Full Text for Saulus - Paulus (Text)

iEau{us -~aulu?'. 335 with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect." Of. also Heb. 9, 9. Whenever, therefore, we find that Paul gives an allegorical or typical meaning' to an Old Testament passage or incident, let us recognize that this is in full keeping with the clearly expressed Scrip­ture truth that the Old Testament is full of signs, types, and symbols. Bearing this in mind, we can well understand Paul's reference to the story of Hagar and Sarah in Gal. 4 as a typical prophecy, depict­ing the two covenants, the Oovenant of the Law and the Oovenant of Grace. Is it necessary to add the caution that the Ohristian interpreter must not place himself on the same level with St. Paul and begin to allegorize as some inner prompting may urge him? Paul was an inspired apostle; his exposition of Old Testament texts is that of the Holy Spirit. Of. 1 Thess. 2, 13. We, on the other hand, can merely repeat what the inspired writers have told us, and while on the basis of their instruction we assert that the Old Testament history and literature in many ways foreshadow the times and events of the New Covenant, it is only in those instances which they them­selves point out that we can with complete assurance speak of a typical or allegorical meaning as attaching to Old Testament pas­sages. When we go beyond these limits, we have to be very hesitant and can no longer speak with positive confidence, but rather have to be satisfied with mere probabilities, which perhaps are edifying, but cannot be used as a foundation of our faith and hope. While we unhesitatingly say that in Deut. 25,4 the native sense was intended by God to be given an application to the support of ministers of the Word, we can, for instance, not with assurance say that the provision Ex. 23, 6, "Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor in his cause," can be given a typical application, making it refer particularly to some New Testament institution or event. In conclusion, criticism like that of Dr. Deissmann directed against the inerrancy of Paul's epistles need not perturb us. A priori we know that it is not justified, and a careful examination of all facts involved brings out that what Deissmann finds objectionable can well be explained and harmonized with the rest of the Scriptures. W.ARNDT, (5llultt~ -~tlttltt~. ,,&ITe ®cl)rif± [ift] bon ®oft eingegelien" , 2 ;;tim. 3, 16. :lla\3 aITe ®cl)rift diviniter inspirata iff, fteqt un£l feft, auclj, (\)ott .\2oli, unfern ®emeinben. jillir beridbigen biefen ®a~ gegen (lTfc Ilngriffe ber mo~ bewen ~eologie unb ber qoqeren Shitif. ~ft Die£i un£i avet nut cine lifof3e 5tfjefe, ober ift e£i un£i in g;feifcl) unb \BIut iiliergegangen? SDa£l (EbangeIium ift gottricl)e Shaft unb 336 6uu{us -'l5uufus. gottHdje )ill ei§fjeit, 1 Stor. 1, 24. Siefjen tvir aver audj bie fetten Ston~ fequenaen biefer @3djriftau§[age? ;sft unfer )illori unb unfere l13rebigt n in berniinf±igen Dreben menfdjfidjer )illci§fjeit ober in metveifung be§ ®eifte§ unb ber Straf±"? 1 Stor. 2, 4. :Operieren tvir in be r )illeife mit bem 215or±e ®otie§, ba13 tvir e§ in unfern IlSrebig±en, in bet paf±oralen ~rlieit, in SDeliatten mit Ungliiuliigen unb )illeltmenfdjen in ba§ ~orbertreffen f±eITen, e§ fte±§ ba§ @3djtveri be§ ®eif±e§ fein falfen? SDa13 nun IDidIidj ba§ )illort ®oite§ cine MJVUfI', thou iit (1 StOt. 1, 18; ffiom.1, 16) unb tvir bie§ audj in§ Be6en umfeten foITen, 3il biefem SIDed fjat ber &jeiHge ®eii± un§ in ber &jeUigen ISdjrift biefer )illal)rfjeit nid.1± nUt auf§ feftef±e berficf)crt, fonbern un§ audj berfdjiebene meifpieIe gege6en, bie bie Straf± be§ gottIidjen )illorte§ an ben ::rag regen. ~or aITem finben tuft cine demonstratio ad oculos in ber mdefjrung be§ ~jJof±el§ l13aulu§. @§ iff boi; ein effatanie§ )illunber ber Straf± be§ 2150rie§ ®otte§. Unb fotvofjI in ber ~erteibigung be§ ®ate!3 :milefangni§ iiuctanitvoriC±, 8,3. @§ tvar bie§ audj nidjt dtva nur eine botiiliergefjenbe 2fuftvaITung be!3 ®emiig. (§inem Drau6tier gIeidj fjieH er an ilU fdjnauven (IT:! sf.tn"srov) mit SDrofjen unb IDCorben tviber bie ;siinger be§ &j0:rrn, 9,1. ;Sa feflif± bie§ geniigt ifjm lialb nidjt mefjr. 2rudj in entfernten ,orten 1um et bie octfjaBten mdenner be§ ~,amen§ ;s@fu ilum 5tobe bcforbern. ~liemanb fjatte iljn bailu aufgeforbert; er liot fidj f e16f± an; er ging fjin ilum &jofjenptief±er unb liat ifjn (22,5; 26,12) um mriefe gen SDama§fu§, aUf ba13, fo et etLidje bicfe§ )illege§ faube, manncrllnb )illeibcr, er fie ge6unben fiifjde gen ~erufarem, 9,1 f. 6aulus -~alllllS. 337 SDie~ aletiidjt, baB €aulus bet fanatifdjf±e Cf!jrif±enberfoIget feL fanb fe!jt ttJeHe ~eroreitllng. 211~ bem 21nania0 au SDamasru0 ber 21uf~ trag tuutbe, fidj au ®aulu0 au begeben, entgegnete et betttJunbert: ,,&;lCStt, idj !jabe bon b i ere n ge!jort, juiebieI ubIe0 et beinen &;leHigen au ~cmfalem getau !jat", 9,13.21. Unb aI0 jjSaulu0 nadj feinet IDereljmng nadj ~erufalem ram unb "bctfudjte fidj bei bie ~iinget: au madjen, f ii t: dj ± e ten fie fidj nITe bot iqm unb glaubten nidj±' baB et: ein ~iinget ttJate", 9, 26. jjSauht0 befdjtcibt audj feIOf± in bet 21pof±ergefdjidjte feine gtenc3en~ Iofe {Seinbfdjaft gegen Cfljrijtum bor feinet me£eljrung: ,,~dj !jabe biefen ).fieg berfoIgt b i san ben ~ 0 b. ~dj banb fie unb fiiljrete fie in£; ®efiingnis, beibe IDCann unb ~eio", 21ct. 22,3. 4. ~n feinet 21~10~ logie bot bem SHinig 2lgrippa bebien± er fidj nodj f±aderer 21u~btiicfe: ,,~dj meinte lief mit feIoft, idj mfrf3±e biel 3uroibedun bern ~arnen ~CSfu bon ~aaaret!j, rote idj benn audj aU ~entfalem gefan !jalien, ba idj b i e r &;leiIige ins ®efiingni0 betfdjloB, badlier idj IDCadj± bon ben &;loljen~ ptieftem empfing, unb ttJenn fie erttJiitgd murben, ljarf idj bas UrtcH fprcdjen" (gali idj mcine @:>timme au gegen fie, ",a~~vEy",a '111;'1'0'1'). "Uub hurdj aIfe ®djulen peinigte idj fie oft unb amang fie au liiftetn unb mat iibemU0 unfinnigU Uobenb, 8ft,Ual1'OftEVOC;) "auf fie, bcrfoIg±e fie aUel) bi§ in bie fremben eitiibie." -21u§ bet 21pofteIgef djidjte ge!jen mir au ben eieIOf±aeugniff en be~ 21poftels in feinen mtiefen iiber. ,,~ljr ljabt ja moqI ge!joret", Iefen juir ®aI. 1, 13 f., "meinen ).fianbeI meilanb im ~uben±um, luie idj ii bet b i e WI aBe n betfoIgte hie ®emeinbe ®o±tc§ ltnb aetftode fie." ~gI. jjSljiI. 3,6. :Obfdjon bet 21pofiel me!jt gearbeitet !jatte aI§ bie anbern aIfe, 1 ~ot. 15,10, nenni er fiel) bodj in tiefer SDemut eine "ltnaeitige @efmdu ([xzgwfta), "ben getingf±en unter ben 2IpofieIn", "aI§ bet idj nidjt toed bin, ban idj eil1 21pofte1 !jeiBe, batum ban idj bie ®emeinbe @oties betfolget fjabe", 1 ~or. 15, 8f.; bgL CSplj. 3, 8. ,,®einem redj±fel)affenen @:>oljnim ®Iauben", bem ~imo±!jeu0, gef±efjt cr, baB et aUbot gemefen fei ein .2iiftetet, ~erforget unb eidjmiiljet unb beaeidjnet fidj bann af§ ben "botneljmften ltntct ben eiiinbern", 1 ~im.l, 13. 21ITetbing§ edliid ber 21poftel, baj3 er bamaI§ " unroiffenb, im Un~ grauben", geljanbelt !jabe; fonft ljiitte et ia audj in bet ®efaljr ber €iinbe mibet ben &;leUigen @eift geftanben. 21ber bamit mitb f cine bamafige marfiede {Seinbfdjaft gegen ~ljtif±um nidjt gemilbed, eine {Seinbfdjaft, bie au§ bemuj3tefter ftbetaeugung ljerborging unb infoIge~ beten er mit boIffter ubetIegung feine :Opfet aum 5tobe fiiljde. CSt mat feine~megs ein bfinbe§ ).fiedaeug in ben S2iinben be§ @:>i)nebtium§:. CSt toar nidjt nut bet 21 t m, fonbern eigentridj !lie ® c ere bet Cfljtif±ew lJerfoIgung. CSt mar in ber 5tat ein ii bet m ii Big e r 2 e lot (:rr:eell1l1odeOlC; CEJ.OlT~C;) fiir bie biiietIidjen ftberlieferungen, @aI. L 14. CSt f a!j in bem G\!jriftentum ben gefii!jdidjften {Seinb bes ~llbentllln§:; 22 338 l5aulull -~auru!l.