Full Text for Studies in Eusebius, part 2 (Text)
m4t~1ngiral jinut~ly
Vol. I V February, 1933 No.2
P age
GRAEBNER, THEO. : The Modernistic Christ 81
KROEGER. A. C.: Die Stellung der Frau in der christlichen
Kirche . . ... . , 85
MAIER. W. A.: Archeology - the Nemesis ... 95
SIHLER, E. G.: Studies in Eusebius 102
KRETZMANN. P. E.: Luther und Zuelsdorf . 112
KRETZMANN. P. E.: Our Formula for Infant Baptism . 120
LAETSCH. THEO.: Divorce and Malicious De~rtion . ..... 127
KRETZMANN. P. E.: Die Hauptschriften Luthers in chro-
nologischer Reihenfolge . ... . . 133
Dispositionen ueber die altkirchliche Epistelreihe . 135
Miscellanea .. ... .. .. . .... . . . .. .. . 141
Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches 145
Book Review. - Literatur.. .... ... 153
Ein Predlger mUM nleht allein Vlri' Eusebius,
From this point on, say from Aurelianus onward, Eusebius begins
to write of incidents in his own life. In all fairness we may infer that,
if he took such pains to use documents of the first order for the period
from the apostles down, then this last period was set down with the
same scrupulous regard for truth.
In an anticipatory phrase Eusebius designates the period of Em-
peror Diocletian that of "the siege of the churches." (From now on
Eusebius introduces such a multitude of persons and characters that
we must be careful to limit ourselves to the more important; whom to
select is not easy. Scholars, naturally, appeal to him very much.) It
was at the time of Bishop Tyrannos that this "siege of the churches"
":flourished" (r;"flaa8v). He gives a succinct survey of episcopal suc-
cessions up to Diocletian's persecution, which was felt everywhere as
the greatest of all, "the persecution of our own time." Speaking of
Hermon, bishop of Jerusalem: "He received the apostolic chair, which
is still preserved there" Tertullian "o+o""orl to t.bis mmservHti.ve habit
of the churches which I have referred to above.
Eusebius sums up the seven books preceding the eighth as "the
succession to the apostles." And this term is significant - not so
much the adherence of Ohristians to the Bible as the framework of
a sacerdotal system and tradition was his chief interest; not so much
the pTiesthood of all OhTistians as pTesented 1 Pet. 2, 9.
Many servants at Diocletian's court were OhTistians. TI,ere were
fine chuTches also and large ones, "houses of pTayer (nl}oaBV""'1l}ia!),
in all the cities." Gibbon's computation that the Ohristians composed
but one-twentieth of the total population is, on the very face of it,
absurd. But much worldliness had crept in, says Eusebius - jealousy,
backbiting, bitterness, hypocrisy, and insincerity; "OUT shepherds were
inflamed with love of autocratic poweL" Repeatedly the bishop of
OaesaTea called the persecution a "divine judgment." (VIII,l.) His
design (VIII, 2) was that his narrative should be "useful" to his own
and to future generations of Ohristians.
The persecution began in the army (chap. 4); many withdrew
from military service or were degraded to the ranks. (It was in 303
A. D.) Both Diocletian and Galerius were then at Nicomedia and
issued their edict there.
Among the fiTst sufiereTS were courtiers and pages. They were
ordered to sacrifice. Too often flogging followed, after which vinegar
and salt were applied to the wounds, and finally the martyr was placed
on a metal brazier, made glowing, until he expired. Such was the
fate of Peter, one of the imperial pages (chap. 6). Others were
strangled. The bishop of Nicomedia was beheaded. The ashes of
110 Studies in Eusebius.
those burned were thrown into the water that their tombs might not
be honored. The prisons were filling with bishops, presbyters, deacons,
readers, and exorcists. The provinces of Africa and Mauretania and
the Thebaid district in Egypt suffered especially.
What happened in the great commercial city of Tyre (chap. 7)
Eusebius witnessed himself, probably in the amphitheater, when wild
beasts, also steers and boars, were let loose against the Ohristians. In
the end they were all dispatched with the sword and their bodies
thrown into the sea to prevent their being given a Ohristian bm·ial.
In the Thebaid of Egypt peculiar forms of torture were employed:
the bodies were scraped with potsherds and drawn upward by the feet,.
even those of women; others were torn apart by tree-tops drawn to-
gether and then loosened (chap. 9). This went on for years. Some-
times ten were executed, at other times more than twenty or thirty,
even sixty. Eusebius personally visited these regions and made in-
quil-ies on the spot.
Some Ohristians came forward voluntarily, worshiping the Triune
God, singing psalms at the end. Some of those brought before the
tribunals of heathen judges were distiJlglli~hed h:;, 'Yealth, birth, :luct
culture, e. g., Philoromos, who had held a high position in the depart-
ment of finance, and Phileas, the bishop of Thmuis. A simple denial
of Ohrist would have saved these two. Both were beheaded.
The last message of Bishop Phileas to his church at Alexandria
is given in full by Eusebius (chap. 10), including the citation from
Phi1. 2, 6. They were made to suffer even while being examined by the
Roman official. If they merely "touched" the pagan sacrifice, they
were freed. The bishop in his letter quoted also the First Oommand-
ment as strengthening the Ohristians in their refusal. A small town
in Phrygia, the inhabitants of which were all Ohristian, was burned,
men, women, and children, by Roman legionaries (chap. 11). In some
cases Ohristian women were threatened with having their daughters
thrown into houses of prostitution (chap. 12).
Eusebius calls it all a truceless war (n62s,.,ov a(Jnoy~ov) of the Ro-
man government against the Ohristians (chap. 13). Diocletian retired
to private life, and Galerius in the East and Oonstantius in the West
became Augusti. The latter contented himself with destroying Ohris-
tian chapels and churches. (At this point Eusebius reveals his flattery
of Oonstantine.) Maxentius (in Italy, the new Oaesar), from political
motives, assumed for a while protection of the Ohristian religion,
while Maximinu8 Daza, the new Oaesar in the East, almost outdid
Galerius as to acts of cruelty (chap. 14). In the eighth year of the
persecution (310 and 311 A. D.) a change for the better seemed to
come (chap. 16). Galerius began to suffer from an awful disease, of
"worms," while his body exhaled an intolerable stench (cf. Lactantius,
De ]JEortibu8 Persecutorum), and he then issued the edict to stop the
Studies in Eusebius. 111
persecution. Eusebius, chap. 17, presents it as translated by himself
from the Latin. (Of. From Augustus to Augttstine, pp. 186-188.)
Of Books IX and X, which contain some repetitions, I will limit
myself to the selection of several points particularly instructive to
a modern student of church history. I now turn to X, 2 ff.: the re-
building of churches, sometimes with financial aid given by the gov-
ernment. Eusebius took particular pains to transcribe such decrees
from Latin to Greek (chap. 2).
The finest of these rebuilt churches (chap. 4) was that at Tyre in
Phenicia. The joy it gave the Ohristians to possess this church re-
minded them of the joy of the Jews when the Temple at Jerusalem
had been rebuilt after the Babylonian captivity. One seems almost to
heal' a sermon in this church and a vivid expression of Ohristian faith,
especially the words of praise. "But the second cause of our blessing,
the Introducer of the knowledge of God, the Teacher of the true wor-
ship of God, the Destroyer of the impious, the Slayer of tyrants, the
Regulator of life, Jesus, the Savior of us that had been despaired of,
let us extol Him while naming Him, because He, being the only
(ft0vdn:aro;) P8~:'£:='c,t , -- 0 -' ; Son, in the expressjon. of t1~8 I-~3t8Y!lal
kindliness to mankind, assuming (v:n;oovr;) our nature, prostrate below
in destruction, like the best of physicians, on account of the salvation
of the suffering ones He beholds dreadful things, He gathers personal
sorrow for the troubles of others, He Himself saved not only those who
were diseased nOT only those oppressed with awful ulcers and wounds
~ctually festering, but from the very caverns of death." Scriptural
allusions are often interwoven with this discourse: "Looking down
upon the living temple of us all and gazing upon the house of living
and well-established stones [a temple], well and safely built on the
foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Ohrist being the
Oorner-stone, whom rejected not only they of the ancient and no
longer existing architecture [the Jews], but also the modern average
mankind, being evil builders of evil [structures]. But the Father
both then and now, having approved then and now, has established
Him as the Head of the corner of this our common church."
The new edifice faced the Tising sun. TheTe were four transverse
colonnades, with an open view to the sky in the middle. OedaTs of
Lebanon weTe used fOT some of the woodwork. The altar was in the
centeT of the church, sUTrounded by a netwo~k of wooden stTuctures.
The ceiling was of marble. The baptisteTY was outside of the church
The decTee of Oonstantine and Licinius fOT fTeedom of wOTship is
pTesented in a version fTom the Latin (X, 5), with the allusion to the
DecTee of Milan, 313 A. D., and now directing the restoration of the
church property to the OhTistians on the part of the Roman officials,
without demanding payment on the part of the OhTistians.
New York, N. Y. E. G. SIHLER.