Full Text for CTM Brief Studies 23-12 (Text)

Concoll()ia Theological Monthly D.ECEMBER • 1952 ConcolZ()io Theological Monthly Published by The Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod EDITED BY THE FACULTY OF CONCORDIA SEMINAllY ST. LOUIS, Mo. Address all communicatiofJS to the Editorial Commit/etl in care of the Managing Edi/or,F.E.Mayer, 801 De Mun Ave., St.Louis 5, Mo. EDITORIAL COMMlTIEE VICfOR BARTLING, PAUL M. BRETSCHER, RICHARD R. CAEMMERER, THEODORE HoYER, FREDERICK E. MAYER, WALTER R. ROEHRS, lOUIS J. SIECK CONTENTS FOR DECEMBER 1952 PRESIDENT lOUIS J. SIECK, D. D. Richard R. Caemmerer "WE LOVE BECAUSE HE LOVED Us FIRST." Victor B.Jftl;11g "KEEP YOURSELVES IN THE LOVE OF GOD." William]. Hassold THE GRACE OF GOD IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. Walter R. Roehrs OUTLINES ON SYNODICAL CONFERENCE GOSPELS BRIEF STUDIES THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER BooK REVIEW PAGB 865 868 884 895 911 922 925 939 Lffle, Ernst: Voraussetzungen der Neutestamentlichen Exegese. -Lange's Com­mentary on the Holy Scriptures. -Deutsche Quarralschrifr. Jahrg. 132, I. Quartal· heft. -Mackintosh. H. R .. · The Christian Experience of Forgiveness. -Nt'ill. Stephen c.: Fulfill Thy Ministry. -Ewbank, H. L. and LaU·tO'I. S. P .. · Broadcast· ing: Radio and Television. -Robinson, T. H .. ' A Short Comparative History of Religion. -Valentine, Ferdinand: The Art of Preaching. -Sal.rtrand, G. A. E.: The Tithe.-Hazelton, R .. ' On Proving God,-IP'allS, Alan W.: Easter-Its Story and Meaning. -Meyer, P. B .. ' Our Daily Walk -Macaula.y. J. c.: After This Manner. CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTIU.Y is published monthly by Concordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis 18, Mo., to which all business correspondence is to be addressed. . $3.00 pee annum, anywhere in the world, payable in advance. Entered at the Post Office at St. Louis, Mo., as second·class matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 5, 1918. plll1