m~tnlngirul tlnut41y
Vol. V August, 1934 No.8
The Chief Prinoiples of New Testament Textual Critioism.
W. Arndt. • • • • • • • • • • •• 577
Zur Lehre von der Reue. Th. Engelder ..•••••••••••••.• " 584
The Catechism in the Christian Home. T. Laetach ••••••• 596
Der Gottesdienst in der alten Kirohe. P. E. Kretzmann ••••• 604
The Story of loseph in the Light of Reoent Researoh.
P. E. Kretzmann. • • • • • • •• 611
Sermons and Outlines.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . .. 81lS
lliscellanea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 826
Theological Observer. - Kirchlich.Zeitgeschiohtliches .•• " 630
Book Review. - Literatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . .. 644
Ein Predlger mugs n1cht alleln wf!iden,
also dasa er die Schafe unterwelse, me
8i8 rechte Ohrieten aollen aeiD, sondern
auch daneben den Woelfen wehre,., dll/lll
sle die Schafe nfcht angrellen und mit
talscher Lehre vertuebren und Irrtum eln·
tnehren. - Lu,her.
Es lot keto Diog, daa die Leute mehr
bel der Kirchc behaelt df1lD die gute
Predigt. - .Apologie, Arl.2J.
If the trumpet give an oncertaiD lOund,
who ohall prepare h1mle1f to the battle f
1 Oor. ,lJ, 8.
Published for the
Ev. Luth. Synod of lIIIissouri, Ohio, and Other States
CONCORDIA PUlJLISBIlfG :S:OlJ'SlI:, St. Louf!l, lIIto.
Theological Observer. - stirdjndj • .8eitgefdjidjmdje~.
I. .2lmcrika.
m:lt~ bet: iSi)ltobe. ~ie ~iftrift~Dfiitter her Ietten ID'lonate Befdjiiftigen
tidj faft au~fdjnetHdj mit ben !J1adjrief)ten ti6er hie ~iftrift~f~noba!fitungen.
5trotbem hJir nodj faft iiBemII im 3eief)en ber ~eimfudjung @otte~ ftegen,
aeugen biefe ber !J1adjridjten boef) bon ID'lut unb ®ottbertruuen. ~u~ ona~
goma rommt bie !J1adjridjt, bat fief) bie lBeHriige filr ben entfpreef)enhen 3dt"
mum biefe~ ~a'fjr eihJa berboppeH 'fja6en. @i3 fdjeint lidj gier unb anherfhJo
au aeigen, baB hie illjriften in unfern ®emeinben ben @rnft ber @Sadjlage
erfennen unb Bereit finh, hJirfTidje Opfer au Bringen, hJenn ignen erfIiirl
hJirb, 11.)ie ef tatfadjHdj ftelj±. @;i3 ift Durdjau~ notig, bal) jeber hJa'fjre ilqrif±
in unfern @emeinben edenn±: ,,®ein' ~rr6eit harf nicljt ruqn." - @ana
Befonheren ID'lut unb allBerorbentriclje ~ui3ballet: 6ehJeifen audj bie ~iftrifte
in ®ilhamerifa, hJie bie lBeridjte iiBer bie 6dben ®l:)nohaIfttungen seigen.
@;in bon bem C&oncorbia~Q3errag in ~orto ~negre ljeraui3gege6enei3 lBiidjIein
fiiljrt in anfcljaulicljer )ffieife hie ~r6eit biefei3 @efdjafti3 bor. :vcr Q3erIag
ar6eite± liclj je ranger, hefto entfdjiebener emprn:. - ~ui3 bem @SilhHef)en
:viftrift fomm± bie !J1acljriclj±, baB in IJloriha cine ®onntagffcljnle 6eftegt,
bie @SdjiiIer aui3 berfcljiebenen @St'racljen unb ffiaffen anfhJeift: engHfef)e,
beutfclje, fcljottifdje, irifclje, ffanbinabifef)e, italienifclje, jiibifclje unb f\Janifdje
®djiiIer (au~ ben iTSljHippinen). ~nf ber IJidj±eninfef ljat man neuliclj ein
Sfiref)enge6iinbe filr $25 erriclj±et. - ~fui3 berfcljiebcnen :viftriIten hJirh
Berief)±ct, baB man ®ottei3bienfte filr bie ®ommerfrifef)Ier einricljtet. llJCancljer"
ortf hJerhen bief e ®ottefbienfte im IJreien a6geljarten. ~udj in hen offent~
Hcljen ~nftar±en hJirh bie ID'liffion in mancljen :vif±riften mit groBem @ifer
unb mit groter 3ieI6elt11tBtljeit 6e±rie6en, 10 i). lB. in WCinnefo±a. - :vie
:vireftoren ber ®l)nobalanftarten aur ~u~6Hbung bon iTSaftoren unb Qeljrern
hJer6en mit groBem @;ifer um @SdjiiIer, ba bie @Siatiftif nacljanhJeifen fdjeint,
baB roir inner!jaI6 einef ;sa!jraeljng faum genug Sfanbibaten hJerben ent~
Iaffen fonnen, um bie gel1Joljnlicljen Qilcl'en (burclj ;ito]) unb ffiefignation) au
fuUen. - linter ben Wlannern, bie biefei3 ~aljr i!jr gorbene~ ~mgju6iIiiura
feiern, finben ficq bie foIgenben: iTSrof. D. O. ~attftiib± bon unferer ID'liI~
hJauleer lroncorbia, iTSrafe~ ~. ~ai6 in9Corb~)ffigconfin, P. ~. ~annenfelbt,
P. Q3. SfeIIer bon S1anfai3, bel: hJiiljrenb ber fi\nfaig ~aljre berfef6en ®cmeinbe
gebient !jat, P.~.~. Sfunt, ber jett in ber )sIinbenmiHion ±iitig ift, P. il.
ID'ledel, ~orfteger bei3 )ffiaifenljanfef au ID'larhJoob, iTSa., P.~. ffiu\Jpredjt,
~aui3ebitor in unferm iloncorbia~~erIag. ~a8u fommen noef) bie foIgenben
emeriti: ~. )8artHng in OrtonbiIIe, ID'linn., ~. SfaumelJcr in Qancafter, 0.,
~. Sfudjle in lrlebeIanb, 0., unb O. iTSratoriuf in QouifbiIIe, Sfl). \13. @;. Sf.
The· Quadricentennial of the German Bible. - Under this heading
the AtLstralian Lutheran reports how the quadricentenniaI of Luther's Bible
was observed by our Lutheran brethren living in and about the city of
Adelaide, Australia" It says: "It was an imposing gat11ering that as-
sembled at the Adelaide Town Hall on April 29, at 2.30 in the afternoon,
to demonstrate that Luther's great work, the translation of the Bible, is
appreciated still, though four hundred years have passed by since the work
WMI completed. The gathering consisted almost exclusively of members
Theological Observer. - .Ritd)(id)~8ettgefd)id)tltd)dl. 631
of the metropolitan congregations aa also of those near by in the country.
It is estimated that well over a thousand people were present. A special
program for the occasion had been printed in attractive form, and in it
were set out not only the order of procedure for the afternoon, but also
many interesting references to the German and English versions of the
Bible as we now have them. Prof. M. T. Winkler read the lesson and led the
prayer. The first speaker was Pastor H. Hassold of Eudunda, who outlined
the work that Lutlwr accomplished in translating the Bible. He was fol-
lowed by Pastor W. J anzow, who spoke on the relation of the Bible to the
whole of Luther's work and the subsequent attitude of the Lutheran Church
towards the Bible. Finally Prof. H. Hamann spoke on the influence of
Luther's translation upon the English Authorized Version. An imposing
feature of the celebration was the massed choir, which, under the baton
of Mr. V. Appelt of Eudunda, rendered the anthems Send Out Thy IAght
(Gounod) and Gl01'ious Is Thy Name (Mozart). A further gathering was
held on Wednesday, May 2, in the Adelaide Town Hall. Some four hundred
people, many of them strangers, attended. Addresses were delivered by
Pastors C. Hoopmann, T. Lutze, and E. Graebner, and anthems were ren-
dered by the choir. Pastor Hoopmannspoke on Modernism and t.he Bible,
Pa.stor Lutze dwelt on the testimony of archeology to the truth of the
Bible, and Pastor Graebner spoke on the inspiration of the Bible. To at-
tract public attention to these celebrations, the Luther League had arranged
for a, Bible exhibit in a prominent show-window in Rundle Street. The
British and Foreign Bible Society kindly furnished a few rare Bibles to
supplement the exhibit. A German Bible printed in 1543 - before Luther's
death - served to illustrate what kind of type was used in the earliest
printed Bibles. Another very interesting exhibit was that lent by General
Dean of Mount Lofty, an old German Bible, illustrated with hand-paintings.
The display attracted much attention."
In concluding his address, Prof. H. Hamann said: "Luther was not
like a, star, dwelling a.part; he was rather like some central sun, sending
forth life-giving, fructifying, stimulating rays in all directions; and partly
influenced by these rays, Tyndale became the great English translator.
Hence we and aU who prize the English Bible owe some debt of gratitude
for this treasure, under God, to Ma,rtin Luther."
The Sunday aiternoon service (April 29) was broa.dcast by two radio
stations, 5CL and 5CK of Adelaide. Prior to the celebration, on April 27,
Prof. H. Hamann published in the Advertiser, South Australia's morning
daily, an article entitled "Transla.tion of the Bible - Luther's Great Work."
This a,rticle a Roman Catholic weekly, the Southern 01"OSS, answered with
a tirade against Luther, "in which some of the many falsehoods which
Rome keeps on hand to besmirch the fair fame of the great Reformer were
repeated." In refuting the Roman Catholic "outburst of misrepresentation
and falsehood," the Austr'alian Lutheran quotes. among others, the Jesuit
historian Audin, who writes as follows of Luther's masterly translation:
"Luther's translation of the Bible is a noble monument of literature;
a vast enterprise, which seemed to require more than the life of a man,
but which Luther accomplished in a few years. The poetic soul finds in
this translation evidences of genius and expressions as natural, beautiful,
and melodius as· in the original languages. Luther's translation some-
632 Theological Observer. - ~itd)!idHleitgefd)id)md)es.
times: renders the primitive phrase with touching simplicity, invests itself
with sublimity and magnificence, and receives all the modifications which
he wishes to impart to it. It iE> simple in the recital of the patriarchs,
glowing in the predictions of the prophets, familia,r in the gospels" and
colloquial in the epistles. The imagery of the original is rendered with
undeviating fidelity; the translation occasionally a,pproaches, the text. [n
We must, then, not be astonished a,t the enthusiasm which Saxony felt
a,t the a,ppearance of Luther'E> version. Both Catholics auel Protestants
rega,rded it an honor done to their ancient idiom." J. T. M.
Shall Lutherans over against Each Other Practise Open Com-
munion and Pulpit-Fellowship P - On this question we find the follow-
ing remarks in the Lutheran of May 10: ''We have in hand a pamphlet
written by the talented, consecrated, and active president of St. Olaf Col-
lege, Dr. L. W. Boe. He titles it 'God's Movement' and solemnly summons
every Lutheran general body in the United States and Canada to revise
the ruling that denies participation in the Lord's Supper to any Lutheran
on the ground that the congregation to which this person belongs is con-
nected with a general body which has not officially been declared in altar-
fellowship with the gpneral body to which the congregation administerting
the Sacraments belongs. That is a ponderous sentence, and we state a case,
According to the rule now operative no member of a Church of the United
Lutheran Church is allowed to receive the Lord's Supper in any adminis-
tration of it conducted by the Missouri, Norwegian, or American churches.
He can present himself (properly prepared) at altars of the Augustana
and United Danish congregations. JliIissouri excludes all except its own
members. Dr. Boe argues that pastors and congregations shall be given
the right to admit Lutherans provided they are 'worthy' in doctrine and
intention, regardless of the general body to which they belong.
"He proposes a similar amendment of the rule 'Lutheran pulpits for
Lutheran preachers,' so as to lodge jurisdiction over exchanges of pulpits
among Lutherans in the individual pastors, with instruction of course to
maintain confessional fidelity, dignity, and edifications in their ministry of
the Word. Dr. Boe believes the doctrinal unity now existent among Lu-
therans is so nearly complete as to justify this modification of the Gales-
burg Rule. By so doing, all Lutherans can have access to the means of
grace in any community in which a Lutheran church is located. HB urges
the general bodies to consider revision of this rule at their next meeting.
He does not believe we are yet ready for organic union."
We merely wish to remark the following: -1. It is conceivable that
a body bearing the Lutheran name is more heterodox than, let us say,
a certain Presbyterian commullion; hence the mere possession of the name
Lutheran callnot be held to entitle a person to a place at our altars or
in our pulpits.
2. 'Whatever action charity may prescribe in certain special cases no
policy regarding pulpit- and altar-fellowship must be adopted which will
sanction false teaching.
3. The large Lutheran bodies are not yet in a position to establish
pulpit- and altar-fellowship among themselves. There are grave diffi-
·culties in the way which first have to be removed.
4. VVhile it may be true that now and then harm has been done by
Theological Observer. - ~itd)Hd)=Seit\1efd)id)md)es. 633
an overzealous emphasis on purity of doctrine, everybody who is not blind
must see that the harm which has come, and is continually coming, to the
Church through laxity and indifference in doctrine is far greater.
5. The U. L. C. itself, as the Northwestern Luthemn points out, is
pledged to the above principle. Its Declaration says "that until a· more
complete unity of confession is attained than now exists, the United Lu-
theran Church in America is bound in duty and in consic(mce to maintain
its separate identity as a witness to the truth which it knows, and its
members, its ministers, its pulpits, its fonts, and its altars must testify
only to that truth." There is no reason why this should not apply to rela-
tions with heterodox Lutherans as well as with the Reformed. A.
The Merger of the Reformed Church and the Evangelical Synod
of North America. - On June 26 and 27, at a, convention held at Cleve-
land, 0., the merger between the Reformed Church and the Evangelical
Synod of North America. was con8u=ated. Since the Reformed Church
in the United Sta,tes has 346,945 members and the Evangelical Synod
259,896, the united membership will 1m more than six hundred thousand.
The faculty of Eden Seminary at Webster Gro:ves, Mo., will be strengthened
by three professors from the Central Seminary of the T]pformecl Church,
which until the merger was maintained a,t Da,yton, O. The Reformed
Church, however, will retain its seminary a,t Lancas,ter, Pa", for the use
of students living in the East, including those who are now in the Evan-
gelical Synod. The church property of the united body is valued at
$96,000,0000. The miss,ions of the Evangelical Synod are in South America,
Honduras, and India; those of the Reformed Church are in China" India,
Japan, and Iraq. Medical work and schools a,re included in the missions
of both. The Evangelical Synod carries on nine dea<)oness hospitals and
two homes fOT epileptics and feeble-minded, also six homes for the aged.
The Reformed Clmrch maintains five orphanages and four homes for the
aged. The Reformed Church is strong in the Eastern States, while the
Evangelical Synod has most of its churches in the' Centra,l West. The
merger was a,pproved by the "classes" of the Reformed Church in Sep-
tember, 1933, and by the General Conference of the Evangelical Synod
in October, 19,33. The lillion is to be organic, not federative nor ad-
ministra,tive. J. T. M.
Episcopalians Discuss Preserving a Properly Qualified Ministry.
At their Church Congress, which met in April in Philadelphia and which,
by the wa,y, is nothing but a free debating society within the confines
of this communion, meeting annually, Episcopalian leaders looked at the
question how their Church might keep men that are unfit out of the holy
ministry. The essayist who treated this subject, Bishop Coadjutor '\Vash-
burn, asserted that in a certain diocese, a,s a ca.reful investigation had
disclosed, of sixty men who recently were admitted to the ministry one"
third should never have been ordained. Episcopalians ha:ve a system
which makes candidates, run a formidable gauntlet before they can reach
the goal of a. rectorate. In the first place, the rector Rnd the vestry of
the parish to which the candida.te belongs must testify to his fitness;
next, a board of examining chaplains tes,ts his intellectual qualifications;
in the- third pla<)€, the standing committee of the diocese scrutinizes his
credentials and the results of the a,forementioned examina,tion and possibly
634 Theological Observer. - ~itd)lid)~8eitgefd)id)md)e~.
launches into a little investiga,tion of its own before passing on his
fitness; and finally the bishop of the diocese has to be satisfied that he
is dealing with a worthy candidate. In this array of hurdles theological
seminaries have not been mentioned, although they, too, playa role. It is
taken for granted that, as a rule, candidates attend one of the theological
seminaries of the Church, where they are equipped for meeting the board
of examining chaplains. Bishop Washburn finds little fault with the rules
of his denomination for admitting men to ordination. What he stresses,
deserves repetition here: "We a·re all beginning to lea,rn, it is to be
hoped, that legislation of itself cures few ills. Canonical as well as civil
la,w can and will be disregarded if men wish to ignore it. Granted con-
sciences adivcly functioning in those responsible for the admission of men
to the ministry, the number of misfits will be greatly reduced." Now
and then the view is expressed that church-bodies with an episcopalian
polity function more smoothly than those that have a, congregational basis
and that the former have fewer difficulties to contend with than the latter.
It seems the above might help to disillusion those holding such a, view.
The Convention of Northern Presbyterians. - In big head-lines
the press reported that a,t the convention of the Northern Presbyterians,
held in May in Cleveland, 0., the Fundamentalists were defeated. There
were several issues on which thcy were outvoted. In the first place, their
candidate for the position of Moderator was not elected, the position going
to Dr. William Chalmers Covert, who in the LiterU1"Y Di.gest is described
as a Liberal. In the second place, the Independent Board of Foreign
Missions, organized by the Fundamentalists, was ordered by the Assembly
to desist "from exercising any ecclesiastical or administrative functions,
including solicitation of funds within the Church." All Presbyterian min-
isters and laymen who are members of the board must, according to the
resolution of the Assembly, sever their connection with it under pain of
being made the subjects of church discipline if they do not obey within
ninety days. This Independent Board, it will be recalled, was organized
when it became evident that Modernism had invaded the foreign field of
Presbyterian mission endea.vors. Matters came to a. head through the case
of Mrs. Pearl Buck, who was one of the Presbyterian missionaries in
China and who had come to doubt the virgin birth of our Savior. Although
she resigned from mission service, the Fundamentalists were not satisfied
with the attitude of the official board and decided to organize a mission
venture of their own. Having called several missionaries to represent
them abroad, it will have to be seen whether the Fundamentalists will
submit to the decree of the Assembly. In the third place, the Funda-
mentalists opposed the projected union of the Northern Presbyterians with
the United PTesbyterian Church. It is a. rather strange situation which
exists with respect to these two church-bodies. The Northern Presbyterians
a,re described as a denominatiCin having a. good creed, but a, liberal con-
stituency. The United Presbyterians" on the other hand, are said to have
a poor creed, but a conservative membership. The document of union is
cha.rgcd by the Fundamentalists to be of such a nature that the contem-
plated union would represent a. church-body with a, poor creed and a large
liberal membership. It was on this account tha,t the Fundamentalists
Theological Observer. - .rettd)nd)~8eitgefd)td)md)e~. 635
opposed the union, feeling that the cause of truth would not gain thereby.
When the vote was taken, however, it was shown that they were decisively
defeated. The General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church will
likewise have to vote on the union project, and if it approves of it, the
presbyteries of both churches will have to express themselves on it. "If
two·thirds of the presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church and a majority
of the presbyters in the United Presbyterian Church give their assent, the
union becomes final in 1936." - The skies look dark for the Conservatives
in the Northern Presbyterian Church. It is held by some observers that,
if the proposed union comes about, a split is bound to occur, resulting in
the formation of a Conservative Presbyterian Church.
After the above had been written, press dispatches brought the infor-
mation that the Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church voted nega-
tively on the question of union with the Northern Presbyterians. A.
The Ultimate Cause of Our Troubles. - The Northern Baptists are
experiencing difficulties similar to those through which our Church is
passing. A committee has drafted a plan looking to a complete reorgani-
zation of the work of the denomination, and in the Watchman·Examiner
issues of the last months this plan was thoroughly discussed by interested
readers. What one of them writes in the issue of April 19 deserves to be
heeded by us, too: "The real seat of our denominational difficulties is not
in the realm of organization. In making these statements, I would not
imply that there is no need of improving our organizational regime. There
is grave uncertainty, however, as to whether the changes proposed, if
adopted, will really improve the functioning of our convention and its
cooperating agencies. The seat of our difficulties is in the local church;
in the state of the though·life and the heart-life of the members individually
and collectively. It is the quality of life that lies behind our organized
life as a convention that is conditioning its efficiency. We need to turn our
attention therefore to the problem of improving the life of the churches ....
Even a cursory study of church-life will disclose the following realities
in the situation: 1. Superficial understanding of what it means to be
a Christian; 2. lack of vital religion in the lives of most church-members;
3. invasion of the churches by a vast body of pagan life and practises;
4. utterly inadequate programs of Christian education. The mere men-
tion of these realities is sufficient for those who know the fellowship life
of the Church." Must we not say that this Baptist hit the nail on the
head 1 If we should he called on to diagnose our own case, would not
the four points which he mentions he included in the list of ills which
we should draw up? Proper diagnosis -let us not fail to engage in it.
Fosdick and War. - One of the major topics of discussion in church
circles this spring was a speech in which Dr. Fosdick set forth his attitude
toward war. He ga.ve his address the title "My Account with the Unknown
Soldier." We submit some of its striking sentences: "You may think
that I, being a Christian minister, did not know him [the Unknown
Soldier]. I knew him well. . .. I lived with him in dug-outs, in the
trenches, and on destroyers, sea.rehing fo·r submarines off the shores of
France. Short of actuaJ battle, from training-camp to hospital, from the
fleet to, No-Ma.n's Land, I, a Christian minister, sa.w the war. Moreover,
636 Theological Observer. - .reitd)1id)<,8eitgefd)id)m~~.
I, a, Ghristian minister, participated in it. I, too, was persuaded tha,t it
was a, war to end war. I, too, was a, gullible fool and thought that modern
wa,r could somehow make the world safe for democracy. They sent men
like me to exphLin to the army the high meanings, of war and, by every
argument we could command, to strengthen their morale. I wonder if
I ever spoke to the Unknown Soldier. One night, in a ruined barn behind
the lines, I spoke at sunset to the company of hand-grenadcrs who were
going out that night to raid the German trenches,. They told me that
on an a,verage no morc than half a, company came ba,ck from snch a, raid,
and I, a, minister of Christ, tried to nerve them for their suicidal and
murderous endeavor. . .. If I blame anybody about this matter, it is
men like myself, who ought to have known better. We went out to the
army and explained to these valiant men what a, resplendent future they
were preparing for their children by their heroic sacrifice. 0 Unknown
Soldier, however can I make that right with you? . .. When the words
that I would speak about war are a blistering fury on my lips and the
encouragement I gave to war is a, deep self·condemnation in my heart, it is
of tha,t I think. For I watched war lay its hands OIL these strongest,
loveliest things in men and use the noblest tributes of the human spirit
for wha,t ungodly deeds! Is there' anything more infernal than this, to
take the best that is in man and use it to do what war docs? . .. I am
not trying to make others sentimental about this. I want them to' be
haTd-headed. 'iVe can have, on the one side, this monstrous thing, or we
can have Christ, but we cannot ha.ve both" 0 my country, sta,y out of war!"
W11at marvelous, display of deep ·feeling for a, temporal blessing-
earthly peace! Fosdick has so dedica,ted himself to. the abolition of war
that he entirely loses his balance and brands. every participation in war
as Hinful, it seems. But divine truth, revealed in the Scriptures, which
leads to true, everlasting freedom, to hea,venly bliSH, is blithely ignored
by this crusader. Fosdick and his associates, ha,ve caught a, vision of the
life tha,t now is, but not of tha,t which is to. come. They aTe working fOT
the things that are seen, which are temporal, and not for the things that
are no.t seen, which a,re eternal, 2 Cor. 4, IS. A.
An. Astronome,r Rebukes Modernistic Preachers.. - While many
so-called ministers of Christ fail to see that JliIodernigm spells the death
of Christianity, there are intelligent laymen who realize this very clea,rly.
We take pleasure in reprinting the letter which an astronomer addressed
to the Oh1'istian Oentury and which certainly is to the point. When the
writer speaks of entertaining a, "reverent agnosticism," we do not quite
understand what hOo means. It may be that he has no,thing more in mind
than thee limitations of our human, intellectual powers,. We now suhmit
the letter without further comment:-
"SIR: A recent issue of the Oentury points. out a, superfluity of
ininister". It would be most astonishing if, when aU other professions
are ovcmto{;ked, the ministry should esca,pe congestion. But the results
of a, quostiol1l1aire, as reported in your columns, indica,te that an ala,rming
percentage of seminary students aJ'e either uncertain regarding ma,ttcrs
of prime importance or, what is worse, definitely contrary to the most
sacred teachings of Christianity. Wha,t business has one who questions
the immoTtality of man or the divinity of Ohrist in the clergy? If Cillis-
Theological Observer. - ~itc~nc9~,(leitllefc9id)mcges. 637
tianity to him is merely a. system. of ethics, let him live a.ccmding to its
principles (as some of the rest of us a,re trying to do); but let it be
made clear tha.t one cannot expect to be supported solely by good living.
If he believell that the ministry offers. opportunities for culture and schola,r-
ship, it ma\}" be pointecl out tlmt the average congrega.tion cannot finance
the development. of his genius. Let him follow an aca.demic ca,reer. He
ma.y find tlmt he has made a slip in cCHmting llis mental blessings.
"As an astrononwr I do not turn to, the, Bible for cosm.ological infor-
mation, but I do not worry OYer the much-harped-on scientific fallacies-
tlley a.re inconsequential. I admit a, reyerent agnosticism; for certainly
I should not expect to comprehend tIle Maker of this complex universe
or the cosrnical significance of a, single human being. But when I go to
church, I want to hear a sincerely con~ecra.ted man who speaks with con-
victions and who pra.ys as though he were sure he had a, paJ'ty at the
other end of the line. The Author of Ohristianity interpreted His position
a.s well a.s our own with res,pect to God amI the future life in no uncertain
terms. I can see no half way about Christianity; if divinely inspired, it
leaves no· questions to be asked; hut if its origin is hmnan, it is shorn
of its power, is. incongruow;" and a bitterly disappointing delusion. In any
case the Ohurch will decay if it entrusts itself to these weak s,isters with
their emasculated religion," - William A. Calder, Harvard Observatory,
Harva.rd, Mass. A.
Southe.l'u Preshyte'rians Vote Not to Return to Federal Council.
At its meeting in Montrea,t, N. C., ea.rly in June, the P'resbyterian Church
in the United Sta,tes., better known a,s the Southern Presbyterian Ohurch,
considered the question whether it should again becomc a, member of the
Federal Oouncil. Several presbyteries urged tha,t membership relations
with the Federal Council be reestablished. ~When the ma,tter came before
the Assembly, a lively deba,te ensued. By and by a vote was taken, and
the resolution to rejoin the Federal Council wa,s, defeated. It is with an
aclling heart tha,t one realizes that tllere aJ'e Presbyterians who are more
critical of tI,e Federal Council than the U. L. C., which maintains a, con-
sultative membership relation to the Council. A.
The Baoklash of the Depression. - In the L'Ithemn H cmld Pastor
O. J. Lutness of the United Norwegian Chm'ch sounds a' warning against
"the backla.sh of the depression." He writes: "Maybe I should not use
the word baoklash. Reaction would he a nicer word; but reaction is, such
a broalJ, general term. It can be positive and constructive in its results
as well a, negative ancl hurtful. Since there is a, lurking da.nger tha.t
man may become depression-minded and reactiona.ry towards the· working
program of our Church and since this will work havoc with both man
and the Church, I ha.ve chosen to use' thisl harsher term. The term
baoklash has a, decided sting in it. I am happy and proud to state tha.t