben, oft au fdjillerem Betben. (Simon jjSe±ntB fdjrieb fpiiter: 1 jjSdr. 2,21. .';5a, illir GSljriften finb baou bentfcn, baB illir in ber llBeife GSljrifto nadj~ folgen f ollen, bat illir in bie zyuf3tapfen f eineB BeibenB treten. jjSctruB ljat baB an fidj f eI6it reicljfidj erfaljren: (Sdjliige, ®efangenfdjaft, ~)Ciiv tLJret±ob, ~poft. 4, 5; .';5olJ. 21. Unb illie ljat jjSaului3 leiben milffen, illeir er GSljrifto nadjfoIgte 1 morbem ljaite er gute ~age unb fianb bei ber 854 5DiSpofltionen tibet bie etfie ~bange1ientei~e bet 6l)nobalfonfetcu3. ~er± unb bet jiibifdjen SNtdje in ~oljem ~nfeljen. @:lobalb et abet in bie ~adjfolge (Eljrifti ita±, ljief) c!3 bon iljm: ~poft. 9, 16. @r f eIDer fag±: 2~0t.11,23-27. Unb bon fidj unb aU en Q;ljtif±en fag± et: ,,~it miifien butdj biel 5ttiivfal" ufw., ~poft. 14, 22. 3. ~atUm muf) ba!3 i cin? ~atUm ljat bie ~adjforge Q;~rifti f oldje!3 Eeiben hn ®efoIge? ~eir 5teufel, ~eH unb ber Q;ljriften eigene§ )Jleifdj (Eljriftum unb aUe, bie i~m angeljoten, ljaffen, ~olj.15, 18. 19. Unb weir bie m5eU unb iljt )Jiirft, ber 5teufel, Q;ljriftum unb Die @:leinen ljallen, fo verdten fie biefen aUcrIei Eeiben: @:lpoti, .I;';'o1)n, merfoIgung, mandjer~ lei 5ttiibfaL SDa§ gefiiTIt unferm aUen ~bam nidj±; ba!3 fdjmecH iljm vitiet; et modjte befi en iiberljoven f ein. @r modjte gute 5tage 1)aben unb ttadjiei banadj, fidj biefem Eeiben au entaie1)en. \jSdtll!3 in ~n±iodjien, ®aL 2, 11. 12. ~a, \jSe±ti medeugnungl 4. ~oUen wit auet ~@fu ~iinget fein, fo miiffen luit un!3 felvft bedeugnen, unfern ~iinfdjen unb ~(:eigungen entfagcn, iljnen ®ewart antun, unfet Sheua aUf un!3 ne1)men unb i 0 (Eljrifto nadjforgen. "SDenn wet fein" ufw., m. 35a. ~et bie§ Sheua auwetfen unb fidj ein gutc!3, angeneljme!3 Eeven etljaIten will, bet witb ba§ ewige Eeven, ba§ (EljriftU!3 i1)m etworuen ljat, berIieren. SDer wirb audj rein gute!3 ®ewiffen in biefem Eeven unD fo teine waljr1)aft gutcn 5tage :tjaben. ~ie mandjet ~u±riinnige ljat ba!3 an fidj erfaljtenl )8eifpiefe. - m. 35b. ~et aver aUf @rbcn ein gute!3 Eeven unb gar fein Ec6cn iivet1)aupt ber~ fieri, wei! et (E1)rifto nadjfoIg± unb f ein @bangeIium feftljiiIt, ber beljiiIt ba!3 ewige Eeven. Unb ba§ ift bodj vefier al§ ba!3 aUer6efte Eeben in biefer ~eU. :l)enn: m. 36. 37. - ~a, wenn einer Dn!3 .rereus, ba!3 er aI§ ~adjfolget (E1)tifti itagen mU13, avwerfen unb (Eljrifto 11idJt mcljr nadjfolgen worrte unb iljm bann bieUeidj± aUe &jerrIidjfeit auteiI luiirbe, bie in bief er ~ert au edangen wiite, wa!3 ljUIfe i1)m ba§? @r wiirbe ja ben aTIerfdjrecHicljften @:lcljaben ne1)mcn an feiner @:leeIe: er wiirbe in bie &joUc rommcn, au§ bet er fidj in feiner ~eife edofen fonnie. ~e[dj ein 5tauf dj wiire ba§ I m. 38. :l)ie ungliiuoigen menf djen finb ein (1)eoredjcrif clje§ unb fiinbige!3 ®efcljIedj±. @:lie linb ®o±t ltntreu unb laufcn aU§ einer @:liinbe in bie anbere. UnD wet ~@fu nadjfolgi unb feine ~orte feft~iiH, ben 1)affen biefe menfdjen unD Iadjen iljn au!3 unb berfpotten iljl1. ~enn bet fidj bann abet fcljiim±, ~@fum unb feine ~ode frei 3U oefennen, bann wirb ~@fu§ fidj audj fcljiimen, iljn feinen ~iinger ilU nennen, wenn er rommen witb in ber &jerrIicljreit f eine!3 matet!3 unb mit ben ljeiIigen @ngeIn. ~ie fcljrecniclj wirb ba~ feinl linb ~@fu§ WitD gewif) £ommen in bet &jerrIicljfeit ltfw., ltnb al§~ bann witb er jebem menfdjen nadj fcinen ~crfcn betgeHen, matt1). 16, 27. ~eben Ungliiuvigen witD er bef±mfen wegen feinet im Uw glauuen ge±anen ~erfe; jeben f einer ~iinger aver witb et au!3 ®nabcn beloljncn fiir bie ~erfe, bie er im @Iauoen berriclj±e± lja±. - @ana gewif) wirb ~@fu§ au foldjem ®etidj± £ommen. ~I§ er 10 ilU bem moff Outlines on the Eisenach Epistle Selections. 855 unb au feinen :;Sling ern rebde, ba ftanben etHdje bavei, bie fo range relitcn, lii~ ba~ grolle Clleridj± liner bie ungliiuliigen :;Suben fam. :r>ic~ @eridjt ift ~eute nodj beutricfj au fe~en. linD bie~ @eridjt ift ein 3eidjen unb ~nfang be~ aUergri:illten @eridjg am ~nbe ber jilleIt. [~rift, nimm bein ~reU3 aUf bidj unb forge [~rifto nadj 1 :r>ann ttifft bidj biefe~ @eridjt nidjt. 2ieb 280, 1. 7. :;s.~. Wi mo a dj. Outlines on the Eisenach Epistle Selections. * First Sunday in Advent. REB. 10, 19-25. At the portal of the new church-year we to-day stand in solemn awe, aware of the uncertainty of health and life and wondering what lies ahead of us. It is especially the spiritual side of our eXIstence which is the object of our solicitous concern. Will the new year always find us firmly anchored in the wounds of Jesus, constant in faith, fer- vent in love, a temple of the Holy Spirit, ready to obey the final summons whenever it may come? As thoughts of this nature surge into our minds, we are desirous of receiving a message from God which will be helpful to us at the beginning of another year's pilgrimage. In our text there is a word of admonition from the Lord which, while important at any time, is strikingly appropriate and pertinent to-day. It urges us to adopt Three Resolutions as we look into the future:- 1. To cling to Jesus in true faith; 16. To confess our faith without wavering " 3. To admonish each other to be rich in good works. 1. The author of Hebrews is writing these hortatory sentences standing, as it were, before a splendid painting which he has just finished, showing Jesus as the true divine High Priest, as superior to the priests of the Old Oovenant as an object is to the shadow it casts, as the Ore at or is to the creature. Having summarized in vv.19-21 what he has taught on this all-important topic, he now draws practical conclusions from this teaching. Since the things men- tioned are great truths, great realities, what must we resolve to do? Resolve to go to Ohrist in true faith, he says, v. 22. It is merely .. It is. the intention to furnish English outlines on the so-called Eisenach Epistle-lessons in the ensuing church-year. - EDITORS. 856 Outlines on the Eisenach Epistle Selections. a figurative way of saying, Accept Ohrist as your Savior, boldly, un- hesitatingly put your trust in Him. Many people will not go to Ohrist because they try to make them- selves believe they do not need Him. Of. the Pharisee in the Temple, Luke 18, 9 fl. Others will not go to Him because they feel there are more interesting and attractive things beckoning them-the pleasures and riches of the world. Of. the rich young man, Mark 10, 17 fl. Still others hesitate to draw near because they think their sins are too shocking, too black. Of. Judas. Let us be like Zacchaeus, who went to Jesus although oppressed by a deep sense of his sinfulness. How is it possible for sinners to come to Ohrist, the Holy One? His blood has been sprinkled on our hearts and has cleansed them so that we no longer need have an evil conscience, v.22b. The shedding of His blood has paid our debts, unworthy though we were. Besides, there is the pure water of Baptism, in which He has conferred on us full forgiveness, v. 22 c. We can be sure that, just as Baptism is a reality, so the forgiveness, too, is real. Oonsidering these divine measures and guarantees, there should be found in us not a weak faith, but full assurance of faith, v. 22.- Let the new year be one in which we are characterized by a strong faith. 2. After having placed our hearts in the right relation to Ohrist, we shall have to consider the next resolution proposed to us: to confess our faith without wavering, v. 23. Professing our belief is an act which flows naturally, spontaneously, out of faith; that we still have to be admonished to engage in it is due to our sinful flesh. Op. the words of Jesus, Matt. 12, 34: "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh," and the words of Paul, 2 001'. 4, 13 : "We believe and therefore speak." Exalting the riches oflered us in Ohrist is something we can do without fear of misleading people. One hesitates to recommend cer- tain investments because their security is not above question. In speaking to people of Ohrist, one does not have to fear that a collapse of the market, or an unforeseen drought, or a sudden war, or a virulent epidemic will make the treasures one recommends lose their value. "He is faithful that promised," v. 23. God's infallible Word guaran- tees the utter reliability of the Gospel proclamation. If the early Ohristians, who through confession of their faith often jeopardized liberty, possession of their property and life, were urged to confess Ohrist without wavering, how much more should we gladly testify to the faith that is in us when we, at least normally, can do so without any peril! If our profession is rather weak, is it not because the fire in our heart is not burning so brightly as it should? Let the new year be one of courageous confession. Outlines on the Eisenach Epistle Selections. 857 3. The final resolution which we are urged to make refers to our duty to our fellow-Ohristians; we are admonished to exhort them to become rich in good works, v. 24. Note that what is here inculcated is a special manifestation of brotherly love. Oan we confer a greater favor on a Ohristian brother than leading him into ways of godliness and charity? Before we admonish a fellow-Ohristian in this respect, we must of course show ourselves diligent in well-doing. The parable of the Mote and the Beam here has its application, Matt. 7,3 ff. In order to be able to admonish each other, we should not forsake our assemblies, our meetings, the services of our Ohurch. The main reason of our assembling together is of course the hearing and learn- ing of the Word. But the reason given here must not be overlooked either. When we meet, we have an opportunity to exert a good in- fiuenee on each other. Let the topic of our conversation be not merely the weather or the political election. Remember, the day is approaching, v. 25. This may be the last time that we meet to begin a new chureh-year. Let this move us to take these matters seriously. Hence let the new year be one of mutual admonition. Having these resolutions in our heart and earrying them out, we shall find the new church-year to be a blessed period of our life, con- necting us ever more closely with Jesus Ohrist, our High Priest, who is the same yesterday and to-day and forever. W. ARNDT . • • •