Full Text for CTM Book Review 5-1 (Text)

<1tnurnrbitt aJqrnlngirul flnutqly Continuing LEHRE UNO VVEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. V January, 1934 No.1 CONTENTS Page Foreword. P. E. Kretzmann • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 Die grosse Klnft in der Leme von der Tanfe. J. T. Mueller 9 Beginnings in Indianapolis. H. M. Zorn. • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • 19 The "New Creation" according to Is. 65. L. Aug. Heerboth • • 29 Das Verhaeltnis des Pietismns znm Rationalismns. P. E. Kretzmann • • • • •• 37 Lutherworte ueber Gottesdienst und liturgische Gebraeuche. 45 Long or Short Sermon Texts ~ John H. C. Fritz. • • • • • • • • • • • 52 Outlines for Funeral SermOnS............ . . . . . • . . • . . • • 55 Miscellanea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • 58 Theological Observer. - Xirchlich·Zeitgeschichtliches. . • • 63 Book Review. - Literatur. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. • .. .. .. . . 73 EID Predfger mU88 nicht alleln weld(un\l (D. ~ernet 6djol1), l3eip3ig. 1932. XXXVIII unb 310 6eiten 6% X9Y2. !\.Itcis: @el)eftet, M.14.20; geuunben, M. 16.50. mOt einiger {leU ift nnn uud) bet 5roeHe ;tei! 'nes !\.Itopl)eten :;Seruju in 'niefem 6efannten gtoi3en .ll'ommentut etfelJienen, nad)bem roit bot etrou Broei :;Su~ten 'nm etiten ;tei! befprodJen ~uben (CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY, 2, 952). stlen etften ;tei( ~atte !\.Itof. D. !\.ItofjdJ in ~tfung.en beatbettet; biefen 31Deiten ;teU l)ut !\.Itof. D. !\.Iun! moh in ;tiiDingen l)etuusgegeben. SDut mun 'nas ~etf 'neg gtiitten ~topl)eten fo aUf 3iDei ?Seutuetter bctteHt l)ut, ift born mobcm tl)eo!ogi- fdjen 6tanbpunft uus lJegteifHdj; benn fUft 'nie gefumte mobeme 7t1jeologie - unb [0 aud) 'net botfiegenDe .ll'ommentar - {att ben 31Deitm ;teH bes :;Se[uja, .ll'ap. 40-66, nidjt bon :;Sefuiu felbft gefdjtieben fein, fonbern bon bem ·mann, "ben roir in UnfenntniS [cines SJtumens ,SDeutetoiejuia' nennen" (6. XV). mola g!uullt bunn audj, bie {leH btefes "gtoten Unbefunnten" g.enuu feft[tel1en 3U fennen, lDenn et [ugt: ,,{lroi[d)en 546 unb 538 tritt SDeuterojefuja uuf, unb [eine Bieber etfttecfen fief) rool)( tiber ben {leUtuum biefe~ :;Sul)tDc~ng. @enuuete~ 1att fidj fd)tuct:1idj ermitteTn." (6. XV!.) 1ll11erbing~ ift unb bleibt es unmiigIic!), ben ~et~ 74 Book Review. - mtctatur. faffet biefe~ gtilbten ptojJfJetifdJen SSudJe~ au beftimmen, ltJenn man iIJn nidJt mit bet jlibiidJen l5~na\lo\Je, bem ~euen %eftament unb bet dJdft!idJen Si'itdJc biS aUf bie SeH be~ lRationaliSmu~ ben aUen \projJl)eten ~efaja fein 1iibt. Uuf bie ir'tagen: m!er ift bieier S\)euterojefaja1 m!arum nennt er nidJt, wie fonft aUe \projJIJeten tun, am Unfang feines SSudJell feinen 9camen? Unb ltJenn er aus irgenbeinem ®runbe anongm Dleiben ,woUte, wie 10.ar es milgTidJ, bab bie ~uben nidJt bie ge~ tingfte ~ladJridJt liber iIJn liberIiefert IJaben, aumar ell bodJ nid)t in graue. moqeit ltJar, fonbem in ber Seit, bie ltJir fonft aiemlid) genau tennen, bie Seit bes ~~tu~ 1 l!!uf aUe biefe ir'ragen ltJcib bie Si'ritif feine UntltJort au \leben. S\)er metfaffer bon ~ef. 40-66 breibt ber "S\)euterojefaja", ber "grobe Unbdannte"; unb mola gefJt mH anbetn ~ritifent f 0 weit, bab er nun audJ bem S\)euteroief aia nidJt ball \lan3c m!ed !libt, fonbent einen ,,%ritoiefaja" annimmt. Gl:r fagt: "S\)ufJm fJat mit meifterlidJem ®tiff bie Si'ajJitel 56-66 bon S\)euterojcfaja aligetrennt, unb mit gana ltJenigen UusnafJmen tft ifJm bie wiifenfdJaftlidJe m!eU gefolgt." (15.197.)- 150 bieI liber bie ifagogifdJ~ftitifdJen ir'ragen in biefem neueften ~efajafommentar. m!enn ltJit uns bann au ber Uuslegung bes SSudJes ltJenben, fO edennen ltJir gem an, bab ber Si'ommentar fdJBn unb glatt gefdJrieben ift, nid)t fo aerfJad't unb wiffenfd)aftlid) tedJnifd) ltJie mand)e mum Si'ommentare. S\)ie itoerfetung ift fefJr anurat. mola luetb fid) aud) gut in bie I5timmung bell I5dJreibcrs au berfeten, unb es feIJU nid)t an religiBfet m!iitme. ~n biefer SjinfidJt untetfdjcibet fid) ber stommentar bortciU)aft bon gar mand)en unbent ~ommentaren bet ®egenltJatt unb foUte bon feinem, ber fidj mit bem altJeiten %eile bes ~eiaia niifJer befdj1iftigen ltJill, liberfefJen ltJerben. Unb bod) fefJlt ifJm bie SjaujJtfad)c. ~efaja ift nad) bie~ fem stommentar nid)t ber Gl:bangeIift bell Ulten %eftaments, luie ifJn fd)on Sjieto~ nl)mus genannt fJat; *) unb ltJie bie gan3e l!!ullfegung "auf ber religionsgefd)id)b lid)en unb bet Htetargefdjid)tlidjen ffiCetfJobe ruW' (15. VII), fo ift audj bas SeugniS unb metftiinbniS bell 91euen %eftaments nidjt rlicffJaltros anedannt, fonbetn ltJirb geraile in ben wid)ti\lften I5teUen abgelefJnt. S\)ail ltJunberl1ate C£ingangllfapitel, .Ra\,. 40, 3-11, ltJitb aUf bie lRilcflel)r aus bem GI:!;il oe30gen. mo 13 1 agt - unb biefes SHat gibt 3ug1eid) audj cine \probe feines I5W§ -: "S\)n:euen :teftaments" bon &;;lermllnn ~tratl)mllnn. \l:s tft niimfid) biefer lBnnb ,al.S bet etfte in bet gan3cn ~erie geDadjt, menn et aud) nidjt 3uetft erfd)ienen ift. ~n biefer I4bl)nnblung mad)t bet i!lerfaffer aUetbings unnBtige .!tonaeffioncn, unterbreitet abet aud) bier wetiboUes SJRateriaL Sller ~ommentat libet bie fatf)olifd)en lBriefe en±giHt in ber l4us{egung bon 1 q.lett. 3, 19 nidjt blofl bie ~rdef)te, ball ~l)tiftus in bet ~BUe )!lufle aUt i!lergevung bet ~unben gejlrebigt ljabe, fonbern nimmt aud) an, bab bie ®eifter, bon benen bie ffiebe ift, ~ngermefen gemefen feien, mit ~lnfeljnung an bas lBud) &;;lenod). Iffi. 14 r n b t. Cosmology. By James A. McWilliams, S. J. The Macmillan Co., New York. 243 pages, 5X7%. Price, $2.00. Professor McWilliams received his training in Jesuit schools, became a member of that order, and is now professor at St. Louis University. Hc is one of the leaders of the revival of scholastic philosophy, which has been fostered in France, Belgium, Germany, and America. His present volume discusses the material world, its extension, necessity, and composi- Book Review. - 53lteratur. 77 tion, and also the specific properties of bodies. Both in its fundamental concepts and in its method the volume is an excellent illustration of the manner in which the Catholic Church is endeavoring to revitalize scholastic philosophy, or as Professor McvVilliams would prefer to put it, to vitalize modern philosophy by contact with the work of St. Thomas. From the standpoint of philosophical study we have here an attempt to accept all the results of modern scientific research and pour them into the mold of Aristotle's metaphysics as understood by Thomas Aquinas. To those who wish to delve into the modern view of the universe, its composition and its laws, the clear dissertation of these proMems by which the author intro- duccs the scholastic interpretation must be a delight. There is an interest- ing chapter or two on miracles, with scientific and syllogistic proof for the possibility of miracles. Each has a bibliography, with references mostly to Catholic texts. THEODORE GRAEBNER. (£~tifti !8ebentnng flir Sut~ct~ o.Jlllnlien. Unter ,Bugrunbefegung bes lRiimet~ litieh bell ~ebriierlitieh bell @afaterlirieffommentarll bon 1531 unh bet 'DiSflutattonen. mon ~ an s :t f) i m m e. medag~. !SettefSmann, @Uters~ (01). 1933. 167 €:ieiten. ~attoniert. ~tels: RM.5. 53utlJer I)at fd)on bieI bon hen 53ut1)erforfd)ern erfitten. ~un mu13 er fidJ gat 3U einem lRitf(~lianer mad)en faflen. 91adJ iliefer €:idJrift, bon einem iSd)iiIer bes lRitfdJlianers Iill. '\detmann berfaat, 1)at 53ut1)er nid)t bie roefenHidJe ®ott1)eit ~I)tifti gefe1)rt. @r 1)at aUerilings bas trabitioneUe ,BroeinaturenfdJema lienutt, aoer man mu13 53utf)er fo berftef)en: "lffiit ~f)tiftus ift alfo bel' €:iieg Uber bie ~nfedJ:htng~~ miid;te gegeben. 'Diefer iSieg fag auflcrf)a1fl unierer lffiadJt. :;'In 'oem €:iiege ~f)riiti manifeitiert fid) cine aUfletf)alb unfeter eigenen lffiiigHdJfeit liegenbe, abel' in unfcte @1;iftena fonfret eingreifenbe lffiadJt. SDiefe ~cadJt ift ®oU; benn nul' er, roeber ~reatltt nod) (fngc!, fann bon :toil unb €:iUnhen befteien. . .. €:io ergtlit iidJ bie @ottljeit ~f)rifti auil bet lReaHtiit feiner lillirfunGsmad)t. Hnb um bie1er ieiner ars giittlid) erfal)renen lillitfungilmadJt roillen fann et aud) bie anbern ~riibifate giittHd)en Iillefens oefommen, fann aIS Creator (81,8; 441,6), ag Dominus vitae et mortis (240, 13) nC3eid)net tuctben.// (€:i. 63 f.) //60 etgibt ~dJ bie ~ln~ etfennung bel' (i;in1)eit (S;l)rifti mit ®ott afS \}D!getung aus jeiner im ®laubcn erfal)renen !Sebentfamfelt ag Dffenliarung ®ottes.// (€:i. 134.) .53ut1)et f)at audJ nidJt bie itelfbetfretenbe @enugtuung gelef)rt. \lcadJ .53utf)et~:tf)imme ift ~~riftu~ bel' (i;rliifer infofern, aHl in ~I)rifto bie ®ottesroirffamfcit iidJ e1;emplarifdJ· bar' geftellt f)at, unb bas roitb fUr hen €:iUnber bie ~eifilroitffamfeit ®ottes. ~iimHdJ fo: 1I~1)tift03entrifdJ iit 53ut1)eril 5t1)eofogie nid)t, fofern :;5@fus ~f)riftus in ein~ maliger mergangenf)eit unb mit eroiger ®U1tigfeit ben ,Born ®ottes liefiinftigt unb bas ~eH crtuirtt f)at, fonbern fofern er af§ exemplar ber eroig gegenroiittigen unb erfal)rbatClt ®ottesroirtfamfeit beten Iillefen in boUfommenet Iilleiie offenliatt unb bat11m a15 bet boUfommene ~nsbtud bel' gBttfidJen ~ei1Sroirffamfeit unb menfd;lidJen ~eigroirffamfdt mit beibcn fdJfedjt1)in in dns gefett l11erben fann." (6. 150.) ~Uerbings IIgeriet 53utljer in bie ®efaf)r, feine neuen ®ebaufen in bas trabitioneUe €:iatisfaftionsid)ema 3uriid3ufUf)ren". (€:i. 151.) ~oer er f)at bie @e~ faf)r gliidfid) Uberrounben. l/91ie bergiflt 53ut1)er biefen fd)einoar medJanifd)en ~r03eil ber ~eHserroeroung burd) bie !Sebingung bel' fides einaufdJriinfen. SDe! @laune ift if)m bie .53eoensljaftung, bie au~ eigener @rfa!jtung um bie ~otroenbig, felt nnb Iillirflid)feit nes gilttlidjen ®naheneingriffs roeia unb bie bief en an fidJ roid~ fam etfaf)tenen @nabenaft ®ottes in [ljriftus (tdJ aUgemeinlliiftig gefeterfUUenb 78 Book Review. - ~itetatur. unb fUnbenbefiegenb aus~tligen fie1)t. .. , ~ir roerben auef) inner1)afb beil @e~ banfengangs ber satisfactio unb iustitia aliena 3utUcfberroiefen aUf ben Gfbem~ ~fargebanfen." (6.104.) Unb bas aUes roirb mit teief)Hef)en ~usf~rUef)en beregt. '~ie ronnte abet ~utf)et biefe feine @ebanren in bie ffiebe bon bem @ottmenfef)en unb ber ftemben @ered)tigfeit einHeiben? Gft roar eben ffiitfef)fianer! Gfr rooUte, roie aUe 9Jlobemiften, feine ~orte nief)t eigenHief) berftanben roiffen, roenn et bie aft1)ergebt.aef)ten t1)eofogifef)en, liibfifef)en ~usbrUcfe gebrauef)te. ~enn \lut1)et fagt, bat (1)riftus ber ganSen ~eft 6Unben aUf feine 6ef)uftem nimmt, fo ift bas "ein maffib ausgefU1)ttes ){IUb". (6. 79.) ,,~Ife Diefe ){IUber 3eigen uns ben \lut1)er, bet, in bet 6ituation ber ~lnfeef)tung liefinbfief), au berben ){IHbem gteift, um fief) bet ffieafitlit bes &'deUs au bergeroiffern." (6. 80.) Unfet j}osbicf etHlirt ia auef), bat, roas bie aHe 5l'itef)e bon bet @ott1)eit (1)rifti, ber ~uferfte1)ung bes j}feifef)es ausfagt, nur bHbfief) bon i1)r berftanben rourbe. ~ber fefbft j}osbicf roagt es nief)t, \lut1)er folef)e GftHlitungsberfuef)e untetaulegen. &'dans st1)imme aber fef)cut fief) nief)t, \lut1)ers 9Jleinung (mit ,BUaten belegt) in biefe ~orte aU Heiben: ,,){lei biefet~JCangel1)aftigfeit ber sterminorogie rommt es nief)t fo fe1)r aUf Die ~otte an als auf ben @eift beffen, bet f~rief)t." (6.93.) Unb: "stiie in bet 5l'itef)e befinb~ tief)en 6ef)road)en bUrfen uid)t buref) bie GfinfU1)tung neuet j}ormefn berroirrt roetben." (6. 92.) Unb biefe 6cl;rift, aUf @runb einet bon ber t1)eologifef)en j}afuf±lit 9Jlarbutg ausgefef)tiebenen ~reisarbeit gefef)rieben, 1)at ben ~reiil er~ langt! - ~oef) fei erroli1)nt, bat biefe 6ef)rift mit ber Gf r f a 1) run g a1iJ bem j}ormal~rinai~ bet ef)rifHief)en Gfrrenntniil o~eriert. stias foUte Die GfrIebniil~ t1)eologen boef) etroas ftutig mad)en. miefe bon i1)nen be1)au~ten, bat fie aUf @runb bes Gfrlebniffes fo ,iemHef) aIfe ~unUe bet I u t 1) e r i f ef) e n \le1)t:C ent~ roicfeft 1)aben. &'d. stfJimme aber befJau~tet, bat e r - aUf @runb besfelben Gft~ rebniffes - rUfef)Hanifd)e ffiefuftate geroinnt (\lutfJer natilrfief) ebenfo). ~uf bail GfrlebniS afiJ OueIfe ber \le1)re ift alf 0 fein merIat! st fJ. Gf n g e1 b e r. $Jllmllnn~ ~efef)rnng. mon Lic. Dr. j} tit st fJ 0 m s. 143 6eiten. merlag bon [. ){Iertefsmann, @ilters!ofJ. 1933. ~teis: RM.4. Gfin ){Iud) (){Ieittlige sur j}iitberung d)riftIidJer st1)eoTogie bon 6d)latter unb ~iltgett, ){Ianb 37, &'deft 3), bas filr ffiefigions~flJef)ologen unb folef)e, bie fief) filr bicfen medroUrbillen [fJatafter, ben ,,9Jlagus bes ~otbensll, inteteffieten, ~ett unb ){Iebeutung 1)at. stiie j}tage, Die st1)oms entfef)eiben roiIf, ift: ~at &'damannil ){Icfe1)rung cine ){Icfe1)rung im ~ietiftifef)en ober im xeformatorifef)en 6inn? Gfr entfef)ciDet filr bas lettere - aUetbings cine fonberbare ){IetefJrung, bie ifJm et~ laubte, ol)ne aIfe ®eroiffensfftu~el bis an fein \lebenilenbe in roHbet GffJe aU Ieben! st fJ eo. &'d 0 lJ e t. Proceedings of the Fifty-Se'venth Convention of the Eastern District, assembled at Lockport, N. Y., June 26-30, 1933. Concordia Pub- lishing House. 80 pages_ Price, 23 cts. The Rev. P. Fretthold read a very interesting and timely paper on "The Present-day Economic Depression in the Light of God's Word." In the first part he briefly reviewed depressions in Biblical and modern times; in the second part the causes of depressions, particularly of the present depression, were considered; the third part sounded the call of repentance, while the fourth presented God's comfort and consolation in times of de- pression. This essay alone is worth more than the price of this booklet. T. LAETscH. Book Review. - 53itetatut. 79 The Bible and the Quest of Life. Fifty-two Studies in the Contribution of the Bible to Present-day Thought and Life. By Vruce Curry. 1933. Oxford University Press, New York. 315 pages, 5X7. Price, $1.75. In a widely read book by a prominent educator of America we are told. that it is good from time to time to read a book with which one thoroughly disagrees. It is said to sharpen the power of judgment. It is in this sense that we ofIer a review of this book by an associate professor of practical theology at Union Seminary, New York City. The hook bears witness against the author as being a Liberalist or Modernist, of believing in evolution, in unionism, in synergism, of having a totally false conception of inspiration, and of holding fundamentally wrong views on practically every doctrine presented. Serious errors of this kind occur at the rate of one to about six pages. There is only one redeeming feature in the book which might cause a Lutheran pastor to consult it at one time or another, namely, the questions which are offered for study and discussion. Many of these are really most interesting and stimulating, and every pastor who is preparing his own Bible-class material as he ought to will find good models in this series of lessons. P. E. KRETZMANN. Christian Parenthood in a Changing World. By J. H. Montgomery. TJle Methodist Book Concern, New York and Chicago. 96 pages, 41hX6%. While the author's Christology is wrong, while he advocates the social gospel, while in other respects the modernistic spirit crops out time and again, there is for the discriminating pastor much thought-stimulating material in this little book. THEO. LAETSOH. ~ingegnngene ~iteratur. Christ's Words from the Cross. By Samuel M. Shoemaker, Jr. Fleming H. Revell Company, New York, London, and Edinburgh. .54 pages, 5x71h. Price, 60 cts. The Slighted Guest. .A Story of the Bethlehem Innkeeper. By Rev. MaTion Gcmrd Gossdink, M. A. National Publishing Co., Philadelphia. 53 pages, 5x73h. Price, $1.00. Concordia Collection of Sacred Choruses and Anthems for More Ambitious Choral Organizations. No. 35: Daughter of Zion, Rejoice. By M. Lochner. 10 pages, 7 X 10. Price, 35 cts.; dozen, $2.76, plus postage. No. 36: Rejoice To-day with One Accord. By 11'. Leslie Oalve1·. 9 pages. Price, 30 cts.; dozen, $2.40, plus postage. No. 37: To Thee, 0 Comforter Divine. By M. H. Schumacher. 3 pages. Price, 15 cts.; dozen, $1.20, plus postage. No. 38: Who 'Pnbsts in God. By Matthew N. Lnndq~tist. 3 pages. Price, 15 cts.; dozen, $1.20, plus postage. The Trebalto Collection. Two-part and Three-part Choir Numbers, Mostly for Use in Church Service. No. I 04: The Lesson the Lilies Teaoh. By Martitb H. Sohumachet·. 3 pages, 7 X 10. Price, 15 cts.; dozen, $1.44, plus postage. No. 105: Our Lord's Asoension. By Martin H. SohU?n,(wher. 3 pages. Price, 15 cts.; dozen, $1.44, plus postage. No. 106: Hear, 0 'l'hou Sheph81'd at ISTael. Ps. 80. By .Edw. Onrstenn. 6 pages. Price, 20 cts.; dozen, $1.92, plus postage. Postage extra on all the above items. Con· cordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. The Church and the Great Tribulation. By Wrn. R. Nowen. Pub· lished by The Scripture Press, Chicago. 32 pages, 5X7. Price, 25 cts. 80 Book Review. - l3itet'utur. The Christ-Child. A program for a Children's Service at Christmas. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 39 pages, 412 X6. Price, 5 cts.; dozen, 50 cts., plus postage; 100, $3.50, plus postage. Joy to the World. A Christmas Service. Compiled by Hm'ma,n Voigt. 19 pages, 6X9. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. Price, 7 cts.; dozen, 72 cts., plus postage; 100, $4.50, plus postage. 2.citfdjrift flir fl)ftematifdje 'itijeofogic. &jetuusgegenen bon .li: a r I 6 tan g e, ~. ~T 1 I I) un 5 unb (mbem. lBettelSmann, @Uters(ol). 11. ~al)r< gang, 1. inietteljaljrsljeft. 168 16eilen. lBettennann: lI®tnnb1inien bet 5tljeDfogie ,3in3enborfs"j ~ipet: ,,(,~loetljes OtpljifdJe Uthlotte nnb bie biblifcl)en Urgefta!ten" j l5tange: ,,~~fus nnb bie ~uben" j 16cI)mit: "SDer @ebanfe bom febenbigen smott bei iJt i\'. 6. ®tunbtblg" j l5tange: ,,'tias ~tofJfem bet llnftetfJ1iclj.feit bet 16eele"; iJI~gren: ,,16~ntl)efe £lbet 31:eformationl" j l5tange: "mid)t1inien fUr bas merlj(i(tng bon .li:itd)e nnb l5taat" j b. l3otlleniclj: 1I5t1)eologie, ®efcljid)te unb .li:ircI)engefcl)id)te"j Q{ulen: ,,~ilgerneb". ~ingefanbte 53itetatur. ~eue firdjlidjC 8eitfdjrlft. .~erausgegeben bon 53. ~ I) m c f s, 5t 1). b. ,3 a 1) n unb anbern. SDeid)ert, l3eipaig. 44. ~a1:)rgang, 7. &jeft. 56 16eitnt. i\'.smieganb: "QIuguft mUmars l5teUung au ~Htd)e unb l5taat" (16cljluf3) j D. 'Ufflrecljt: ,,5tl)eofogifcl)e Iillebitatiouen au l3utl)ers .Rfeinem .RatecljiSmus" (16d)luf»); .li:laus Sjarm§: "SDer ®emeinbegebanfc uno bie jlramfcI)e 5tl)eologie" (I. 5teil); ~. lBergbofbt: ,{leit[cI)riften,munbfd)au. - 8. ~deft. 56 l5eiten. i\'r. Ulmer: ",3um @eoiicljtniS 5t~eohor ,3a~ns"; ,reo &jarnts: "SDer @emeini.legehanfe unb bie praftifd)e 5tljeofogie" (II. 5teil); D. ~bctl)arb: ®runbfii~ncl)es aur ~bee ber .Rultcr3iel)ung in ber l5cl)ule ll j Q)ornljiiufer: ",3um inerftiinbniS bon ~l)il. 2, 5-11" (I. 5teil); :;So lBetgbolbt: ,{leitfcI)riften,flhmbfcI)un. ;t;~eorogie bcr &egenlUart. Sjerausgege£1en bon ,reo lB e t f), D. ~ £1 c t < lj arb unb anbetn. SDeicI)ett, l3eiP3ig. 27. ~(1)rgang, 6. &jef±. 18 l5eiten . .li:. mctl): "ftlJerfic!)t tiber i)lruerfcljeinungen aUf bem ®ebiet ber \Religions' llf~cljologic (e6petimenteUe unb tljeoretifcf)e ®tlIub!ngCUj aUf \Religion, (§;tl)o!;, ~t3iel)ung angel11anbte ~i~cf)ofogie)." 'it.~eorogic bet &egenlUart. &jerausgegeben bon ~. lB e t I) , O. (l; b e r 1:) n r b unb an bern. SDeidjert, S3ei\l3ig. 27. ~nl)rgang, 7. Sjeft. 13. muft: "iJleuerfdjeinungen aUf bem ®efJict bes .QIlten 5teftnments. 1I 1416eHeu. (QIbfcljaffung? l5praclje, (X6egefe, (§;in3effragen, ~fagogiJ, ®cfcI;icf)te.) - 8. &jeft. !lB. (§;icl)robt: "iJleuerfcf)einungen auf bem @efJiet bes QIlten 5teftameuts" (nIttefhl< mentliclje 5tl)eologie unb \Religionsgefcljid)te j fJibfiid)e QIrd)iio1ogie unb ~afiiftina< funbe). NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. In Drder to' render satisfactDry service, we must have Dur current mailing- list correct. The explmse of maintaining this list has, been materially increased. 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