mqrulugtrul jiuut41y
Vol. V February, 1934 No.2
H<;~tzc 81 Die hochkil'chliche Bewegung' in Deutschland. R. y.,
Denifle Redivivu". Theo. Hoyer . . • • • . • . . • . . • . . • • . • • • . • • • 87
Die grosse Kluft in del' Lehl'e von del' Tauie. J. T. II uellor 93
Do We Need a New Liturgy? w. ArnGt .•.••••••••.••••• 102
DRS "Semper Virgo" und die "Bl'ueder" (Geschwister) Jesu.
P E Kretzmann • • • • • • •• 108
Reflections on the Status of Our Preaching. E. J. Friedrich 114
Sermons and Outlines..... . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Miscellanea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 134
Theological Observer. - Kirchlich · Zeitgeschichtliches . . . 142
Book Review. - Literatur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 151
Eln Predlger mUll nleht alleln weiden.
also dasa er die Schafe uoterweise. wle
ale rechte Christen lO11en teln, IOndero
aueh daneben den Woolfen wohren., daaa
lie die Schafe nleht angrelfen und mit
faischer Lehre verfuebren und Irrtum eln·
fuehren. - Luther.
E. 18t keln Ding, du die Leute mebr
bei der Klrche behoelt denn die gute
Predigt. - Apologie, drt. ~.
If the trumpet give an uncertain lOuod,
who sholl prepare himself to the battle t
1 Oar. Lt. 8.
Pu bUshed for the
Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio,
108 ~a5 "Semper Virgo" unn hie ,,!BrUnet II (CMefd;itJifter) ~(§;fu.
illustrated and then applied to the problems and needs of the hearers
there can be improvement, and we personally wish to sit among the
humblest of the brethren in endeavoring to learn how greater efficiency
in this sphere may be attained. Every wide-awake pastor will indeed
not fail to keep an eye on his performances as a liturge to prevent the
liturgical part of the service from becoming a lifeless, humdrum, or
even painful affair; and he will watch especially his reading of the
Scripture-lesson and the prayers and ask himself whether in this
matter he acquits himself with becoming solemn emphasis, as one con-
scious of proclaiming an important message and of leading the con-
gregation in prayer, or whether he creates the impression of merely
hurrying through a prescribed task. But his chief concern will have
to remain the proper preparation and delivery of the sermon. What
Melanchthon wrote in 1530 is true to-day: "Tenentur auditoria utiZi-
bus et perspicuis concionibus" (rendered by Justus Jonas: "Es ist
kein Ding, das die Leute mehr bei der Kirche behaelt denn die gute
P1'edigt"). (Apo1. XXIV [XII], 50.)
We cannot conclnde without making mention of another im-
portant article in the October, 1933, number of the Lutheran Church
QUa1'terly, written by George R. Seltzer of Hartford, Oonnecticut, and
entitled "Whither Worship?" in which an informing survey of the
various movements in the liturgical field is given and the following
wise counsel is offered: ".Doth types of service [the ultrainformal and
the ultraliturgical] suggest to us the need for balanced and diffused
progress, rather than great extremes in worship. When extremes such
as those cited exist, it becomes increasingly difficult for our people to
move from one parish to another; and we live in a time when resi-
dences are not as :fixed as they once were. The best interests of the
Ohurch would be served if we could have a churchly, temperate prac-
tise and progress not limited to a comparatively few congregations,
but spread throughout our churches. It would mean that some con-
gregations would have to take long strides to overtake their sisters
and that others would have to hold back from motives of Ohristian
chivalry. It would not mean that absolute uniformity was either
a goal or a possibility." W. ARNDT.
I ••
~tl~ "Semper Virgo"
null llie ff~rfrller" (@efdjroifter) ~~fu.
@s ift niemCtls geraien, meqr oemeif en au moUen, aIS hie ®d)rift
femer ausfagi, inn. ben en, mas man nad) ben oeften S'tegeln ber 12rus~
legung unh bes menfd)Hd)en ~enfens aUf ®runb ber ®d)rifi nad)meifen
rann. l2rocr biefem ®runbfat gegeniWer ift es medmiirbig, bai3fid) feThf±
inmitten ber !utqerifd)en ~ird)e bide ljerlommIid)e 12rnfid)ten UnD S'tebe~
meifen finben, hie enttueber ii6erfjaupi nid)t aUf ber ®d)rif± oeruqen ober
Sl)as "Semper Virgo" unb bie ,,!StUbet" (&efd}roiftet) ~(;I;fu. 109
bod) nid)t ftringcnt aUf ®runb ber ®d)rift betoiefen tverben fiinnen.
®o tohb a. m. bie :8a~I ber ~eifen au.G bem morgenlanbe in ber 9tegeI
aIs brei angegebcn, obtllJJijf bie ®d)rift nicf)g batJOn fagt. ~er befeijde
®d)ad)er foil ber aur 9ted)ien be.G &)eiIanbes getoefen fein, obgleid) aud)
fjier bet ~bangenit nid)t0 babon berlauten rat±. mieIe bief er 2lnficf)±en
finb aU0 ben aj:wft!)pfjifd)en ~bangenen unb ®d)tiften in bie mtutgie
bider riimifc1jen metbiid)er aufgenommen jvotben unb fjaben fid) in~
folgebeflen bei bem moUe fo eingebiirged, bat toit fie fogat in bier
~afjr~unberten nod) nid)t gan3 abgdegt ljaben.
mei bet meljanbIung biefer iSrage miiflen roit aber aud) baran er~
innert toerben, bat bie abgii±tifd)e mereljrung, Me man toaljrenb bieler
~a~rijunberte ber ~ungftau llRatia aoute, in bet: jjS~aniafie unb im
moHsmunbe tiefe ~UtBern gefat± fjat, fo b'at man bieletorts hoi;} bet
9tefotma±ion, iwt; be0 ~nterim0, ja trot; bC0 ~teitigiiiljrigen S'rtieges
getoifle 9tebetoeifen beibeljielt unb Bum ~eiI bis aUf biefen ~ag bei~
beljaften ljat. &)ier3u ge~iirt un±er anbetm hie meinung, bat bie ®ebud
unfet0 &)eHanbe0 utero clauso, gefd)eljen fei, toa0 fogar bie Sfonforbien~
fotmer neIienbei erloaljn±: ,,®old)er ~eife fja± et gebraud)t, ba er aus
berfd)Ioffenem ®rabe fuljr unb butd) betfd)Ioffene ~iir fam ... unb, toie
man glaubt, ba er bon feiner mutter geboten toarb" ("atque hoc modo
creditul' de sanctissima virgine Maria, matre sua, natus esse").
(Solida Decl., De Ooena Domini. Trigl., 1006, § 100.)
~ie f±efji e0 nun aber mit bet iSrage bdteff0 be0 2lu0brucf0
"semper virg'o", ber fid) bidfad) aud) in ber Iuiljetifd)en Ei±eratut
finbe±, ja fogar in ben ®d)maUafbifd)en 2lrtifeIn? @Ieid) SU 2lnfang
refen toit: in bem Iateinifd)en ~e);t: "Filius ita factus est homo, ut
a Spiritu Sancto sine virili opera conciperetur et ex Maria, pura,
sancta, semper virgine, nasceretur." (Trigl.,460.) meruljt ber 2lu0btucf
"semper virgo" aUf ber ®d)rift, ober fatt er fid) aUf ®runb ber ®cf)rift
fjaHen? ~n toeId)em merljaItnifl fteljt ber 2lu0btucr 3ll ben "mriibern"
~ljrif±i, ltnb hJ.eld)en @infIltt fja± bie eine oher hie anhere %fnfid)t aUf hie
2lu0Iegung ber ®teilen, bie ljier in metrad)t fommen?
®d)on Eutijet ljat e0 ber miifje toed geljaIten, toieberljoH auf bie
iSrage einBltgeljen, am aU0fiiljtIid)ften in feiner 2lu0[egung BU :;So~. 2, 12,
roo er bie fjierongmianifd)e (mettetn~) ~fjeorie mit ber epipljanifd)en
C2ebira±0~ ober ®tiefbriiber~) 5tijeorie bergleid)t. (2luf Die ~eIbihif d)e
ober &)albbtubertljeorie ift Eut~er unier ben bamaIigen mer~artniffen
feIbf±berf±anbIid) nid)i cingegangen.) Eu±ljer fd)reibt: ,,&)ier befiim"
med man fid) nun, tote b'er &)~rr ~ljtiftU0 ljalie fiinnen mriiber fjaben,
fo er bod) ein einiger ®oljn maria roar unb bie ~ltngfrau maria fciner
S1:inber meljr .mutter ift getoefen. ~a fpred)en nun etrid)e, ~ofepfj ljabe
BUbor, elje benn er mariam gefreie±, aud) ein ~eib gefjabt, habon et
Sfinber eraeugt ljat, Me man ljernad) be0 &)@trn ~~rifti mriiber genannt,
ober bae ~ofepij neben maria nod) eine iStau ijat geljabt, toie e0 henn
TJei ben ~uben Bugclaffen tvar, bat fie 3ug1eid) Sloei ~eibet fjatten ....
110 ~as "Semper Virgo" unn nie "~riiher" (~efcl)luifter) :;S&fu.
SNebJei! benn biefelliigen bon ~ofepfj geboren nnb bon ben anbern
tytanen, fa bJiiren fie fjalbe jSriibet be~ ~®trn ~fjtifti. ~nfo Ijaben
dHef)e botgegeben. ~6et ief) qaHe e~ meIjt mit ben anbern. bie ba fagen,
bat jSriiber fjier ~e±tern fjei13en; benn bic ~uben unb [bie] ~emge
@)ef)tif± fjei13cn alle ifjre ~dtern jSriiber. ®~ fei il}m aber, bJie il}m bJolle,
fa liegt nief)t grot baran; C0 giOt bem ®rauben nief)tiZl. fa nimmn ifjm
auef) nief)t0. ®o±± gebe, C0 finb feine ~ettern ober jSriiber. bon ~ofepIj
geboren. " (@)±. 20uif er ~u~gaoe VII, 1776 f.)
mlafjr iff ee, bie tyrage feroer unb aIIe einfef)Iiigigen ®rot:ierungen
ncfjmen bem ~Haurlen uief)t0. 11nb boef) ift cine 11ntetfuef)ung bet
@)ef)bJietigreit bon praftifef)et mlief)iig£eit, elien bJeiI nief)t nut bie (§;l:egefe
duiger @)ef)rifWeIIen baburef) beeinflu13± bJirb, fonbern auef) bie tytage
bJegen ber ~erfafferfef)af± abJeier neuteftamentHef)en mriefe, ~alolii nn))
~ubii. ®0 ift aber auef) nief)t au iilierf efjen, baB bJir un0 butef) aiifje0
tyef±fjaIten an ciner ~uffaHung. bic allenfalliZl aUf unautcief)enben ~tii~
miff en beruqt, eine jSIi:i13e geoen fonnten, bie unfere tyeinbe gegen un~
aueaulieuten bermOd)ien. :mer au tJiell.JcltJeift, bebJeift l.JefanntHef) f ef)Iie13~
lief) gar nief)t0.
tyaffen tDir batum unfete tyrage fo: ~a±±e bet ~eHanb
leil.JLief)e mtiibcr, in reef)tmii13iger ®fje bon ~ofepIj
un b IDe a ria (feIbf±betf±iinbHef) naef) feiner eigenen ®el.Jurt) 9 e"
aeug±'? Dber notigen un0 fef)bJerll1iegenbe ®riinbc
anaunefjmen, ba13 es fief) l.Jei ben "mtiibern" ~Ijrifti
nm 2ebirag~ ober @)tiefgefef)bJifter abet gar nm
~ettern IjanbeI±'?
SDa13 im meuen ~eftament bon "i8riibetn ~®fu" bie mebe ift, bJeiB
jebet jSibeHefer. mlit refen IDeattIj. 13, 54-56: "l1nb fam in feine
materitabt nnb Iel}rte fie in iIjter @)ef)ule. alfo allll), baB fie fief) entfai;?ten
nnb fpraef)en: mloIjer fommt biefem folef)e mlei~Ijeit nnb ~aten'? mt et
nief)t eineiZl 3immermann0 @)ofjn '? ~ei13t ni# f eine ~):nutter IDearia nnb
feine m t ii be r ~ a f 0 l.J n n b ~ a f e § n n b @)imon un b ~ u b a iZl '?
11 n b f ei n e @) ef) bJ e ft ern, finb tie ni# aIIe bet nn0'?" mgI. bie
~arallele IDCad. 6, 1-3. IDCattIj. 12,46 finbet fief) noef) ein ~inbJeiiZl anf
jStiiber ~®fu bJ.iiIjrenb feinet gaIiriiifef)en mlitffamfeit: II SDa er noef)
alfo au bem malI rebe±e, iieIje, ba ftanben f c i n e IDe u tt e t n n b
f e i n e jS t ii b e r brau13en, Me bJorrten mit iIjm reben. SDa flJraef) cinet
5U iIjm: @)ieIje, beine IDeutier unb beine jSriiber fteIjen brau13en nnb
bJollen mit bit reDen." mgL bie ~arallere 2uf. 8, 19. 20. SDiefe
"mriibet" (unb @)ef)bJeitetn) bJerben in gana unbefangener ).!Beile in bet
®raiifjIung aUfgefiiIjri, einfaef) aIs ®ef ef)tlJif±er be0 ~dIanbe?', bie in
jSegleHung iIjrer ilJeutier ben .x;,eiIanb anffuef)en bJorrten. (§benfo tebet
auef) ~ofjanne0 bon einem ®reigniiZl, bae ltJir fef)on in bas ~aIjr 27
fel~en miiffen, unmi±ieIl.Jar naef) bem mlunbet au stana: "SDanaef) aog
et [~®fu§] fjinal.J gen stapernanm. et, f e i n e IDe 11 t t e r, f e i n e
jSriib er unb fetne ~iinget", stap. 2, 12.
5l)as "Semper Virgo" unb bie lIiBrliber" (®efd)lllifter) ~Q;fu. 111
lJ1un fjat man, um gleidj bie &)aupifdjroierigfeit aU erlDiiljnen, bon
Den ljiet: genannten "l8rlibet:n" ben ~afoous mit Jacobus Minor, bem
®ofjn Des &Ipljiius ob-et: Sl!Ieopfjas, ibentifiaied. ~orauf oernfjt bief e
~bentifiaierung? )Die in lBetradjt fommenben ®teffen finb bie foI"
genben: IDCattfj. 10, 3 (,,~afoous, bes &lpljiius ®ofjn"); IDCad. 3, 18
(,,~afoous, bei$ &Ipljiiui$ ®oljn"); Eut 6, 15 (,,~afoOUi$, bei$ &Ip!jiiu!$
®ofjn"); &poft. 1, 13 (,,~afoliui$, bei$ &lpfjiiui$ ®oljn"); IDCatt!j.27,
56. 61 ("lintet: roeIdjen roar IDCaria IDCagbalena unb IDCaria, bie
IDC u it e r b e i$ ~ cd 00 u sun b ~ ole i$, unb bie IDCuttet: b-er ~in"
Det: 11 e§ 2eliebiiu§. . .. ®i$ roat:en aoet: aUba IDCaria IDCagbalena unb
bie anbere IDCaria"); IDCad. 15, 40 ("lInter roeldjen ro·ar IDCaria IDCag"
barena unb IDCat:ia, ~ a to 0 It § b e i$ Sf lei n e nun b b e i$ ~ ole §
IDC u it e t:, unb ®alome"); ~o!j. 19,25 (,,®i$ f±anb aoer oei b-em
Sfreuae ~®fu frine IDCutter ltnb feiner ~JCu±ter ®djroefter, IDCaria, bee
SHeopljai$ ~ei6, unb 1JRaria IDcagbalena"), roooei ber lJ1ame Sl!leopljai$
(~~~~) mit &lpljiiu§ ('~~C1) ibentifiaied roirb. &uf @runb biefer
®teUen ginge ei$ iebenfaUi$ an, ~afoliu§ ben meinen (unb ~ofei$) an
biefen ®teUen flir einen ®oljn dnet: geroiffen IDCaria au ljarten, bet:en
mann Sfleop!ja§ roar ober geroefen rom:, oligleidj ber ~C!;t ber &poftel"
Hfien bem gerooljnIidjen ®eliraudj gemiit bon einem nodj lelienben
mater 3u reb en fdjeint. IDCan !jat nun aui$ ber ~aifadje, bat IDCatilj.
13,55 unb IDCarf. 6, 3 bie lJ1amen ~afooui$ unb ~ofei$ ari$ lJ1amen bon
"l8rlibern" ~@5fu genannt finb, gemeint, fdjIieten aU mliffen, ball bie
heiDen lJ1amen bieferlien IDCiinner lieaeidjneien roie in IDCattfj. 27, 56 unb
IDCad. 15,40, roai$ fidj alier aui$ bem :tC):;t feToer nidj± nadjrocifen liitt.
.wean gat audj fjingeroief en aUf bie Xatfadje, baB bie l8caeidjnung
a{)s),rpol nidjt auf l8Iu±i$bcrroanbie oefdjriinH ifi, fonbern audj im aUge"
mdneren ®inn georaudjt roirb, rooburdj feIof±berfiiinbIidj nidji geIeugne±
roirb, ball bie erfte l8ebeutung bei$ ~odei$ aUerbingi$ ieioIidjer l8rnDer
ift unb bat man in ber mege! aUi$ bem Sfonte~t nadjroeift, bat ei$ fidj oei
bem ®eoraudj bei$ ~ortei$ n i dj t um einen IeioHd)en l8ruber fjanbert.
)Die ftiirffte @SteUe flir !lie ~bentifi3ierung ber "l8tfrber" ~@5fu mit
ben @Siiljnen bei$ &IpljiiUi$ unb ber IDCaria ifi ®aL 1, 19, roo gef agt roirb:
,,®inen anbet:n aoer bon ben &pof±ern falj idj nidjt auter ~afoliui$, bci$
&)®rrn l8ruber." &)ierau fdjrewt Vlbi§afer (The Gospels, 220 f., nota) :
"The collation of Gal. 1, 19 with 2,9.12, however, offers the most con-
vincing evidence that may be adduced upon this point. As von Hof-
mann says, the wiles of the expositor have not succeeded in discounting
the proof which these passages contain. J" ames, mentioned in these
verses, must be the Apostle James (Minor), the son of Alphaeus,
'Who is also called Cleophas or Olophas (John 19, 25 and Mark 15,40),
and of Mary, the sister of Jesus' mother. If the James mentioned
in 1,18 should be regarded as a tl)ird James, who did not belong to
the apostle group, the expression a:n:oo~62wv must be extended, as
Meyer has done, or fl~ must be connected only with oil" di5ov ....
To amplify the concept a:n:6oro),o, is not possible on account of the
112 '!las "Semper Virgo" unb hie "lBtiibet" (@efd)luiitet) ~~fu.
context; for Paul is discussing the equality of his apostolate with
that of the Twelve. . . . We are therefore forced to the conclusion
that James in Gal. 1, 19 is the Apostle James the Less, the son of
Alphaeus. And 'brother' would then be identical with the expression
'cousin.' It is James the Just, the head of the church in Jerusalem."
)fias ben re~±genannten 113unft an1angt, fo tuirb es etiuas f djtuer f cin,
ftringent nacIJButueifen, bat bas )fiott ~poitel in @aI. 1 n u r bie 3tuiilf
Iieaeidjnct; benn oei anbern @efegenljeiten rebet 113aufus gana unoe~
fangen bon ~nbronifus unb ,;sunias (miim. 16,7), bon @papljrobitus