Full Text for Der Pietismus, part 3 (Text)

QTnurnr~iu m4rnlngiral ilnutqly Continuing LEHRE UND VVEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. VII January, 1936 No.1 CONTENTS Page Testifying the Gospel of the Grace of God. Th. Engelder. • • • 1 Der Pietismus. Theo. Hoyer . • . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . • . • • • • • 6 Present-Day Problems of Lutheranism. F. Kreiss. . • • • . • • • • 14 Luther on the Study and Use of the Ancient Languages. F. v. N. Painter . . . . . . • . .• 23 Der Schriftgrund fuer die Lehre von del' satisfactio vicaria. P. E. Kretzrnann . . • • . • . • •• 27 Sermon Study on 2 Cor. 4. 3-6. Theo. Laetsch ......•..• , 30 Dispositionen ueber die erste von del' Synodalkonferenz angenommene Evangelienreihe .................... 39 Miscellanea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches. . . . . 55 Book Review. - Literatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 73 Ein Prediger 1I1U88 n1eht aIleln ID.~, also dUs er die Schafe unterwelae, wi. ole rechte Christen lO11en seln. sondem ouch daneben den Woe1fen weMen, da.se iie die Schafe nicht ancrelfen und mit falacher Lehre Tertuehren und Irrtum ein· fuehren. -'- Luther. E. at keln Ding, daa die Leute mehr bel der Kirch. behaelt denn die gute Predigt. - ~polollia. ~rt . t .. It the trumpet giTe an uncertain lOund, wbo oball prepare himself to the battle? 1 COf'. ~. 8. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of JIlissouri, Ohio, and Other States COB'COBl):u. PtrBLISHDfG HOtrSE, St. Louis, Mo. CHIVE 6 '!let ~ietiSntus. they would be nothing but a magnificent idol-temple." He closed his essay with the prayer: "Dear Savior Jesus Ohrist, graciously grant us that we may never betray the alone-saving Ohristian doctrine of grace, but remain faithful confessors of it for the honor of Thy holy name and the salvation of man! Amen." (Lehre und WeMe, 72, pp. 266. 329.) By the grace of God, Ooncordia Seminary to-day knows only one thing. The Biblical doctrine of the grace of God in Ohrist shapes all the courses in its curriculum. It forms the subject of the final examinations. Addressing the graduating class of 1933, the president said: "We feel sure that you have a clear perception of these two central truths of our Ohurch, of the formal principle [the sole authority of Scripture] and of the material principle [justifica- tion by faith, salvation by grace], and that you confess both by mouth and heart as your faith; otherwise we could not with a good con- science permit you to enter the ministry." (OONC. THEOL. MONTHLY, IV, 562). A seminary of this character, in so far as it accomplishes its high aim, measures up fully to the needs of the Ohurch. And now for the matter at hand. Realizing the need of the Ohurch and of the world, we commemorate with gratitude and joy the fifty years of Dr. Fuerbringer's work in the ministry of the Gospel of grace. In all these years, in the various positions into which God placed him, as pastor of a Ohristian congregation, as teacher at Oon- cordia Seminary since 1893 and its president since 1931, as editor of the Luthemner, and as President of the Synodical Oonference, making full use of the manifold opportunities these positions offered, he has been testifying with a loud and sweet voice the Gospel of the grace of God; he has been giving all that is in him to supply the one great need of the Ohurch. We thank God for the rich blessings this ministration has brought to us and countless others. And we pray God that the teaching and the example of the jubilarian may inspire many with the mind of the apostle: "None of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus to testify the Gospel of the grace of God." TH. ENGELDER. ~et ~iett~m1t~. (\:3'0 rtf e~ung.) ~n ben "IDlagbefmrger 2en±Urien", bem monumenialen ®elcljicljg~ tDert ber meformct±ion~3eii, abgefcljloffen im ~aqre 1574, fcljrieb 1Yraciu~: "Wnfiatt e i n e ~ !j3aWe~ llJringen iqrer un3iiqtige qeruor, tDeIclje meclji umtDecljfetn unb au~ ®ericljg~ in ~ircljenfacljen treien, in iqren @5cljran~ fen niclji bIdben unb ben ®emeinben bie ®lauben~formern mit @5cljtDeri, mw~ unb SDonner aUfbringen. SDa3u brauclj± man einen &)aufen mor~ Sl)et ~ietismus. 7 tuanb. 'Ilie :Dvtigreit fei custos utriusque tabulae, miille ben ®treit fcljWfjien, bie unru~igen Sl:opfe bertreiven." 'Ila§! ~rinaip, baB ba§! ~mt be§! !mort§! bet ~ircge gefjort, baB bafjer vei g)erufung, vatu. g5ev feJ;lung ber ~rebigcr 1011Jie Dei ~u§!iibung ber Sl:ircljenaucljt bie ®emeinbe berire±en fein mU13, biei3 ~rinsip, bai3 in ber ,,!mi±±envergifcljen ffiefor~ mation " , 1545, nod) getuafjr± 11Jurbe, tuar alfo 1574 awn groBen :;teU aUfgegeven. 'Ilai3 ~ircljenregimeni Tiel in bie ~iinbe ber !iJiirften. ®in ~aupiaeuge bafiir iit 'Ilabib Grfj1)iriiu§!, t 1600, feit 1551 ~rofeWor an ber liniberfiti:li ffioftoe'E, aver vefonberi3 iiiiig in ber ~u§!viIbung ber fircljHcljen :Drbnung in :tf±eHeiclj, ber ®ieiermarf unb in mee'Elenvurg; in IeJ;lierem Banbe tuurbe er 1571 ~orfiJ;lenber bei3 neugeorbne±en Sl:on~ fiftoriumi3 unb ~ieH aur ®roffnung bei3f elven cine getuar±ige ffiebe De Iudiciis EccZesiasticis. Grfj1)iriiu§! fagi: ,,'Ilie politici ~aven auf Buifjeri lin±eHiclji befto vegieriger ba§! ®bangeIium angenommen, baB fie ba§! ~oclj ber g)ifdjofe abtuerfen unb Die ~ircljengii±er nefjmen biirfen. mUn tuoUen fie aver jeJ;li nicljt mefjr aUf Die ~ircljenbiener f efjen unb iiver aUe urteHen. ~Ifo mUB nUn Die Sl:irclje naclj bem ~nfpruclj ber ~ofe mefjr aIi3 naclj bem !mort ®o±±e§! regiert tuerben." 2u bief em !manber fja±±e bieI vefgetragen ber ~ug§!burgif clje ffieH~ gion§!friebe bDll1 :;'Safjr 1555, in bem ba§! auf bem erf±en ffieiclji3iag au ®pe1)er, 1526, probiiorifc(] angenommene ~rinaip Ouius regio, eius religio aI§! au ffiecljt vefiefjenb cmedanni tuurbe. linb ieiIi3 au§! lin±ev tuiirjigfeit, ieiIi3 gelui13 audj aui3 g)equemHcljfeit HeB man bie !iJiirf±en in ber ~irclje l1Jirt) CGaf±en. 'Ilai3 man ficlj bavei nicljt tuofjI fiifjIte, gegi au§! ben bieIen ileri cf]iebcnen iReefj±fertigungi3griinben fjerbor, bie man in§! !iJeIb fiifjrie, biefCi3 \Sitrfienregimen± au berieibigen, tuorauf fcljon bie "magbeburger 2en±urien" fjinl1Jeif en; man nannie bie !iJiirf±en custodes non solum secundae tabulae, sed etiam primae, bann l1Jieber praecipua membra ecclesiae; unb fcljIieBIiclj macljie man ficlj'i3 bequem unb ve~ fjaup±eie, ba§! ius episcopale fei bon ben g)ifcljofen auf bie !iJiirf±en iiber~ gegangen.1) 'Iler ~roteft gegen biefe ®n±t1Jie'EIung bei3 ~ircljenregimeng f±irbt nie gana au§! , aver e§! finb nur etnaelne ®±i:mmen. 2Hi3 ficlj jeboclj bie \Solgen aeigten, er~oven ficlj auclj ~Iagen, erft bann unb tuann, bann ~iiufiger, vi§! fcljIieBIic'fj, gegen 2Infang be§! 'IlreiBigji:lfjrigen Sl:riege§!, bie ~Iagen aUgemein l1Jurben; 2ufti:lnbe in ber ~irclje tuaren oerabcilLl DcbenfIief) gch1orben. ~auptinfjart ber magen ift hnmer biefer: 'Ilas iRcoiment in ber ~1rclje neg± nicljt in &jiinben ber ~rebiger (baB mtef) ber 2ufjorer fiel) bavei bdeiIigen fome, ~a±±e man siemIiclj aUgemein bergell en), f onbern nur in ben ~iinben ber :D6rigfei±. 2tuar regierten bie Ij3rebiger l1oc[J bnrcf) ~onfif±orien, avet biefe f)ntten nUe ~mgvefu!}nille bedoren; in ben ffieiclji3f±i:l.bien gab ei3 minificrien, vef±efjenb au§! ben ~rebigern ber ®±abt unb eini!}en 'Ileputierien bei3 1) ~tU~ ffiiC!)tec, 0lefc!.>ic!.>te bec elJungefifc!.>en Sl:ird)enbecfuifung in Sl)eutfd)~ lunD, unb ffiubellindj, I5tuatsHtdjentum unb !Jteligionsfrei1)eit; aitiert bon I5djmib, @efd)idjte bes ~ietismus, 15.5. 8 'iDer ~ietismus. CSenag, an i~rer CSpite ber CSenior be§: .\lninifteriums; alier biefe ~atten nur 2rntrag5red)t.2) ®5 f den nod) etrid)e BHate a15 )Be1eg geftattet. ~o~ . .\lnatt~iiu§: .\lnel:Jfar±, t 1642, bcrfatte 1633 cine 2rli~anbIung De Disciplina Ecclesiastica, toofiir er liei ber ~egierung berrlag± tourbe uttb aum m5iberruf geatoungen toerben foIIte, af§: er einem )Beruf naclj ®rfur± (er toar I.J3rofelfor unb ~eftor au Sl:ofntrg) folgie. ~elien anbern ~eformen bedangte er: "m5eiI auclj tie SHrcljenfd)Iiil1e1 gana nid)t au entbe~ren, . . . miilfen fold)e aU5 SJofen, ~ammern unb Sl:onaefeien auriictgegeben unb ber d)dftIid)en ®emeinbe fold)e burd) ben ertoii~Hel1 mat frei au geliraUd)en geIaffen toerben.3) ~o~. ~alentin 2rnbrea, t 1654, ®upcrintettbcnt in Sl:alto, bann SJofprebiger in CStuttgar±, ~at ftd) ~od) um bic st'ird)e f einer Beit berbient gemad)i burclj feine unermiiMid)e ®orge, bie Buf±iittbe unier bem burclj ben ~rieg gana unliefd)reilJfid) bertniIber±en ~oIfe au ~elien. ®r tourbe in feiner reformaiorifd)en )tatigreit gana liefonber6 burclj ba§: mii:cljtige CS±aagfircljeniul1l ge~emmt. eEr flagt bot arrem lilier bie ~iifareopapie, ben 2r pap, iuie er fie nennt, ba§: umgde~r±e l.J3apf±tum. @'lo f d)reibt er 1646: "Eo audacius progressi sunt nostri Apapii, ut statuerent, in principis manu tanquam episcopi esse ecclesiastic a munia per politicos perficere, ecc1esiao vero administration em et iura tanquam arbitraria et beneficio concessa tota tollere." 4) @in anbermaf f cf)reilit et 1n einer ~ortebe: ,,91id)t anbet6 ift e6 mit bet burclj ba§: teure m5crracug D.9,R . .2Ut~Ct5 boITbtad)ten ~efotmation gegangen, bie aITerMng0 bem anti~ cljriitif d)en ~eid) einen unau§:fpred)lid)en @'ltot unD 2rlJlirud) licilirad)te. @0 ~at aber ber Ieibige (Satan nid)i lange gefeier±, f onbern ba§: alJge~ tnorfene ~odj ualb tnieber anbcrtniiti6 aufgelegt unb f cinen ®f cr ltm~ giirtet, inbem er gefe~en, bat ein groter )teH i~nen ba5 ®bangeIium au toertIid)em ®infommen, @~ten, 3'reif)eit uttb bomger mawa tniffe au~ nut aU mad) en, ber ~ird)en en±tnenbetc6 1mb nunmc£)r tnieber binbi~ aler±e§: peculium, al5 i£)nen f)leburd) betfalien, antalie, ben iuieber uc~ freiten )Bannfd)IiiffeI auriidlege unb mit 3'iiben trete, ben SHtd)enbienf± giinaIid) toeHIid)er ~i0ftetion un±ettnerfe, Me l.J3oHaei nicljt aU0 ®ettJiffen, fonbern ~nteteffe grUnbe, Me @'ld)ulen mit ~anitii:t erfiirre unb in§:gemein aITer ~ifforu±ion ben ,Baum bomg fcljieten Iaffe, tocId)e0 ifjnen bann fo bier cingeiraqcn, bat et fid) nicljt afIetn In htraem f eine0 .2eibe5 iilJer ben geiftrid)en 2rntid)rifi geirof±et, fonbctn aud) einen neuen tnertHd)en 2rnti~ d)rift mit 3'teuben gefe£)cn unb anf±a±t papae Oaesaris mit Oaesaro-papa elienio groten @'ld)aben in geiftIid)en UnD toeHHd)en ®tii:nben bet ~irdje ®ottC6 augefiigt." 5) ~. IDciilier, @'lenior in SJamliurg, fd)reilJ±: "Olim in papatu florebat nanoxawae{a, dum pediculosi monachi statum poli- ticum pedibus conculcabant. Hodie autem inverso ordine ecclesiam corrumpit xatoaeonanla, dum quidam politici absolutum in ministros 2) sr~ofucf, '!ias titd)HclJc S3cben bes 17. ~aljt~unberts, I.1ll6t., 15.3. 3) l5d)mih, 1. c., 15.7. 4) 'U)ofucf, 1. c., 15.8. 5) I5cljmib, 1. c., 6.8. Si)cr ~icti§muil. 9 ecclesiae imo in ipsam ecclesiam affect ant et usurp ant dominatum. Utinam Deus excitarct aliquem Oonstantinum et Oarolum Magnum, sub cuius directionc et patrocinio ecclesia pressa possit reviviscerc !"e) 2tuf allen ®eiten tlJiebet~ort ficlj 2u±~et0 ~otroutf gegen bie Biitftcn: "Sub papa miscuit ecclesiam politiae; nostro tempore vult miscere politiam ecclesiae." &)et30g ITriebticlj bon 2l5iid±emberg ent" fern± o~ne 9tiicl'ficlj± aUf bie geiftriclje )Be~orbe bie i~m minHebigen miibe tDar, ber na±iirIicfj i.\um grofstcn 5reiI bon ben Uniberfitiit£ltfjeo(ogen gefiifjr± luurbe, tciIs - unb bas ift ein iYaftot, bet: in biefer gan3cn Scit nicljt iilierfcfjen tDet:ben barf - tDeif bie ~efuiten, bie es bon iefjet: mit bem ifjncn iibficfjcn @?~Cll:fbIicf aUf bie qoqeren @roiefjungsanf±ar±en aligefefjen unb fiel) b tcIet:ort£l in bi c iYaLuItiiien eingef d)mUllgeIt unb ftdientDeif e Hite cigencn 2rnf±aHcn gegriinbet fjatien, gerabe je!;}t cine ganel unfjeim~ Iiclje 5riitigfeit ent11Jic'ferten; unb Mefe glaiten, oHgen :Diploma±en (oCEfen anbern ifjre ®±uben±en tDeg; bie Iu±fjerif cljen S\'on±robctf en getDannen 11ntet ifjrer @?cljiIberung rein fcljonerc.s ®eficljt, unb ijubem - bas mufl±e ifjnen ber 91eib raffen _. f±anben fie, tDas 2Bijfen unb ,I.IcI)diid)tigfeit anlangte, unlief±ritten aUf bet 0rilje ber Sei±. @?o ljaHe man auf man~ ~er rutljetif~en Unibetfitii± ~opftoelj. ~m ®lJnftetgmus f~ien mancljem iYiirf±en ein .\,)Orrnllngsltern aufBl1geljen. liaIi6tinif ~c 5rqeologen tDurben gefuclj±' \Branbenliurn na±iidiclj boran; ~rinigijbern tDl1tbe fl:)nhdiftif ~; bet ®ro13e Srurfiirfi, iYriebt:iclj m5UfjeIm, berbo± feinen Untertanen, bie 2Bittcnlierger llnibetfitii± 3U l.lefll~en; cine unioniftifclje ;Orbet rof±ete 113aul ®erqatbt 2'(m± unb \Bro±. 2rr±borf, 9Hnteln, mer, 5riibingen, ®ieflen, 9'toitod', 2eij.1ilin teiltDeife, @?traflliutg, ,,(Ialobs 5rtoft", fieIen in @?l:)nhC±iftenljiinbe. ®cI6f± bet: 8htrfiirf± bon ®aelJfen berbot fC£JneflIi~ aIle ®±rettf ~tiften gegcn bie @?lJufrdi1±en; er f dlif± Lauf±<: nIle S\'opien bon lialob§ ,,®cfcIJi~±e bes ®l)nhe±i§mu§" aUf. Uqf~otn fag±: "liaIit:t Ijat bie 5rqeologie miIber ltnb friebfet±iger gema#, nl.let au~ lueicljet unb tDibcrftanMIofer. Stcine tqcologif clje @?~ule Ijllt fo bide elJaraHet~ 10le, fdJluanfenbe unb ben iYiitf±el1 unliebingt gcqorfame 113af±oren eraogen aIs bie Q:.aH);ts." )ilias tDir uns fiir bie Sufunft merfen tDoIlen 1 0iet nut bies: @§ broljte bet teinen ,I.Ieqte bet mcformation cine neue ®cfa~r; au all ben anbern iYeinben bet ;Ortqobo);te ram bet @?l:)n~ fretismu0, ein iYeinb, ber bet Sl'irdJc ans Eelicn ging unb lIm fo gefiiqt~ Ii~er tDar, ag feine ~Xngtiffe gehJriqnrt~ ma§ficrt unb au§ bem 0intet~ Ijan gefcljaqen. :Da3u ift no±orif~, bat bie meiften iYiirf±en unionif±if~ gefinn± tDaten; unb Mefe iYiitf±en tDaren feit bem 2rugsliurget meIigion§~ ftieben unbcf~tiinfte 0erren bet stirc~el ~f± es cin 2Bunber, ia ift es unl.letect)tigt, bafl bas 0aup±augcnmcrf Il1tqetif~et 5rqeologen aUf \Be~ tDa~rllng bet reinen 2e~te geri~tet ift? ~ft es ein 2Bunbet, bafl bie 5rqeologie bet Seit e±tDas einfeitig au fein f~eint unb bafl mancljet 5rqeoIog tatj'iicIJn~ einfeitig tDutbe? man~e 2eute finb iil.lerqau\J± fo angelegt; fie fOnnen nut ei n e n @efi~t£lpunf± aUt Seit f eqen unb bertteten. ~af3 bies ni~t aIlgcmein tDat, luollen tDit fpii±et fe~en; 14 Present-Day Problems of Lutheranism. fjier f of( nur [arob angefitfjt:± tuerben, ber boclj getuiB bet Debeuteltbfte ~otfi±mpfet bet Drifjobo;t;ie tuar. ~n.0 €l.penet~ Pia DcsicleTia et~ jdjienen, fcljtieD [arob bennodj an €lpenet: ,,@ute DesidMia finb cmdj Die meinigen, unb ba @llre Srttd)c bon ben '(StiimmigfeitsiifJungen eine fofclje '(Srudjt fjat. tuie ber ~l1f Dericljtet, fo nefjme idj feinen 2rnftanb, foldje examina pietatis audj anbetn elU empfefjlen, luie iclj benn audj nod) fUtalidj mit ~{nfitljrung be?' lSeifpiel§ 1mb @tforg§ @utet .~itdje hn iiffentridjen @otte§bienf± bie ~attone bet Sfitdje elu ifjtet ~ladjafjmung ctmafjnt fjaDc mit bem lllillnfdje, baB fie. mit ml1ten fortgefctt ltnD bie fjict ltnb ba per accidens fidj anf djlief3cnben WCif3Dri±lldje aDgeftelIt IvcrlJcll. " ~Jlein, bet ~auptgtunb, tuatltm e§ 2rrrein~~teDiget in gtiiBeter ~(n3afjr gaD. ivat ein anberet. (;EB tuat betfeIDe @tltnb, bet im af(et~ griiB±en WCaf3e bafitr beranttuotHidj roar, baf3 eB in ber Stitdje 3um 5teH fo f±anb. roie €lpenet es in feinen Pia Desidcl'ia fdjUberi: :0er tucrtridje @ltanb reDt allmcift in @liinben ltnD lllioUiif±en; bie nodj @ifet filt ~e~ hgion Deigcn. tun cB bieIfadj mefjt "auB 2rofidjt eineB pon±ifdjen ~ntetef1eB" af0 auB meDe aUt llliafjtljei±; bet geiftHdje €ltanb ift gana betberDt; e§ feljH Die €leIbftbedcugnung; jeber judjt baB €leine; unb bet ~au§f±anb ift berfunfcn in 5trunIfudjt unb ~toaef3fudj±; man erfennt nidj±' baf3 @igentumBbefit audj \13flidjten mit Fd) bringt; man fudj± 2rbfolu±ion ofjne ffiuf3e ltfro. :0er S;:,aupigrunb ift roieber ba§ Srtrdjen" regiment. lllieif Dief e§ inar, tuaB cB tuar, gab eB ivenig obcr gar feine redjte .mrdjenilHc'f)t. Hnb ba§ ift ein neue§ StaIJiteL 5t fj eo. ~ 0 lJ e r. (j}otifetuug folgt.) Present-Day Problems of Lutheranism. As viewed by the Lutheran 'Vorld Convention. The Lutheran World Oonvention devoted the greater part of its sessions to the reading and discussion of reports on important prob- lems confronting the Lutheran Ohurch to-day. Unfortunately, for lack of time, the open discussion was frequently reduced to a mini- mum, so that it was difficult to ascertain what the majority of the delegates thought about the subjects in question. The first great problem treated was "Lutheranism and the Re- ligious Orisis of our Time." To us it seemed to be the most impor- tant topic. Bishop Max von Bonsdol'if of Finland opened the session devoted to this question by reading an essay prepared by his Finnish eolleague, Archbishop Raila (who could not attend the convention). Dr. Raila :finds that a religious crisis is always closely connected with a world crisis (K ultuTkampf) and that both mark a turning- point in the course of an evolution. The materialistic philosophy before the war, with the rise of the socialistic belief in human good-