Full Text for CTM Miscellanea 5-8 (Text)

(!tnurnr~tu m~tnlngirul tlnut41y Continuing LEHRE UND VVEHRE MAGAZIN FUER EV.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. V August, 1934 No.8 CONTENTS Pap The Chief Prinoiples of New Testament Textual Critioism. W. Arndt. • • • • • • • • • • •• 577 Zur Lehre von der Reue. Th. Engelder ..•••••••••••••.• " 584 The Catechism in the Christian Home. T. Laetach ••••••• 596 Der Gottesdienst in der alten Kirohe. P. E. Kretzmann ••••• 604 The Story of loseph in the Light of Reoent Researoh. P. E. Kretzmann. • • • • • • •• 611 Sermons and Outlines.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . .. 81lS lliscellanea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 826 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich.Zeitgeschiohtliches .•• " 630 Book Review. - Literatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . .. 644 Ein Predlger mugs n1cht alleln wf!iden, also dasa er die Schafe unterwelse, me 8i8 rechte Ohrieten aollen aeiD, sondern auch daneben den Woelfen wehre,., dll/lll sle die Schafe nfcht angrellen und mit talscher Lehre vertuebren und Irrtum eln· tnehren. - Lu,her. Es lot keto Diog, daa die Leute mehr bel der Kirchc behaelt df1lD die gute Predigt. - .Apologie, Arl.2J. If the trumpet give an oncertaiD lOund, who ohall prepare h1mle1f to the battle f 1 Oor. ,lJ, 8. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of lIIIissouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUlJLISBIlfG :S:OlJ'SlI:, St. Louf!l, lIIto. OH 626 Miscellanea. Miscellanea. We Must Reach the Individual. Among the dangers which threaten the life of our Church at this time we may point, first of all, to a perfunctory or mechanical Christianity. It is so easy to become accustomed to the motions of Christianity. Church- going, having been practised from early childhood, becomes a custom, as does attendance at Holy Communion and at meetings of church organiza- tions. Just as mechanical becomes the pledging and giving of some arbi- trary sum of money, 5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents, for the Sunday collection. There is frequently no further thinking connected with these performances; they have simply become habitual. - This condition is often connected with the menace of numbers. We have become a large organization, 800,000 communicants - on paper. There is always danger in a larger group or mass, in a large congregation, in a large church-body, for members to rely upon numbers and to forget their duties as individuals. Everyone waits for the other person to do the necessary things. - Moreover, there is the menace of orthodoxism, of relying upon the outward possession of the truth in doctrine. In fact, this may cause church-members, in the pulpit and in the pew, to become sticklers for traditional expressions which have no doctrinal value, just because they have commonly been used. The statement "Why, our fathers always expressed themselves thus and so" is frequently heard. The skeleton is clutched, the substance is forgotten. There is no careful study of the Scriptures for the purpose of applying sound doctrine to new situations and conditions. History shows that such a condition breeds apathy, lethargy, paralysis, in spiritual matters. .As one depends upon the other to do the work of the Lord, this work is neglected more and more. Initiative and self-activity languish and die. There is little or no growth in knowledge pertaining to sound doctrine and Christian life. Specious pleas and excuses become prev- alent. .And if we add to this the menace of wealth and luxury with its attendant worldliness, which tends to efface the boundary between the world ancl the Ohurch, and the conditions which make for disintegration are present to an alarming degree. It is necessary therefore that we once more remember our duty to reach the individual. The pulpit must take care of this need by presenting ser- mons based upon the most painstaking exegetical study and with applica- tions intended for the particular congregation to which the sermon is addressed. Oollections of sermons become a menace unless every sermon taken from such collections is recast to fit the needs of the individual con- gregation. The various organizations within the congregation operating under its auspices must receive the attention of the faithful pastor in the same manner. The truth of the Bible, the needs of the Church, must be presented to each society and to every member of every society in such a way as to be clearly understood by everyone present, 80 that everyone may feel his obligation and responsibility in the matter. When the pastor receives announcements for the Lord's Supper, he must take occasion to speak to the individual, not only in a general way regarding the doctrine Miscellanea. 627 of the Eucharist and other Scriptural truths, but also with regard to his status in the kingdom of God and his work for the Lord. The custom of pastoral visiting (not only sick-calls) must be inaugurated once more. In short, wherever and whenever the pastor comes into contact with any of his members, he ought to present and discuss some phase of the Lord's work. If this is done throughout our Church for a number of years and continued in the future, we shall, with the help of God, succeed in restoring a more general, vital interest in the work of the Lord in our midst. P.E.K. The Tre Ore of Good Friday. The observance of Good Friday is becoming general in our country. According to a late report the following States have made Good Friday a legal holiday: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, as well as the Philip- pines and Porto Rico. Several State legislatures are now considering bills to follow the example of the above-mentioned commonwealths. The Roman Catholics rejoice over this fact, as their weekly journal Amerioa states, because it will make the observance of the T1"e Ore, the three hours of Christ's agony on the cross, a general custom. The Roman Catholics have the Mass of the Pre sanctified at this time, and this is followed by almost continuous services throughout the afternoon and evening, "so that hardly a moment passes that does not see hundreds of people on their knees in adoring Him who for our transgressions was hanged upou the bitter tree." - In observing the Tre Ore period, Lutheran churches will do well to avoid every appearance of following Roman Catholic customs. We have excellent orders of service for Good Friday, which may well be studied and used by our congregations. P. E. K. mdtere~ ~!tm ~ltlimhtm bet Eutfjerl1HicL SDa Die Drei in Der erften &JiHfte De~ Iaufenben ;Jaijrgcmge~ crf diie~ nenen \!:crlifeI uber Die Dcu±fd)e lBibeI, bie Dann aud) im rscparatDrucr ijer~ au~gegcben morDen finD, DaaU beftimmt maren, ag lSorlagen filr S\'on~ ferenaoefvred)ungen au bienen UnD f onbetHd) aud) IDla±etiaI flir lSothage unb ~reDigten au Iiefem, ~a± llierreid)t Diefer oDer fener .l3efer gemeint, ba~ ®eboiene fei filr ba£l trriffenfd)aftIid)e Giubium etma~ au eIemen±ar. SDie£l mar un~ nid)t unbehJU\3t, unb eben au£l Dief em ®runDe ijaoen mir bei ber~ fd)iebenen lBild)erbefpred)ungen aUf bief em ®ebid in ben Ie~ten ;;'jafjren aud) aUf mifjenfd)aftnclje }illerfe ~ingemiefen, filr Die lid) (l;ingemei~±e in±ereffieren bilrften. ilCun f±e~t e£l niclj± fo, baB neuere }illede bie Dargebotene ®efcljid)±e ber beutfcljen lBibd etma beriinbern milrben; benn bi€fe ~atfacljen b(doen ftefjen. \!:Coer ma£l in ben Ie~ten amanaig ;Ja~ren auf bem ®ebie±e ber tl'or~ fd)ung iUjer bie Delttfclje lBibe! ge!eifte± morDen ift, fann mand)en ~unft berboliftiinbigen unb moijI auclj dma£l narer DarIegen. tl'ilr foId)e, Die :Brit unD ®elegenfjeti fjaben, ficlj eingefjenDer mit bem ganaen ;;tI)ema au oefaffen, nennen mir dnige ber fjerborragenbften }illerfe aUf Dem ®ebiet. (l;~ linD Die foigenben: SDeutfclje lBioeIall~aiige be~ i7.ni±te1aI±er~ aum G±ammoaum trfjrifti, mit ifjren rateinifcljen fl30rbHbern unD Q.lorlagen fjerau~gegeben unD er~ liillter± bon ,'Qans snonmer~.'Qamblttg; Bmei faft berfcljorrene lBifJeln all~ bem lBeginn Des borigen ;sofjrfjunDerls bon &Jan~ snorrmer; SDie ,,}illormfer ~ro~ 628 Miscellanea. lJ~e±en"; ~ine l:JJJrlu±~erfclje ebangeIifdje ?jStOlJ~eteniifJerfei2ung au£! bent ;;Sa!Jre 1527 bon ®eorg maring; ~ie ?jSfalmenberbcu±fdjnng bon ben crfim 2fnfangen fJi~ J2utljer, ljcta~gegefJen in ®emeinfcljaft mit 3'rit ,~iiIicljcr unb m5iIIlJ 53ilbtle bon £jan~ ~oUmer (2 mbe.); OueUenftubien au 53u±!Jeri3 mtbcI" ilber] etung bon ::tljeo. ~aljl, m5elJnar 1931; ;;Sm S'l'ampf um bie miflcr bon ;;Sof. SHalJper, gJrei3lau 1922; ~ie nationafe 2fneignung ber gJifJeI bon S'l'on" tab gJurbadj, £jaUe 1924; IShtbien bur mit±cIarterrtdjen gJUJeIiifJcrfetung bor 53utljer bon ITt. Wcmtrel':, ~~cibcwerg 1927; 0:bangcU) unb (flJiftcI ±eutfclj bon ?jSauI ?jSietfclj, @iittingen 1927; IShtbien aur mit±elaIterIicljen gJifJeIiibcr" jetung bOil m5altl)er :Bie[emrr, ~arrc 1928; ~ic ij5rolJljctcnillicrjetung bc£l Gl:Iaus Gl:ranc bon m5aIt!Jer 2iefemet, £jaUe 1930; .l3utljer unb bie gJt:6eI bon 2fwer± ISdjtamm, 53eipe1g 1923. ~irfc gJiicljct btinnm, luie gefagt, im grof3en unb Gansen nicljtiJ lU e fen t r i clj WeueiJ, aliet man finbd in il)nen maml)eiJ, lUas ber ~rganaung bient unb 111ci±erei3 .l3icljt aUf bie beutfclje gJiliefiibet" fetung lUirft· '1S. @. Sf. £clyrberlycmbfull!Jcn - £cfjtlJDrtragc. m5enn man in unfcm ::tagcn bet ~erfam11lrung eillcr 0iftrift'l7(1)IlObe fJeilUo!Jn±, fo finbe± man manclje~ anber'l7 ag bar einigen ;;SaI)roel)nten. 0a" mag lUm:ben bic meifrcn 0iftrifti.iji)11obw lnnet[jcrTh ariij3crer @emeinben abgeljaften; jet± finbet liclj erne ganae 1Reilje bon SDifiriften, bie ficlj in IStJnobalanf±aIten lJetfCtlumeIn. 0al11aHl tagten bie 0ifirHti.iflJl1oben fo, baB man etnen ISl)nobalfonniag ljaHe, an bem bie ®lJnobalen geme1nfcljaftIiclj aum ®otte~bienfi gin gen. £jeut5u±age ljot man getuii!JnHclj nUt e in e n ®ot±e~bienf±, einen 2fvenbgoitc!.lbienft, filr bie @Sl)l1obalen. ))JCanclje biefer ~eriinberungen finD DUtclj bie :Beitberljiirtniffe ~etfJeigefii!Jrt jnorDen unD miinen an unb fur ficlj DC111 lSegen bcr ISl)noi:Jalfitullgen lUcnig \l[livruclj iun. Un,er !Jafienbes :Beitartet fmm ficlj faum DaaU enifcljIie13en, irgenb ei1uos Iangfam unb fJebiicljtig au iun; aUes nnt\3 im lS±urmfcljri±t gefcljeljen, 1111b man btangt immer ltJiebet, boclj ia vafb fedig au lnetDen, um loiebet ljcim" gufommen. Tempora mutantur. ~ver in e i n e r ,'ijinficlj± rann man bie ~erani:Jentngen ber ;;Scttaeit nidji gana viIIigen, niimIiclj in ber Uri unD m5eife, lUie lJieIfacq bie .l3e'ljv befprecljungen gefiiI)ti lU'crben. mor bieraig viiJ fiinfaig ;;Saljten unb \Jorljer ljaUe man lU1tfficlj 53 e lj r b e r I) an b run gen. ':l1:aclj ber bamaIigen m5eife lUar ber 1Referen± eigen±riclj nut bet .l3eiter ber SDi~fuHion. @r f±ente 5njefen unD betfu'fj biefe mit ben niitigen gJelUei~fierren mtiJ bet IScljrift folUie mit :Beugniffen aus unfem gJefenn±nifjen unb au§ ben gJiicljern angefeljenet 53elj" rer ber st'irclje. ~ann refetierte bet .l3eiter ber SEerl)anblungen, nicljt au~ bem IStegrcif, fonDem aUf ®nmb bet borlicgenbcn lS±eUen unb :Bcugniffe, unD naclj jebem 2ffJfcqni±± ciner 5njefe l1JUrbe bon ben anlUeienben ISl)noDa" fen baau gcrebet. ~ierfaclj Iieferien folclje ffiebner eilUa fo bieI )))Caterial lUie ber eigentIiclje 1Referen±, unb gefcljicfte IScljriftfii!Jrer berarveiteien bas ®efagte filr bie ?jSroioforre. ISo laurbe Das WCaterial tatfiicljIiclj bon aUen 2fnlUefenben bm:cljgebaclji unb Durcljgcfprocljen, unD e!.l brieb ljaften unb bra#e 3'ruclj±' ~)euiau±age ljat man auf unfern ISlJnODalberfammTungen bielfaclj nUt Beljr bar ± r ii g e. SDer 1Referen± er!JiiH ben ~ruftrag, genug WCaterial fiir eilUa filnf lS±unben 'fletcH au l)aben, unb er fcljreibt bann auclj getlJiffenljafj: genug aUf, um clien fa uieIe IShtnben aus5ufiirren. m5enn bann iifJerljaulJt Miscellanea. 629 noe£) ~ie unb ba filnfaeljn lmhnt±en uotig finb filr g) em c r fun g en, fo fil~n fe£)on jebermann in ber ganam meriammlung, baf3 man fie£) nun aber aue£) bedIen muffe, benn fonft iff tie Sei± berftrie£)en. 2Iue£) iff oft in ben Ee~rbortriigen tatf ae£)ficlj aUei3 oii3 in bie Heinlten metaHi3 aui3gefiiljd tuor~ ben, fo baB nidjt bier meljr bailu gefag± tuerben fan n. 2rbcr biefe lilleife ifi nidji fo gn± filt bai3 m u r dj benfen bei3 ffiefera±ei3 ober ber Stljefen. ~JCan ljat ei3 iDolj! angeljiir± unb fie£) uber ben lSIei!3 unb bte @rilllbUdjfei± bei3 ffieferen±en gefrell±' aoet man ~a± ftdj nidj± feTher Daran betemg±. Unb bai3 ift feine gute lilleife. ma tuare uni3 bie lilleife, bie in unfern Stagen bon biden grii))eten merdnen befoIg± tuirb, boclj Heber. 'i.~§ tuirb ein IDcann a15 EeUer ber mer~ ljanbIungen beftimmt. miefer ffiebner filljli ben .\jaupigebanfen be'3 Stljema'3 in feinen @runi:liliigen aui3. ~ljm foIgen nadj jebcm S;;,auptabfe£)nitt bier oi'3 fedj§ ffiebnct, bie etnfdjfiigige @ebanl'en aU'3filljren ober 9TnlDenbungcn madjen. g)ei ffiefo[gung biefer lilleife tuunbert man fidj gar nidjt, bat bie Balj! berer, bie fie£) an ben merljanbfungen be±eiligen, nadjbem bie 2eiter i~re @Sadje beenbigt ljaben, etne feljr grote ift. (g tuarc ber j))(u~e tued, fidj biele lilleife e±tua§ naljer an3ufe~en, bantU tuir aUf unfern S\'onferenilen forooljI IlJie befonbers aUf unfern @5~nobarberfammrungen tuirHidj Ee~r~ b e r lj a n b ! u 11 g en, 2cljr b e f pre dj un g en, ~aben. ~ann niiljmen o~ne 21ueifel arre ~lntlJefenben bier me~r mit nadj .\jaufe. 1$. ~ . .I'l'. Babylon - Rome. In a recent most interesting book by Barnes, The Martyrdom of St. Pete1' and St. Paul, this learned Catholic scholar also touches upon the question of identifying Rome with the Babylon of the First Epistle of Peter, The author says: "That Babylon in this place must be taken to denote the imperial city and cannot be referred to either the ancient Babylon in Chaldea or to the fortress of that name in Egypt is a matter on which all scholars are now agreed and which may be taken as beyond controversy . .Ancient writel's are absolutely unanimous on this point, without even a single exception." "The name of Babylon was in common use both among Jews and Christians to denote Rome as the great oppressor." (Pp. 8. 39.) If one considers tl1e source of this emphatic statement, its importance is readily seen. P. E. K.