Full Text for Die Spendeformel im heiligen Abendmahl (Text)

~ie I5penbefotmd im ljeiIigen 'llbenbmaljI. 745 free to use it contrary to the accepted usage of our Church. Our Church has declared in its Confessions that ordination is a public ratification of a call to a Christian congregation; we should therefore not ordain such as have no such call. -Again, if a person has by instruction been prepared for confirmation by a pastor of a church in St. Louis and intends to become a member of that church, we are sure that it has never entered anybody's mind that such a person should be confirmed in one of our churches in Philadelphia, merely in order that the home folks there may witness his confirmation; we have, however, often heard of home folks and relatives and friends coming to the confirmation service of that church with which the person who is being confirmed is affiliating. Even so it is improper that a candidate who has been called to some congregation in South Dakota and has accepted that call should be ordained in one of our congregations somewhere in Michigan, simply because the home folks are there and would like to witness his ordination. Our Ohurch has declared in its Oonfessions that ordination is a public ratification of a call to a Ohristian congregation, and there­fore our pr3ctise oug'ht in every j'espect to conform to this accepted usage of the term. Only in this sense can our Chureh lay down cer­tain rules in reference to ordination, which should by us be observed although they are per se not binding upon the consciencc. 'vVe should be careful that we do not turn liberty into license; wc should not by a careless practise confuse the minds of our people or even instil into their minds wrong ideas. J OllN II. O. FRITZ. ~ Ii ; ~ie S~eubefJ.lrmel im ~emgeu &l1eubmtl~l.l) :vie @Spenbeformei (formula of distribution) ift, tvie ber ~ame oefagt, .bie gaframen±§? SDic iiItef±e unb fiiri3efie @>penbeformel linbet fidj in ben ,,~poftoIi~ f cljen Sl!onftitutionen" (VIII, Sl!np. 13). ilCaclj biefer merorbnung roar ber \Bifdjof obet ljSresliDter angeroiefen, lid bet ~u§teiIung be§ \Brote~ i3U fagen: Zwp,a XetOWV unb liei SDatreicljung be~ Sl!eIdje§: Alp,a Xewwv, :;r07:~e'OV Cwijq. SDer einileIne Sl!ommunifant antroottete in lieiben ~iiIIen: 'Ap,~v. SDaB biefe ~ntroor± ber Sl!ommunifan±en aUf bie aIfgcmein ilbIiclje @>penbeformel in ber aHen Sl!itdje ilbetaII geliriiucljIiclj luar unb filr f efjr roidjtig angefefjen rourbe, ergibt fidj au§ ben bieIen ~inroeifungen auf bie SiUe in ben Sdjrif±en ber Biiter f oroie au;;; ber :itatfadje, baB fid) bie ~ormeI mit iljrer ~ntroort in bielen ber frilfjeften 2iturgien finbet.2) Cl:§ mag ljier nelienliei erroiiljn± roerben, baB hie fdjottifdje 2iiurgie gegen Cl:nbe be§ f eclj3cljnten 0aljrljunber±§ bie ~ntroor± ,,~men U filr bie Sl!om~ munifanten borfcljrdlit unb fomit aUf ben iiHeften @elirauclj aurilcfgelji. Cl:ine neue {form ber SpenbeformeI finbet ficlj aur Bdt @regor§ be§ @ronen, \ualjrf cljeinIidj bon iljm f eLfier eingefiiIJrt. Sie rautei: "Oorpus (sanguis) Domini nostri lesu Ohristi conservet animam tuam." ~ljn~ Iiclje BormeIn linben ficlj im gani3cn lmiUelarter, roie 13.)8.: "Oorpus (sanguis) Domini nostri lesu Ohristi custodiat te in vitam aeternam"; ober auclj: "Oorpus et sanguis Agni Dei, quod tibi datur in remissio­n8m p8ccatorum"; obex: "Oorpus ... sit tibi salus animae ct cor­poris"; ober: "Oorpus ... prosit tibi in remissionem peccatmum et ad vitam aeternam." (mgL \Bingljam, Book XV, v, § 8.) ~n±ereffan± ift bie BormeI naclj Cl:infilljrung ber ~ntinftion, elje bie communio sub una obIi~ ga±orifclj gemacljt rourbe. SDa liebiente man liclj ber BormeI: "Oorpus Domini nostri lesu Ohristi sanguine suo intinctum conservet animam tuam in vitam aeternam." ~m ()rient finben ficlj bie BonneIn: "Oorpus et sanguis Ohristi calix vitae"; ober: "Oorpus sanctum, pretiosum, verum Immanuelis, Filii Dei, hoc est vere, Amen. Sanguis. pretiosus, verus Immanuelis, Filii Dei, hoc est vere"; obet: (.2iiurgie be~ fjeiIigen ~ctfoliu~): "Oorpus et sanguis Domini nosh·i le8u Ohristi datur tibi in 2) stertuUian, De Spectaculis, c. XXV: "Quale est ... ex ore, quo Amen in sanctum protuleris, gladia tori testimonium redden~ 1" ~uf eMus, lib. VI, c.43, mit S"dinllleis aUf mifd)of ~otnenUs bon \Rom. ~~riU, Mystag., .Ratcd)efen, V, § 21. 22. 'Umbrojius, De Saoramentis, lib. IV, c. 5: "Dicit tibi sacerdos, ,Corpus Christi'; et tu die is, ,Amen', id est, ,Verum'." 'Uuguftiu, Oontra Faustum, lib. XII, c. 10: "Habet magnam vocem Christi sanguis in terra, quum eo accepto ab omnibus gentibus responderetur: ,Amen'." mgt aUd) S"dicrDnt)mUS, Epist. LXII ad Theoph., unb 13CD, Sermo VI, De Ieiunio Sep­timi Mensis, Illie bDn ming~am angefii~rt. SDie ~jlenbefDtmel im ~eUigen ~benbma~t 747 veniam delictorum et remissionem peccatorum in utroque saeculo." @i~ ift fofort erfidjtIidj, baf3 fidj Die ~irdje nidjt an eine gellJiffe enbeformeI im ~emgen Illbenbma~f. 749 1542 burdj bie ~ni1'firogfdje Sfirdjenorbnung cine @51'enbeformeI; in EiilJed: bagegen fanben bie !Betfudje, cine @51'enbefotmeI einaufiiqten, fjartniid:igen )illiberftanb. )Beteit£i 1550 tuorrte ein ~tebiger fie ein:: fiigten -.lminifterium unb .lmagiftrat untetfagten e£i igm. ~nno 1575 unb '77 tuorrte ein 6U1'erintenbent au )illi£imar in atuei lJefonbeten )Be:: benfen biefe {JormeI DenWcinifterien ilU EiilJed: unb )illi£imar empfeglen, aUein man tuorrte fidj ))urdj bie bon il)m angefiigrten ®riinbe nidjt UlJet:: aeugen laffen. ~nno 1611 anb '15 madjte ein EiilJecfet ®eiftIidjer bon neuem ben metfudj, bie formula applicativa au em1'feglen; man goUe bon ben )illiitenberger ::;tgeologen ein )Bebenfen ein, biefe birrtgten bie lEinfiigrung; tro~bem lJIicb e£i lJehn alten. lEbenf otuenig lErfoIg gaite 6ulJetinienbent &junniu£i 1628 unb ein ~rebiger )Blume 1630, bie lJeibe in eigenen 6djriften biefe {JormeI em1'faglen, bi£i e£i enbIidj im ~afjre 1647 bem 6U1'erintenbenten &jannefeniu£i geTang, cine 6lJenbeformeT einaufiifjten." (L. c., 259.) ~ntereffant finb bie ®tiinbe fiir bie )Bugenfjagenfdje lEinridjtung, tuic fic bon ®corg Sfiinig in leinem )Budj Casus Conscientiae angefiilJtt tuetben. @:ir madjt folgenbe ®riinbe geUenb: ,,1) Cum huiusmodi for­mulae essent li.rearpOt, non putarunt eas necessario oportere adhiberi; 2) omiserunt, ne aliis scandalum pl'aeberent, ac si element a per verba institutionis non sufficienter fuissent consecrata", tueIdjen ®runb ja 'audj )Bugenfjagen aU£ibtiicnidj angegeben qaite; 3) fie qiiiten ben 6djein betmeiben tuoITen, al£i madjten fie fidj ber 6djulb ber ~alJiften teiIljaftig, "quod Verbo Dei subinde aliquid adderent". ~iinig fugt bann nodj f cine eigene @:irHiirung bet Wlotibe )Bugenfjagen£i fjinsu: "Quod Luthe­TUB, qui tunc adhuc in vivis erat, pro cuI dubio hanc Bugenhagii Con­stitutionem et inspexerit et calculo suo approbaverit, eoque ipso con­suetudini huic non levem auctoritatem conciliaverit." -@5o bieI fiit: bie gefdjidjtridje 6eite unferer ~arregung. )illie ftefji e£i nun aber mit unt erer atueiten {Jrage: )ill a £i i 1i b i e )Beaiefjung ber 61'enbefotmel au bem )illefen, ref1J. au bet tedjtmiif3igen {Jeter, be£i @5ahamenB? &jierbei ift e£i niitig. ban tuit un£i bergegentuiirtigen. tua£i aum !ill e fen be£i 6aframent£i gefjiirt. Wlit anbern )illorten: )illa£i 1ft ein:: get djloff en in bcm )BefegI ,,@5oIdje£i tut aU meinem ®ebiidjtni£i" ~ )Be:: fanni ift ~uguftin£i ~u~f1'tudj: Accedat Verbum ad elementum, et fit Sacramentum, unb tuit fugen gem fjinau: Et distribuantur consecrata element a convivis. ~ie~ tuirb bon ®etfjarb (De Sacra Coena, locus XXI, c. XXVI) fo au~gebtucft: "SacTa coena est corporis Ohristi me­diante benedicto pane manducatio et sanguinis Christi mediante benedicto vino bibitio ab ipso Christo ad sui recordationem in­stituta." Wlit 9ledjt tueift ®erfjatb babei barauf fjin, ban EeilJ unb )Brut lrfjrifti non absolute et simpliciter, sed quatenus manducatur ac bibi­tur, hoc est ipsa corporis manducatio et sangui.nis bibitio. gu ben roefentIidjen &janbIunge.n be~ @5aframeng redjnet barum biefet: Eefjret 750 SDie 6flcubefotmel im !)eiHgen 'nbenbma!)1. bet Sl!irclje: accipere panem, benedicere, distribnere, manducare; acci­pere calicem, in quo sit genimen vitis, benedicere, distribuere, bib ere et mortem Domini annuntiare. ~iei3 ftimmt mit ben m50tten bet Sl!onfot~ bienfotmeI: ,,9hm forren bie m50de bet ®infej~ung in bet &,;lanblung bei3 ijeiligen ~fbenbmafjg riffentliclj bot bet Q5etfammlung beu±liclj unb fIat gefptocljen obet gefungen unb feinei3tuegi3 untetfalfen tuetben, bamft bem iSefeijl CSfjtifti ,:Dai3 Jut I' ®eljotf am geleif±e± unb bet Buljritet ®Iaube bom m5efen unb lYtltcljt biefei3 ®ahamenti3 ... burclj ~ijtifti m50tte et~ tuectt, geftiitft unb betgetuiffett tuetbe, unb bie ®lemente bei3 iStotei3 unb m5einei3 in biefcm ljeHigen iStauclj (baB uni3 bamit ~ljtifti Eerb unb iSlut au effen unb hinren geteiclj± tuetbe) geijeifigt obet gefegnd tuerben; tuie ~aurus fpticlj±: ,~et gefegne±e Sl!eIclj, ben tDit fegnen'; tu e I clj e i3 j a nicljt anbeti3 benn butclj m5iebetijolung unb ®u il ii lj run g bet ms 0 tt e bet ® i n f e tun 9 9 e f clj i e ij t. ~bet biei er 6egen ober bie (Exaiiljlul1g bet \illode bet ®inf etung (§;ljtif±i (luo nicljt bie £lanse ~ftion be§: ~benbmaijg, luie bie bon ~ljtifto geotbnet, geijaIten tuirb, ag, toenn man bai3 gelcgnde iSto± nicljt au§tcilt, empfang± unb geneuf3±, fonbem einfcf]Ieuj3t, aufopfet± unb umhiig±) macljt aUein fein ®aftamen±, fonbem ei3 mUB bet iSefeljI ~ljtifti ,:Da§: ±utI' (tuelclje§: bie ganae IJf:Hion obex lBerriclj±ung biefes ®arramenti3, baB man in cinet cljtiftItcljen Bufammenrunft iStot unb msein l1e!jme, fegne, aUi3teile, emp~ fange, elfe, hinfe Ul1b bei3 &,;l®ttn :irob babei bediinbige, aufammenfaf3±) uni3edrcnn± unb unberriict± geljaIten luerben, tuie un§: auclj ®t. ~aulu§: bie ganae ~Hinn be§: is:r:otb:r:ecljeni3 obet ~u§:teiIeni3 unb @mpfangen§: bor ~ugen fterrt 1 Sl!0:r:.10." (Trigl., 1000, § 79ft.) ~iefe ®cljriftbetueife unb Beugnilfe tiinnten nnclj um bieIe bctmefjr± !1Je:r:ben; aocr bai3 ®cfagte geniigt fUr unf ere :0arlegung. ®inb nun abet biefe beiben ®tiicte, Sl!onfd:r:ation unb ~ifttibution ber ®lemente im 9IbenbmaljI, tu e fen ± r i clj fU:r: feinen fahamcl1tIicljcn ~lja:r:aftet, bann folgt, baB aUe anbern Be:r:emonien unb ®eoriiudje, bie ficlj bei be:r: jett in ber lutlje:r:if djen Sl!itclje iiblidjen ~eier finben, nicljt tuefentliclj finb. :0aau recljnen tui:r: bo:r: aUem bai3 bon ben m:cfo:r:mietten im afigcmeinen gefn:r:bcrte )S:r:ecljen be§: iSrotes, unb unl ete m5eige:r:ung in biefem zyaU fjed mit DTecljt iSefenn±niscljaraHer angenomll1en. m50rrte man ben )SefefjI ,,00Icljei3 tut I" auclj aUf bie oegleitenben ))ceoenumftanbe cmtuenben, fo tua:r:en juir fcljIicB1iclj genritig±, tuie bas auclj dnigc Iut!je,< rifclje :0ngmatiIe:r: ausgefiifj:r:t ljaben, ba§: ~oenbma!jI nUL am ~lienb au feiem, in einem gepflafterten (ba§: ljeif3t, mit ~olftern belegten) ®am uftu. :Da:r:um Iiegt auclj bie zy:r:age bon bet e±tuaigen 9?:oituenbigreit bet ®penbefotmeI im ~lienbmaljl nidji auf bem ®cbie± bet ~ogmatif, lon" bern aUf bem be:r: 21tu:r:gif. SElie§: aeigt ja fdjnn bie ganse ®efcljicljte ber ~ift:r:iou±ion§:formel, luie oben Iura sufammengefaf3±. m5enn bie lYormel aum m5efen be§: ®af:r:amenti3 geljii:r:t, bann !jalien g:r:oBe :ireile be:r: llttljo" b06en Sl!irclje jafjti3e!jn±e~, ialjrfjunbetterang rein ~lienbma!jl ge!jab±. nnb feIbft oei benen, bie ficlj dne:r: ®penbefo:r:meI bebienien, fOnnte man mit Roman Church Law and Mixed Marriages. 751 lliecfjt fragen: m5elcfjei$ ift Die t i cfj t i g e ~otmer? S\)enn valb tuat fie cine ®dfiirung, valb ein ~efenn±niS, valb eine ~cnebiftion. ®in~ ift bem Iutfjerifcfjen .2iturgen nat, niimHef; ban et bie ~otmer nief;± in bet @eftart, toie fie bon bem SjeHanbe gevrauef;t toutbe, antoenben fann, 1tJenigften~ nidjt ofjne bie einleitenben m5orte: ;;S®fu~ fpraef;. S\)enn bann rommen toit in ba~ iJafjrtualler bet Uniet:±en (unb bielet mefotmiet:±en), bie fief; bet iJotme1 in bicfen m5ot:±en vebienen unb bamit ba~ ganae €Saftamen± ungetoin maef;en. iJitr un~ follte bet fitef;Iief;~Iitutgifef;e @evtauef; au~fdjlaggevenb fein, bet niimlief; bie @lpenbefotmeI n i ef; ± au e in e m to e fen b r i ef; en :it c i I b e ~ @l a It a men t ~ m a ef; t, bavei aver boef; f ei ~ n c n @ e v r a u ef; v e f it rill 0 t ± e ±, ja un±et Umf±anben barauf veftefjt. S\)enn bie @lpenbeformeI bet Iutfjerifef;en Sl!itef;e ift au einem ~efenntni~ getoorben, bornefjmIief; aUen refotmiet±en Sl!itcfjengemeinf ef;aften gegen~ llvet, bie bie toal)te @egentuat:± be~ Bettie£; unb lBlute§ \Ifjtif±i im ~roettb~ mafjI Ieugnen, inff. be~ Uniet:±en. WCit bem ~efcnntni~ obel: bcr 2efjt~ barfegung aoer bervinbet fief; bie fef;on in ber mi±±elartedief;en Sl!itdje frvIicfje menebiftion, bie augleief; eine Wlafjnung an bie Sl!ommunifan±en entfjiirt, ban boef; fetnet ben @legen be~ @lahameng betfef;etae. ~. ®. Shetmann. Roman Church Law and Mixed Marriages. * The Papal Encyclical and Its Roman Interpretation. A. What Pope Pius XI Says on Mixed Marriages. "The religious character of marriage, its sublime signification of grace, and the union between Ohrist and the Ohurch evidently re­quires that those about to marry should show a holy reverence towards it and zealously endeavor to make their marriage approach as nearly as possible to the archetype of Ohrist and the Ohurch. "They therefore who rashly and heedlessly contract mixed mar­riages, from which the maternal love and providence of the Ohurch dissuades her children for very sound reasons, fail conspicuously in this respect, sometimes with danger to their eternal salvation. This * The two documents here printed from authentic sources present the subject of mixed marriages according to official declarations of the present Pope, Pius XI, and its interpretation by an acknowledged Roman Catholic spokesman. The section of the encyclical of December 31, 1930, is taken from the book Four Great Encyolioals of the Paulist Press, 101 f., and the discussion of mixed marriages on the basis of this encyclical and previous statements, by W. 1. Lonergan, S. J., is taken from the periodical America, April 23, 1932. Cf. Readers' Digest of June, 1932, pp. 66 and 69. The italicized sections are so indicated by us. Every reader may readily make his own applications. -Edit. Oomm.