Full Text for CTM Book Review 4-6 (Text)

er die Scbafe ull terweise. wi. 5ie rfcbte Cbri,ten sollen soin. sondern auch dnnebcn den Woollen w.hr .... dass ie die Scbafo nicbt angrelfen und mit fnIscher Lohre verfuehren und Irrtum ein· fllehren. - Luther. Es i,t kein Ding. das die Leute mebr bei der Kirche behaelt denn die gute Predigt. - Apo/Ollie. Art. 2.+. II the trumpet give an uncertain Bound. who 'hall prepare himself to tbe battle! 1 Cor. L+. 8. Published for the E v. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PU:BLISHI NG HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. Book Review. - .l3iterntur. 471 Book Review. - £itcratur. The Expositor's :Bible. Edited by W. Robertson Nicoll. Six volumes, 6XIO; about 900 pages each. Doran Co., New York. An American reprint of the second or large-octavo edition of the Exposito1-'s Bible, a commentary on the Scriptures of the Old an.d New TBstaments. ThB contributors al'e British theologians, chiefly Anglican. In treatment and theological viewpoint this commentary lacks unity. Some volumes are treated from a conservative, others from a mediating, and still others from a, radical standpoint. A brief survey of these volumes will bring out this fundamental fact. Volume I contains Genesis - Ruth. The commentators of Exodus, Leviticus, Joshua, Judges, and Ruth are distinctly conservative, accepting these books as sa,cred Scripture, canonical and genuine, with spiritual authority, giving full credibility to miracles and interpreting these books in the light of thB New Te'stament.. The cont.ributors of the comments on Genesis, Numbers, and Deut.eronomy acce'pt the SOUl'ce hypothesis and specifically deny verbal inspiration. Gen.I-3 are not historicaJ, but symbolism. The Song of Moses was written after the time of Samuel. The historicaJ Books generally arB badly handled. First and Second Samuel are discussed without reference to critical theories, and the treat- ment is reverent. But all t.he other books are t.l·eated as suspects histor- ically. The source hypothesis dominates; miracles are a reflection of folk-lore; much of the Old Testament is a, jumble of old records, on which the editors have built up idealistic pictures of the nation and its heroes. This applies t.o the treatmBnt of Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. In agreement with this attitude, Job is made a product of the Exile, Proverbs is denied to Solomon, as is Ecclesiastes and the Song, which latter book "teaches the nature of true love" and has no spiritual meaning; the theory of the two Isaiahs is accepted, the later chapters being a product of the Exile; a. Messianic element is acknowledged, but no references to thB New Testament age are accepted. The commentator on Jeremiah commits an offense new and unheard of in commenta,riBs by giving the cha.pters' a mixed order, so that t.he use of ws section for reference is out of the question. The author distinctly rejects the theory of verbal inspiration. The same mess of reorganized chapters is presented in Ezekiel. Daniel is placed as late as 164 B. C. Belshazzar's feast is fiction, and t.he story of the lions' den is ridiculed. The treatment of all the minor prophet.s is unsatisfactory. In aU the books, interpolations are discovered; Jonah is unhistorical; and the quotat.ions from t.he prophets in the New Testa- ment count for nothing. Turning to the New Testament, we find a remarkable diversity of treatment. None of the radicaJ criticism is found in any of these treatises. The authors a,ccept miracle and prophecy. John and Luke, even Second Peter and Reve~ation, are accepted as genuine writings of the men whose names they bear. Yet we consider the exegesis of Mark and Luke (much too brief, howBver) as much better than the treatment of Ma,tthew, which 472 Book Review. - lJitetatttt. is faulty, especially in the parables, while all these t.reatises, being Re- formed in viewpoint, depart from the Scriptnres in the doctrine of t.he Sabbath and of the Sacraments. There' is a very good expositioll of Romans, and aU the commentaries OIl the epistles arc good examples of evangelical scholarship. What. we miss in all is the emphasis Oil justifi- c'ation by faith as the red cord which runs through aU writing'S and aU the doct.rineB which they contain. An instance of this: the 15th chapter of First Corinthians is treated from the standpoint of one who helieves in the' resurrection. But now as toO t.he importance of Christ.'s resurrection; in what did it consist? 1. It proved Christ's words to be true, Himself t.o be t.he Messiah; 2. the close connect.ion between this world and the eternal was disclosed; 3. we J1ave in the Lord's resurrection a type of our future destiny. But the chief benefit of Christ's resurrection, its relation to our justification, is disposed of in one heief sentence (p. (99). At, the price now advertiser! these volumes may be rega.rded as a fair purchase. THEO. GRAEBNER. ~fJellrJ)gifdje!3 )illiJrtetliudj 311m neuen ;tcjtament. S'dcrallsgegeben bon ® e t ~ l) a t b St itt e f. l!lerIag bon Q15. ,\tol)ll)ammet, Stuttgart. 1932. me~ fmmg 3 hiS 8, ~e 64 @3eiten 8 X 12. @3ubffriptionspreis: ~e IvI. 2.90. (S. 129-512: aymy» -BafJvAw'V.) 'tlie crften jwei 5Jiefmmgen biejes ®iitterbuef)s wur'oen in 'oieicr {leitfdjrift l.5un'o 3, S. 55J 1mb 713, angqeigt. SeHnem finb nun regeimiiflig I:ueHere me~ rCtungen bes I.lIledes etfdJiencn, unb wit maef)en wiebet einmal 3ufammmgiingenb aUf biefes l1lidltef) e)Jocl)emadjenbe Wet! aUfmertjam. Wit glauben, fagen 3U tiin~ nen, bat im bergangenen ~af;t in bet tfJcologifd)'lviifenfcf;aftridjen Welt fein be~ beutenberes Wed nebcn (l'lctts "mtot\l1)ofogie bes 5Jut1)ettums" erfd)icnen ift. Um bas \.l15ed tidjtig oU beurteilcn, mufl man fiel) fremd) gegcnltliittig gallen, Ivelcf;c ~lllfgabc es fief) geftefft l;at. ~caef) bet Illn!iinbigung follcn barin "alle I!ldabefn bes gccuen steftaments bef;anbeft l1letben, benen itgenbeine tefigiiife unb tl)eo, fO\lifcf;e l.5eftimmung anDaftet". (15. V.) "Illlle iiufletficf; le;.;ifogta)Jf;ifcf;en 'tlinge wetben bDrausgefett Dbcr bocf; miigfiel)it tUt3 bef;anbdt." ,,'tlie Illufgabe, hie wit uns geftellt l)aben, beginnt in gelvifjet ®eije bDtt, wo jcne" - gemeint finD bas I.].\teufcl)cn,lBauctjcf)e Wiittetbuel) unb bie 6el)llloffetfcf;e .I)anblonrorban3 - "auf, {)oren: bei bet inneren 5Jc;.;itogtll\l~ie." (S. VI.) 'tlas ®ed geDt arfo ill ben lBal;nen, bie bor etwa flinf3ig ~af;ten 4I:remet in jeinem bielgenannten unb oft aufgefegten "lBio!ifdj't~eologifcf;en ®ortedmcf; bcr neuteftamentlidjen ®xi:i3ttiit" dngejcljlagen llnll uie bann nael) (:fremers :tob bOt ellua 3tDan3ig ~a~ren fein Scf)iiler ~ufius SHine! in elnet 9tcubenrbeitung bes burcf;aus llocf; nid)t bctllfteten 4I:remctfcf;en ®ede5 wettergcfill)tt ~at. SUucf) .l~iigel ift nUll geftorbcn, unb an i>iefem neuen ®iitteroltCf) ~nb im gan3en aweiunbbreiilig ®e1el)ttc lieteifigt, beten \)camen 3um groflen stet! weit unb brett licfannt finb, 'tlet S'derausgebet, ®et~atb ~ittef, ift bet So1)n bes befannten S'debraiften :Rubolf ~itte(, bes S'dctaltsgebets bct beften neuercn I)ebtliifdjen lBibd, nnb ift gegenwiittig I.].\rofeffor bel' neutefta~ mentlicf;en stf;cDIDgie in stlifiingen.lllus bem ®efagten ergibt ficf;, bail biefes umfaffenbe ®iit±etoud) nicf;t ein ®iirtetbucf; flit ben Illnfiinget ift, fonbem fiit benjenigen, bet nun wetter aUf bem ®ebicte bes lneuen steftaments arlieitet. ®ir cmpfeljlen es bamlll aucf; nicf)t 31tniid)ft folel)en, bie, was bie erite unb 0aulJtauf~ gabe ift, aus einclll Wiittetbucf; reruen wollen, loas ein ®ott liebeutet. 'tlas bot, fieaenbe Wiirterbucf) gef;t weit itber bas rein Svtacf;fid;.e lJiltaus unb fil!;!t weit Book Review. - lJiterutur. 473 fin in bas ®ebtet ber ~f)eofogie unb bet ffieiigionsgefcf)icf)te. !las erilibt ficlj bann auclj ans ber qltiifllng bet ein3cfnen ~rrtifel. 9Cicf)t nm pnben mit Durin aucf) cine ganae Illn3af)f altteftamentfid)er ~igennamen, mie ~lbef, ~Hltaf)am, Illbam, beren :triiger eben im lJIeuen :teftament ermii!)nt merben unb ®egenftanD tl)eo< fogiid)er Unteriud)ung gemorbcu finb, ionDem bot uUem flnb grunbfcgenbe unb befonbers micljtigc neuteftamcntficf)e ~cgtiffe gana eingef)enb bcf)unbeU unb lUir!lid) fUft 9JlonogtUfl!)ien gelno,ben. 60 umfa~t ber Illrtifef tiber ben ~egriff ,,'liuf)r. f)eit", a}.~~Eta, mit ben bU3ugef)otigen 'liorten nicljt lUeniget ag 19 6etten in bem ooengenunnten gro\ltn j}otTuat (6. 233-251); bel' ~egriff ,,6tinbc", &,..a(2da, mit a.,..aguivw unD &1-'6.(2r,],I<(< iogur 72 5etten ('5.267-339). SDali ein fofcljes ausftif)tiicljes unb aUe 'l'Jlomente ins Illuge fafienbes 'liiirtetlmd), bas cine ~rgi:in. Bung ift 5U aHen annem neuteftamentHcljen 'liilttetutid)em, lUie 'liiUe.®rimm. 5t:f)a~et, qlreufd)en.'Sauer, (i:remerdtiige! unn ~lleling, fef)r loertboH iit, liegt aUf bet &';Ianb, unb jeber, ber bas !iller! gelJraucf)t, loirb bie! batin finben. ~s barf aoer baod nicf)t tiberfeI)en toerben, ba~ in einem 'liBrterbuc!), bas Die tf)eofogifc!)e unb tefigionsgeicf)icf)tficf)e l5eite oeionbers in ben I!lorbetgtunb fteUt, aud) getabe bie tf)eolD\liic!)e !Ricf)tung bes I!lerfaffers JUlll llluf,Drucf fommt unb ball burum bas 'lied mit offen en Illugen \Jerelen loetilen umB. ~ine eingelJen'oere ~eifltecf)ung Illirb ba aUf biele qlunfte ben j}inget fegen mtifjen, unb toit f)offen, ffliitet einmaf ausftif)dicl)et Darauf 3urticf3uIommelt. lfiir erluol)l1en lJeule nm einige qlultfte. G's if! felJr etfteu!icl), bali in bem Illrtife! tiber bie :l.ltiiflofition avd, bie 3umeift in bet ~ebeutullg "anftatt" botfounnt, flat nub beftimmt bie I5tcHberttetnngsldjre Bum Illusbtucf fomm!. SDet I!lerfaffet biefes IllttHe!s, ~ticf)fef in !Roftod, bemerft: ,,;Sit 5J)larf. 10,45 (unb ~Jlattl). 20, 28~1: (lovvat l~" 'PVX'JP avyov }.VT[JOV &vri no}.}.w" ift av.t noUwv bet SteHung IDegen bon Avrgo,', nid)t bon oovvat ab. f)1ingig; beilf)alb lJat a1"ri bie ~ebeutttng ,anftatt', nicf)t ,3ugunften'. SDuil bagin. gegebene lJeben :J~fu ift ber f)inli:ingHc!)e !]:lteis 3Ut lJosraufung 'oer I.[\iefen. Illber aucf) lUenn mun ani nOAAw,' au oov~'a, soge unb im 6innc bon ,3ugunften' bet. fttinbe, entlJieIte Das lfiot! Det 6acf)e nod) ben Ste([berttdungsgebanfen, SDentt bus, lUomit bie no}.Aoi betfallen finb, ift nid)t ein beliebigeil ®ut, fonbern i~t lJeben, fie femft; un'o mus ;s6:fu5 gibt, ift fein lJeben, et femft. 3u ilJren ®unften tut er nid)ts anberes, afs baBer an ilJre SteUe tritt." (6.373.) (,):oeufo finben ficlj mamlJe gute lSemerfungen in bem Illrtifef Hbet bie 'liOttgmflfle a}.6.o()'w, "bet. fef)nen" (15. 252-260). ~(bet lUir mtiffen aucf) batauf aufmetfiam mad)en, ba~ f)i:iufig \10113 mobcme tefigiollsgefd)icf)tHcl)e Illnfid)±en Bum ~T lts'orucf lommen. So f)ei~t eil in bem IJ(rtilef tibet ayan,], ,,\]iebe": ,,~lucf) bie ;SOfCfll)fage ftil)rt am ~ei. f1Jie! :;Sofeflf)s anfc!)auficf) bus :;Sbea! bet mergeltung ber, ~Bfen mit ®utem bOt", a15 00 ®en. 50, 19 eoen nut eine !Sage obet lJegenbe wate. (15.26.) :;Sn bem um. faffenben \~lrtite1 iilln &J.~~cta finbet ;ttl) ber I5l1~: "SDet ®egenfu~ bet giittficljen 'illittficf)reit 3ur tuibngBttlid)ett tritt in bel' aus ber gnoftiicf)cn Wl~tljo(ogie ftam. menben ~ormulierung :;Sol). 8, 44 f)erbor: ,SDerje!6ige ift eln 5])1iirber bon Illnfang an unb ift nic!)t veftanben in bet 'liafJrlJeit; benn bie 'lialjrf)dt iit nicf)t in if)m.''' (15.246.) 'liit fagen: SDas ift ein !illort bes &';Ieilanbes, unb ~(2;fus, ber bie 'liaf)r. f)eit jefbft ift unb mit biefem ~lnfflrucf) aufttitt, :;Sof). 14, 6: ,,~cf) bin bie 'liaf),. f)eH", f)at teine IIfn!eilje bei bel' gnoftifd)en s)Jl~tf)ofogie gemacf)t. 5)as ift mob erne ffieligionsgefcf)id)te nnb nicf)t bibHicf)e 5t:f)eofogie. 'liir Ijaben nocf) nicf)t aUe Illr~ tife{ genuuer bm:cf)mf)men tiinnen, OVlUDf)! bas eigenHicl) vei einem fo!cf)Clt in lJie. fetungen erfcf)einenben 'linte bas ~efte wiire. !illir fcljen ber ~ottie~ung Des gto\lartig ange1egten !illerfes mit bief :;1ntereffe entgegen. ~s ift fein 3meifef, ba~ es unf bie!e 'Jufm f)inuns bas umfaffenbfte 'liiirtetvucl) 3um SJlcuClt stelta. ment bIdDen lUirb. lJ.'i5 ii tIlt i n get, 474 Book Review. - .l3iteratut. Of Things which Soon Must Come to Pass. A Commentary on the Book of Revelation. By Ph'ilip Mauro. vVm. B. Ee-rdmans Publish- ing Co" Grand Rapids, Mich. 623 pages, :5'12 X 8, Price, $3.00. This is, as the, author himself states on the title-page, an enlarged edition of his preYious monograph on the Book of Revelation, The Patrnos Visions. Mr. Mauro is a layman who has written it number of books on religious subjects and on Biblical topics. All of these books are charac- terized by a profound respect for the Word of Goel and a willingness to accept its truths without quibbling and equivocation. This latest pub- lica tion is thoroughly evangelical in tone and exposition, and many of its conclusions, especially concerning the momentous happenings in history, are undoubtedly correct, as, for example, the identification of the locusts in chapte-r 9 with the forces of Islam and that of tIle last beast with the kingdom of Antichrist, the Church of Rome. With regard to this last point the author has passages of real power on p.107, also OIL pages 399 to 422. On many minor points the author is not so reliable, since his understanding of such incidents is freqnently inadequate and fanciful. Yet even here the material and the alleged parallel passages make in- teresting reading, as on pages XV. XXVI. 59. 78-80. The statement on page' 385 and elsewhere that there have been no violent. or bloody pel-secu- tions of the saints of God for several centuries is hardly tenable in view of the reports from Annenia, Russia, a:.d other cmmtricG. It has been stated tha,t more Christians ]lave lost their lives in the persecutions of the. last. three clecacles than in any three centuries of the Christian m·a. With regard to the final conversion of the Jews the author appa,rent,]y contradicts himself, since he assumes it to be true on page 308, but denies the possibility on pages 349. 350. 354. As to the millennium, the author says that he is neither a, premillennialist nor a p(}stmilJennialist, but an a·millennialist. He registers emphatic agreement (p. (;20) with War- field's remark: "The millennium of the Apocalypse is the blessedness of the saints who have gone away from the, body to be at home with the LoI-d." A study of this book will surely prove a, profitable undertaking to one who will discriminate properly. - The same author's views on "The Fonr Horsemen of the Apocalypse'," as set forth in the' book just referred to, a,re published also in pamphlet form, by the same publisher, in paper cove'rs, at the price of 30 cts. P. E. KRETZlIfANN. IDlllfvfjoIlIgie lIdl 2utfjedum~. mun D. Dr. m5 e t n e r (g 1 e t t, o. o. spro~ feffot an ber UniberfWit G;tlangen. i!lanb II: @5oaiallefjren unb @5oaia!, luhtuugcn bes S3utfjertums. lI. &'d. i!lecfid)e merfagsoud)fjanblung, mtind)en. 1932. 544 6eiten 6%X9%. sprds: ®e~eftet, M.15; geounben, M.18. "Unb bail icl) wieber fomme 3ur @5ad)e, mod)te id) fiitlualjr wofjl gem ein rccf)t cl)rift1ic~ stDlqifium fegen, bamit boef) bie1 5ad)en unb S3euten gefjolfen tuiirbe. 91id)t ball luir's oebtitfen; benn unierc stird)en finb nuu burd) eransgegeoen bon \!. ;S 1) mer s, ~ 9. bon ,3 a 9 n, rt r. me i t unn :J. '!.l c t g b 0 It. SDeicl)crt, ~ciNig. 44. :;)a1)rgang, 1. li;)eft. 55 Gcitcn. j}r.'l.\cit, "Bum nenen :;'sal)rc"; :tI). 'liurm, ,,5\)a5 '5fcibenbe in 5}nt!)crs ~Ct~ fon unb'licd"; lit. ~ene, ,,'liort 0Jottes unn cbangclifd)er @Iauoe/l; ~l. 91coe, ,,9Cene§ au ·sa. Ii;). j}rancres SDeoora/l; ~. '!.letgbolt, /I,3eitfcf)dften,lItnnbfcf)au". '!:I)cofogie her (\)cgenllJati. li;)eransgegeoen bon Sl'. lB e t 9, D. ~ 0 e r I) at b linD annern. SDeic~ert, \!ei)l3ig. 27. ~af)rgang, 1. li;)eft. 22 6eiten. @eorg @rutmad)ct, "itoerolict lioer bie neue \!iteratnr bet .ltirdJengefcf)icf)te I unn II. salfgemeines, Illltertum, IJJUtteialtet/l. NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. 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