<1rnurnrbiu ID4tnlngirul :d[nut~ly Continuing LEHRE UND VVEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. VII April, 1936 No.4 CONTENTS The Principles and Teaching's of the Dialectical Theology. Th. Engeldtr . • • • • • • • •• 241 Der Pietismus. Thea. Hoyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . . • . • • •. 252 Biblical Methods of Poor-Relief. V irtu. Gloc. • • . . • . . . . . • .• 262 Der Schriftgrund fuer die Lehre von del' satisfactio vicaria. P. E. Kretz mann. • . • . • •• 278 Dispositionen ueber die erste von del' Synodalkonferenz angenommene Evangelienreihe .............. . .... . 281 Miscellanea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 296 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches . . . .. 300 Book Review. - literatur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 311 Ein Predlger muu nlcht allein weidm, also dass er die Scbafe untel"Weloe, wle • Ie rechte Cbrl ten IOllen ""in, IOndern aucb daneben den Woelfen wehrm. daM ole die Schafc nlcbt angreifen und mit faIscher Lebre verfuebren und Irrtum ein· fuehren. - Luther. E. 1st kein Ding, d •• die Leute mehr bei der Klrche beboeit denn die gute Predigt. - 4pologie, 4rt. !~ . If the trumpet give an uncertain ""und, who shall prepare bimself to tbe hattIe? 1 Oor. 4.8. l'ublished for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other Sta t es CONCORDIA l'UBLISHING H OUSE, St. Louis, Mo. ARCHIV Book Review. - 53itetatut. 311 Book Review. - £iteflttuf+ An Introduction to the Books of the Old Testament. By W. O. E. OesteTlcy, D. D., Litt. D., and TheodoTe H. Robinson, D. D., Litt. D. The Macmillan Co., New York. 454 pages, 5'hX8%. Price, $4.00. This book, together with Bewer, An IntToduction to the LitemtuTe of the Old Testament, will undoubtedly be one of the standard text-books on Old Testament introduction during the next decades, perhaps replacing Driver, whose IntToduction, though still quite popular and frequently quoted, is gradually being regarded as antiquated. vVhile Driver endeav" ored to be conservative, Oesterley-Robinson is far more radical, though the authors 110 longer blindly follow Graf-IVellhausen, as was the custom of Old Testament critics for upward of fifty years. To mention just a few examples of the rather extreme position taken by the authors, the Book of Esther is said to be an adaptation of an old Babylonian myth, Mordecai being eqnated with Mardnk, Esther with Ishtar, etc. Page 124 f. we read: "The history of a considerable part of Ezra-Nehemiah is unreliable. This is to be accounted for (a) by the fact that our book is a compilation and the sources used have been unskilfully put together; (b) because the compiler's knowledge of the period of history dealt with was inadequate owing to the want of data)' and (c) because the compiler had some pre- conceived ideas with which he colored the history." The authors prove their adequate knowledge of the period of history dealt with and their complete lack of preconceived ideas by endeavoring to prove that Ezra came to Jerusalem half a century later than Nehemiah, the latter al'l'iving in 444, the former in 397. In the paragraph entitled "Other Views of the Structure and Dates of the Pentatench" we read (p. 64): "We may further view the type of view represented by Moeller (Wider den Bann deT Quellen- sche'idung, 1930), which endeavors to save the unity of the Pentateuch (and incidentally its Mosaic authorship) by explaining the two names as indicating different meanings, Elohim being used when the reference is to the God of nature, Yahweh implying the God of revelation. Harford (Since WeUhausen) has no difficulty in showing the weakness of this position." Indeed, if that were the only reason why Moeller and the type of view J'epresented by him reject the modern critical theories, there would be no difficulty in refuting their point of view. One need, however, but read Moeller's Quellenscheidung, his Ei1J,heit und Echtheit der fuenf Bueoher Moses, and his Einleitung, also the works of other representatives of his view in order to be convinced that this view is in better keeping with the laws of logic and hermeneutics, with Scriptural theology, with history and linguistics, as evidenced by the recent archeological excavations, than the theories of radical critics. Time and space forbid our entering upon a full discussion of all the unscriptural and illogical opinions found in the book. Our readers ought to buy this book, if at all they can afford it, in order to acquaint them- selves with the trend of modern criticism. To a reader grounded in the faith, such books will serve only to strengthen his conviction that the Bible is indeed the infallible Word of God and in spite of all attacks from un- believing critics will endure to eternity. THEO. LAETSOH. 312 Book Review. - 53ttetntur. 'l)1l5 ~ofJllnttdHtbangenU11t. ii6erfett unD ausge!egt bDn Dr. theol. ® i r ~ ~ e r m 5 cl) U t. (\juftab 5cl)liiflmanns ~\erfags6ud)~anbrung (@uftab j}icf) , £lei~gi(J. 156 l5eHen 5Yz X S:"4. qlteis: .Rartonieti, RM. 2.60; in @all3~ leinen ge6unDen, RM. 3.40. 'tlics ift tiner bel' etflen manbe cines ,,~lDltSfommentats fUr ben f,d)Hcl)ten mtoellefer", tuie bet merlag fcl)reibt, aud) genanlLt "milieH)ilfe fUr bie @emelnbe". ,(lloed bet 5erie ift, bie mUd)et bet mibd bcm ungeleljrten mDrt in einfad)er neuet [tberfeultng mit fd)1id)ter l5acl)etflantng ulLb ~lntuenbltng 3lt geben. D. ecl)tit ift :tIire!tor bes Si)o111Tanbibalenftiftes merlin ltnb augenfcl)einlid) eln llillelgliiubiger @elel)tter. l5eine iilierfetung bes ;;sol)annesebangeHu111s ift im groflcn unb gan3en gut gelungen. SDie ~uslegung leljl't bie @ottmenfd)ltcl)feit ;;s(!;fu unb bie bul'd) ~l)tiftu11l gefcl)clJcne (!;tIiifung. SDas IBlld) entl)iilt befonbcrs bide anregcnbe uub luetlbolfe @eDauren fUt hie Ij:\rebigt. 5d)abe ift es, baji het merfaffer ;;sol). 6 b0111 l)ciligen ~benbmalJl bcrftel)t unb fid) i111met wiebel' batauf be3ieljt (e. 59. 62. 63. 108). SDes metfaffets eteUung 3U hem :l:ebt bes (!;bangeliums ift ettuas gu fl'ei, wie lneun et aUf 15. 85 lleljau~tet, bafl bie ,ziueinanbetfitgung het I5tiicfe in ;;sol). 10 nicl)t bie lltfprtinglicf)c ift. ~(1lCl) einigc anbete mtevi wetben bC111 £lefet auffaUen, wie bie ,(leitbered)nung ber erften llteinigung bes :tem~efs (e. 28), hie bod) hure!) bie ,(leitangabe bon bet SDauet bes maus flargefteUt ltlitb. ~uf 5. 36 pl)ilof ot,f)iett bet ~\etfaffer eHoas tiber ben burel) bie :l:aufe bewirtten @lauben in stinilcm. Unfete 13eljre bon bet .Rinbedaufe bcru~t nid)t aUf menfcl)1id)ct e~efu, latiou, filnbern aUf l5d)tiftwaljrljeit. ~lber bet Ij:\aftot, bet neue ~ntegllng in feinem etubht111 bes ;;soljannesebangeHu1115 fud)t, witb feinen j}elJlgriff tun, l1lenn cr fid) bies Heine IBud) anfdJafft. ql. (2: • .R t ,e t 111 ann. Christ's Alternative to Communism. By E. Stanley Jones. The Abing- don Press, New York, Cincinnati, Chicago. 302 pages, 5 X 7%. Price, $2.00. This book will be of great interest both to those who believe in the social gospel and the kingdom of God on earth soon to be established by it and to those who do not believe in this modern delusion; for here one of the ablest and most brillin.nt advocates of it is presenting' his views. What is this kingdom of Goel on earth which must be established at once if the Russian Communism is not to conquer the wor lel ? Dr. Jones accepts the general view (the kingdom of God is the new social order in which the regenerate society of men, perhaps all humanity, practises the precepts of morality) anel adds something of his ovm: The kingdom of God is a co- operative society, based on non-competitive, collective sharing, which will be established not by foree and tyranny, as in Russia, but by love; there will be an approximate equality af eeanamic goods; thus poverty will be banished; also bondag'e of every kind, for it will be a classless society; also war - and sickness - and sin. "The Christian movement offers the most glorious goal ever offered to humanity, the kingdom of Goel on earth, a kingdom in which there would be no poverty, no. classes, no sickness, and no sin, which wonld, in fact, be the Lord's year o·f jubilee, a new worM beginning." (Pp.] 99-295. 83. 260. 2'11. 76. 232. 237.) X a more sin? Yes, "changing the social heTeclity" will help to bring that about. (P. 158.) Aml "the kingdom is both within and without the Ohristian Church." (Pp. 284. 278.) The Scriptural authority for this teaching is found in Luke 4, 18 f. "Christ made known this program: 'The Spirit of the Lord Book Review. - S3itera±ur. 313 "is upon Me, because Hc hath anointed Mc to preach the Gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering" of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that .are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.' ,Vhen we analyze the program, we find: 1. Good news to the poor - the economically dis- inherited. 2. Release to the captives - the socially and politically dis- inherited. 3. The opening of the eyes of the hlind- the physically dis- inherited. 4. The setting at liberty the bruised-the morally and spiritually ,disinherited. 5. The Lord's year of jubilee - a new beginning on a world scale. 6. The Spirit of the Lord upon Me - the dynamic behind it all." (P. 41 f.) "'To preach good tidings to the poor.' This is usually inter- preted to mean 'the spiritually pOOl'.' vYhen we do not know what else to do with a thing, we spiritualize it." (P. 48.) - vYhat is wrong with the theology of the social gospel and its kingdom of God on earth? It either denies or minimizes - to the point of denial- the Gospel of the grace of God, of the forgiveness of sins, and operates in place of it with the Law, the principles of morality, of Christian or even heathen morality, of love, of justice, etc. Dr. Jones makes this very clear. In the Sermon -on the Mount Jesus laid down the principles of the new kingdom, gave the laws for the re-formation of the world. (P. 155.) "Jesus reduced religion to love to God and love to man." (P.ll5.) In the kingdom of God, the real kingdom of God, the principles of love, of justice, etc., certainly do rule, - but only because there the funda.mental principle of religion, of Christianity, rules: salvation through the Gospel of the forgiveness of sins. The kingdom-of-God-on-earth men, however, deal with the principles of morality to the virtual exclusion of the principle upon which the Church lives and which gives life to every other factor. This is the fatal error of the socia.l-gospel theology. Jesus is no longer the Savior, but the law- giver, the social reformer. "The central thesis of Christianity is that God was made man, that He meets us in a physical body, speaks to us in a human language, and shows us how to live in a human environment." (P. 126.) N 0, God was made man in order to save us from sin and damnation through His vicariolls death. That is the centml thesis of Christianity. That Dr. Jones denies: "I cannot be grateful enough that Jesus gave us the con- ception of the kingdom of God on earth" (a cooperative society) "as the central thing in His teaching." (P. 281.) In our book the terms "Savior," "redemptive love," "vicarious," are indeed used, but not in tI,e sense' of substitutionary atonement. The sense is that Christ saves men by sanc- tifying them. "His contacts with men were vicarious. His love insinuated itself into the lives of those about Him, so that everything that affected them affected Him. He was guilty in their guilt and degraded in their degradation. ,Vhen the apostle said that He 'bare our sins in His own body on the tree,' he was simply expressing as a final crisis fact what was a continuolls every-day fact. Jesus thus showed l1S that the very nature of the Kingdom is vicarious." (P.268.) "As men trusted Him and fellow- shiped with Him and caught His way of living, they found upon their lips a new word - 'Savior'; for He was a,ctually saving them here and now from gloom and despair, and from themselves and their sins." (P. 240.) The heart of Christianity - forgiveness of sins through the vicarious satisfaction - is thus cut out of the Gospel of the kingdom of God on 314 Book Review. - ~ttetntut. earth. Also the following statements are significant in this connection: "Christ did not present a fixed creed which men had to believe or be damned. . .. Jesus gave no set creed. He called men to follow Him .... Not fixed, unalterable, bound-up truth, but the spirit of truth! . .. 'Under the sea the islands are one, under the surface humanity, under the creeds the love of God.''' (Pp. 218. 240. 247. 269.) This, too, is significant- the social gospel has little to say about heaven. Dr. Jones. mentions heaven but a few times, and in this way, p. 53: "Economically the first concern for this new kingdom is for the poor; not that they should be comforted by promises of future rewards to be content now, but that poverty should be banished by pl'O'viding for the poor the good things which God has pro- vided for all" (p. 53); "He piously rolled His eyes and looked toward heaven when Jesus was directing His attention to earth (Luke 14, 1-24)" (p. 69); and: "This verse (Luke 4, 18) implies that man is not merely to be released from bondage and then await heaven for final release, but that the kingdom undertakes to bring in a new order, where bondage would have no place." (P. 87.) - The social-gospel-kingdom-of-God doctrine is a product of Modernism. Dr. Jones's general definition of the coming king- dom is exactly that of avowed Modernists, as, for instance, that of Wm. Adams Brown ("When we see social relationship everywhere controlled by the principles which Jesus illustrated in His own life, the principles of trust, of love, of generous and unselfish service, we shall know that the kingdom is here" - Beliefs that Matter, p. 59), and of the editor of the Ohristian Oentury ("Under the mandate of Jesus' law of love we must make a new world in which the law of love can be practised" - Septem- ber 26, 1934), and he has adopted the fundamental principle of Modernism ("When Jesus said, 'Why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?' He untied religion from ancient bondages and gave men the charter of liberty of mind" [po 131] ), discarding the authority of Scripture ("As men found verbal inspiration slipping away, they found vital inspiration taking its place. They began to believe the Record to be inspired, for they found it to be inspiring," p. 242) . - By the way, these men, constantly appealing to the moral principles which Christ inculcated, are dealing with, and building up their case on, half-truths. On page after page Dr. Jones insists that religion has something to do with the economic needs of man (p.77), that Jesus taught us that "religion has a concern for the hunger of men" (p. 63), etc., etc. That is absolutely true. But it is absolutely false to teach that the application of the principle of love, etc., constitutes the essence of the kingdom of God and that the Church's business is to in- stitute moral and economical and political reform - The frightful mis- interpretation of Luke 4, 18 f. is not an isolated case. Consult page 51 f. (Luke 1, 52: "He hath put down princes from their thrones" - "there was to be political revolution"); p.92 (Luke 2,32: "A light for the unveiling of the Gentiles" - "He would unveil hidden possibilities, show the amazing wealth of contribution possible in every human personality"); p. 284 ("The Kingdom is both within and without the Christian Church. 'Other sheep I have which are not of this fold,' said Jesus"); p.99 (Matt. 12, 21: "And in His name shall the Gentiles hope" - "The only hope for the world is a spirituality directed toward basic justice in all human living"), etc., etc.- The last chapter of the book, "The Next Steps," discusses the ways and Book Review. - £iteratu!. 315 means by which the coming of the kingdom of God on earth must be facili- tated and expedited. We call attention to these particulars: "We can prepare for the public ownership of public resources and utilities, to which society must come if we are to stop selfish exploitation, by training the group mind in the handling of collective projects through cooperatives." Of course, not all kingdom-of-God men will subscribe to this particular plank of the platform. "One of the next steps is the uniting of the Chris- tian forces of the world into a Christian Internationale. . .. Christians of the world, unite! We have nothing to lose except our dividing walls. The truth of each will then belong to the whole." Dr. Jones is a thorough- going unionist - and an avowed syncretist. "God was working through other systems of religion before the organized Christian religion came into being. Nor is He confined to it now. 'God hath not left Himself without witness among any nation.''' (P. 222.) "God reached out and put His hands on the Russian Communists to produce a juster order and to show a recumbent Church what it has missed in its own Gospel." (Pp. 224. 24. 34. ) And so we are not surprised to hear the following: "'When we hear him present Christ,' saicl a Hindu chairman, 'we feel we hear the notes of Buddha, the ancient sages, the notes of Positivism, of Humanism - all seem to be sound and to blend in his message.' And yet I had mentioned none of these, had only presented Christ." (P. 24S.) The Hindu under- stood exactly how Dr. Jones had been presenting Christ. The next step: "When we have a sufficient majority to make this Christian program ef- fective, we should not hesitate to put through the political order .... We would not capture the machinery of the state by a ooup d'etat and set up a dictatorship by a minority; but where there is a majority who stand for the Christian program, we should not hesitate to put it into operation through the state." - Dr. Jones is a brilliant writer, and the book contains many fine sayings. For instance: "A man is no longer a mere man; he is a man for whom Christ died." (P. llS.) And he fearlessly castigates the churches of to-day for grievous faults and sins. For instance: With some, "orthodoxy is more important than orthopraxy." (P. 240.) "If hunger could be met in any real way by the sacrifice of costly churches, then the churches should go." (P.59.) Addressing society in general: "We have produced a civilization where swine are first and men are second, and we have become like our ideals." (P.60.) The utterance of such truths will have a wholesome influence. But the book as a whole cannot result in good. We have reviewed it at such length only because of the great popularity of the author. TH. ENGELDER. Can Christ Save SocietyI' By A. E. Garvie. The Abingdon Press, New York, Cincinnati, Chicago. 244 pages, 4%X7. Price, $1.00. Dr. Garvie, honored with degrees by the universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Oxford, in this little book makes a contribution to the ques- tion whether Christianity can help solve the problems of the present age. He looks upon the present as a time of crisis; and "the transition from the present economic and political system, defective as it is, must be very gradual if society is not to collapse in a common ruin from mankind" (p. 146). In his reference to the social duty of Christianity he takes a middle-of-the-road position. He does not approve revolutions, even if directed against tyranny for political, national, and religious liberty 316 Book Review. - \literatut. (p. 165). He does not find pacifism in the teachings of Jesus. War may become a necessity (p. 170). Referring to the ~World War, he says: "That J might be. aided by the grace of God to keep all hatred out of my heart, I read my evening portion of Scripture from a German translation; and an honored friend, an eminent German scholar, confided to me when we were seeking to realize 0111' unbroken oneness in Ohrist that he in the same way used an English translation" (p. 211). Yet if the world is to be saved from ruin, the Christian Ohnrch must do it. Garvie holds that Ohrist is concerned not only with individual, but also with social trans- formation (p. 8;)). He proves this point only by means of an ""egesls which we cannot fLCccpt, as when he rejects the qnalification "saving for the cause of fornication" (Matt. 5, 32) in the teaching regarding divorce (p. 143). He wishes to include in Christ's "giving His life as a ransom" (Matt. 20, 28) a strong ethical element rather than "theories of the atone- ment" (p. 151) and later finds fault with I'aul's ethics because "from the subjection of the Ohurch to Ohrist he deduces the duty of wives to be subject to their husbands" (p.160). Thc book is worthy of the space which we have given to it because it reveals the interpretation of the "social gospel" as held by the more conservative British church leaders. TH. GRAEBNER. The Evidences for Immol'tality. By Dr. Han'Y Rimmer, lll'csiclent of the Hesearch Science Bureau, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Duluth, I1Ii1l11., author of 'The The01'V of Evol1ltion unclthe Facts of Science. 'Vm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Oompany, Grand Rnpicls, Mich. 114 pages, 5% X 8. Price, $1.00. "If a man dic, shall he live again?" This important question of J~ob Dr. Rimmer answers in six cOllyincing chapters, in opposition both to the atheie.tic attacks of modern ]Jseudoscientists ancl the pseuclowitness of lying Spiritists, clcmollstrating conclusively, so far as reason can judge in this matter, how stupid it is for anyone to question the Christian hope of the resurrection. Ohristian apologetics, of course, is unable to prove the truth of the transcendent doctrine of the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting; for that lies within a sphere where reason cannot follow. Nevertheless, as Dr. Rimmer points out in a new and striking way, reason beholds in nature so many miracles that adumbrate the resurrection that the onslaughts of atheistic and materialistic writers on the faith and hope of the Ohristian Ohurch are in no way warranted from the viewpoint of a rational consideration of the facts that hold in the case. The book ad- dresses itself to the reader in clear and simple language; yet it contains much fuod for thought even for such as have thoroughly studied the mat- ter befo],C'. J. T. MT:ELLER. Evolution. The Root of All Isms. By Dan Gilbe1"t. 95 pages, 514 X 7'14. The Danielle PulJlishers, 0472 Gilbert Drive, San Diego, Oal. Price, 50 ds. Orcler through Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. Not just another book on cvolution. Besides having literary merit, this little volume treats with authentic quotations the relation of evolu- tionism to the doctrines of Nietzsche, Marx (Socialism), Freud. (the sex- crazed animalism of Freud's American followers especially), the Behavior- ists and Atheists. To any lecturer to young people the book is worth the price. TH. GRAEBNER. Book Review. - Xlitetatut. 317 ':lJcr ml)±fju!.l. ~of enbergbetra~tungen bon SU f !l r e (1) t ,0 jJ f c. :!lei~ert, XleiNig. 1935. 64 6eiten, brof~iert. ~reiS: RM. 1.50. ~nfteh ffiofenberg, ~(rd)itc!t, Scf)tiftfciter bc~ "mBmf~en meofla~terS" unb bet ,,91ationaf,f 03 ia liftif dlen IJJI onatsj d)tift", Beiter bes seamjJfflunbes flir beutj cl)e seuftut, Xleitet bes Gnflenpofitiid)cn SUmtes bc~ :!ltitten ~ei~~, 3roeinnbIJicqi\1 :Sa1)re aU, liet 1930 fcinen "IJJh)tf)US bes 20. :Sa1)r1)unberg" erf~dnen, bet bis 1935 fedJ~unbbteifliq ~luf[agen erlcbt flat. IID(1)tenb S'daedefs ,,'IIDeftratfef" bas IIDott 5JJ1~t1)us im 51:on leutjeligcr S;,crablafinng gclitau~te, ift es bei ~ofenberil boller ebplofiber '\~raft. 1JJ1~tf)us ift iljm ~c1igion, entf~eibenbe Xlebensma~t. 9latiir1i~ atif dJ~gcrl1lanif clJerlJJ1~tf)u'l; benn hie ~e1igion mufl aus artedJtem, beutfdJem moben erhlaclJjen unb fid) bann im arte~ten 91ationalfo3iafiSmus ber~ roitflid)cn. ~ofenbetg l)at mit fcinem mu~ Die SUble1)nung bes \5:l)riftetttums, bie in :!leutfd)lanb laut geroorben ift, ni~terft betoirtt; aber er 1)at ber behlubten unb unoel1Jullten ®egnetf~aft einen anbem Untergrunb bctfdJafft: l1Jafjtenb bie IJlaturloiffettjd)afHet fi~ aUf i1)te angeb1i~ ficf)ercn 0:tgebniffe bet Stosmosfotf~ung jtiitten, roiifjrenb hie "l)ofjere setitW bes tl)eologifcf)en mbetaIiSmus "innere ®tlinbe" unb 1)iftotif~~jJl)HofojJfjifdJe Unterfu~ungen antief - !leibe merfafjten fteUett [tade \~lnforbetungen an ben metftanb -, jpieIt mojen!lerg ben S~amjJf aUf dn ®elJiet l)iniibet, aUf bem faft jebet, bet fein 5iloIf Iieb!)at, au S'daujc au fein - glaulJt, anf bas ®eDiet bet irteube an bet SUtt bes eigenen mones. irreHid) fegt mofenberg babd ul1D baan luei±ge~enbc tllifcn~ unb fjJradwf~i~tlid)e Ul1ter~ fucl)Ul1gen bot; et greift narl) seleinajicn, Glried)enlonb, :Stolien, :Snbien, irg~jJtcn; er tt:eibt inbogennllnifd)c 5jJrad)bcrgleid)lmg, legt utgermanif~e 3auberfjJtiid)e bur, f~i1bert 0:fjeberi)iiltniiie, Deed)t0anjd)l1Uungen ufm. SUber bas aUes nur, um 3loci mel)aujJtungcn au begtilnben: bah, luns in bet meligion gut ift, atifcljen Ur~ \1mmgs fei unb ball im \5:f)djtentum bet arijd)e 5JJ1~tl)us burd) bie artfremben, flJtifcf)en :Suoen fcine \lerebelnbe Shaft bcr[orcn 1)aoe. ®cgen hiefes D1niCltoctgfd)e mur[) lvenbet fi~ ,ojJfe. 6 cljlieblidJ ift ,,:!let 5JJ1~tfjusll cine ®efd)id)t§uctracl)ttmg, unb fa legt ,ojJfe ben notigen 5JJ1afjftau bcr megriffstlatlJeit, ber 6a~funbe unb bet ®eroiffenfjaftigfeit an. 91 ad) allen btei lJJ1aBen berfagt mofenuer\!. ,ojJie rodlt na~, ball ~affe mit ~lrt betroecf)jelt roitb (5. 10. 11), 6l)df~ mit 6emitifdJ' (6. 23-32); bali ffiojenbetg bei iigl)jJtifdJen ®rabmafeteien jidJ mefjt an Die iratben aIS an 5d)iibelmefiung l)alt (5. 13); bab bie norbifc1Je ,~erfunft bet S'dettiter burd)au~ nicl)t feftfte!)t (15. 15); baB es flir ~tofenbetg alS ®ef~i~tf~teiber un3iemlid} ift, bcqucme 3eugnifje au untetftteid)~n, unbequeine iU untetbtliden; ball ~ofenoetg unma\lig beraUgemeinett unb mit bopjJeltem 9J1afl millt. :!las gift aucf) bon beffen :!larftellungen aus ber beutf~en seh:cf)engejrl)icljte, - ~ofenuerg berfu~t, :S0:fu ben irrgerniSd)ataTter babur~' 3U nel)men, bab er ben Seilanb filt bie artfcl)e iRaffe bef~lagnal)mt. ,ojJte meift bat~ barauf fjin, ball bie bon mofenllcrG gccil~mte Sd)rift bon 0:. :Sung iloet bie ,\'Jer~ tunft \5:1)rifti mit\}orjd)unn nber IIDiifenfd)llft lioerfjaupt btttdJaus nicf)t5 3U tnn fjat, fonhern ein ans jiibijd)cl1l Stlatjd), mijlbeuteten seir~enbatet3ttaten nnb ~fjantajie, bie! ~fjantajie, geurautcr stenbenstoman ift. SUber hie lette, entj(1)eh benbe SUngriffslinic ,ojJfcs ift jeine (SJc\1eniilJetftellung bon 5JJ1~tlJus unb 0:ban~ gelium. "irlir bm (SJ(auben !)anbelt (5 fiel) um me!)r aIs um cine bisfutable S'dlJpotl)efe: um lelitcn ~(nfjJntd) unb ILlla\1nis"; "es !)anbelt fid)! um bie 0:ntfcljci~ bung file ober gegen bie IIDirHicljfeit ®ottes" (6.45); es l)anbelt fi~ um 6linbe unb Glnabe (15. 49). 0:s ift dne ernfte 6dJtift, cine gebiegene 5d)rift, cine notige 5d)rift. m. lID, S'd e i n t e. 318 Book Review. - mteratur. John and Betty Starn, Martyrs. By Lee S. Huizenga" M. D.j F. R. G. S. A sllOrt. story of tJle life and death of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stam. Introduction by W. H. Haughton, D. D., President, Moody Bible In- stitute. Preface by Jacob Slam. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. This little booklet brings the tragic story of how Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Stam of the China Inland Mission, stationed at Tsingteh in Southern Anhwei Province, on December 7, 19'34, weTel carried off together with their three-month-old daughter, Helen Priscilla, by Chinese bandits. The bodies of the parents were later found, having been martyred ctt Miasheo on December 10. L,ittle Helen Priscilla Stam, however, was rescued by the loyal Christian Chinese pastor La. The account of the modern ma,rtyr- dam, simply told, is very gripping. "Ve lleartily recommend the little booklet to' our pastms and lay people, because it shows both that the day of ma,rtyrdom is not past and tha,t Christians of the twentieth century can die as bra,vely fm their faith as did those of the eMly Church. W. G. POLAOK. Deeper Experiences of Famous. Christians. By J. ailchrist Lawson, Evangelist. The Wa,rner Press, Anclerson, Ind. 382 pages. "Of making many books the-re is no end," says Solomon. This is one of them. The author himself says in the' introduction: "The great object of this book is. to describe,. in the-ir own words so' far as possible, the deepest spiritual experiences of the most famous Christians of all ages and climes. TllC author ha,s spent much of his time for years in the greate'st libra,rics of Europe and America, searching the whole range of Christian literature to' glean from it the most spiritual and helpful Chris- tian experiences. He believes that this book contains tlle very cream of tlw Christian litemture of all age's." No.thing modest abO'ut him. The "deeper experience!' is the ba,ptism of the Holy Spirit; "theories" regarding this ma,y differ, but there is practical agreement among all the' sects. Then a, great a,rra.y of Bible ve,rses in which the Holy Spirit is mentioned; a, cha,pter on "Other Early Saints and Sages," including "many Spirit- filled saints" among tIle Ge-ntiles, Socrates, Plato', Pythagoras, CicerO', Seneca, a. ca,reful study of whose writings (res.ulting in just a clozen lines o.f quo.tation) reveals that they had eonsiderablO' knowledge concerning the true Goel which they may have received by direct revela,tion. Then a queer assortment of saints: Savona,rola" the precursor o.f thO' Protestant Refor- mation, who. prepaa:ed all Europe for this great event; Ma,da,m Guyon, "per11aps of nO' othe-r person except Job could it be said as truly that they were made- "perfect through suffering,' Hd). 2" 101'; George, F'ox, who' "like the ancient prophets was sent of God to can the church from forma.lism to' a, real spirihlill worship"; Billy Bray, who had been an invetera,te smO'ker, but whom thel "Lord so thoroughly saved from this filthy ha,bit that he threw a,way his pipe" and "frequently said that, if the' Lord had intended people to snuff, he would have turned their noses upside down and that, if he had intended them to' smoke, He would have pnt a, chimney in the back o,f their heads." - Enough. The price of the book is not s.tatecl; it is too ux]wnsive a,t any price. TIIEO. HOYER. Book Review. - mtetlltUt. 319 Easter Bells. Hung in the New Testament. Rung by William Dall- mann, D. D. Northwestern Publishing House. 282 pages, 4l4X7. Price, $1.00. Order from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. This is a book of meditations (a total of twenty-nine being offered) on the topic "The Resurrection of Jesus Christ." It will hardly be neces- sary to point to the importance of this doctrine in the corpus of the truths of Christianity, since it is a fundamental fact that the entire apostolic preaching was based upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The author presents these devotional meditations, written in his usual appealing, stirring fashion, and we suggest that they be used during the post-Easter season at the family altar. The meditations contain valuable sermon material for Easter and the Sundays after Easter. P. E. KRETZMANN. The· Mys.te'ry of Preaching. By James Black, D. D. Fleming H. Revell Company, London. 2.77 pages, 514 X 7%. Price., $1.50. Orde,r through Concordia. Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. In an original manner the author of this book presents the so·und principles of homiletics, or sermon-making. His originality is indicated in his chapter headings: "'To-day Is. Not Yesterday'; A Preacher's Requisite; The Smith a.t His Forge; The Marks of Good Prea,ching," etc. The fascinating style of the author will tempt him who begins to· rea,d the book to finish reading it in one sitting. After such a hurried reading, however, 0'116' will do well to r6'r6'ad and study it caJ:"6'fully. The gr6'at importance of good preaching should persuade every preaeher to improve. his sermonizing. While the contents of the sermon, the Word of God, do not change, the sermon in its mechanical make-up should not be stereotyped as to form. However, certain sound and fundamental homiletical rules, and principles should not be disregarded. We a.re pleased to read that the author insists upon doctrinal preaching and on exposition of the, text. The last two, cha.pte'rs of the book do not trea,t of preaching as such. In the. last chapter the author answers the question whether prescribed or free pra.yers should be used. We recommend the book to· our preachers. J. H. C. FRITZ. Precious Things of the Bible. By Otto O. Seymour, Ph. D. Introduc- tion by Oharles R. Erdman, D. D. Fleming H. Revell Company, New York. 147 pages, 5%X7%,. Price, $1.50. The title of this book promises that the book will speak to the reader on "precious things of the Bible"; but that is just what the book does not do. Although it has such subtitles for its chapters as "The Precious Word," "The Precious Blood," "The Precious Faith," "The Precious Christ," it does not say that the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God nor that Christ is the God-man, who shed His blood in the sinners' stead for the remission of sins, nor that salvation is by the grace of God, apprehended by faith. The author says that he is presenting twelve sermons in print preached during the year 1935 at the First Presbyterian Church, Joplin, Mo. Certainly these so-called sermons are not Christian sermons; not even the farthest stretch of imagination that chanty might apply can make them so. J. H. C. FRITZ. 320 Book Review. - £iteratut. Topic Leader's Manual. League, ChicagO', Ill. $1.00< for the series. By P. E. J{retzmamn, Ph. D., D. D. Walther Four volumes, 50 pages each, i5 X 7%. Price" We welcome these four manuals written by the author at the request of the 'IValther League, and we recommend them to' all pastors and leade'r& of young people's societies throughout the Synodical Conference. In fact, there is not a, member of our Church that will not profit by the study of these little books, filled with information on "You and SO'ciety. You: and YonI' Church. You and Your C'ongrega,tion. You and Your Personal: Life." 'IVe wish them Godspeed. THEO. LAETSCH. ~ic ,\)erfteifultg gllttgcwoffter ~ittigfeit 5wifulcn ben httfJcrifd)ien @5\Jttollctt jffieft~(£llnltlJll§. mefetat llOn 5l:iir. Il.(, ,~, 5.d) \tI e t ill ann, ~oncotbia~ ~olIege, ls;bmonton, QWa" ~an. 106 5eUen 6X9. SjJteis: 25 ~ts. 311. liqieI)en burd) Concordia College, Edmonton, ober Concordia Publish~ ing House, St. Louis, Mo. SDies ift cine uusfUflrlid)e, facIllid)e ~ef)anblung bes gcfteUtcn :tf)emus, hie' nic!)t nut in flarer ®eife ben 5djriftgtunb fUr hie red)te, gottgellloUte crhligreit liringt, fonbem Qud) barlegt, inllS cinet illetcinigung bet berfc~iehenen in ~ettad)t fommenben 5~noben nod) im ®ege fteljt. 5l)er illetfaffer, bet hies mefetat in lielben llleftcQnabifcI)en SDifttitten ber 5JJhffo1trif~nobe borgeiragen ljat (5JJlanitolia lIub 5asfatc~elllan, ~merta unb ~ritiflj ~olmnlJia), nennt uno Jitiert bie Dnellen, bie er lJei feinet ~trfleit liennt± l)at, unb ftelI± bie ~lIlaf)tljeit bar sine ira et studio. S\;ie ill ~ettad)t fontmenben 5\)noben finb bie QLmetHanifcljd3utf)etifd)e Stitc1)c, hie illereinigte 53utf)etifd)c ~ird)e ~merHQs, hie l!1minigte ~otlllegifd)e ~itd)e unD hie ~uguftanaf~nobe. SDas mefetat ift gcrabe jett bon lief onberer ®icl)tigfeit, ba bie ti:inigungsflclllcgnngen fo crnftfid) fletrieflen Iller ben. ~Ue SjJaftoten (unb nUe 53aiClt), bie Illitllid) dne Union in bet ®aflrl)eit IllUnfd)en, folften hiefe Il.(bl)anb~ lung f orgfa1tig ftubieten. SjJ. (1;, ~ ret m a 11 n, BOOKS RECEIVED. From the Mncmillnn Company, New York:- Science and Religion. By N. Bishop H(l1·man. r'rice, $1.50'. From the Luthemn Bible Instit1J,te Book Store, 1619 PorUnnd Ave" Min- neapolis, ill inn: - Win-Some Soul-Winning. WO'rke'l's. By A. W. Knock, B. D. 'With a "Memory Kit" for Personal 95 pages, 2% X 5%. Price, 15 cts. NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. In order to render satisfactory seryice, we must have our current mailing-list correct. 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