Full Text for CTM Miscellanea 4-6 (Text)
er die Scbafe ull terweise. wi.
5ie rfcbte Cbri,ten sollen soin. sondern
auch dnnebcn den Woollen w.hr .... dass
ie die Scbafo nicbt angrelfen und mit
fnIscher Lohre verfuehren und Irrtum ein·
fllehren. - Luther.
Es i,t kein Ding. das die Leute mebr
bei der Kirche behaelt denn die gute
Predigt. - Apo/Ollie. Art. 2.+.
II the trumpet give an uncertain Bound.
who 'hall prepare himself to tbe battle!
1 Cor. L+. 8.
Published for the
E v. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States
452 yIiscellanea.
~n bief em Untcr] el]icb 111uif el]cn ber lffieIt unb ben [~rif±en ~at ber
&jaB ber lfficIt fcinen ®runb, ~o~. 15, 19.. ~as mofe fiimpf± immer
(1c(1cn bas (Sht±e; aoer auel] ull1gefe~rt. [~riftcn muHen ber lffieIt bie
:ma~r~ci± fagen, ~. 14; fie rii~ll1en fiel] i~res @nabenf±anbes ®o±t au
,\,looe; fie 1Jrcbigen bas @7bangeHull1 bOl11 Strc1l3; bcnni± bcrball1men fie
ber lfficrt @ltolo unb IScHif±gereel]±igfei±; batml1 iScinbfel]af±. ~as um
10 mellI, aIs illt cigcnes ®eroiflen ben [~riiren rcel]± gib±.
lffieil bOll fo ift, fo foU es uns sum ~rof± biencn, 1"uenn roir ber
lfficl± &jail crfa~rl'l1 muHcn; es iff ein 2eic~l'11, baB mir niel]± bon ber
)ficrt finb, fonbern bem ange~jjren, bcn bie )fieU oLlerit gc~att ~at, ~o~.
15, 18; IDCatt~. 10, 24.
~riifen roir uns1 ,\,luI. 6, 26.
&jat ift bie @7igenart ber lfficl±; i~r &jers ift faIt unb 1ieblos; unb
neoios f ein ift in ®oHes 21ugen &jato
lffier barum Iiebios ift gegen f eincn 91iiel]1ten, ber ge~jjrt noel] Bur
lffieIt; er fte~t niel]t tm ®Iauoen, fonbern ift geiftriel] tot. IDIag cr auel]
eintltCtI bom ;:robe in0 ,\,lebcn bure£)gebrungcll fe1n, cr ift luieber in ben
:itob suriicfgefunfen. ~a gift auel] oUes fromme 5tun unb fromme Weben
niel]±£;, 1~D~. 2, 9; m.18.
~riifen iuir unsl IDCattfj. 24, 12. lffide£) fel]recfliel]cs UrteH fiint
ber &j@7rr iiber bie meolofenl m. 15. 17. :Datum: 1 :it~eff. 3, 12.
:mefel] fjcrrliel]es morbtIb1 m.16. (meb 244, 8.) :it. &j.
Mission-Work in Rural Districts.
"I fear our seminaries are partly to blame for the city-mindedness
of our preachers." That is one of the challenging statements of Henry
W. McLaughlin in his recent book Religiou8 Hduoation in the RuraL Ohm"oh,
page 28. What is more, his whole book is a very strong argument for more
whole-hearted and consistent efforts to do more intensive mission-work in
the rural districts of our country. The author is not guessing, but he
presents sufficient and convincing data concerning the "fallow fields" of
rural and scmirural districts. His travels as Director of the Country
Church ,York for the Presbyterian Church in the United States have
taken him into hundreds of the 100,000 rural communities in America.
He speaks emphatically of "challenging opportunities," as when he points
to the fact revealed by the 1926 Federal Census of Religious Bodies:
"Outside of the cities of 25,000 or more population 1/'1 ad'ults out of eve1-Y
humdrcd a,j'C not members of ANY CHURCH - Jewish, 11:ormon, Christian
Science, Roman Catholic, or Protestant." In another chapter Dr, McLaugh-
lin writes at length on the "fertile field" which is awaiting intensive work
in the rural districts. The statistics of his own Church show that the
accessions in rural districts were 10.7 per cent. higher than those in the
Miscellanea. 453
urban centers. He gives names of men and places; he tells precisely how
many people were gaincd in individual parishes. One reads page after
page, and one is amazed at the mass of Hluminating information, of posi-
tive suggestions that are offered.
All of which ought to be very instructive also for us, especially since
some of the statistics apply for the whole country, for all the rural dis-
tricts. There are people living almost everywhere in this great country
of ours, IJot only in the cities, but in the COW1tl'Y as well. And forty-
seven out of every hundred of these people are without any church con-
nection whatsoever. The question is: Ha.ve iCe been dOin,(! cLll we oan to
gain these unchu1-ohed 1JCople tor the Lord and His SalV(Ltion? Or have
we in J1mny instances confined ourselves to the fiock whieh had been gath-
ered before we got to some particular section, possibly a flock with only
Lutheran antecedents? Have we continued the policy which was quite
general hardly more than twenty years ago: Sind denn da auch deutsche
Lutherane1-? That policy has cost us hundreds, if not thousands, of par-
ishes and possibly souls that will run into five figures and more.
IVe may just as well face the issue squarely, especially at this time,
when the Lord's blessing in the number of available candidates is a chal-
lenge to us to enter upon a missionary campaign such as our Church has
never before witnessed. Rej'e are actual cases. In one county in the Mid-
West we have a number of congregations, but the neighborhood is not
nearly covered, Members of a fairly large congregation live twelve to
:fifteen miles from the church, in another community, in a town which
contains scores of unchurched people. Yet nothing has been done to begin
work aiming at the organization of a mission-station and an eventual
church in that town and community. The children are either not coming
at all to the parish-school or at best only during the year preceding con-
nrmation. No further canvassing is being done, no attempt is being made
to win the unchurched for Christ. The weak excuse is frequently offered
in such cases: The community is lodge-ridden; there are poor prospects
for the Lutheran Church. What of it? If the Word of God is not a power
to win men and women out of the lodge, then there is something wrong
somewhere; for the Bible says: "Is not ~fy Word like as a fire? saith
the Lord, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" J er_ 23, 29.
In another community work was begun a quarter of a century ago, not
only among the Lutherans of German descent, but also among English-
speaking people. There was a fine beginning. The town, the community,
should have been ours; for if we could not have gotten the first genera-
tion, we should most likely have gotten the second. Yet the work has
been neglected; our Church has withdrawn from the field. Boys and
girls, confirmed twenty and thirty years ago, now heads and mothers of
families, have drifted into sectarian churches or have been lost entirely,
all because we did not hold what we had gained. On the other hand, con-
sider the work of a young pastor who went into a town which had prac-
tically no Lutherans of any kind, but the average percentage of unchurched.
He went out and canvassed, he placed the unchurched on his visiting and
on his mailing list. In just a few years he gathered far more than a hun-
dred souls, with more than four-score adults. His Sunday-school is doing
fine, his services arc well attended, he has a large class of adult catechu-
454 Miscellanea.
mens two and three times a year, simply because he had a mlsslOnary
policy with a plan. There cannot be the slightest doubt that there are
at this moment at least a thousand rural awl semirural communities in
our country in which we could have a congregation within a few years
if we would just go out and compel them to come in. The unchurched
are there, the workers are there, and the WOTd is theTe! There remaineth
yet lllueh land to be possessed. Let us go out and possess it! P. E. K.
£ntfjcr iilicr GHeidifiirmigfeit in fitcf)Hcf)cn 8cl"Cntonicn.
Wu§ riner ganaen Dteilje bon 3ufdjriften iit eriidjtriclj, baf3 augen~
bIicniclj ba§ ®ebie± ber firdjIidjen 3eremonien unb bet lu±ljeriidjen mturgif
ein gtof3e§ :,sntereffe beani1Jmdj±. :Biefem :,sntereffe ift ilum ~eil fdjon
Dtedjnung geitagen tuorben, ioenn audj nur in einem lJerljiiItni§miif3ig ge~
ringen Wlafle, unb e?5 foil iljnt aud) femer &ufmedfamfeit getuibme± toet~
ben, aber nut in bem metljiiltni§, tore e?5 bie toefentIidje )illidjtigfeit be§
@egenf±anbe?5 ilU etljeifdjen fdjein±.")
:Ba man um ben genauen ~ottraut ber &u?5fiiljrungen Eutljer?5 liber
®Ieidjformigfeit aUf bem ®eOie± ber m±urgif geoeten ljat, fo geben toit ljier
einige feiner ffaren :Barf±eilungen toieber. :,sn feiner "mermaljnung mt bie
Q:ljrif±en in mlJIant> bom iiuf3edidjen ®otte?5bienft unb Q;intradjt" fdjreibt
Eutljer: ,,:06 nun luoljI bie iiu13erHdjen :Odmungen in ®oite§bienften, aI?5
,\JJMfen. @)ingen .. Eefen, :il:'aufen, nidjt?5 tlln :;"r rz::efi~!eit, 10 ift bodj ba?5
1i n dj r i it r i dj, v a 13 man v a r ii b e run e i n i g i it unb ba?5 arme
mon bantU irremadjt unb nidjt lJieImeljr adjtet bie )Beii erung ber Eeu±e
venn unfern eigenen @linn unb @u±biinfen. @lo bit±e idj nun eudj aile,
nteine Ileben &)erren, I a f fee i n j e g r i dj e r f e i n e n @l inn f a lj r e n
ltnb fommt freunblidj ilufammen unb toerbet iern ein§, luie iljr biefe iiu13et~
Iidjen @l±licre lDO let ljaIten, ba13 e§ oei eudj in euum Siricfj g rei dj u n b
c i n err e i [ e i u n b n i dj ± fOil e t t li t t e t, anber0 ljie, anber?5 ba
geljarten tuetbe unb bamit b a ?5 m 0 If lJ e t tu i t t± u n bun r It ft i g
gem a dj t. :Benn, tuie gefagt ift, ob1uoljf bie iiu13etIicfjen )illeifen 11nb :Orb~
nungen frei finb unb, bem ®rauben nacfj ilU tedjnen, mit gutem @etoiffen
mogen an ailen :Orten, au ailet @l±unbe, butdj aile ~etfonen mogen ge~
iinbert tuetben, f 0 f ei b i lj t b 0 cfj, bet E i e ben a dj il 11 t e dj n en,
*) i}oIgenbe !!frtifel unb fiil'3el'e 9laclil'icliten liller mturgif unb bertlJanbte \l)ifai,
prinen finb in ben [etten :;5aljl'en in unfern 3eitfclitij'ten erfcliienen: "Decorum of the
Pastor", Theo!. Quart., XXI (1917), 218 ff.; "The Symbolism of the Lutheran
Cultus", XXII (1918), July; "The Influence of the Prayers in Early Liturgies
on the Doctrine of Purgatory", XXIII (1919), October; "The Sacrificial Concept
in til .. liJucharist of the Early Church", XXIV (1920), October; ,,\l)ail Iitul'gifclie
(huleiI bel' Dreformation", &;lam. ~mag" 9lob.<>lea. 1917; "Aphoristic Hints for Litur-
gists," Hom. Mag., Jan. 1920; ,,2utljeril reformatorifclje ~!r6eit anf bern ®etiiete bet
12itmgil", 12eljre lillb Qlleljre, ;nob. fl. 1917; "Principiis obsta", 1929, 327 fi'.; "Some
Historical Facts Concerning Church Polity", Theol. Monthly. October, 1926; im
CONCORDIA THmoL. lIIoNTHLY: "The Spirit of the Lutheran Chorn/e", I, 508 fi'. ;
"Clerical Vestments. in the Lutheran Church", I, 838 ff.; "Luther's Lse of Medieval
Hymns:'. II, 260 ff.; ,,\l)ie @iafmmente in iljreJ: iBeaieljnllg aut (!lemeinbeorganifation",
IT, 818 n.; "The Pastor as Liturgist", III, 296 f.; ,,~le ISpenbeformeI im ljeifigen
!!flienbmal)l", III, 745 fl.; "Elevation-Adoration of the Elements", III, 766 ff.;
"Some Principles of Lutheran Liturgics", III, 940 f.; "Our Formula for Infant
Baptism", IV, 120 ff.; "The Lutheran Pulpit Garmeut", IV, 217; "Conceruing
Late-comers in Church Services", IV, 300.
lI1iscellanea. 455
11 i dJ t f rei, foldJe trreifjeit au boUaicljc11, fonbern fdJulbig, adJt barauf
au fjaben, tuie ei3 bem mmen ~oIf IeibIidJ unb befferIidJ fei; tuie @?t. ~aUrllS
lpridJt 1 Sfot. 14, 40: ,l2aHd aHes efjrHdJ llnb orbentridJ oltgeljcn' unb 1 Sfor.
6, 12: ,i5dJ ljalie cs aUetl ~Wnc9t, es frommet aber nidJt aIfes' llnb 1 Sfot. 8,1:
,~as ~iffen bliiljct auf, aber bie mebe beffert.' Unb luie er baieIbft rebet
bon benen, bie bie Grfenn±nis bes ®Iaubens unb ber 1Snifjeit fjaben unb
bodJ nodJ nidJ± tuifien, tuie lie bie ®denntnis fjaben ioHen, hleiI fie ber-
feThen nidJt aut Q3efjcntng bes ~olfs, lonbern aum lRllIJm ifjres ~erftanbes
braudJen." (X, 260 f.)';3n feinem "stuxaen Q3efenntnitl llOl11 ljeHigen ~rbenb"
mafjl" fdJreibt l2utljer: ,,~enn tu 0 e s f 0 n ft 0 fj n c S ii n b e un b
® e f a fj rob e r J) Ipte >if r 9 ern 10 9 e f dJ e fj en fan n, ift's gar fein,
bai3 fidJ bie stirdJen, audJ in iiui3erlidJen Stiicfen, bie bodJ frei finb, ber"
gIeidJen, tufe fie fidJ im ®eif±. ®Iauben, ~ort. ®aframent uftu. bergleidJen.
~enn foldJes fteljet fein unb gefiiHt jcbermann tuolj!." (XX, 1790.) ~aoei
tuar fidJ 2utfjer tuofjl oetuui3t, bai3 aUe iiuf3erlidJen trormen unb 8ere"
monicn bie ®inigfeit bes ®eiftes nidJ± erfe~en fonnen. ~n feiner ~u5-
Iegung 3U ~f. 82, 4 fdJreiot er: ,,~enn luatl bie ®dJrift nidJt fjat, ba foUen
Die ~rcbiger nidJt um aanlen bor bem ~offe, fonbern foUen bie ®dJrift
iuuner trcioen. ~enn 2 i e 0 e u n b tr r i e beg e fj t tu e i t fro era I 1 e
:8 ere m 0 n i en, lUTe @?t. ~aulus audJ fagt, baf3 ber trriebe foU iiver aUes
ben ~organg ljaben, 1mb ift undJriftridJ, baB trriebe unb ®inigrcit lOU ben
8eremonien !11cidJen. smm bas nidJt fjeIfen, fo gebie±e man bem au fdJtuei-
gen, ber ofjnc bie ®dJrift auf bie 8eremonien, aI5 notig aur ®efigfeit, bringt
unb bie ®eluifien berftricfen tum." (V, 720.) ~enn aber foldJe Beremonien
unb llceuerungen baau angctan finb, bie 2efjre au berbunfefn unb bie ®e"
tuiflen au oeuntuljigen, tuoute l2utfjer fie nidJt dngefii~r± hlil1en. ~n feinem
"UnterridJt ber ~ifi±a±oren an bie ~farrfjerren" bon 1528 unb 1538 fdJreiot
er: ,,~odJ foUen bie .2eutc bennodJ unterridJtet tuerben, befdJeibentridJ bon
foldJen stirdJenorbnungen au reben. ~enn etridJe SHrdJenorbnungen finb
gemadJ± u m gut e r () r b nun gun b tr r i e ben £l tu i rr en, tuie
®t. ~aulus fpridJt 1 stor. 14, 40: ,®s foU aUes efjrfidJ unb orbentridJ au-
gefjen.'" (X, 1662.) ~enn man 2utfjers berniinftige unb niidJterne ®runb"
f~e aUf bem ®eoiete ber 2iiurgif ettuas mefjr fiubieren unb oefolgen tuiirbe,
fame man laum auf ®infiiUe, bie bie nturgifdJe ®efdJidJte ber beutfdJ"
IutfjerifdJen stirdJe ignorieren, fidJ aus ®efienfreifen aUerId ~euerungen
aneignen unb bielfadJ nturgifdJeWconftrofitiiten autage forbern. ~. ®. st.
,,)Biele ... lllerbcn aUflllaO)Cn li, '!lan. 12, 2.
SIliefe ®tene, betrerrs beren ~usIegung eine ~nfrage cingeIaufen ift,
gefjort au ben cruces interpretum be£l ~rten Steftaments, hlenn audJ ni#
au ben fdJluierigften. SIlie flberfe~ung ber ~orte an unb fiir lidJ bidet
ldne ®dJtuierigfeiten. ~ic mciften ~usleger iioerfe~cn: n~iere berer, bie
in ber ~taubeserbe fdJlafen, hlerben ertuadJen, bie dnen 3um etuigen .2ebcn,
bie anbern ant ®dJmadJ unb ctuigen lnerbammnis." ~n ber engfifdJen ~rUS"
gaoe be£l 2angefdJen stommentars tuirb bie @?teUe fo ttJiebergegeven: "Many
of the sleepers of the dust-land shall awake, some to everiasting life, some
to reproaches and to everlasting contempt." ~ie @?dJtuierigfeit negt einaig
unb aUein in bem ~usbrucf \~~I1;l 1:l1.:;1"}, biele berer, bie fdJlafen. ()fjne
baf3 tuir tueiter aUf ben stonte~t' eingefjen, ber tuenig nber gar nidJts our
456 Miscellanea.
Ei.ifung beo stnoten§; ueitrugt, meifen tuir ~in aUf atnei ::Deu±llngen, bie
fdjrif±gemun finb. steH mein±, ban e§; fidj ~ier llm fo!dje ~anbele, bie oci
ber CSteigerung bet ~rangfar in ber @nb5ei± Ielien merben. "s\)iefem liurig<
gebrielienen morfe mitb ffiettung ber~einen ... ; nidjt arIe bann nodj Eelien<
Den, fonbern nur bie im )8udje beB EelienB meraeidjneten merben ber ffiet<
tung, baB ift, be§; meffianifdjen ~eiIe§;, tdI~aftig merben. 'llaau tnirb aber
eine IDCenge bon @ntfdjlafenen, in ber ;itrfrOfaIBaeit ®ef±orbenen, fom<
men, meIdje auferf±efjen merDen, teig Bum etl.1igen Eeben, teiI§; illl emiger
CSdjmadj. . .. ::DaB O'.~l!. ift benmadj mit ffilidfidj± aUf !lie Heine 2al)1 ber
bann nodj EelienDen geliraudj± unb liefagt meber bie ~[gemeinl)ei± !ler ;ito±en<
aUferftel)ung, nodj mm eB bieieIbe nur aUf dnen ;iteH ber alef±oroenen ein<
fdjranren, fon!lern tlur au ber Heinen 2alj! berer, meldje !len angemnbig±en
~1t0gang ber ::Dinge im {"SIeifdje erIelien, bie IDCenge b e r 5to±m ljinau~
fligen, meIdje am Eofe !ler aI§;!lann nodj Eelienben teiIljaben merben." -
~iefer ~uffaffung gegenliber, bie erma§; geamungen erfdjeint, l)alien fid) !lie
meiften anbern WUBleger (~ofmann, 20rHer, IDCein~or!l, ~uoerIen, stIie<
fot~ u. a.) filr bie ~uBregung entfdjieben, bie baB "biele" in aofoIu±em CSinn
berf±e~±, gleidj "bie miden, bie Wlal1e, bie IDCenge". llJCan benft babei fon<
berHdj an CSteUen mie IDCattl). 20, 28 ("geue fein Eelien au einer @rlofung
flir bide") unb IDCattl). 26, 28 ("bergoffcn mirb flir bide BUt mcrgebung
ber CSlinben"). lIalbin fdjreibt fe~r befiimm±: "Mu/tos hie ponit pro om-
nibus, ut certum est." IDCein~oI!l: "miele, namHdj aile, meldje fdjIafen."