Full Text for CTM Miscellanea 7-4 (Text)

<1rnurnrbiu ID4tnlngirul :d[nut~ly Continuing LEHRE UND VVEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. VII April, 1936 No.4 CONTENTS The Principles and Teaching's of the Dialectical Theology. Th. Engeldtr . • • • • • • • •• 241 Der Pietismus. Thea. Hoyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . . • . • • •. 252 Biblical Methods of Poor-Relief. V irtu. Gloc. • • . . • . . . . . • .• 262 Der Schriftgrund fuer die Lehre von del' satisfactio vicaria. P. E. Kretz mann. • . • . • •• 278 Dispositionen ueber die erste von del' Synodalkonferenz angenommene Evangelienreihe .............. . .... . 281 Miscellanea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 296 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches . . . .. 300 Book Review. - literatur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 311 Ein Predlger muu nlcht allein weidm, also dass er die Scbafe untel"Weloe, wle • Ie rechte Cbrl ten IOllen ""in, IOndern aucb daneben den Woelfen wehrm. daM ole die Schafc nlcbt angreifen und mit faIscher Lebre verfuebren und Irrtum ein· fuehren. - Luther. E. 1st kein Ding, d •• die Leute mehr bei der Klrche beboeit denn die gute Predigt. - 4pologie, 4rt. !~ . If the trumpet give an uncertain ""und, who shall prepare bimself to tbe hattIe? 1 Oor. 4.8. l'ublished for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other Sta t es CONCORDIA l'UBLISHING H OUSE, St. Louis, Mo. ARCHIV 296 :Miscellanea. Miscellanea. On Liturgical Customs. The following paragraphs are taken from an article by Dr. L. D. Reed in the LtLthel'an of January 30: - "It will not be proper, however, to introduce into our services addi- -tional ceremonies simply because they are either historical, utilitarian, interpretative, or symbolical. Regard must be had not only for Reforma- tion and pre-Reformation backgrounds, but also for present conditions. Edification and spiritual helpfulness must be afforded worshipers to-day by every form and cerenJOny. "Many ancient observances found in some sixteenth-century orders,- :genuflections, osculations, repeated use of the sign of the cross, observances of obscure feasts of r,!(ary and of the saints, etc., - were "llanglwcrs" from pre-Reformation days. Generally speaking, they were merely tolerated traditions, which were finally dropped when it was realized that they did not truly interpret the spirit of Lutheran worship. ,Ve cannot appeal to 1)ccasional instances of delayecl change, as if these were marks of orthodoxy. "Many of the minor matters which seem 80 important to extremists to-day arc either meaningless now or are filled with a meaning which we cannot accept. Anything which even implies false doctrine must be ex- ·eluded - genuflections before the altar, the sign of the cross over the ,elements [?], extreme elevations at the consecnLiion, etc. Only that which is pure (that is in agreement Witll Scripture and the Confessions) can be admitted. "Insignificant, fussy, and meaningless practises have no place in Lu- theran worship. The mechanics of worship must be as unobstrusive as possible. Otherwise a false focns will he introduced and the devotional spirit, instead of beirlg quickened, will be deadened ]lY the weight of machinery. Details must not attract attention to themselves. Formalism will not satisfy men who are seeking reality. "This same judgment and sense of propriety must be brought to bear 'upon the cxtent to which individual practises may be used if introduced. A single bow aT reverence to the altar at the beginning of the service is appropriate. Twenty bows or reverences during the service, one every time the minister passes the altar, are objectionable. The sign of the cross, if desired, is eclifying and pennissi.ble at the beginning of the service or at the Benediction. Employed repeatedly throughout the service, it becomes 'formalistic, childish, and highly objectionable. It is proper for the min- ister to keep his hands joined and his arms from swinging while officiating in the chancel. But hands continually and ostentatiously held at a precise ,angle constitute an example of silly formalism. "The best ceremonial is that which expresses the rite with which it is associated clearly and naturaUy. The precision and simplicity of the Lutheran liturgy require a correspondingly simple, clear, and consistent ceremonial. This clare not exist for itself. It must not in any way sug- .gest the theatrical aT the spectacular. This makes elaborate processions Miscellanea. 297 with copes, acolytes, capers, thurifers, and incense undesirable. Features, too, which are merely decorative or esthetically emotional are questionable .. In this category belongs the sanctuary lamp with its age-long association with the objectionable practise of the host reserved for adoration. "These four factors - purity, significance, simplicity, and restraint- are fundamental. They, rather than purely historical, utilitarian, inter- pretative, or symlJOlical considerations, must finally determine our de- cisions." lBfet:6cn luir ia in dufjfung mit ber hliffenfdjaftWfjen 5llrlicit ::;)entjd)lanb§ ! G0 rcg± fidj jett bieletot±0 bet medtnilrbige ®ebanfe, ban bie Iu±~e" rtjdjen 5t~eologen 2rmetifa0 ben ®eotaudj unb ba0 !S±ubium ber beutfdjen !Spradje an ben ~ager ~iingen fOnnten, tneil bide )j5aftoren im prafHfdjen ~hn±c, in ber )j5rehlgt unb in bet )j5ribatfeeIforne, fidj nidjt meljr bet beut" fdjen !S~1!adje ocbienten. ®egen biefe !Steliung ift aoer nidjt nur mit gronem ~cadj,brucf au jagen, ban fein Iu±ljerifcljer5tljeolog, ber toirllidj hen ~amen llerbicn±, oljne bcr0 regeImii\3ige !Stubium Eu±ljer0 unb bieler anbent erleucI)tcten (3jo±±e0miinnet au0tOmmen fann, fonbern audj, ban bie I.)3tO" butte ;Dcui] djlanb0 auf bem ®eoie±e her ::tljeologie f 0 ljerborragenb finb, ban tnit fie unocbing± 6eriicrhc~±igen milH en. Unb baoe! fiinnen tnit un0 nicI)! aUf i'roerfe:lpungcn LJcrTaffcn, feW) luciI bicfe iifter0 unauIiingIidje Si!riicfen finb, ±eIT0 roeiI c0pla±±crbinn0 llnmiinHc~l fein tnitb, me~t at0 einen ?Bntdj~ teif bet gu±en !SclJrif±en unh )l3ildJer oU ii6erfeten. ;Die ,Ba~I ber ±ljeoIogi~ jdjen !Sdj,riftftelier in )DcutfclJlanb, bie nodj einigermanen auf bie ru±~erifciJe Ee~re eingejielit jinb, iit immer nacf) gran, unh mandje bon hiefen rebCll einem entf djiebenen 2utlJer±11ln ba0 )fiort. linter ben ,Bettfdjrtften )Dcu±fdjlanb0, l)re bem aIfgemeinen !Stubiunt beS; ~cuen ::t'eftamen±0 bienen, itcljt ,,)Die ,8citfdjrift filr bie neute)±amentlidje )fiiffenfdjaft" mit ooenan. t\'aft jebe0 ~eft bicfer ,Beitfdjrif± oringt tnenig~ ften0 e in en 2rrtifeI, ber audj filr unfere ~lr6eit gronen )fiert ljat. !SO~ bann erfdjeincn 6ejonbere Monograp~ien aI0 Q3eiljefte biefcr ,Beitfdjrift. :;5nt :;5aljrc 1934 fam aUf ben Mudt: ~cInt1tt~ Si!itteI, ,,;Die ~crrndjfeit ®ot±e0"r !Shtbien au ®ejcljidjte unb )fiejen cine0 neuteftamenUidjen Q3egriff0 (on~a), ein ,3gcoeuie± juurbe, um feine falfdje Ee~rc bom ~roenl:nna~I au berteibigen. ~rudj in ebangefifdjen fueifen ift man ge~ Iegentridj geneigt nadjaugeoen, ruie bor einigen ~a~ren in einem freinm Woenbma~I>36iidjrein un)) fiiraIic'f) in einer ~o~anneeawregung bon GdjiiJ,l. ~n unfem Sheifen madji Die falfdje Wnruenbung bcr Gtelle aUf bae Woenbma~r !Do~r 11Jenig ~not, fdjon iueH ee fidj ~icr um ein Gahamcni ~an~ befn tDiirbe, bai3 nodj gar nidjt oefannt !tar (!ta~renb Die in ~o~. 3 er!ta~nte »:aufe fdjon in bet bee ~o~annee botlag), unb !teir ber ~eiranb in bem ganaen l.j5affue ber I.j5rebigt in Sl'apernaum bae lffiot± "iSleifdj" gcotaudjt ~at, !taljtenb in ben 'l:finfeJ,lunge!Dorien mit Wofidjt "EeiO" gefett tritb. ~agegen meint man nrliunter, man miiffe audj in 5l5. 63 bae lffiori aal!~ bon (fljrifti iSleif dj berfte~en, einmal, rueil ber oeftimmte WrtifcI bor bcm Women fte~t, unb fobann, !Dei{ im ganaen 3ufammenljang bont iSleifdj (fljrifti bie mebe ift. Wudj Eutljer fdjeint nodj in ben ~aljren 1523/4 biefe WUffaffung bon ber Gielie ge~ali± ilU ljalien, Juenn er in einer I.j5rebigt mn ~age bee ljeUigen lffia~deictjnami3 CSL)rifti fdjreivt: ,,;DaB aoer bice ber tedj±e 5l5erftanb fei bei3 (fbangeIiume, namlic'f) bail ee bon bent geiftIidj'en (fffen unb Strinfen ilu betfteljen fei, geoen bie lffiotie, bie be:r ~(frt am ~nbe bee .\1apiteIi3 fagt: ,~er @eift ift'>3, bet ba Icoenb[g madjei, bai3 iSleifdj ift fein niiJ,l. ~ie lffiotie, bie idj rebe, bie finb Clleift unb Eeven', ~o!j. 6, 63. Weit Jueldjen m50rien (f!jriftue !till, bail ba>3 IeiOIidje ~ffen bee iSleifdjee fein niiJ,l fei, fonDem glauven, bail b ice is rei f clj @ 0 t tee G 0 !j n f e i, 11m mei~ neiJuiUen bom ,~immeI fommen, unD iein Q)Iut fur midj betgoffen !jaoe." (XI,2253.) ~m ~a~re 1525 bagegen !jat Eu±ljer etne anbete Wuelegung oefiir" Juorie±, hie aUf genauerem G±ubium be>3 3ulammen~ange0 lInb iilier~aup± be>3 GjJrac!jgelJraudjee ~(fiu im ~o~anne>3ebangcnllm unD be>3fellicn ®egen~ faJ,le0 in anbe:rn SteUen bet @:Odjrifi beru~i. lUergleidje oefonbere ~olj. 3, 5. 6; Cllal. 5, 17. ~n jefnet @?djtif± De servo CL1"bitrio bom ~a!jre 1525 fdjreibt Eu±~er: ".\tura, Damuf magft bu in ber Gdjrift ac~ten, iiberan, ltD bom 8'Icifdj im C»egenfaJ;} allnt @eift ge!janbdt Juirb, ba fannft bu untet iSleifdj ungefiiljr afIee berfte!jen, lta>3 bem @eifte 311roiDerlauft, !Die an ber GtefIc: ,~ae iSleifctj ift fein niiJ;}e.' lffio e0 aber anetn fiir fidj (absolute) geomuc!)t Juirb, ba follft DlI !Diflen, bail e>3 ?nefdjaffen!jei± lInb 91a±ur De0 Eeioe0 bebwte." (XVIII, 1877.) Unb im ~a~re 1527 fdjreibt Eut!jer in feiner Gdjrif± ,,~ail Die m5orie: ,~ae ift mein Eeili'" uflt. elienlo emp!jatifdj: "m5eiI benn foTc!jc>3 lta!jr unb unruibcrfptedjIidj if±, bal3 iSleifdj, 1DO C0 DellI Clleilt entgegen!JeleJ,l± ruirD, ball e0 baidoft nic!jt GS!jri.f±ll>3 Eeib !jei})t, lonbem ben alten Wbam, au>3 bem iSleifdj geooren; fo ift'>3 geJuiilIidj, bafl audj ~ie ~o!j. 6, 63: ,iSleifdj ift fein nute', nidjt fmm bon (fljriftlle Eeio betftanDen !terben, Juei! (fljrif±U0 bafeI6ft iSleifcfj gegen ben Clleif± ljiilt." (XX, 840.) @e iic~t fidj an, are ~aoe Eut!jer fiit feine @6cgefe aiemIidj ftaue @riinbe ini3 iSeTh gefii~ri. 1.j5. ,~. St ~ . ~