ijJ4rnlngirul muut41y
Vol. VII October, 1936 No. 10
Walther als Xirchenmann. L. Fuerbringer .......•.....•.. 721
Walther, a Christian Theologian. Th. Engelder ••.••••.•••• 731
Walther the Preacher. J. H. C. Fritz. . • • . • • • • . . . . . • • • • . •• 743
Suggested Thoughts on tht; Q.uestion: Can We Escape Both
Traditionalism and Liberalism 1 o. A. Geiseman. .••.•.• , 749
Der Schriftgrund fuer die Lehre von der satisfactio vicaria.
P. E. Kretzmann. • • • • • •• 752
Dispositionen ueber die erste von der Synodalkonferenz
angenommene Evangelienreihe .................... 755
Miscellanea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 770
Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches ..... 774
Book Review. - Literatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 789
Ein Predlger muss nlcht aUein weideR,
also dass er die Schare unterw~loe, wie
eie rechte Christen BOllen sein, sondern
aueh daneben den Woelfen wekren, dass
sie die Schafe niOOt angreiten und mit
falscher Lehre verfuebren und Irrtum ein·
fuehren. - Lulher.
Es ist kein Ding, das die Leute mehr
bel der Kirche bebaelt denn die gute
Predigt. - Apologie, Arl. 2.i.
If the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himselt to the battle?
1 Cor. ~,8.
Published for the
Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States
770 Miscellanea.
The Concordia Seminary Correspondence Courses.
It seems that we still have many pastors among our readers who are
not familiar with the fact that our Seminary is offering graduate work
by mail in a manner that will appeal to every theologian who desires to
do systematic work. The following information is copied from our little
folder and may prove welcome to many brethren:-
Requirements for Admission. - Only such applicants as are now in the
ministry of the Lutheran Church will be considered. Each application will
be judged on its own merits, in agreement with the previous training of
the applicant and his ability to take up correspondence work successfully.
Work done at other institutions must be submitted by transcript or by
other satisfacory evidence. A promise to continue in the ministry of the
confessionally sound Lutheran Church is implied. Application for admis-
sion must be in writing and, if the applicant's name does not appear in the
regular records, be accompanied by such evidence as will establish the
standing of the applicant.
Enrolment. - Enrolment may be made at any time and for any of the
courses listed. The enrolment-fee, which must accompany the application
for each course, is $3 per course, this being merely a nominal fee covering
postage and printing.
OOU1"Ses. - The following courses are offered: -
No. 1. Theological Encyclopedia and Methodology.
No.2. A Study of Luther's Works.
No.3. Biblical Hermeneutics,. Textual Criticism, Higher Criticism.
No.4. Biblical Isagogics.
No.5. Greek and New Testament Exegesis.
No.6. Old Testament Exegesis.
No.7. The English Bible.
No.8. The German Bible and Other Translations.
No.9. A Survey of Church History.
No. 10. Biblical and Christian Archeology.
No. 11. The Historical Background of the Old Testament.
No. 12. The Historical Background of the New Testament.
No. 13. Special Periods of Church History.
No. 14. Symbolics, Confessions, and History of Dogma.
No. 15. Patrology and Patristics.
No. 16. Dogmatics and Biblical Theology.
No. 17. Apologetics and Polemics.
No. 18. Moral Philosophy and Christian Ethics.
No. 19. Pastoral Theology and Church Polity.
No. 20. Catechetics. No.21. Homiletics.
No. 22. Diaconics and Missions.
No. 23. Liturgics, Heortology, Hymnology.
No. 24. Christian Art and Architecture.
No. 25. Psychology and Logic.
No. 26. History and Problems of Philosophy.
No. 27. Antichristian Religions and Philosophy.
It is understood, as a matter of course, that anyone desiring to
undertake intensive studies in any field will receive all the assistance needed
for the work, especially in the matter of an extended bibliography, etc.
To avoid one-sidedness, however, the requirements are that the course as
such be taken before one takes up detailed work in any chosen field.
Diplomas and Degrees. - The chief purpose of the Correspondence
Course is not that of granting degrees. However, since degrees in divinity
tend to give the student an incentive for hard work, and since they usually
result in a better standing for him in the community, the school will grant
advanced degrees as follows: If the student has successfully completed five
courses, one from each of the large groups represented, and has been in
the ministry for at least five years, the degree of Bachelor of Divinity will
be conferred upon the successful completion of the courses, as indicated .
..A thesis is required. With regard to higher degrees no definite arrange-
ments have been completed; but those who are interested and have done
the preliminary work will be dealt with individually. Diplomas will be
given to aU who finish any o,f the la,rger sections, whe,ther they are can-
didates for degrees or not. The fee for a diploma is $5.
List of Books tor the Various Oourses. - Every student enrolled will
be supplied with a list of books and an outline of studies to be used in
the courses. It may be said that it will not always be necessary to study all
the books that are given in the list. Other books in the field, taken from
the student's own library, may be substituted with the consent of the
school. It will be best for the student to submit, at the time of his appli-
cation, a list of the respective books already in his possession. The school
is ready to supply additional bibliographical information to all such as
wish to continue beyond the scope of the courses outlined in our pamphlet
of courses.
The expense connected with the purchase of books may seem high at
first; but the expenditure is spread out over a number of years and will
incidentally result in the collecting of a fairly complete and representative
theological library.
Not all statements of the books listed may be accepted by an orthodox
theologian, and it is part of the work required of students to point out
such false sections. References to clear passages of Scripture or to the
symbolical writings of the Lutheran Church will greatly increase the value
of any criticism offered. Address all communications to-
Director oj El1Jtension D'iviBion, 801 De Mun Ave., St. Loui!!, Mo.
772 Miscellanea.
G:in rihnifdJer $riefter iilie:r hie .tieiHgengeliete+
~iner ber oebeu±enbften romifdHatljolifd}en :itljeoIogen ber &egentnati,
~atf ~rDam, lJeaeic(met e~ in feinem neueften ~erl ,,~~fu~ (;fljriftu~" af~
dnen "graBen j80raug Der romifdjen IDCeBfHurgie, baB aIle @eoe±e Durdj
~riftu~ arB Den einaigen WeitHer an Den j8ater geridjtei tnerDen", tnCiljrenb
in ben morgenfanbifdjen 2iturgien (;fljrift~ gana Bum @ott unD aum fdjrecf~
lidjen ffiidj±er luerbe, au Dem man nur turdj j8ermittrung IDCarias unb ber
S)eHigen geIangen fonne.
:Ilaau bemerft cin beutfdjer romifdj~fatljoHfdjer ~riefter (S)odjfirdje,
1933, 13.325. 326. 328): ,,~n ber romifd}en IDCellIiiurgie, bie in ciner bem
j80ffe unberftCinbIidjen ®pradje gefdert lnirb, ift ~tiftu~ ber alleinige
IDCittIer; dOer f.onft? anllerljaIo ber Iaieinifdjen IDCeffe? im &Iauoen unb
Eeoen ffio~ unh be~ fatljoIifdjen j8offe~? S)ier gUt eine anbere lex: orandi
[@ebet~reger] unb be~ljalli aud} eine anbere lex: credendi [&IauOe~regerl.
IDCan gelj± nid}t burdj (;fljrifium aum j8aier; henn ~riftu~ ift a~fdjnellIidj
@ott. IDCan geljt aU IDCaria unb hen S)eifigen, unh biefe miiffen fiiroittenb
unb oetfoljnenb eintnirfen aUf ben ffiidj±ergoit (;fljriftu~. :Ilie~ ift ber bog"
matifdje S)intergrunb eine~ jeben Salve Regina unb all her Ave Maria unb
unaCiljHger IDCarten" unb S)eHigengeoeie. ~a, unfem :itagen fdjeint e~ oor"
beljaIten aU fein, biefer uneoangelifdjen S)e@auffaffung unb @ebegljaItung
burdj bie :Ilogmaiilierung ber allgemeinen @nabenoermittlung IDCarien~ bie
~rone aUfilufeten. . .. \l'Cudj bem gegentnCirligen ~apft Iiegt bie ~rljeoung
Diefer Eeljre sum alIgemeiu oerpfIidjtenben :Ilogma feljr am S)eraen. ilIeue<
ften~ tnerben aUf \l'Cnregung bei3 romifdjen &eneralfefreiaria±0 ber maria<
nifdjen ~ongregationen tioerall Diei3oeaiigHd}e )Sittfd}riften an ben \l'[pofto<
Hfdjen ®tuljI geleitet; getniffe Orben enttnicteIn einen gro\3en ~ifer in ber
j8eroreitung biefer Eeljre, tnCiljrenb einfidjtige ;itlje.ologen unb \13rofefforen
fdjtneigen - au~ ~ljrfurdjt unD meljr nodj aui3 g:urdji. . .. :Iler fatljoHfdje
(;fljrift, ber im ~bangeIium tnuraert, oetradjtet biefe neuefte bogmatifdje
~nt1uidIung mit tnad}fenber ®orge. IDCaria our IDCittIerin aller @naben
erfICiren ljeillt bodj 1 ~im. 2, 5 aUfljeoen. . .. g:aft mad}ten tnir lagen:
Sl'omm, )Sruber IDCatiin~, fomm tnieber I ...
,,~ir Sl'atljoIifen oon ljeute ... finb mit ffiedjt ftola harauf, bal3 unfere
~irdje Me Sl'irdje he~ @eoe±~ ift; aoer and) ba~ anhere ift unoeftreitoar:
tnir mar t ern ba~ @eoet be~ S)~rm nodj immer. ~ir oe±en meif± oieIe
j8aterunfer ljintereinanber, feljr ljiiufig nur Die ~orte, oljne ben ~nljaIt au
iioerbenfen, meift fO fdjnelI, bal3 b~ :Ilenfen nidjt meljr mitfommt. ~mmer
nodj Wirb bie Ouantttiit iioer bie OuaIitiit gefterrt. ®eit ber .Beit ber
@egenreformaiion ljangen tnir bem j8aierunfer oljne jebe ~anfe unh iloer~
gang ba~ \l'[oe