Miscellanea. 861 2. :Bamit iit" £; abet nod) nidjt getan. ~ H e I m e f j t girt e£; nun anlegen bie lillaffen be£; .l3idjHl unb eijroadidj roanbeln als am :itage. @ldjon auf @tben foIl unfet: \Bef±teben fein, 10 3U roanbeln, roie roir einft am :itage Des boUenbeten SjeiIs roanDeln ioet:Den in feIiget: Unfdjulb unb @ e ~ redjtigfeit. :Ba£; roitb uns in bet lillcH bet: \Sinfternis nie geIingen. ~ o e t : tiigfidj JoUen roit: (Iijtiftum, bai3 Bidjt bet jill eIt , anilieijen. inidjt nut: im @Iauoen feines metbienftes uns ±tolten, fonbern aud) feinem \Beifviel nadjfolgen, 1 Z5oij. 2, 6; 3, 3. oman 1djiIbete je nadj \Bebiitfnii3 bet @emeinbe (Iqtiftum aIi3 \BeifvieI aller :itugenben.) :Bas roitb Sfampf fojten, roie ja audj ber 2fvof±cf bon jillaffen bei3 Bidjti3 rebet. 2fbet: eoen bicfe lillaffcn bei3 Bidjti3, bie roit antun, e r ~ mogIidjen uni3 ben @lieg. mon (Ifjrifto fliett @etedjtigfeit unb @ltiide in Sjet3. 9Jlut unb @linn. Unb gerube ber 2hti3ofid auf ben naqenben ::5iingften ;,tag crmutigt uni3 Bum (sifer in ber ,\)ciligung. Unfet Sjeil ift niiqet, bcn11 aIi3 roir Built @Iauocn !amen. :Bai3 Sjauvtfjinbcrnii3 ift ijinroeggenommen, bet Unglauoe. 9cun tnatten roit nut aUf bie m o u ~ enbung unfeti3 Sjeir;3, bai3 uni3 (Iijtiftlti3 errootben qat, 1 Sfor. 1, 7; :itH. 2, 13. inodjmaIige fjcrilIidje (Stmafjnung im Sjin6fid auf bic 9iiiije bei3 Z5iingften :itag ei3 , m. 12 ilU llefolgen. :it. R Miscellanea. The Spring and Pool of Bethesda. It has been known for a number of years that some of the springs In and near the city of Jerusalem are intermittent. Concerning the spring which fed the pool of Bethesda this discovery was made by German archeologists several decades ago. In Dr. G. J. Duncan's latest book The Ac(yumcy of the Old Testament the following account is given: "In the bottom of the Kidron Valley ... is the spring known as the Virgin's Fountain. In Old Testament times it was known as Gihon, and in Christ's time it was known as the Pool of Bethesda. ... It is an intermittent spring, and it is understood to be feel hom a natnral cistern in the rock some considerable height above it. Into this cistern the collected rain finds its way. By the by, the water, compressed into a space too small for it, forces an exit for itself by a sort of siphon in the softest part of the rock. "When the water in the cistern rises high enough to run over the bend of the siphon exit, the whole cistern empties itself into the natural cavity of the Virgin's Fountain, filling it to a depth of ten to twelve feet above its normal level, which is not more than three feet deep." (P. 115 f.) The New Standard Bible Dictionary offers a cut showing a cross-section of the hill with the cistern and the siphon. -Arc we to assume that this explanation militates against the Biblical account of the miraculous healings? Not at all. A few orthodox commentators have pointed out that similar healing powers are connected with intermittent springs in noted watering-places, 862 Miscellanea. so that cures are effected more often at the time of "bubbling." The remarks of Dr. Stoeckhardt are interesting in this connection: "Naoh der Sahri/t sind solche wohltaetigen Wirkungen natuerlicher Dingo durch Engel ~ ' e r m i t t e Z t . Die Engel wirken in den Naturkrae/ten. Das Weltregiment Gattes gesohieht durch die Engel, die Gattes Boten, Gattes Diener, sind. Es ist gam; schri/tgemaess, dass man glaubt, in den. vieZen HeilqueUen sind auoh jetzt nach Engel taetig." Cpo also Dr. Robinson's description of the spring and pool and Abbott's Commentary on John. P.E.K. 1Sietjiifjtigc Seminarlutf c. Wus einer liingeren mefpredjung Mefes 5tljemas im , , ~ i r d j e n l i r a t t " bet 21:. R ~ . liringen wir folgenbe 113aragrapljen: "SDie merfamm1ung unferer SHrdje in g:onb bu 2ac fome unfers @:racljtens bie @5tubieraeit aUf unfern liciben tljeo1ogifcljen @5eminm:en aUf bier ~ a l j t e berIangern unb bie ~ n . orbnung heffen, bae jeber @5tubcnt in ber !Regel nadj Wlifolbierung be!3 tri±±en @5tubienjaljres ein ~ a l j r lang aIs mirar oi>er 113aftoraggeljiIfe tatig ift. lillir madjen bicfCTI morfdjlag folDolj1 im &)inoIicl aUf bie @'5tubentcn 0:16 auf llie ®emeinben. "Wile g:acljfdjulen finb in ben fetten ~ a l j r e n ober ~ a l j r a e l j n t e n ftad ausgeliaut IDori>en. lillenn angeljcnbe ID'lebiainer ober ~ u t i f t e n Ijeute bier meljt @'5emefter f±ubieren miillen afs friiljer, fo Iieg± bas nidjt cHua baran, bae bie moU§fd)ulen, bie high schools unb bie @:oIIege§, fa bie! fcfJledjtere !Refurtate eraielcn aI§ friilJer, fonbern baran, ban ba§ gefa11t±e m H b u n g s ~ nibeau lid) ftad geljooen Ijat. Bufiinftige \!Saf±oren mUffen in iljrem g:ad} wenfo griinbIidj au§geliilbet IDerben IDie bie ~ r n g e l j o r i g e n anbeter merufe. , , ~ i e jcj3ige breijaljrige @5eminarf±ubienaeit gleidji i3U leljr etner &