Full Text for CTM Book Review 23-12 (Text)

Concoll()ia Theological Monthly D·ECEMBER • 1952 ConcolZ()ia Theological Monthly Published by The Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod EDITED BY TIm FACULTY OF CONCORDIA SEMINAllY ST. LOUIS, Mo. AddrsJ1 .:Jl communications to the Editorial Committe. in Cafe 01 the Managing Edilor,F.E.Mllyer, 801 DB Mun Ave., St.Louis 5, Mo. EDITORIAL COMMITfEE VICTOR BARTLING, P .AUL M. BRETSCHER, RICHARD R. CAEMMERER, THEODORE HOYER, FREDERICK E. MAYER. W.ALTER R. ROEHRS, LOUIS J. SIECK CONTENTS FOR DECEMBER 1952 PAC,B PRESIDENT LOUIS J. SIECK, D. D. RhharJ R. Cacmm~e, 865 "WE LOVE BECAUSE HE LOVED Us FIRST." Victor BartlitJE; 868 "KEEP YOURSELVES IN TIlE LOVE OF GOD." William J. HaJIo/d 884 THE GRACE OF GOD IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. Walter R. RoehfJ H95 OUTLINES ON SYNODICAL CONFERENCE GOSPELS 911 BRIEF STUDIES 922 THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER 925 BooK REVIEW 939 !.erIe, Ernst: Vorausserzungen der Neutestamenclichen Exegese. -Lange's Com­mentary 00 the Holy Scriprures. -Deutsche Quarcalsmrifr. Jahrg. 132, I. Quarcal­heft. -Mackintosh. H. R .. · The Christiao Experieoce of Forgiveness. -1"'.',,;//. Stephen C .. · Fulfill Thy Ministry. -Ewbank, H. L. and Lau'ta/I. S. Po.' Broadcast­ing: Radio and Television. -Robinson, T. H.: A Shorr ComparatIve Hiscory of Religion. -V II/en tine. Ferdinand: The Arc of Preaching. -Salst,an,!, G. A. E.: The Tithe.-Hazelton, R.; On Proving God.-lf'attJ, A/un 117.: Easter-Its Story and Meaning. -Meyer, F. Boo' Our Daily Walk -,\lactJu!ay. J. Coo' After This Manner. CONCORDIA THBOLOGICAL MONTffi..Y is published monthly by Concordia Puhlishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis 18, Mo., to which all business correspondence is to be addressed. $3.00 per annum, anywhere in the world, payable in advance. Entered at the Post Office at St. Louis, Mo., as second-class matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 3, 1917. authorized on July 5, 1918. pkIJfT(D IN tJ .••. BOOK REVIEW All bookJ reviewed in thiJ periodical may be procured from or through Concordia Pub­liJhing HouJe, 3558 South Jef/ef'Jon AventJe, St. Lou;J 18, MiJJouri. VORAUSSETZUNGEN DER NEUTESTAMENTLICHEN EXEGESE. By Ernst Lerle. Lutheraner-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main. 195 1. 103 pages. DM 5.40. If exegesis is the pulse beat of theology, hermeneutics is the pulse beat of exegesis. Nowhere are the currents and crosscurrents of theology more clearly seen than in the shifting of emphasis in the field of exegesis. The present-day shift is seen, first, in the fact that there is once more a literature in hermeneutics after the long and cool nineteenth-century assumption that in the flowering of the historical-critical method the hermeneutical problem had been solved; and, secondly, in the fact that the newer her­meneutical literature has theological concerns, not merely formal and intellectual ones. Ernst Lerle's book constitutes a good introduction to the hermeneutical problems of the present day and their historical background -we call especial attention to the excellent bibliography on pages 98-101; but it is more than that. His historical survey serves another purpose; he is concerned with the V oraussetzungen of exegesis, a term which he wants understood in a neutral sense as "Bezeichnung fuer notwendige Vor­bedingungen des Auslegens" (p. 10), and he conducts his survey with a view to determining just what the predisposition of the interpreter was in the case of the various theological currents and schools; this makes his historical chapters interesting and fruitful even for those who have no technical interest in hermeneutical problems. The conclusion and crown of the work is his last chapter, "Anforderungen, die das Neue Testament an seine Leser stellt," in which he asks the New Testament itself what Voraussetzungen it demands of its readers, a common-sense but by no means obvious procedure, as the history of exegesis has shown. Two sentences from his last chapter will make clear his conclusion: "In die Schrift ist der Standpunkt, von dem aus sie gelesen sein will, hineingelegt, wie in ein Gemaelde hineingelegt wird, von welchem Ort aU5 es betrachtet werden 5011. ... Das N. T. sagt an vielen Stellen sehr klar und eindeutig, wie es gelesen sein will. Es straeubt sich gegen jedes Auslegen und Betrachten, das von einem anderen Standpunkt aus vollzogen wird als von dem des Gehorsams. Die Annahme des Evangeliums von Jesus Christus ist die entscheidende Voraussetzung fuer das Verstehen der Schrift." (Pp. 96-97.) This last chapter especially is heartily commended to 939 940 BOOK REVmW the careful study of all who concern themselves with the study of Scriprure; it is by ·itself well worth the very modest price of the book. Ernst Lerle· is pastor of the Evangelisch-Lutherische Fluechtlingsmis­sionskirche in Germany, The reviewer therefore takes an added pleasure, and some pride: in· cominendi"ng his book to his brethren here in America. The fact.that .he reaJ, enjoyed, and praised the book before discovering the author's identity should acquit him of any suspicion of partisan fervor. M. H. FRANZMANN LANGE'S COMMENTARY ON THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Translated from the German and edited, with additions, by Philip Schaff. Zondervan Reprint Edition. $3.95 a volume. This review should have been written long ago; it is being written now chiefly because the reviewer can no longer bear to look the ten stately New Testament volumes in the face; he has a conscience .... There seems to be a certain Wahlverwandtschaft in the world of books as in the world of men. Of twenty estimable and blameless men, one becomes our familiar. friend, and one only; and no one can really account for the fact that the other nineteen remain peripheral to him. In the world of books, specifically commentaries, I have no reason in the world for not using good old Lange-Schaff more than I do. Men whose judgment I . respect commend him, men whose theology I admire use him. But somehow I find myself always reaching for some other commentary first, Zahn, Schlatter, Sanday and Headlam, Lohmeyer, or a dozen others. I make no apologies for this, but it does make writing a review difficult. All that I can offer is this: a) my personal nmi-use of Lange-Schaff is of no significance whatever; b) a pastor of my acquaintance, a good pastor who writes his own sermons (and they are good and edifying sermons), writes me that Lange-Schaff is his favorite among commentaries; he reads him first of all the commentaries on Monday and once more, last of all, on Friday; he finds in him a good preparation for the critical evaluation of the materials he finds in other books and a good rounding-off when he has completed his study of the text. This is, I think; a very high tribute and says more about the durable virtues of these books than: could be gained from a personal reaction by M. H.· FRANZMANN THEOLOGISCHE QUARTALSCHRIFT. Herausgegeben von Professoren der katholischen Theologie an der Universitaet Tuebingtm. ]ahrgang 132; 1. Quartalheft, Schwabenverlag AG, Stuttgart, 1952. This German Quarterly, published by the Roman Catholic professors of theology at Tuebingen, contains a number of essays that are worth read­ing. Among them is "Die 'moralische Aufruestung' und das abendlaen­dische Christentum," a study of Buchmanism with a criticism of its foibles that evinces a good understanding of its fundamentals. There is, moreover, a fine historical study of the Catholic Faculty at Tuebingen from the BOOK· REVIEW 941 resignation of Moehler (1835) to that of Professor J. S. Drey (1846), which sets forth incidents not usually published. Perhaps the most important essay is that entitled "The Concept Traditiones in the Decree of the IV. Session of the Council of Trent." Because of the many con­tradictory opi~ions that prevailed, a special committee finally proposed the resolution to accept traditiones apostolorum in genere, which left the concept as vague as it had been before. Essays on "Nicodemus" and "The Doctrine of the 'Sacramental' and the 'Spiritual' Reception of Christ" with numerous book reviews conclude the rich contents of. this Catholic Quarterly, which often exhibits remarkably evangelical trends. Evidently German Catholic. theologians are somewhat closer to Luther's Reformation than their colleagues in Spain and Italy. J. T. MUELLER THE CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE OF FORGIVENESS. By H. R. Mackintosh. Nisbet & Co., London; to be had at Blessing Book Co., Chicago 5, Ill. 295 pages, 9 X 6. $3.50. Here is a theological classic by Dr. Mackintosh, formerly professor of Dogmatics at Edinburgh, which between 1927 and 1947 appeared in eight revisions and reprints, was off the market for a number of years, and is now presented to the theological reading public in a new reprint. No matter how much the reader may object to this or that opinion or conclusion of the learned Scottish teacher, his book co~tains valuable Christian and apologetic fundamentals and entire chapters such as "Sin and Guilt," "St. Paul and Justification," "Luther and the Gospel," "The Atonement" (to mention only these few), for which he must be grateful. Dr. Mackintosh was no Lutheran, and his Reformed background is every­where in evidence. But a careful perusal of the book will leave the student richer in understanding the magnitude of. divine grace that reveals itself in both earning and dispensing forgiveness. There are also lesser insights that one gains from the book. To the reviewer, for instance, the idea of the "Numinous," as set forth in Otto's Vas Heilige, became much clearer and more intelligible by the author's lucid and precise exposition. There will no doubt be many who will thank the publishers for putting this classic back on the book market. J. T. MUELLER FULFILL THY MINISTRY. By Stephen C. Neill. Harper & Brothers, 49 E. 33d St., New York, N. Y. 152 pages, 5 X 7 1;:2. $2.00. The material offered in this little volume was first presented in lecture form at a conference of the Inter-Seminary Movement by a bishop of the Anglican Church. There are many stimulating observations to guide and help seminarians who are soon to embark upon life's grandest profes­sion, the holy Christian ministry. With a few slight exceptions one must acknowledge the value of the pertinent and forceful suggestions given to young preachers. O. E. SOHN 942 BOOK REVIEW A SHORT -CoMPARATIVE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. By T. H. Robinson. Gerald Duckworth & ·Co., London; to be had at Blessing Book Co., Chicago 5, 111.184' pages, 7 X 5. $2.50. " Tbi-s is the second edition of Robinson's studies in 'comparative religion, the first having appeared in 1925. Some of the chapters make good read­ing, as, for example, those on Animism, Polytheism, and Islam, while others are inadequate. The most unsatisfactory chapter is that on Chris­tianity, partly because the author treats the Christian religion too vaguely and superficially, and partly because he fails to show what Biblical Chris­tianity really is. Instead, he presents the various trends of the different Christian denominations, which leaves the reader bewildered. It is gratify­ing to note, however, that he presents the doctrine of Christ's atonement as central in all denominational groups. ]. .T. MUELLER BROADCASTING: RADIO AND TELEVISION. By Henry 1. Ewbank and Sherman P. Lawton. Harper and Brothers, New York, c. 195:.!. 5% X8yz, xiii and 528 pages. $4.50. Prepared by pioneer teachers in the field, this book provides a complete survey of radio and television. The book is divided into sections on the business and control of broadcasting, scheduling and programming, types and preparation of programs, directing programs, and measuring program response. Appended are glossaries of radio and television terms, a selected bibliography, and an index of subjects. Pen-and-ink sketches and a brief insert of plates illustrate the book. The book does not propose to give complete instruction on the preparation of broadcasts, nor will it supplant experience with radio and careful training in the basic fields of writing, journalism, dramatics, advertising, etc. The book is useful, however, for indicating the huge complexity and diversity of broadcasting. Prepared as a textbook, the work provides an abundance of exercises and readings. The section on religious programs is but three pages in length, of which almost nothing concerns' television. The work is careful and detailed in its material on legal and commercial aspects of radio. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER THE ART OF PREACHING. By Ferdinand Valentine. The Newman Press, Westminster, Md., 1952. 5% X8%, 224 pages. $4.00. Written for young priests and others in training by a British Dominican, this book discusses aspects of the preaching method in a literate, some­times chatty and sometimes technical fashion. The author has little to say on the construction or the theology of the sermon. He stresses preach­ing to the parish as basic for the power of Roman Catholic demonstration in larger meetings. He has useful things to say about the modern mind and its preoccupations "and weakening under the influence of radio. He has much to say on technical matters such as physical relaxation, proper posture, acoustics, gesture, and timing. A section on "Types of Preach-BOOK REVIEW 943 ing'" brings much material on methods-of disClission, and has a useful extract on "Speaking to Children." The author feels that a sense of dependence upon God is essential for him to feel the compassion of Chtist and thus to, bring the help of Christ to others. In many particulars this book differs from the American literature on homiletics. Whether its unique categories of thoughts are typically Roman Catholic or typically British is a question. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER THE TITHE. By George A. E. Salstrand, Th. D. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Mich. 53 pages, 5~X7Yz. 85 cents. Though the author says many fine things on the subject of proportionate Christian giving, one finds it difficult to feel convinced that lIe proved his thesis, namely, that tithing is the minimum standard for Chtistian giving. He shows how Chtist and St. Paul both taught generous and pro­portionate giving, but then takes for granted that they meant tithing, since they had been brought up in Jewish homes, where tithing was faithfully practiced. One just cannot demonstrate from Scripture'that tithing is the minimum standard .for Christians in the New Testament. The most we can say, as Dr. F. Pieper once stated, is that Christians should feel com­pelled by gratitude for grace received to begin where the Jews by Law left off. One of the features of the book is a collection of data on tithe giving among ancient heathen nations as well as various quotations from the early Church Fathers on this Christian grace; The book closes with some practical reasons for tithe giving and a sizable bibliography. O.E.SoHN ON PROVING GOD. By Roger Hazelton. Harper & Brothers, New York. 186 pages, 8x6. $2.50. Dr. Hazelton is Abbot Professor of Christian -Theology at Andover Newton Theological Seminary. Himself oriented to liberal theology, he nevertheless takes issue with skeptics who deny the existence of God and the possibility of proving it. In six thoughtful and learned chapters the author discusses the subject under the following heads: "The Demand for Proof," "The Possibility of Proof," "The Burden of Proof" (two chapters), "The Heart of Proof," and "The Worth of Proof." In a "Fore­word" he clarifies his viewpoint and explains the genesis of the chapters, which originally were lectures delivered -at Pomona College, Calif., in 1950. Those looking for a lucid and dignified treatment of the subject will read this new and valuable apologetic with pleasure and profit, though they may not always agree with what it says. The writer is well read and quotes ancient and modern thinkers by the dozen. To the reviewer the discussion of Kant's theories proved especially atttactive, though in the last analysis Dr. Hazelton does not seem to get any farther in his reasoning than does the philosopher of Koenigsberg. This is no book for people that do not care to think, but the intelligentsia will peruse it with gratitude both to the author and the publishers. J. T. MUELLER 944 BOOK REVIEW EASTER-ITS STORY AND MEANING. By Alan W. Watts. PubL by Henry Schumann, New York. 128 pages, 5!4X8%. $2.50. This little volume contains much interesting information· regarding ecclesiastical rites and folk practices which are associated with the Festival df Easter. Explanations are thus offered of the Easter bunny, the Easter egg, etc. Much symbolism is explained, and many related and similar pagan practices are referred to. Although too much is often made of pagan practices, the author does seek to stress the Christian significance, and he is not ready to state, as do so many others, that the Christian rite is an outgrowth of the pagan. Reproductions of several beautiful works of art as well as sketchings of various symbols enhance the value of the book. The Rev. Alan W. Watts, S. T. M., is at present the chaplain of the Episcopal Church at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. WALTER E. BUSZIN OUR DAILY WALK. By F. B. Meyer. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. 390 pages, 8 X 5 K $3.50. AFTER THIS MANNER. By J. C. Macaulay. W m. B. Eerdmans Publish­ing Company. Grand Rapids, Mich. 86 pages, 5% X8%. $1.50. We have here two volumes of good, wholesome devotional readings. While the former is based on 366 passages from the Holy Scriptures, one for each day of the year, the latter is based on the Lord's Prayer. Both offer much comfort and strength, and both keep Christ in the center of the picture. We regret, however, that the language of both will often make it difficult particularly for children to follow. WALTER E. BUSZIN BOOKS RECEIVED From Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo.: FACING THE DAY. Bible Selections for Various Conditions of Life. Selected by Wm. A. Kramer. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 1952. 24 pages, 4 X 6. 25 cents. From Other Publishers: WE ANGELS ARE TONIGHT. A Children's Christmas Worship Program. By James P. Maier. The Christian Education Company, Highland, Ill. 3d printing, 1952. 32 pages, 5 Yz X n 'i. Price not given. COURAGE AND CONFIDENCE FROM THE BIBLE. Edited by Walter L. Moore, D. D., and the Staff of the Christian Herald. Foreword by Daniel A. Poling. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York, 1951. 365 pages, 7% X 5!4. $2.75. MUSIC LEVELS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. By Herbert G. Tovey. Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, Ill. 143 pages, 5 % X 8. $2.00.