Full Text for CTM Book Review 7-5 (Text)

<1!uururbtu m4rulugtral ilnut41y CODtiDuiDi LEHRE UND WEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERL Y-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. VII :May, 1936 No.5 CONTENTS Der Pietismus. Theo. Hoyer •...••.•.••.••..••••.•.•.... The Principles and Teachings of the Dialectical Theology. T h. E ngelder •....• Luther, Bucer, and the Wittenberg Concordia. Page 321 329 P. E. Kretzmann • • .• 340 Der Schriftgrund fuer die Lehre von der satisfactio vicaria. P. E. Kretzmann • • .• 348 Beichtrede. o. Kaiser. . . • • • • . . . • . • . • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • .• 350 Dispositionen ueber die erste von der Synodalkonferenz angenommene Evangelienreihe .................... 354 :Miscellanea ........................................ 368 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches .... 374 Book Review. - Literatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 390 Ein P redlger mWlB nlcht alleln weid ... , alao daaa er die 8chafe unterwelse, wle lie rechte Ohrlaten IOllen eeln, sondem such daneben den Woe1fen wehren., da!;!! lie die 8chaf" nlcht angreUen und mit falacher Lehre verfuehren und Irrtum eln· fuebren. - Lulher. Es 1st keln Ding, du die Leute mmr bei der Kirche behaelt denn die JUte Predigt. - Apologi_, Arl. t~. It the t rumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare hlmeel1 to the battle? 1 Ctn'. ~, 8. Published for the Ev. Lut h. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. A CHIVE 390 Book Review. - mteratm. Book Review. - £ttCflltUt. !lUtteftnmentfidje !8ivell'unbe. ~in ,\;danbbudj flir ?Bilienefer. mon 9J1 a t tin ':t lj i 10. mit biden gtavljiidJen :DatfteUungen unb ~nt±en. medag bon ~. j}. 5teinfovf in !Stuttgart. 488 5eHen 5% X 8%, in £eintuanb mit :Deeier, unb tRiicientitc1 gelllllthen. ~rei§: M.8.50. :Diefe l/?BilieUunbel/ ift flit :tfJeoIogen unb aud) gebiIbete £aim beftimmt unb entfJiiIt bid !SdjBne~ unb ®ute~. :Die SUbfldjt Des gau3en lilletfes ift, dne 3U' fammenI)iingenbe ~nljcrHscrngalie bet biblifd)en ?Blid)et haquliieten. :Darin untet' fdJeibet fid) bief, 'l.l.led bon allen iDnftigen ~lnlcitungen in bie ?Bibel: aUe literat' !titif d) en unb teligionsgei d)icl)tIld)C1t j}tagen flnb crusgef d)Ioif en. :Det mertalf ct geljt bon bet i'tbeqeugung aus, bab es elien bie1fadJ an bet tedjten ?BibeUenntnlS feljIt, unb oljne -StueifeI ljat eine foId)e 'l.l.lcife ettuas flit fldj; unb bie :DatfteUung tuftb treffIidj untetfttitt burd) cine \Reilje bon SUlibilbungen, -SufammenfteUung.en, gtujJljifd)en ::DariteUungen unb !latten. ?BefHinbig tuftb cruel) aUf hie ?BibcI fellJft betloiefen, fo bali man immer nuct)icljIagen fann. \Redjt tucttboll unb lili etjiel) t!icl), um ein ~ajJitel f)ercrus3ugreifen, ift Die :Dcttftellung bell mofaifd)en ffied)ts in htei ~crviteIn :erftens bas BffenHldye \Red)t, 3i1leitens bas ~tlbattedjt, btittens bas mBrtet, unb ~riegsred)t. (l:bcnfo tucrtboll ift aud) bie (!;inteUung unb ~nf)aIg, ungaoe lid elncm jo fd)i1lierigen ?Budjc tuie .IdiolJ. ~UJer fteHid) ljaocn 10it aud) fd)lDCrloiegenbc SUusjteUungen ou mad)en. ::Dct mcrfaffer finbet in bem lillott bon bet j}einbfd)aft 3tuijdJen bem 5d)langen' unb lillelbesfamen nid)ts bom ~J(eiiias, f onbem bet @ebanfe ift: 1/ :Der menf d) tann nid)t 3m ffiulje fommen, inbem et flu) bem ?BBfen teftros ljingiut. (!;t fann bon bem ~amjJf gegen hie merflif)tung nid)t Ian en. i'tber bem alio gefetten S1:amjJf iebod) fd)lnebt hie &;;ioffnung aUf ?Befiegung bes ?Biifen unb Die ~rIBfung bon allem i'tbeI hem giittIidjm lillorte gemii~.1/ (5.27.) ::Den ~nf)art bes &;;io~enIiebes !SaIDmo~ be3eld)uet bet metfaffet aiS I/eln -Stuic, gefVtiidj 3i1ltfdJen ?Briiutigam unb !Braut, besieljungstucife 3tuifdjenlJJ(ann unb lilleib", unb gibt ag SUbfidjt bes ?Bud)es an: I/:D,et ::Didjter befingt bas @Iiici bet ~inelje, bas et erlellt ~at." (5.376-378.) Unb io fBnnten tuft nodj. meljt 'Sterren geItenb mcrdjen, bie unfere Shim I)etausruTen bei ~efaias, ::Daniel unb anDern bibIiidJen ?Budjem. SUber vriifenbe £efet filnnen aus bem ?Bucf)e gar mandJcs lemen. £. j} li t b tin get. The Interpretation of St. Paul's First and Secoll1d Epistle to the Corinthians. By R. C. H. Lenski. Lutheran Book Concern, Colum- bus, O. 1,383 pages, 5%X9. Price, $5.00. Order from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. Here we are furnished another one of the masterly volumes from the pen of Dr. Lenski which, when their numoer is complete, will constitute a commentary on the New Testament that friend and foe will have to acknowledge as a splendid contribution to Lutheran literature. The Lu- theran Book Concern, we ought to add, announces that "the finished manu- scripts for the remaining books of the New Testament are in the hands of the publishers and will be issued at the rate of one or two per year." Like the other volumes of this series, this one is of attractive exterior and invites reading through the beautiful large type· used by the printer, who evidently put the salus oculorum leetoris above the considerations of his Book Review. - £iteratur. 391 own exchequer. In examining the contents, one will at once be struck with the author's refusal to fall in with any of the dissecting theories of critics who see in Second Corinthians a medley of letters joined together rather awkwardly, without satisfactory transitions. It is wholesome read- ing to see how thoroughly and mercilessly he applies the broom to all the hypothetical cobwebs which some scholaTs have spent precious yeaTs in constructing. Next the conseTvative Lutheran Teader will not fail to Te- mark the uncompromising adherence to the teaching of inspiration which here directly and indiTectly is in evidence. On page 10 we read: "The Holy SpiTit guided Paul's mind and thought, so that the result bears the divine stamp." I Cor. 14, 37. 38. "This written result is the real evidence of in- spiration. It governs in indissoluble union Paul's thought and his wOTd. This is what the Church terms verbal inspiration, - and tl1cre is none other as a point of fact. Not one wTong or faulty word; Paul's mind in- deed; Paul's tllOughts indeed; Paul's words indeed; yet all of them undeT the divine mind and will." That the theology of the authoT as reflected in his comments is altogether Christocentric needs no proof where his books are known. In the exegetical process Dr. Lenski follows the old, proved method, translating the sacred text, explaining grammatical and textual matters that are difficult or peculiar, and setting forth teTsely, in language of his own, the thoughts and truths the passage contains. Here as well as in his former commentaries he refrains from cataloguing all the various views which in the course of centuries have been uttered in the attempt to inter- pret these epistles. Since the readers of this review will be inteTested in haying placed before them Dr. Lenski's interpretation on some much- discussed passages, I shall briefly submit his commcnts or opinion on a few of them. In 1 COT. 7, 12 the statement of St. Paul which has perplexed some Bible-readeTs, "Now to the rest say I myself, not the Lord," is given this satisfactory interpretation: "Jesus had no occasion to pronounce on the sort of cases that Panl had to treat among the Corinthians. Hence Paul cannot appeal to a logion, or statement, of Jesus when instructing the Corinthians regarding these. He must speak (lego) regarding this type himself; but he docs so as an apostle, with divine apostolic authority. Thus, as he writes, divine inspiration applies to what he now records as his own apostolic statement just as fully as it did to what he records in restating the Lord's logion in its application to the Corinthians, YV. 10. 11." (P. 295 f.) The difficult passage 1 Cor. 15,29, speaking of baptism "fOT the dead," is Tendered and explained as follows: "'Else what shall they do who are baptized with a view to the dead,' that is, who by the work and example of Christians who have passed on are induced to have themselves baptized 1" (P. 703 if.) On 1 Cor. 14, 34 this is the salient comment: "Any act on the part of women which sets aside her subjection to man is in violation of the 'Law,' the will of God as expressed in cTeation and stated in His Word. An act of such a nature would be the speaking of womell in the public services either in a tongue or a prophecy." (P.627.) The mention of the "third heaven" in 2 Cor. 12,2 is thus commented on: "The first heayen is that of the clouds, the second that of the faT firmament of the sky and the stars, the third is the actual abode of God, of the angels, 392 Book Review. - 52itetatut. and of departed saints in glory." (P. 1333.) In a few instances I prefer a different interpretation. While I agree that in 1 Cor. 3, 13 "the day" refers to Judgment Day, "gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble," of v. 12 seem to me, according to the context, not to refer to the teachings uttered by Christian pastors, but to their activities in general. Likewise with respect to 1 Cor. 12, 10, it seems to me that the better interpretation of the term "divers kinds of tongues" is ecstatic speech and not foreign tongues which the speaker has never learned. But is absolute uniformity of an exegete's views with our own in respect to every little exegetical detail to be the criterion which decides acceptance or rejection of his com- mentary? If that were the case, I am afraid the reader could mention but few commentaries which would escape being put on his black list. From such lengths of fanaticism may the Lord graciously preserve us! The little snatches of interpretation submitted cannot, and are not intended to, give an adequate idea of the thoroughness with which exegetical difficulties are discussed in this work; they will, however, confirm the impression which my remarks, I hope, have created, that here we have a commentary which is scholarly, conservative, and doctrinally reliable. The presentation throughout is clear, vigorous, and stimulating. Hence the book can be warmly recommended. W. ARNDT. Qlegenl11ntt~ftngen in ber neuteitnntentlidjen jffiiffenfdjnft. 1. ~(,I;fus ag stiimpfet. 2. lUlat ~(,I;fus ~ube 1 3. II(rtgemiiiles ~ljtiftentum. mon ~ 0 lj ann e s 52 e i p 0 ( b t. II(. :s:leief)ettfd)e metlagsbuef)ljanbfung, 52eipaig. 1935. 133 15eiten 6X9. IllteiS: RM.3.80. lUlenn mit auef) bie 15teUung BUt 15ef)tift bermetfen, bie buref) bes merfaffets lI(usftiljrungen ljinbutd,jef)immett, unb menn auef) feine lUlcije, bon ~(,I;iu au teben, bie @ottfjeit bes &'deHanbes nief)t gentigenb veaef)tet, fo geben mit bo.ef)' geru BU, bail man biefaus bief et mtof ef)tite reruen fann. :s:lanfbat nimmt bet 52ef er im etften lI(uff at bie {luf ammenfteUung beff en im 'J1euen :teftament, mas uns ben &'d(,l;rru ~Cffum im stampf g·egen feine i\'einbe 3e1gt, entgegen. II(vet menn 52eipofbt mcint, in bel' 15ef)ilbetung bei smattljiius im metgfeief) mit bet bes smatfus cine gemiffe {lurtidl)aftung oU finben (15. 11), fo mag bas mol)f an biefen 15teUen au~ treffen, meH eben SJJlatfus anfef)aufief)et et3iil)ft aIS smattl)iius jaber es ift nief)t 3U tiberfel)en, bail aum meifpief bas nieberfd)metterube lUlef)efapitef fief) getabe bei smattl)iius finbet (smattl). 23). ~n bem lI(uffat tibet hie i\'rage "lUlat ~(,I;fus ~ube 1" meint 52eipofbt, aus ben lUlorten ~(,I;ju smart 12, 35. 36 ben 15ef)fuil 3iel)en au mtiffen, ~(,I;jus fel)ne bie mOtfteUung ab, bail bet lJRefjias bon :s:labib aVBu, ftammen l)abe (@3. 18). lUlefef) cine ganB unbeteef)t1gte i\'ofgetung! &'diet finb aUetlei (,I;riitterung.en eingef(oef)ten, bie iiuilerft intetefiant finb, mie bie reHgionsgefd)ief)t, Iief)en metraef)tungen tibet ben 15onnenfef)itm, bas stuftbifb unb Me :temper. lI(uf bie bon il)m gefteUte i\'tage antmottet bet metfaffet, bail ~(,I;fus fomof)f tibet bas ~ubentum mie auef) tibet bas @tieef)entum f)inausgefje (15. 63). ~ft in bem britten lI(uffat, ber bonattgemiiilem ~l)riftentum ljanbeft, bie mef)auptung rief)tig: ,,(,I;benjo mtiffen unfere smiffionare im ftemben 52anbe ein ~l)tiftentum betfiinben, bas bort artgemiiil if til (15. 68) 1 :s:la ift bod) ber Unterjcf)ieb amifef)en ~nl)aft unb i\'orm bermifd)t. 150 entf)iift bas muef) bier i\'effefnbes, 'J1eues unb II(n3ief)enbes, aver aud) mand)~s, bem mit unjere miUigung berjagen mtiffen. :s:laslUlerf fef)fieilt mit cinem "lI(usbHd" vettteften stapUef, morin bbUSttimfief)e II(rt in ben berfd)ie, benen {lmeigen ber d)tiftHd)en stiref)e fUr, erottert mitb. lUl. II( t n b t. Book Review. - 5.JUer.atut. 393 The· Greatest Thing in the World. By Henry Dr·ummond. The· Gospel Trumpet Co., Anderson, Ind. 72 pages, 4X6. PricH, 50 ets. Henry Drummond, a Scotch goologist and religious "'Titer, professor of Natural SeiHncH in the Free Ohurch College, Glasgow, died March 11, 189'7, who, like his rich banker father of the same' name, was an a.rdent adherent of Irvingianism, is still widely known by his, two little books: The Nu-tuml Lu-w in, the SpiritUrLl World (1883), an attempt to a.pply in a. modified way thH evolutionistic principles of Danvinism to' the sphere of the spiritual life, ancl: 'l'he Gnu-test Thing in the World (1890),. an exposition and application of Paul's wonderful anthHm of lo·ve, 1 Co'1'. 13. Of the two, the latter is thH more suitable fm Christian rre.ders in general. Strictly spHaking, it is not really exegetical, but rather illustrative and applicatory. Its attractive style and profound, sparkling thoughts have ma.de it a. litera.ry favmite in Christian circles ever since, its appearance. Not always does it me·asurH up to orthodoxy. Inaccuracies' a,bound, as do also ambiguities. Obviously the author did not possess, a, clen.r idea, of the basic distinction between La,w and Gospel, justifica,tion and sanctifi- cation. His illustrations a.t times a,re misleading. "Remain side by side with Him who loved us," he says· (p. 50), "and you will bHcome, a, per· manent magnet." The author should ha,vo explained what it means to remain side by side with Jesus; as it is, both the Fundamentalist and the Modernist will S9,y amen to the statement, though each in a different meaning. The sweet passagH Jolm 3, 16 he! explains in this sense: "Who- soever Zoveth Him shall lla,ve everlasting life_" You ma.y say this, pro- vided you explain faith correctly and the, relation between faith and love (p. 63'). To ask "Who is Christ 1" and then to answer: "He who, fed thH hungry," etc., is not a, distinctively Ghristian charactHrization of the divine-human Christ, who died for the sins of the: world as His primary work on earth. To propound the questiDn, "Whe're is Christ?" and then simply to· re·ply: "WhDSO shall receive a, little child in My namH," etc., certainly does not treat tha.t important query adequa,tely (p. 72). In spite of its faults Drummond's The GTeate.~t Thing in the WoTld has become a quasi-class.ic in the religious lite'rature of England and America, so that it ought to be read (though not implicitly accepted) by Christian min- isters. J. T. MUELLER. The Cross of Christ. By James H. Todd. The Bible Institute Colportage As,s{)ciation, ChicagO'. 128 pages, 4% X 6%. Price, 20 ctE!. A ba.d spot on an apple may not spoil that Hntire apple, but it will certainly ma.r its beauty and its usooulness. Even SO' with a, book. The little book under review has such bad s.pots. ThH author says, page 99': "If one is: to use Scripture accurately, he must admit that redemption is not by the dHath of Christ, but by His blood; fDr tha,t is its me'aning in the New Testament (Eph. 1,.7; 1 Pet. 1, 18. 19'; Rom. 3, 24. 2S)." The Scripture uses both expressions in spHaking of our redemption by the blood of Christ and by the dea.th of Cl1rist. We read Rom. 5, 10 that "we were' reconciled to God by the death of His Son." On page 61 Mr. Todd says: "Notice has been taken Df the different passages where Christ is said to have died for others" and it has been shown that the word 'for' signifies 'on behalf of! In Matt. 20', 28 and Ma.rk 10, 45, 394 Book Review. - ~iteratur. where His coming 'to give his life a, ransom for many' are' the words used, the word 'fO'r' means 'instead O'f'; for it is the Greek word anti. In 1 Tim. 2,6 there is almost the very same expression; only instead of the word 'many' it is 'all'; and the word 'for' is, not 'anti,' but 'uper,' on bchaU of; so the perfect accura,cy o,f the Scriptures is e,vident. He gave, Hilllself to provide, a ransom 'on behalf of aU,' but it was 'instead of' the many, not O'f aU; for aU do not accept the sacrifice. Christ the'refore' was' a Sub- stitute for all whO' believe' on Him as their Savior. It was when He hung on the cross that He became the Substitute and not during His, life." Evidently Mr. Todd, in accordance with Calvinistic teaching, is denying that Christ died instead a,f all; he denies universal gra,ce. This he, tries to' defend by sa,ying that twO' different Greek prepO'sitians are used MaH. 20', 2,8, and 1 Tim. 2, 6. He says that the Greek pre'pasitiO'n aV,);L means instead of and lm;EQ means merely in, behalf of. Says Robertson: "All three prepO'sitions, U3tEQ, aV,);L, 3tQo, yield themselves na,turally to' the idea of substitution where the cO'nnection calls for it." (A Short (l1-ammar of the Greek New Testament, p. 124. ) Thayer, in his G1·eek Lexicon, says that U3tEQ with the' genitive mlLy mean in place nf, instead of. Be'sides, there are many, many Bible-passages which prove that Christ died as the Substitute of all sinners, Rom. 5, 18; John 1,29; 2 Pet. 2, 1. In reference to' the, Lord's Supper Mr. Todd teaches tIle Reformed doc- trine, which denies the real presenc8' of Christ's body and blood in the Sacrament. He sa,ys: "The bread and the· wine are, simply memorials of the body and blaod of Christ. Believers dO' nat come, to' the Lord's Table to' feed on Ghrist, but to' take the' emblems provided in memory o·f Him and of His death fo'1' them, recognizing that the,y ha,ve already eternal life by faith 'in Him as Sa,vior and Lord." It is very regrettable that Christians who in all sincerity mean to teach the truth will not abide by the plain words and the plain teachingE af Scripture. Universal grace, for ins,tance, is taught thrO'ughout the Scriptures in such unmistakable W'01"ds that anyone whO' takes the, Bible, as it reads mus,t accept this, doctrine, o·f universal grace. Yet Calvinists persistently and stubbornly deny it and the,reby rob the sinner O'f the positive, assurance of his, salvation. According to' Ca,lvinistic doctrine many canno,t be sa,ved because they ha,ve nO' Savio'r. If ther€' is nO' universal grace, what real assuring cO'mfOirt can a pastor nf the' Calvinistic type' give to' a, dying sinner? J. H. 0'. FRITZ. The Beloved Physician of Teheran. The Miracle of the Conversion of Dr. Sa'eed, Khan, Kurdistani, Lokman-il-Mulk. By Isaac Malek Yonan, sometime professor at Urmia COillege, Persia. Cokesbury Press, Nashville, Tenn. 117 pages, 5% X 8. Price, $1.00. Order through Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. That the mission spirit is not dead in our Ameri.can Christians is proved by the numerous mission books which are put on the market in our country in ever greater number, and much more sO' by the fact that they sell. Yonan's The Beloved Physician of Teheran, we are sure, will find many interested readers. The author, a native-born Persian, by his own claim a descendant of the old Assyrian race, which was largely con- verted to the Christian (Nestorian) faith at an early time O'f the Chris- Book Review. - mtetatut. 395 tian Church, tells of the conversion and the successful missionary work of a converted Kurd, formerly a bigoted Mohammedan, but after his con- version a humble, devout Christian medical missionary, whose proficiency in medical science enabled him at last to serve even kings and princes. But always he is true to the real mission of his life - the testimony of Jesus, in whom he has found the divine Savior. The difficulties which are encountered in connection with mission-work among the Mohammedans are graphically described in the book and still more so the numerous trials which those must endure who abjure Mohammedanism and espouse the Christian faith. J. T. MUELLER. Ralph Norton and the Belgian Gospel Mission. By Edith l!'. Norton. Introduction by Oh. G. Trumbull, editor of the SunMy-8choo~ Times. Fleming H.Revell Company, New York. 253 pages, 7:!hX5. Price, $2.00. Order through Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. The story of Ralph Norton is told in a fascinating manner in these pages, the biography being woven around the founding and development of the Belgian Gospel Mission, now known the world over. Started in 1918, in the mist of Roman Catholicism, by Mr. and Mrs. Norton, the mission to-day maintains 66 posts of evangelization, distributed over nine provinces of Belgium. Two Bible schools are maintained, providing a two-year course in practical Bible-training and a third year of practical work. Summer campaigns are conducted with two Gospel tents and two Gospel cars; also open· air meetings are held in public places, together with an intensive distribution of Gospel literature. The work is delightfully prepared in attractive literary style. W. G. POLACK. The, Highway to Happiness. Twenty-five sermons by Archibald Alex- ander Little, D. D. Zondervan Publishing House<, Grand Rapids, Mich. 204 pages, 5:!hX7%,. Price, $1.25. The tenor of these' sermons can be< soon from the following quota,tions: "There' can be no doubt of wha,t Judel meant by thel phrase - 'The Faith.' It was tha,t body of teaching begun in E'den, expressed by Moses and the prophets, confirmed and illumined by Jesus in His lifH and death, preached by the apostles and accepted by the Church as its: final cree tooward Ohrist. It is gross Calvinistic lea,ven which lIas crept in a.t this pooint. Furthermore:, the writer permitted himself to' be, drawn a,way intO' the> pietistic extra,vaganees Qf thoose Ho~iness groups whose perfectionism manife·sts. itself in such fanatic isms, as complete self-surrender and victQrious life. (Of. p. 95: "Too the truly surrendered believer the question o,f amusements is no. seTiQus difficulty. TIm fully surrendered sOoul is fully and cQmpletely satis.fied with Jesus." Or p.9'4: "Are yQU living a. surrende,red life?") This is, the language" noot of SQund Lutheranism, but Qf mmbid Methoodism. The authm has used the Revised VersiQn,. whOose revisions at times are quite disturbing tOo tho'se whO' have leaTned their Bible-passages from tIle' King James VersiQn. We regret that we must discover these errors in !t work which we shQuld like too recoommend in view of the fact tha.t gQQd liter!tture on sQul-winning is, ne'cded. But such litem.turel must be entirely free from Calvinistic subjectivism and enthusiasm and thoorQughly Lutheran in spirit and expressiQn if it is to· se,rvel its purpose, of building up and preserving a, truly Lutheran Church in America. J. T. MUELLER. How too Teach Evangelical Christianity with -Speci!tl Reference too the, Word Qf Good. By Theodor Heckel. Zondervan Publishing Hnuse, Grand Rapids, Mieh. 121 pages, 514X71f2. Paper. Price, 75 cts. Order through Concordia. Publishing House" St. Louis, Mo. A translation by N. E. Richa,rdson and K. J. Stratemeier of oone Q,f the Qutstanding cQntributions, too modern religious pedagogy. Rev. Heckel is SuperiQr OonsistQry Counsel Oof the German Evangelica,l Ohurch Union and in this vnlUllle Ooffers his cOontributioon to. methQdology in a. simple style that easily causes one too QverlQQk the prQfoound scholarship and pedagQg- ical mastery with which the bOQk is written. The reader will find as notable a, combination Qf modern psychology and methodology applied too the, old Bible history and Ca,techis.m material, as can be fnund anywhere in modern literature. The translators deserve: our thanks, for having made this text !tvaHable fOT the American teacher of religion. TH. GRAEBNER. The' EducatiQnal PhilQsophy of Herman Bavinck. A Text-book in EducatiQn. By ConlClins Jaa1'srna, Ph. D_ Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub- lishing' Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 242 pages, 514 X 7%. Price, $2.50. Although the subtitle of this book refers. to' it as a text-boQk in educa.- tion, it me·rits mention in the columns of a. theological jQurnal since Ba,vinck was, as tlJCo preJace sa.ys of him, a. theologian-philosopher-educator, and hence the views which an', presented in this book frQm 11is many writings have a, thorQughly theQlogical background, namely, that of Dutch- Reformed Oalvinism. This appears in the' fact that the entire book presup- 398 Book Review. - \literatur. poses the gQverning thQught Qf the sovereignty of God. We were obliged to pla,ce que'ries in a number Qf places, a,g, when it is, stated Qf Bavinck tha,t he, was "unequivocaUy in favor o,f woman suffrage in bOoth State, and Church" (p. 32), that "all coercion and punishment should ceHse," (p. 173), that "the, Church Universal is an institution in sQciety which has as its prima,ry objective, the purificatiQn of aU of society from evil" (p. 190), and elsewhere. Kcvertheh,ss tlwre a,re, sections Qf great beauty and power in tlw book, which are well worthy Qf ca.reful study in these days of an uncertain and inadequate, educa.tional philQsophy Qn the' part of many educators, religious and otherwise. We are told, for example, that "true piety, O'l'ganically united with sQund knQwledge and genuine, culture, con- stitutes, the fundamental a.im Qf education. It includes, the' intellectual, emntiQnal, volitional, moral, social, vocational, and spiritual adjustment nf man tnward a goal which is not static, but O'rganic." (P.135f.) .Again: "The social function of educa,tion is essential. Justice' and love, the grea,t social virtues, can be leaa-ne.d most effectively by actual sha,ring O'f group responsibilities." (P.163.) .Again: "Method is the, systematic, planned order of prQcedure used by the' teache,r to' aid the lea,rner in acquiring certain skills and attitudes. It must be vitalized by the spontaneity and creativity of the tea,cher's persnnality to' be most effective'." (P.174.) .Again: "Education should take account of the' individual in the de,velop- ment of his personality, but at the same' time' rega,rd him as a, member of society into which he must gro,w by continuous adjustment. Eclueation is both an individual and a social process." (P. 181.) Passages of this kind abound throughout the book. In short, if onel is studying educa,tional philosophy from the Christian vieiWpO'int, he, will do well to include this book in his bibliography. P. E. KRETZMANN. The American College and University. A Hum~n Fellowship. By Gharles li'ranlclin Thwing, president emeritus O'f Western Reserve, Unive,rsity and .Adelbert CO'llege. The Macmillan Company,. New York. 244 pages, 5%,XS. Price, $2.25 . .Although not a theological work, Dr. Thwing's new and valuable book on the, .American college and university mm'its notice' among the book reviews O'f this periodical fOol' the simple reason tha,t the educa,tional in- terests' of our country figure S0' la,rgely and impnrtantly in the work of our Church. Our own system of parochial schools, though independent of 8ta,te regulation, and above all our system of junior colleges" thQugh having its own mold and objective, cannot be divorced from the lower and higher educational systems current in O'ur country and their far- reaching influence'S. Arid certainly, nO' one, can write! better on the subject than an educatnr like Dr. Thwing, whO' fOol' mnre than thirty years, was, president of a, prominent nniversity and besides is the' authnr of forty books on education (among these: Amerio~n Oolleges: Their Students and Work; The Amerioan Oollege in Ame'rio~n Life; Higher Eduoation in Ame1'ica: A History; History of Education in the United States' sinoe the Oivil War; The American and the German University, etc.). AmO'ng the subjects which Dr. Thwing treats, in the present volume are: The Private Uni- versity; The 8ta,te University; Financial Rela.tions of the' State and Other Universities; The Faculty; The Students,; Faculty and Students; Book Review. - 53ttefntuf. 399 The F'amily; The Fraternity; The' L.ibrary; Athletics; Cooperation of Graduates; The President; The Community and the University; Sum- maries, and Conclusions. Lack of space renders it impossible· fm us to expatia.te on the principles auel vie'ws which the, writer establishes> on these topics; but be it said that his profound learning, his; valuable, experiencc, and his lively, broad sympa.thie& an~ put too the best use in his discussions. Of special importance is the final chapte.r, in which he sets fmth his sum- maries and conclusions (noot always in agreement with our orwn), espe- cially on the feUowship values which must be considered in scholastic circles and their erxtrascholastic conta,cts. Here the author advoca.tes a syncretism which Lutheranism can never accept; fm he contends that for the sake of the fellowship the histodc religions! mus.t emphasize their com- mon foundations and uniting agreements and present their fundamental faiths in and to the .Americau cnlleges in inspiring pra,ctise and forma.tive influence (p. 235). Speaking of the service rendered by educatms, he· sa.ys with much warmth: "It is a service' for the giving of which every man of the conege order and traditinn may thank his God for the privilege of rendering" (1'.237). Dr. Thwing's book is one that teachers and those intc'l·ested in education cannot ignme. J. T. MUELLER. Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention, Associated Lutheran Charities:. September 10-13, 1935. St. Paul, Minnesota. 115 pages, 6 X 9. Price, $.1.00. Order from Rev. J. H. Witte, 30>2, Tuscola. Road, Bay City, Mich. This, report of the last annual convention of the Associa,ted Lutheran Charitie:s is so comprehensive and many-sided that we have space tOo refer to only some of the outshnding fea,tures. The association now has a memhership of 71 institutions, including 16 hospitals, 8 orphanages, 11 child-welfare organizatiom., 22 institntional missions, 11 old people's homes, and 3 edncational institutions. The property owned by these organizations is valned at $.8,764,674. Besides the customary business transactions, which occupy very little space, the report offers in full the eighteen ad- dresses and essays delivered at the four-day convention, also a summary of the subjects presented at the five institutes which were conducted in connection with the convention. Ma.tters of vital interest were dis- cussed, and all who are: at all interested in this work a.s condncted under the auspices of our Church will flnd a. great deal of s.timulating ma.terial in this volume. P. E. KRETZMANN. Third Bulletin of Distinctive Choral Music. Selected for the Choral Union. 1935-1936. The Walther League, Chicago, Ill. 30 pages, 6X9. The Choral Union, sponsored by the Walther League, under the leader- ship of a competent committee, is doing some excellent work in making our leaguers and other members of our Ch1l1"ch conscious of, and familiar with, the rich heritage of music which is onrs. This pamphlet discusses "Philosophy Underlying 'Our ::VIusic-making," "Development of Junior Choirs," "Development of Children's Choirs," and offers a splendid list of suitable anthems for the entire church-year. This undertaking deserves the earncst support of our whole constituency. P. E. KRETZJ\iANN. 400 Book Review. - i3iteratur. BOOKS RECEIVED. From the United Lutheran Publication House, Philadelphia,'- Confirmation Candles. By Paul J. lloh. 32 pages, 5X8. From the Abingdon Press, New York, Oincinnati, Ohicago,'- The Church We Love. A Book of Remembrance. A Companion for the Quiet Hour. A Manual of Instruction. For Every Member, Old and Young. By Luther E. Lovejoy. 39 pages, 4X6%. Price, 25 cts. Challenge and Power. Meditations and Prayers in Personal and Social Religion. For Individual and Group Use. Praise, Prayer, and Fel- lowship. Compiled and edited by Wade Orawf01"d Barclay. 207 pages, 414 X 6%. Price, $1.00. " And Peter." A Short Mystery Play for East€rtide. By Phil- lips Endecott Osgood. 8 pages, 6 X 9. Price, 15 cts. Christ and His Cross. By W. RusseU MaUby, D. D. 174 pages, 4%X7. Price, $1.50. F}'om the Warner Press, Anderson, Ind.:- Beautiful Girlhood. By Ma,bel Hale. 189 pages, 5X71jz. Price, $1.00. Beyond These Days. A Book of Verse. By Albert EmeTson BTown. 79 pages, 4X6. Price, 50 cts. Beside Still Waters. Meditations and Prayers on the Meaning of Death. By Telfair L. Boesch. 32 pages, 514 X 8. Price, 25 cts. FTom Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing 00., G'rand Ra,pids, Mioh.:- Voices from Calvary. By HarTY RimmeT, D. D. 142 pages, 514X7%. 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