Full Text for CTM Book Review 5-12 (Text)

(ttnurnr~ia ijJqrnlngiral !lnutqly Continuing LEHRE UND WEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. V December, 1934 No. 12 CONTENTS Die Umstimmung Gottes im Versoehnungswel'k Christi. Page J. T. Mueller ..••••.•••••• 897 The Church Reform of Henry VIII a Product of the Re- naissance. Theo. Hoyer ..••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• 907 Jerusalem. P. E. Kreumann ••••.•..••.•••..•..•••.••.•.• 922 Del' Schriftgrund fuel' die Lehre von del' satisfactio vicaria. P. E. Kretzmann •••••••••.• 929 Practical Suggestions for Conducting Bible Classes. P. E. Kretzmann ••••••••.•.• 932 Dispositionen ueber die altkirchliche Evangelienreihe ...... 935 Miscellanea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 951 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches. . . .. 957 Book Review. - Literatur ............................ 969 Ein Predlger mU!18 nleht .U.1n 1Dei<(!{vBw, lRom. 8, 34. ~auluil fa~t oei ,}t>tfttiftB bet mijfoutif\Jnobe. 1934. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 72 lS~iteit. ~reiS: 14 Cl:tS. SDiefer lS\JnobalOetid)t ent~(Ht 3ttJei rn:eferate, Die ftU~er borge1egte ~b~anb: 1ungen 3U ~nbe bringen: "msann nUt {iinnen ttJit Me £e~re bon ber rn:ed)tfetth gung rein unb unberfi:i1fd)t Iitl1.1a~ren 1" unb: "Can and Should a Christian Be Certain of His Present and Future Salvation?" SDas IStubium biefer "QrUnblicl)en", ,,~ri:icr)tigen unb gfaulienftartenben" rn:eferate l1.1itb unienn \l:~riftcn' boff, £e~rern unb \laien, tciclJen i5egen Iiringen. - ~s l1.1itb amI) benjenigcn Wu~en uringen, bie fiel) 1)cU±3utage fagen Taffen, bab l1.1ir ba~ lSd)rif±1Jdn3i1J fa~rcn Tajfen unb uns bern S!::rabitionalismll~ ergeoen, man foUte fid) barauf~in bieicn ~ericl)t anfe~en. ®e1uiU, bas Ci'rbe bet muter, i~re lSd)tiften, l1.1it:b ~Od)' fe1)r ~oC\i gefd)i:i~t unb gtiinbfiel) ausgellcutet. mbet es ift bie lSc!)rift alleiu, lvorauf bet @laulie gegriinbe± ttJitb. sman faufe lInb 1efe aUd) bie iibrigen @5\)nobalbetid)te unb a~n1ic~e i5acl)en. 9TIan l1.1irb fofort edennen, bab, 11.10 aud) immer untn uns cine £e1)re batgelegt 11.1itD, Die j)'tage im morbergrunb fte~t: mso fte~t bas ge~ fd)rieben? ·illlan 1efe aud) bie lSt)nobalbetid)te aus ber .{leU bel" mater. SDann loitb man nid)t in hie mselt ljinausfdJteiben: "Its burning issues were dia- Book Review. - \JUeratur. 975 lectical discussions about unionism and the validity of traditions." !mllil! diriftfidie SJciut. <6onbetbtucf bet ),Je~rberf)anbfung bes ~rgentinifd)en SDiftrim ber @b.~),Jutf). <6~nobe bon !miffouri, Oljio unb anbetn 5taaten bei feiner 7. SDifttift~betfammfung in Urbinattain, ~ntte ffiios. 1934. Casa Publicadora Concordia, Porto Alegre. 103 <6eiten 5%X8Y2. ~reis: 20 (Ets. 3u bqief)en bom Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. lll\ii~tenb bJit Die iYteubigfeit unb ben smut unfmt ftibametifanifd)en l8rtibet l>ebJunbem, bali fie in biefen fd)bJeten 3etten einen 50nbetbtucf eines ffieferat5 untemef)men, bJiffen luit if)nen aud) 3ugfeid) SDant ftir bas ~ampf)fet, bas fie f)iet~ mit BU unfetet ~enntnis bringen. SDenn bas Sjeft, bas f)iet botliegt, ent~iirt aus~ ~C3eid)neten ),Jefeftoff tibet Die biden btennenben iYtagen, bie im stf)ema angebeutet finb. Untet ftinf SjauptabteHungen bJetben bie biden bJicljtigen ~unfte bef)anbert, Me immet tDiebet im <6d)ul~ unb @emeinbelllefen aUftaucljen: 9lotlllenbigteit bes d)tifHid)en Sjeims; @ttinbung bes cljtifHicljen Sjeims; iYtiljrung bes d)tifHid)en Sjeims; Cl:tf)a1tung bes cljtifHicljen Sjeims; ),Job bes d)tiftfid)en Sjeims. lIDir mild)~ ten fonberlid) ben jtingmn 18ttibem, bie mand)en <6d)at aus aUen <6~nobaf~ oetid)ten nid)t 3ur Sjanb f)aben, bie ~nf.d)affung unb bas @5tubiuUt Dief es Sjeftes angdegentficlj emjJfef)fen. - 3ugfeiclj mild)ten bJit f)iet aud) ~inbJeifen aUf bas 5c!yufbfatt ber ftibamerifanifd)en 18rtiber, bas ben fd)1id)ten stUef "Unfm <6d)ufe" triigt unb nebft feinen ~rtifdn unb smttteUungen auclj gute .reated)efen bietet. SDas l8fatt erf cljeint jett 3ef)nmal im :;Sa1jte. ~. ~. ~ ret man n. Report of the Seventeenth Regular Convention of the Norwegian Synod of the American Evangelical Lutheran Church. Lu- theran Synod Book Co., Mankato, Minn. 69 pages, 6X9:t,4. Price, 30 cts. This is the report of our Norwegian brethren, a complete account of their synodical convention held in Bethany Congregation, Bethany Lu- 976 Book Review. - £ltteratur. theran College, Mankato, Minn., June 6-12, 1!J34. The business trans- actions are given in full as are the essays read, the first on "Jesus Christ Our Substitute," by the Rev. Paul Ylvisaker, and the second on "Christian Education," by Superintendent P. T. Buszin. Both essays will repay a care- ful study. P. E. KRET7::\L\'NN. D'ay by Day with Jesus. A Christian Calendar for 1935. Prepared by Prof. W. G. Polaok. Price, 60 cts. This little caIenda,r has now made its appearance regularly for many yea,rs" and this fa,ct alone seems to be an indication that its purpose Ims been achieved. In these days of hurry and bustle, when the fino custom of family worship has' almost disa.ppeared, the short devotions offered in this calenda,r may serve to bring at least a, few thoughts from the Wmd of God into the family circle. P. E. KRE1'ZMANN. ~ingegangene £iteratnr. £utfjertul1t. &jerausgegenen bon ~. 18 erg bo 1 t, @5. @5 d) ii f f e I, &j. Me i f e t u. a. 5Detdlert, ~eiNtg. (lJteue \Jorge bet ,,91euen .reitcl)1id)en set±; fdltift".) 45. :;'Safjrgang, &jeft 8. &j. ~auetcr: ,,5Der IItnfllrucf) :;'SG'ju an feine :;'Sunger// (1. :teiI); f:!. @5d)'reiner: "lIDiber Die esd)atologifd)e ffiefignation//; &j. r5d)omerus: "fianbbemerfungen//; ~. 18ergbo!t: Seitfd)riften, nnb 18ud)ernerid)t. ::tijeofugie ber @cgwlUart. &jerausgcgcncn bon D. ~ bet I) arb, lID. ~ i d) ~ rob t , ®. ® r li t mad) e r , &j. lID. @5 d) 0 me r n s nnb anbern. 5Deid)ert, ~eill' 3ig. 28. ~afjrgang. &jeft 4. lID. :triUfjaas: //91euerfcf)einungen liber lltattifdje :tf)eologie (,ur .reitd)enftage, &jomHetit, ®ottesbienft, r5ee!fotge, ~nnm SJJHffion, .!hrd)ented)t).// - &jeft 5. D. @berfjatb: ,,!j3iibagogU (biiUifd)e, ebange1tfd)e; fie' H~ionsnntertid)t).// - &jeft 6. &j. lID. 6cf)omerus: ,,91euerfd)einungen liner me1t~ gionsgefd)idjte unb ~xn&ere miflion." - &jeft 7 nnb 8. lID. @id)tobt unb ~. moff: ,,91euerfdjetnnngen tibC! bas lItHe stcftamcnt (~lllologettfdjes, ®rammattf, .reom, mentare, ~in3eluntC!fud)nngen, ®efd)icf)tc :;'Ssrads, altteftamentHd)c :tl;cDlogie unb meHgionsgef d)icl;tc,~ltcf)liD logie)." From theA Maomillan 00., New York:- Ethics. and Moral Tolerance'. By Arthur Kenyon Roge1'8. The Macmillan Co., New York. 1934. 323 pages, 5%XS. Price, $2.50. NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. In order to render satisfactory service, we must have our current mailing- list co.rrect. Th" expense of maintaining this, list has been mat0rially increased. 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