Full Text for Notes on Chiliasm, part 4 (Text)
the predictions of the, future continually tODk the form and image of the
present or the past. . .. The New can be conceived af only under the<
aspectsl of the Old. _ .. It was quite natural and, in a, senSEl, ne'cessary
tha,t the prophets should speak of thEl better things to come in language
and imagery deri:ved from such as were known and familiar to their
minds." Patrick Fairbairn, The Prophet's Prospects of the Jews,
Notes on Chiliasm. 405
the Beast. We would not blame him if he said: If Scripture cannot
speak for itself, I will have none of it. Men will lose all respect
for the Bible, as they lost respect for the Delphic oracle, if its state-
ments are made as ambiguous as those of the pythoness, if John
5,28 f. bears a hidden meaning, if "all nations" means representatives
of some nations, if "quickly" means "after a long time." When one
has read a few volumes of chiliastic literature and finds strange
meanings continually put into Scripture-texts and the Bible made
to speak a new language, 1 001'. 14, 23 comes to mind: "If there
come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers, will they not say
that ye are mad~" Is Scripture really such a confused, cabalistic,
contradictory writing? Let the premillennialists beware! They are
weakening the authority of Scripture. Scripture does not mean
much under the Papacy. There it is "like a waxen nose." What
becomes of it under the chiliastic treatment? To apply the chiliastic
method of interpretation "is to introduce absolute confusion and
surrender the prophetic field to the caprice of individual feeling or
the shifting currents of popular opinion." (Fairbairn, op. cit.) p. 154.)
The chiliastic attitude towards Scripture is, in the second place,
fraught with grave danger to the spiritual life. The denial of plain
teachings of Scripture is not a light matter. The heart of every
Ohristian protests against any brushing aside of Ohrist's words.
Where this is done, either consciously or unconsciously, the integrity
of the Ohristian faith suffers. When Hengstenberg, after stating that
Ohiliasm is in direct conflict with the teaching of the Lord in the
gospels and of the epistles, declared that the matter does not endanger
the spiritual life in its inner nature, Lehre und Wehre replied: "Wir
meinen, dU(l'ch das Festhalten irgendeines Irrtums, der die 'A us-
sprueche des H errn usw. gegen sich hat,' komme das geistliche Leben
in Gefahr." (6, 211.) The reference here is not to those who con-
sciously, deliberately, and persistently reject words of Ohrist. Such
an attitude destroys the Ohristian life without fail. The reference is
to those who are not conscious of being in opposition to Scripture,
who have deluded themselves into thinking that they are fighting,
not against Ohrist's Word, but for it, but who are in fact denying
plain teachings of Scripture. Such men are in grave danger. They
are doing violence to their faith. Faith is alive to God's Word.
Faith clings to the words as they are uttered by God and will not
consent to the rejection of plain teachings of Scripture. Faith is
sincere and accepts without questioning every word of Scripture.
The chiliast therefore is clinging to his opinion against the persistent
protest of his Christian faith. He is doing that of which his faith
disapproves. He is engaged in a dangerous business.
Mark well: Faith, the soul of the spiritual life, lives solely and
exclusively on the Word of God. It lives and moves and has its being
406 Notes on ChiliasID.
in Scripture. The chiliast, however, while he bases his faith as a
Christian solely on the word of Scripture, bases his "faith" as
a chiliast on the word of man, on human figments substituted for the
Word of God. Chiliasm involves the Christian in a conflict between
faith and enthusiasm. So far as, and as long as, he is engaged in
chiliastic thinking, he is suppressing the voice and activity of faith,
and he is keeping the source of all spiritual life from pouring out its
full flood. .And everything he thinks, speaks, and does in the interest
of chiliasm is of an unspiritual nature. Its source is not the Word
of God.
Finally, what of the attitude of indifferentistic toleration taken
by many chiliasts? With respect to the conflicting teaching in their
own midst they counsel forbearance. Dr. Frost says: "The reader
should keep it in mind that there is much agreement among prophetic
teachers concerning the major events connected with the return of
Christ. Also, he should keep in mind that there is much disagree-
ment concerning the minor ones. For the first we may give God
thanks. . .. For the second, too, we may give God thanks; for the
existing disagreement has the advantage of producing in us humble-
ness of mind concerning our own knowledge and charity of spirit
concerning that of others, which are spiritual virtues greatly to be
desired." (The Second Coming of Christ, Foreword.) Dr. Frost is
convinced that his teaching of "The Coming Posttribulational" is the
Scriptural teaching. He denounces the teaching of his antetribula-
tional brethren as unscriptural. .And still he thanks God that they
take this view. And the antetribulationists accord him the same
courtesy. Bibliotheca Sacra, which rejects Frost's teaching as un-
scriptural, says in discussing his attitude: "This is most gratifying;
for it helps to maintain fellowship among those who agree in the
main, but differ as to some of the details." .And speaking of another
posttribulationist, it says : "No one of course would deny the author
the right to his view on this subject." (1934, pp. 373. 376.) The same
forbearance is counseled and practised with respect to the non-
millennialists. The Lutheran Companion says: "On this question
[twofold resurrection, etc.] the Ohristian Ohurch is divided into two
schools of interpretation. . .. .And they, as a rule, try to be fair and
to respect one another's opinion as they continue to study the Scrip-
tures for mutual edification." (1934, December 29.) Large sections of
the chiliasts have been, and are, demanding that this whole matter
be treated as "an open question," each side to hold to its view and
tolerate the opposite view. "We plead for Ohristian courtesy and for
the manifestation of the Spirit of Ohrist." (Watchman-Examiner.)
How are we to evaluate this toleration? Dr. Frost calls it "a spir-
itual virtue." We abhor it as unspiritual. It is the result, with
some, of the lack of assurance. When men are not thoroughly con-
Notes on Chiliasm. 407
vinced of the truth, the Scripturalness, of a doctrine, they are ready
to concede that the contrary teaching may be true. But on the ques-
tion in dispute between us and the chiliasts, Scripture leaves no room
for uncertainty. The fact that men remain uncertain is due to their
refusal to bow to Scripture. That is not a spiritual virtue. With
others the case stands thus: they are convinced in their own mind
that chiliasm in general or some particular point connected with it is
Scripture-truth, and yet they are willing to have the contrary doctrine
taught in the Ohurch. That is an unspiritual, wicked attitude. No
man has a right to his view when it contravenes Scripture. It is
treason against Scripture to concede him that right.
The chiliastic treatment of Scripture justifies Dr. O. Y. Zorn's
verdict: "Die SCHWAERMEREI der Ohiliasten gehoert mit zu den
geistlichen Plagen, von w'elchen die K irche J esu Ohristi geplagt wird
bis an den Juengsten Tag." (Die Offenbarun.g St. Johannis j p.342.)
And there are other reasons why chiliasm must be branded as a plague.
2. The chiliastic promi~e of earthly prosperity and glory perverts
the Ohristian's outloole and hope. That is the second count in the
indictment against chiliasm. Scripture warns us against conceiving
of the kingdom of God as a worldly realm, John 18, 36; Luke 17, 20.
Again, the way set before us on this earth is the via crucis, Acts
14,22; John 16, 33; Matt. 5, 3 ff.; Luke 12, 32. And finally, our hope
is fued on the bliss of heaven, Phil. 3, 20 f.; Titus 2, 13; Matt. 5,12 ;
Luke 12, 32, and our affection set on things above, not on things on
the earth, 001. 3, 2. Ohiliasm, however, craves for an outward, earthly
glory of the Ohurch and fixes the hope of men on the fictitious pros-
perity and rulership prepared for the Ohurch in the millennium.3)
3) Ea.rthly ha.ppinoos and outwa,rd glory for the Church is the stock
in trade of chilia,sm. Dr. Frost doolE! extensively with it. "Man persists
in looking forward to a, time and place wherein his hope for a, paradise on
earth will be realized. And for once in human experience man's: natural
thought is in harmony with the divine purpose." (Op. cit., p. 139'.) "The
Ohurch as a whole will exercise authority over earthly Israel. 'Thousan.d
years' on the' face of it signifies temporal conditions' and thus an earthly
state." - "Christ promised His apostles tha,t He would again sit with them
in fellowship and dispense to them the' wine, and this in an earthly king-
dom." Isaiah foreteUs "the rejuvena,tion of the whole ea,rth. . .'. Man,
when he returns with Christ in glory to reign with Him for a, thousand
yea,rs, will find himse,u in a new physical environment-the world trans-
formed both spiritually and physically." (Pp. 75. 77. 144 f. 235.) Similarly
Bengel, Seiss, Zahn, and others, as quoted on preceding pages. Also Weid-
ner: "The reference [of Rev. 20', 4] can only be to a judicial rule over the
nations on the ea,rth. . ... Christ will glorify His Ohurch befoTe the
world." And then in the wOords Oof Auberlen: "Christ and His saints will"
by their spirituaJ rule, direct all external relations, and circumstances.
All poetry, an aTt,. all science, aU social life,. will be Chris-tian. . ., And
this bl-essed sta,te of general salvation will extend even to the kingdom
of nature. The sOoil will bring fOTtn with inexhaustible and ennobled
fertility; the animal world be freed from murder and fury." (Annat.
on, Rev., pp. 280-358.) "Durch, die mit der Wiederkunft Christi ver-
408 Notes on Chiliasm.
It is a vicious delusion. Its effects are harmful in the extreme.
In the first place, since the whole thing is an illusion, it engages
the mind of the Ohristian with unscriptural thoughts. The Ohris-
tian has no right to engage in thoughts that are not supplied by the
Word of God. The devotion warmed by the expectation of an earthly
realm of Ohrist and the Ohristian is not Ohristian devotion. The
prayer for the coming of such a kingdom and the thanksgiving for
such promises are not inspired by the Holy Spirit. And it is not
safe to follow the guidance of your own spirit. Led by the spirit of
enthusiasm (enthusiasm being the substitution of man's own thoughts
for Scripture), you do not know where you will land. The ign.is
fatuus will lead you into a morass where there is no stability. There
is no stability to chiliastic thinking. There is no limit to the flights
of its diseased fancy. Out off from Scripture, the phantasy of man
runs wild. And it is a morass in another respect.
In the second place, these thoughts engendered by chiliasm are
not harmless fancies, innocuous dreaming, but distinctly evil thoughts.
They are the product of the flesh. They are carnal, evil thoughts.
The chiliastic promise of earthly happiness, earthly glory, appeals to
bundenen topographischen, geographisohen und kosmisohen Veraendentngen
wird cine Meerst1'asse ueber J61'usalem das Mittelmeer und den Persischen
M eel'busen veTbinden." (Zahn says no; the ocean is turned into dry land.)
"Dadul'ch Wi1'd Jerusalem die Metropole del' Welt." (Der OhTistl. Apolo'
gete, 16. Juni 1915.) Evangelist W. Sunday: "Think of how glorious it
will be to live, a thousand yeanl in this world with our blessed Master and
be closely associa,te.d with Him; with bodies that will not wear out or
grow old, no vl'Tinkles' or white hair,. perfect health, and with faculties for
enjoyment a thousand times grea,ter than we possess now. Po,verty, sick-
ness, and wa,r will be unknown." Donald G. Ba,rnhouse: "When Christ
is reigning upon the earth, it will be right to turn the other cheek. It will
be right to follow a policy of pacifism before an unregenerate world.
For in tha,t day when the evil and selfish instincts of men break out
against their neighbors, the one whO' is oppressed will be sure, in sub-
mitting, that in a fla,sh some mighty angel will be theTe taking ven-
geance. . •. Some day that kingdom will be esta,blished. The King will
00 ruling O'ver the world by means of His, glorified saints. . .. To the one
our w,rd will give, one city, to another five cities, to another ten cities."
(His Own Received Him Not. But-, pp.47.73.) The chiliasm indulged
in by the Russellites is of the same earthly, carnal character, with Rus-
sellite va,ria,tionsl. "The follO'wers of Russell will inherit the earth when
the millennium begins,. when there will 00 nO' sta,rving for brea,d, nO' bur-
densome taxations, no distress of any kind. .And this is to be expected
very shortly; within the present generation 'Christendom' and the nations
that rule therin shall be completely destroyed." (The Kingdom, p. 21;
Pop. Symb., p. 418.) - The chiliasts a.re dre'aming again the dream of the
Jewsi. The Jews dreamt, and a,re dreaming, of an ea