THE SPRINGFIELDER September 1971 Volume 35, Number 2 The Christology of Philippians 2, 5-11 1 I 1. \' Il-lCL S ]I,\ 1I:~l:I:11 ] El~USr1121~hl on Palm Sunday ";ill tlic i is ocl, sn!ins, lo is tliis?' That question W- 11as col.lti111lc.cI to Iliiu~~t tl~c rni~lcls ok mcn clo\vn tllrough the cel~turics; it js tlic cjucstio~~ l~:hil~tl tilo cl~~c'st ffol: the 1listol.ical Jcsus jn our clay. '1-flat (llicst, st;.~~-t(~l I>\ f Icr~i~anl~ licimarus n~icl contin~tcd by Strnuss i~ntl I:c~iall, 1-cnc1~ctl its csli~~l:~s at the beginning of our century in the rnonuli~c~lca l \\.ark o t.' i\ll,cr.t Scll\\.citzcr. i\Ftcr rcvieiving the ccn- t~1ric.s oi' o~i th~s si~l)icct. Sch\i.~it/c'r colicli~c-lcd : -1 licrc is ~~othing niorc' ncg:~ti\.c than thc rcsult of the critical st~~tl\. c.)f tlrc I..ilc of Ic'sus. 'Tlle Jcsl~s ol: N:l-/:~rc.tli \vho came l'i)r\\:ttil l~uhlic.l\- ;IS thc: .\lcssiah, ~vllo ~>rc;~cl-lcd the ctliic of the I\ingclo~ii 01' ~;o'(l, \\ IIO t'ounclccl the I\ing(loni of Ilc:~\,cll upon cart 0, ancl cliccl to ~i\ c: His \\-ol.Ii its filial colisccrntion, never Iiad ;III!. c!sistc~ncc~." . . . ScI~\\.c'it/c.r t):iscbtl his conclusion 011 the fact that there iverc so rn;llI! c.o~it~.;~clic~tions in tlic C;osl,cl life and ~>crsonalitv of C:hrist, sircli as tlic r~nl)ritlgc;~l)lc gulf bet\\.een Jesus at lacob's ;veil. liungs), anti thir:i~,-, i~~itl thc C'hl-ist \\.ho fcd tlie thousnntls \\.it11 miracle I-~rcatl, that it is impossible to acccpt both as historically valitl. This f nl '1 ure ro I-cconcile tlicl Ilclplcss infant nrappctl in swaddling clothes 11.ith thc I:\-c'rlasting Fa thcl-,-- to reconcile thc lowly Carpenter ivith the l',orcl of Glory on t.11~ 3lou1it of Transf-iguration, is horn of thc failure to gr;isp tlic truc' tli~licnsiol~s of: the 11~1miliation of Christ ;is it is prc5cll tcbd ill I'liilil>pians 2, 5-5. 'This section is comniolil~. knon.n as the KESOSIS of Jesus. It is alsc.) rcferrccl to as n ''Crux Intcrpretuiii," and not without rcason. 13cf'orc launcliing jnto ail exposition of thc test, ho\\;c\.c.r, it is well to colisiclcr tllc contcst that prompted it. Thc Philippian congregation \\,as P;ILI~'s pricle ancl joy. But, unlinppily, these saints were still sinl~ors, and tlicir particular area of \.c.cakness, so colnmon in cvcry congregation still, Ivas st.rife, vainglory ilntl This is u.liat I'nul \\.an tecl to put across to thcnl as he proccetled to call upon tlicm to look at thcmsel\/es in the mirror of Christ's humility and self- ab;iscmcnt. He tells them, "l>ct tllis mind be in vou which ivas also in Cllrist Jcsus, Il~ho, ]Icing in the form of Gocl, tho~i~ht it not robbcrv to 11c cclunl \\,it11 God; But made Hilnselt' of no reputation, ant1 took upon IHini the form of a servant, and ivns matlc in the likcness of mc.11; 1111cl being fo~~nd in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and hcc:rnlc obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." To grasp thc sense of this passage \ve shall have to csta1)Iish the mealling of t.;ich n.ord in its grammatic;il as well as in its historical co~ltrst. To do this wc must carefull!. studr. lexicon and Crammar. 17ersc~ 5 rc'i~tl~: "Let this mint1 he in you, iv11ic.h was also In Christ Jesus." Thc key 1,-ord in this verse is l~ltroneite, 2nd person plural present of ph ro~teo, \\-hicli means : "Think, form us hold opinion, judge." "ils a nian tl~inketh in 111s Ilc;lrt so is I](. ." 1 lit., i'l~il~~~l)i;~~~s were thinl;i~ig onl\ of tht.n~svl\~c:s. !l11c1 so. L);:LI~ ~:,l~:)l.t\ tl1(:111 to thin]; continu;~llv (prcsel~t tclnsc) :IS Ic.5115 tll(,(~glit. :i110 11c.\cr thougl~t of ~ilniclf, b~lt o~~l! of othcr-s. "llc I lilit I ! i,!~\ci 1''' (Horn. 15, 3), sa!-s Z'a~ll. In tlie s~lccct,tlil~g Ti?l-i,i', li~ l~~-o~~t'c~I\ LO illustrate tllat fact. In verse 6 he s;lys: "\\'Iio, l.)c%i~;i; ill 111~ 1'01-111 of God, tl~ougllt it not robl>c.r\. to bc ccj~~;rJ \\:ill1 (;otl." 1 Ijii 1 cuxc is . . the "Gordian I\not" of this cl;t ire scctio~. T"i-c,r!, \~.ort I j, ;J;I~>(.!I.~'II~~., particularly thc noun lt~or-phe. \\'hiit csactli. rlr?c.; tilib ;\ol-tl rilc:;~n? The lexicon definition is simplcb cnough. I~;ILICJ.-.\ rn~!t-~.;i~~gric~li, Tliayer, Schil-litz-Eger, \\-cscott & Hort. agrcc tl~iit it lilC'.ill.i;, "f'ol.lil, outwarcl appearance, sllape." But thtrse defi111 ticul!. c!o 1101 >uit 111c contest. \\'hat does it mean to s;~y tliat C'l~rist I\-!i>, 111 tlic' 1'01.111 of God, or to sav that I-Ie had the out\\.:~~.(l ;ll>i)car;irl~c. (,I' (I;:!d. 01- to S~IL- that He \vas in the ~11:1l)cn of Gc~l? 'This clifficl~lt\- Ij(:~oiili:\ tlo~~l)l> conipo~~~~clcd \\.hen one rcntls on and Icarns that les~~.; i:~iil)t icii I l ill1 self of this ~rzot-llhc and tool< on thc. rt~or-l)J~c of ;I \laic. Ot \\11;!t tliil les~~s cmyty Himsclf I)\. cniptying IIimself of cli\.ir~c. f'o1.111, 01- o~~t\\.i~r(l alqwar;~~~ce, or sli;jpc? Ant1 \\.hat ditl I-Je ;~ct~lall\- :iss[~illc~ if IT(: tool; uj~o~~ Ilim the for~n, the out\va~-tl appearalic,c, or tl~c \II;I~c oI' ;I sl,!\.cb? The difficulty posed here is ret'lcctcd in tlie \.,lriou.; t~iii~sl;~tii~li\ of the passage. Thc K]\' and thc l t?rl~Ii.;ll \\.orit "form." Of all the rc~itlitions, ho\\.c\.cr. tlicrcs ;II-~ 11011c~ (~i~itc* 50 impssible as the tr;lnslations that define IIIOI.~)~IC ;IS "II;I~LII.(:." '1'0 S;I~ that Jesus emptied Hinisclf of His divine ni~turc is to ~.i)l) I~\LIS of Ilis deity and reduce Him to thc nlere 1cvc.l of ma~l. Sor clocs it 111;ll;e m~icli scnse to say that Ilc took on tl~c nature of a sia1.c. 111 \\.11;1t \\-:I!. is the naturc of i slave intl-insicall! diffcrcnt fl-orn that of otllcr man? The sla1.c has the same body and soul, apl)cti tc.5 ;111d :~spil-iitions, fears and frustrations that his master h;is. \\'hat, tlien, c10c.s r~~or-l)lrc mean in the context of this chapter as \\:ell as ill tlicl 1argc.l- contest of the life of Christ? \\%at is this ~rzol-phc that c:nn be usc(l oi' C;otl and usecl of n s1a1.c as jvcll? I ~vould suggest that 111or.1,lic in this connection is I~cst csprcssctl in contem por:iry 1~11gIisl~ 131. th(: ~\,or(l> "st;itus." Jcsus hat1 clivinc statiis from eternity 1)y I~cink c(1~1i11 \\.ith God. Tllc absence of the definite article horc slio\\.s tll;it il~ros means I)i\.inc Being, or Esscncc:. Thc apostlc Incans to s:i!, that Jesus alwavs cnjo!wl conll~lctc ecluality \\.it11 the E';lthcr and tlle Hol\r Gllost. Tl~at \vas His status from everlasting. Ant1 il \-\.as of this status that He emptied Himsclf to takv upon Him t11c statiis of n slave. Now \vc must continue with the ~lcst \\,ortl ill \.crsc 6, \\~hich is 12ypnrcho11, tllc p~rticiple form of hy)arc:ho, \vliich mcans : "exist, be present, be at one's tlisposal." The I<]\' transl;~tcs this \\:ortI as "being in the form of Gocl"; RSV has: "Iie was" in tl~c form of God; Phillips: "Iic has alj~ays beel~"; NEB: "The Divinc Knturc \viis His from the first"; 'TEV: "He always ha1 the nature of God." 1111 of these translations are substantially correct inasmucsll as the Grcck word docs mean "exist," whilc the gran~~l~atical form of it i~ldica~cs t11;lt 1lli5 c~i\tvr>cc: Ilirs I)c:cl~ contil~l~o~~s from ctcrnity aiid \vill ever oii 1 I 0. 1'11;1t, I,\ tlic \\-a!., al5o i~lll,lics that lesi~s tlitl not c~npt\ I lili~5cIl of Ilis lli\illc ;\at111-c in 1 lis i11c:lrnatiull. but toll- tinuo;l to cxi\l. ill I li5 I)i\.i~ic 1: ssc~lcc ;IS I-Ie ]lad al\\.c?!.s ('lone. -1 11c ~ic~t \\ is 11101.~ cliffici~lt. Hnr/)i~gt/~o~~ is rluite rare in sccul;t~- (,~.celi ;i~icI i~ot 1'0~111~1 i~t ;ill ill the 0. '1'. translation, accorcling to I:;tu~r.-!\~.~lcl t-( ;illgt.i~Ii. '1'11~ first meilning of the \\orel is "rob- I~cr\-," !\\-Ii~c.Ii i\ ~it~rt to ilnl)ossiblc in t'hil. 2, 6: the state of being ccl~;;~l \\it11 (.;i,tl c.;!rlllot c(lu:itctl \\.it11 tllc act uf robhcl-y), s;i):s :ll.r~(lt. ,\11otl1(.t. ~lic'i~liilig of thc \\.ore1 is "prize, 1)00ty, 21 picce of good fort^, I \\ i~lt'ill. Jt \\.oi11d ;I~~IC';IT tlii~t "~II-ize" is the OI~C bcst s~litccl to tllc, ~Ilo~lyIlt of' tlic' tcst, not in the scnsc of an ;~\vi~rd, hut in thcx sc:~i\c. of' ;I I~(';ISII~C\ tji;11 is ~.c.'tilincrl :It ill1 costs, iI pri/ctl posses- sioil. \\'I~;tt 111~. ;~jlo\tlc. 1ile:ins to sn\ is t11;lt lcsus clitl ]lot selfislil!. I lis I)i\ ill', st;lt~~s ;IS somc1lllini to be rctnincd at all costs. F. Iri \\s , ;111(1 ti tlic ;~l)ostle I~TO~C'C(IS to clcliil~;~t~ that life of sc~lf'-;~l)~~c-~;~~ io11 111 lllc: ~\.oi.cls: "11~1t 111:1rle Hi111scIf of 110 rej~~~tatiol~, i~ntl tool; i1l)o11 llilii 111~' EC)~III of ;i scr\.;lnt ilntl \\.as 111adc in thc lilie- ness of' rilct~: ..\II~I I)c'ing founcl in fi~sliion as a mall, He hu~~ildctl lli~ilsclf', ;11i(1 I) ol)cclicl~t unto death, even the death of the cros5." \\ Ili~t 111~3 I\ 1 \. LI-;IIIS~;I~~S as "matlc I.Iimsclf of 110 rc.13~1 tatioli" ;~lirl t11c XI.:]{ I-oliclc;l-s ;is ~ilntlc. Himself nothing," is ckcrrc;st:rr ill tllc it ~IIC orit of kc1100, v11i~l IS "hlakc clnpt\:. to s, . I l'llc gl.;~liinintic;~! form in this instance implics tli;~t tl~c cnipl! i11g \\.;IS co~i~~>Jctc. TII~I-e \\:as nothing left. \l'e I~ILIS~ take tilis \\.orcl sc>riol~sl!., ant1 realilc* that this cannot ~eofcr to His l)ii.ille .%at~lrc, I lis I)i\.ilic! I