Full Text for CTM Miscellanea 6-4 (Text)

<1tnurnrbiu (1Jqtnlngiral itnut111y Continning LEHRE UND VVEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. VI April, 1935 No.4 CONTENTS Page Notes on Chiliasm. Th. Engelder •••••••••••••..••••••••• 241 1st die Variata synergistisch und majoristisch ~ F. E. Mayer .••••••••••••• 254 The Old Testament at Gettysburg. w. A. Maier. • • • • . • • • •• 267 Anklaenge an Schriftlehren in griechischen und latei- nischen Klassikern. P. E. Kretzmann • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 276 Der Schriftgrund fuer die Lehre von der satisfactio vicaria. P. E. Kretzmann • • • • • • • • •• 283 Entwuerfe zu Passionspredigten ...................... 286 Dispositionen ueber die altkirchliche Evangelienreihe. . . .. 289 Miscellanea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 303 Theological" Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches. . . .. 305 Book Review. - Literatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 311 Em Prediger muss nicht allem weideR., also dasa er die Schafe unterwelse, wle aie rechte Christen sollen sein, sondern auch daneben den Woelfen tDe~r"", dass sie die Schafe nlcht angreifen und mit falscher Lehre verfuehren und Irrtum ein· tuehren. - LutMr. E> ist kem Ding, das die Leute mehr bei der Kirche behaelt denn die gute Predlgt. - Apologi8, Arl.!f. It the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the hattIe? 10or. 1J,8. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. Miscellanea. sos Miscellanea. The Purpose of a Scientific Theological Magazine. A few requests for information, recently received, seem to make it ad- 'visable to state briefly what the idea and the object of a scientific theo- logical magazine are. The questions are answered, as a matter of course, from the standpoint of the CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY, which to a certain degree serves a peculiar purpose. Our :fi!IONTHLY is a Luthemn magazine. It is published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States and is therefore strictly Lu- theran in confessional character, even though it does not offer new Lutheran confessions. Its editors are pledged to the Bible as the verbally inspired Word of God and to the Lutheran Oonfessions as a corret doctrinal presen- tation of the Bible-truths. Hence no form of anti-Biblical propaganda, sec- tarianism, Modernism, or any other views which are at variance with Lu- theran principles will be tolerated. Our MONTHLY is a bilingual magazine; that is, it is bound, at least for the present, and probably for years to come, to offer articles in both English and German. This is required by the practical situation, which :still calls for work in German on the part of approximately fifty per cent. "of our pastors. This demand will not be met by the purchase of old vol- umes and copies of the H omiTetio Magazine and Lehre und Wehre, except where doctrinal expositions and sermon studies are concerned; for changed conditions and new difficulties call for new treatments of old truths, pref- ·erably in the language in which these truths will be presented. A second 'consideration is this, that the best theological material at the present time is coming to us in the German language, largely due to the revival of the study of Luther in Germany. If we lose the spirit of this language, we 'Shall deprive ourselves of one of the chief sources of information and in- spiration. And how can a Lutheran pastor afford to be monolingual of his own choice while we have the rich stores of theological information in the literature of four hundred years of sound Lutheranism? We have taken the need of our pastors into account in proportion to the conditions under which they are working. In Vol. V the number of pages in English (not including book reviews) exceeded the German by about one hundred. Our MONTHLY is a general theologioal magazine. It aims to serve aU -departments of theology. The balance between the four great divisions of theological learning has in the past been well maintained. The number of articles in the exegetical field has been slightly lower than that in the fields of historical, systematic, and especially in that of practical theology; but we are taking steps to remedy this situation and to offer more Biblical studies and exegetical material. We have had articles on missions, on pas- toral work, on Bible classes, on church polity, on various questions in the field of liturgics. Almost 5,000 pages of the CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY have been printed, and these pages contain a veritable library .of general theological information. Our MONTHLY is a soientific magazine. It really aims to be profes- :sional; for the ministry is a profession, not merely a technique. No grad- 304 Miscellanea. uate engineer will be satisfied with a mere mechanic's paper, just as little' as a graduate physician will be satisfied with popular articles on certain phases of sanitary science as they occasionally appear in the better grade, of magazines. Our MONTHLY has refrained from bringing erudite disqui- sitions for the sake of mere erudition. But it has offered articles with at, least adequate professional information, in a variety which should meet the needs of all those who are really in the profession. A casual glance, at some of the titles found in other magazines offers the following list of subjects: "A Phenomenological Analysis of Conscience"; "The Place of the History of Religion in a Theological Discipline"; "The Dates of the Na- tivity and Crucifixion of Our Lord"; "Jesus und der juedische Traditions- gedanke"; "Der Engel Jakobi bei Mani"; "Life Factors and Tendencies"; "The Unchangeable Election"; "Evils Resulting from an Abridged Sys-, tematic Theology." A careful study of most of the articles offered in our' MONTHLY will show that the topics have some bearing on more or less im- portant doctrinal, ethical, and practical questions. In fact, not a few of the' topics are suggested in letters which reach us or by students who return after their year of supply-work. And finally, our MONTHLY is a dignified magazine. Which does not mean that it is to be pompous or pedantic. But it does mean that it may at no time offer articles which, while possessing true merit in themselves, bear the marks of a variety of levity. The work of a Christian pastor is the most serious and responsible in the world, and while he may indulge' in humor and whimsicalities in his m{)ments of relaxation, our magazine is not the medium of any such sentiments. The forces of darkness are ar- raigned against the Church of Jesus Christ, and while we know that the portals of hell shall not overcome it, we cannot afford to relax our vigilance for even a moment. P. K KRETZMANN. ;l)a~ "tiiglidje" ~Xllt. itber ben bielIie~anbeften ~wbrucf a(1'rO, 8:Jt10V(1tO, finbet fidj in ~eft 2/3 1934 ber ,,2eitfdjrift fUr bie nenteftamentridje lilliffenfdjaft/l ein ~rtifer bon ljSrof. tsriebridj ~aucf~@:rrangen. @:r 11leif± ~auptfiidjIidj aUf me fo!genben @:dliirungen ~in. ~n ~ntiodjia (@5~rien) berftanb man ben ~u~brucf bon "bem niitigen, ba11l. fUr ben Stag niitigen, ?Brot/l, llJ'obei ber Ston mefjr auf bem ?Bellarf, aUf ber Ieben~nOtigen menge, Hegt. (;l:fj~foftomo~ tebet bom llf!1:o, ECP~flB(!O, unb bann 1Deiter~in bon bet 1:(!oCP~ &yayxata. (Hom. XIX.) ~ie ljSefdjito frbetfei;l± ,,?Brot unfer~ ?Bebfrrfniffe~", 11la~ bann 11leiter edliirt 11lirll "nnb nidj± be~ ftnerf!uf1e~". ~ie aranifdjen itnerfei;lungen benten an bie @:rfUlIung lle~ niitigen gJebiirfniff e~, "me ~afjrung~menge nnf eriil Stages". ,,~udj bie perfifdje ftnerfeJilung gillt panem, qui diei necessarius est. Unb im ~mateinifdjen ift biefelIie ftberfei;lung, 11lenn audj feIten, mit substan- tialis 11lenigf±en~ borfjanllen." ~m @5djlut ber WlijanbIung gillt er ag tsaait, bat ller ~wbrucf "ba~ fUr ben 5tag niitige ?Brot" bebeu±et. !lS. @:. Sf. The "Chicago Theses." Our attention has been called to the fact that an item in the list of articles in the February number may be misunderstood. The "Chicago 'l'heses" of Vol. I, 64, are the "Intersynodical Theses," while the "Chicago and Minneapolis Theses" are those of the A. L. C. P. E. K.