Full Text for CTM Theological Observer 19-11 (Text)

(t!nurnr~iu UJl1rnlngirul flnut4ly Continning LEHRE UND VVEHRE MAGAZIN FUER EV.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLy-THEOLOGICAL MONTIiLY Vol. XIX November, 1948 No. 11 CONTENTS Page Roma Semper Eadem. L. W. Spitz_. __ . __ ._ .............. _ _ . __ .__ _ ...... __ 801 Union Theses, adopted by Breslau Synod and Saxon Free Church 824 Sermon Studies for the New Church Year ................. _. ____ ......... _._ .. 841 Theological Observer ._ ................ _ ... _ ......... _._ .... _ ... _ ..... _ _ _ ...... _ ... _ .......... _ .. 856 Book Review .. __ . __ ... _._ .. _ ... __ .... _ .... _ ........ _ ..... _ .... __ _____ ._._ ......... _ ... _ 875 Eln Predlger muss nicht alleln wei- den, also dass er die Schafe unter- weise. wie sie rechte Christen sollen seln. sondem auch dane ben den Woel- fen wehren, dass sle die Schafe nlcht angreifen und mlt f alscher Lehre ver- fueh ren und Irrtum elnfuehren. Luthe1' Es 1st keln Ding. das die Leute mehr bel der K1rche behaelt denn die gute Predlgt. - Apologie. An. Z4 If the trumpet give an uncertain sound. who Rhall prepare h imself to the battle1 -1 COf'. 14:8 Published by The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod CONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE, St. Louis 18, Mo. PR.IN'DD I:l "0'. S. A. Theological Observer KFUO and the Lutheran Hour.-The march of the Gospel continues. While the imprint of secularism can be seen all about us, there is no generation in which the Good News has been spread so widely and powerfully as in ours. We are happy to announce that KFUO has added substantially to its plant and equipment and that its renovated and enlarged facilities have been dedicated on October 17 to their exalted, holy use. It is a synodical child and receives an appropriation for its work, but what is granted is hardly more than a token. The station has to be supported by the direct gifts of its friends and well-wishers. Many of those who send donations are not members of the Lutheran Church or of any Church. The Lutheran Hour, embarked now on its sixteenth season, has quite correctly been called one of the grandest evangelization agencies which the world has seen. Dr. Walter A. Maier continues to serve as its regular preacher. It seems incredible, but is borne out by the lists at the Lutheran Hour office, that the message of this herald of the Gospel is now heard over 1,100 stations in nearly all the countries of the world. In humble gratitude we bow our heads and invoke God's blessings on both the ventures mentioned. Like KFUO for the by far greater part of its budget, the Lutheran Hour has to depend mainly on the support of its friends - the people inside and outside our church body who desire to see the good news of pardon through the blood of Christ spread throughout the world. Those who would like to receive full and detailed information on its globe-encircling activities should write the Lutheran Hour Office, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis 18, Mo., for a copy of the October issue of the Lutheran Hour News. KFUO regularly issues a bulletin which can be obtained by writing to the station. A. Dr. Hamann's Remarks on the Breslau-Free Church "Theses of Union." - The "Theses of Union" adopted by the Evangelical Lutheran Free Church (Free Church of Saxony) have rightly aroused interest far beyond the confines of Germany. In far- away Australia, Dr. H. Hamann, principal of Concordia College (Unley, S. A.), has published a translation of the Theses as they were submitted to him in typewritten copy, together with notes and comments which, we believe, will greatly interest our readers. Professor Hamann, for a number of years, has proved himself, in his capacity as editor of the Australasian Theological Review, a man of sound judgment, rare insight, and broad vision, whose opinions are worth noting. His fine translation of the Theses and his comments appeared in the December, 1947, issue of the period- ical just mentioned. In an "editorial note" Dr. Hamann writes by way of preface: "The doctrinal matters that divided Breslau from our Free Church brethren parallel, to a certain extent, the [856] THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER 857 divergent doctrinal views and teachings that have hitherto sep- arated the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia from the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia. The publication of the Einigungssaetze, which we offer to our readers in exact translation, may help to remove whatever doctrinal and practical differences still keep the two branches of the Australian Lutheran Church apart. Such at least is the ardent hope and the earnest desire of the editors." Summing up his impressions of the "Theses of Union," Dr. Hamann writes in conclusion: "The translator has no fault to find with these theses and the explanatory remarks appended. In his judgment, not a particle of divinely revealed truth has been sac- rificed or called into qustion. He also believes that our Church (the E. L. C. A.) as a whole would not hesitate to accept these Einigungssaetze as a basis of fellowship with the U. E. L. C. A.; and that if the latter body were to declare its acceptance of them, the remaining differences and difficulties would be overcome with comparative ease. Every reader who studies these Theses and who has followed the discussions and negotiations on Lutheran unity in the United States of America, cannot fail to observe a certain similarity between them and the 'Declaration' of the American Lutheran Church as regards both the matter treated and the manner of treatment. The Einigungssaetze are perhaps a little more carefully and conservatively worded, but the kinship is unmistakable. It is probably due not to accident, nor only to the fact that there were points of contact between Breslau and the former Iowa-Ohio Synods, but to a study of the documents that have so long engaged the attention of the Missouri Synod and the American Lutheran Church. Of the five 'points of doc- trine' that were declared to be non-divisive of fellowship in 1938, three are thus designated by the Einigungssaetze, viz., the chron- ology of the Thousand Years, the possibility of the conversion of larger numbers of Jews in the last times, and the possibility that, before the end, the Antichrist may unite with other antichristian forces. In short, it is admitted that the Word does not reveal all that the future may bring. There is no mention of the resur- rection of some martyrs before the general resurrection - and a very good thing, too. Besides, Breslau seems to have accepted the only sound definition of the Church and of its notae. The concluding remarks on eschatology added to the theses strike us as quite admirable, considered both theologically and practically. At about the same time when the Scriptural truths and principles embodied in the Einigungssaetze prepared the way for unity and fellowship in Germany, the Missouri Synod withdrew the Basis of Fellowship of 1938, though this action did not carry with it any repudiation or condemnation of the doctrinal contents of that Basis. Perhaps no other measure was open to the Chicago Cen- tennial Convention if it wished to escape from the impasse created by subsequent resolutions in 1941 and 1944 as well as by 858 THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER conditions within the Synodical Conferecne. Yet if the cause of Lutheran unity is to be advanced in America and Australia, it will have to be done in somewhat the same manner as that adopted by the Einigungssaetze; for church-fellowship presupposes, not absolute unanimity on all matters that may occur to the Chris- tian when contemplating the entire body of Divine Truth, but 'common acceptance and confession of all doctrines revealed in Holy Scripture.'" J. T. M. The New Zealand District Convention of 1948. - The Aus- tralian Lutheran (June 23, 1948) reports on the annual convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Concordia Conference of New Zea- land, held in the capital city of Wellington, from May 15 to 17. The convention was attended by the Rev. F. Hassold of Eudunda, Australia, as the official representative of the General President, and by Mr. Ben Koch of Adelaide, who addressed primarily the laymen of the District. The New Zealand District is perhaps the smallest in any Church affiliated with the Missouri Synod. Its pastoral conference numbers only six persons: Pastors M. Hedrich, G. Fischer, C. Venz, H. Te Punga, C. Koch, and J. Paech. Essays were read on the subject "Pastor and People." While the congre- gations are few and scattered, President Fischer urged thanks- giving to God for many blessings bestowed by Him upon the Church in New Zealand during the past year, especially the re- markable increase in attendance at the Lord's Table. The brethren were grateful also for the deep interest which the Australian Church took in their welfare and for the many greetings which the convention received. Despite the small numbers and the many difficulties they are facing in their work, our New Zealand brethren are faithfully continuing in the Lord's work, the report showing no discouragement on their part at all. May the ever-support- ing presence of our precious Lord be their comfort and strength in their arduous and lonely, but glorious task. J. T. M. Barth vs. Brunner on Communism. - Under this heading the Christian Century, August 4, sheds light on the lively question, why Karl Barth has taken no position on the question of Com- munism, whereas he took such a violent position against Nazism. This topic is discussed widely in German theology today. Our readers will therefore be interested in having a resume of the entire issue as it was brought to light in the correspondence between Barth and Brunner. We quote from the Christian Cen- tury. "Since Brunner insists that totalitarianism is the same, whether Nazi or Communist, Barth's present position is unintelli- gible to him. Must not the church of necessity, with unambiguity and passion, say No to Communist totalitarianism, just as it said No to Hitler? ... Existing Communism leads logically to totali- tarianism. The question for the Christian church, therefore, is not whether it will take a negative stand against ideal communism, but whether it will say No to a total state, which is the only kind consistent with existing Communism .... Brunner favors certain THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER 859 state controls and even state ownership. There is a strong move- ment toward the correction of these capitalistic abuses. . . . Social- ism, he reminds Barth, is not authoritarian, which is one of the reasons why Communism seeks to destroy it. 'Shall we allow socialism to be assassinated by our refusal to say anything as Christians against its murderers?' Must not Christians rather join with Socialists in this battle? To remain silent is to deny a fundamental Christian principle - something Christians must never do. For the totalitarian state does not recognize the natural rights of human personality. It is also atheistic by its very nature . . . . Brunner notes that Hromadka of Prague, formerly of Princeton, takes practically the same position as Barth, in that he interprets the present situation as a historical necessity .... As for the argu- ment that by opposing these Communist governments Protestants will be aligning themselves with the Roman Catholic Church, Brunner asks whether, just because the Roman Church takes an anti-Communist stand, Protestants must stand aside. Did not Protestants and Catholics stand side-by-side against Hitler? ... Barth's reply is characteristic. Christians, he declares, do not act by eternal and guiding principles, but according to the authority of the Word of God in concrete situations. What obtained in 1933 simply does not obtain now. The situation is different. Therefore, the Word of God which must be spoken today must be formulated afresh. The position of the church in political matters, says Barth, is determined at the point where the church faces the necessity of speaking responsibly out of the Word of God. The church has nothing, as church, to do with isms and systems, but only with the Word of God in historical situations. It does not speak according to 'principles.' The church makes her judgment according to the situation. One day she may speak and another day she may be silent. She declines to systematize her actions. She insists upon keeping her freedom to speak when the time comes to speak. The church confronted such a concrete situation in 1933. It was time to speak then. Why? Because Hitler's regime repre- sented a temptation to the church. Many an American, Britisher, and Frenchman admired Hitler. Even Churchill had something good to say for him! The nations allowed themselves to be seduced by nazism, which claimed to be Christian. It was not a question of totalitarianism, nor of nihilism, nor of anti-Semitism. Hitlerism had a charm about it which overwhelmed men's souls and made them believe its lies. It was a matter of life and death for the church, since nazism was a 'masked godlessness.' This, says Barth, is why he would not compromise at that time, nor pardon any who had collaborated. But, asks Barth, are we faced by the same situation today? Can we apply what we said then against nazism to Communism now? He has seen western Germany and the non- Russian sectors of Berlin. He knows the fear, the hate, the repugnance which is felt toward this 'eastern monster.' But among those who have this feeling, there is not one who regards Com- munism as a temptation which constitutes a danger! None will 860 THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER go along with Communism, except a few Communists. Is this not also true of those who live in America, England, and France'? 'Whoever wants a political negation from me against this system and method can have it immediately.' But it is rather cheap to give, and cheap to have! Barth will not admit that it is a Christian, or a church, responsibility to say about Communism what every citizen can read in his newspaper and what Mr. Truman and the pope are saying so well. Has the 'East,' or whatever one may call it, such a power over us that we must counteract it with an ultimate word? No, says Barth, for when the church confesses its faith, it does so by going against the tide with fear and trembling. Surely the church has no cause to go against the tide today by giving its witness against Communism, because Communism does not merit this, whether on account of its Marxist, its imperialistic or its Asiatic elements .... Where is the spiritual danger, or the need, which requires that the church should give a witness to this truth? What is the occasion? Whom would the church instruct, set right, comfort, or call to repentance and new life thereby? Certainly not the nations of the 'Christian' West. Cer- tainly not the Americans! Are they not secure enough against Russia without our Christian assurance? Certainly not the poor Russians and the poor Communists! . . . If a concrete situation should arise as it did in 1933-45, then we shall have to see how to deal with the situation that may have developed. But in any case, says Barth, it will not be according to any of the timeless 'principles' to which Brunner wished to win me. It will begin, rather, with the first sentence of the Barmen Declaration, which was distasteful to Brunner at the time it was adopted." [ED. NOTE: The first Barmen thesis stated that "Jesus Christ as He is testified to us in Holy Scriptures, is the one Word of God to which we must listen, and which we must obey in life and death. We reject the error as though the church may seek as the source of its proclama- tion events, persons, powers, and truths aside of the Word of God as God's revelation." According to the principles of dialectics, revelation occurs when the veiled and timeless Word of God be- comes a re-vealed message for a specific person or group at a specific time.] F. E. M. Early Lutheran Influence in England. - Recently a book appeared which contains interesting material for all students who are engaged in research pertaining to the influence which Luther and his co-workers exerted in England when the blessed Reform- ation of the sixteenth century began. The book has the title Studies in the Making of the English Protestant Tradition (mainly in the reign of Henry VIII). The author is E. G. Rupp. The book is published by Cambridge University Press and can be obtained in New York from the Macmillan Company. The price is $2.75. Prof. P. V. Norwood of Seabury-Western Theological Seminary reviews the book in the July, 1948, issue of the Anglican Theolo- gical Review l• We quote. a few of his sentences: "Much has been THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER 861 written with regard to the impact of Calvinism and the Reformed type of Protestantism on the English Church and religion; little about the Lutheran influences which preceded. It is now more than a half-century since the publication of the Lutheran Move- ment in England by the competent American Lutheran scholar H. E. Jacobs. In the essays which make up the volume under con- sideration, Mr. Rupp, an English Wesleyan and 1940 winner of the Cranmer prize, returns to this neglected theme. It is his pur- pose to trace the avenues of infiltration of continental reformation ideas into England and the germination of Lutheran thought in English minds. Latent Lollardy was quickened by winds from across the North Sea, and our attention is called to a group of 'Christian Brethren,' an association, 'which embraced men of dif- ferent callings, different interest, and different theological opinion, yet all joined by a common concern for reformation in doctrine and church life, and that linked the workers for that reform in Eng- land with their brethren overseas.' Their effective promotion of the study of the Bible and Lutheran books naturally alarmed the ecclesiastical authorities. Men like Tyndale and John Frith seem to have had connections with this group. Through the 'Brethren,' through young Cambridge dons who were adherents of the New Learning and of Erasmian Biblical scholarship, and through Eng- lish exiles on the continent, Lutheranism won its way - at great personal peril to its exponents. Henry's diplomatic dealings with the Lutheran princes of Germany and their theologians are re- counted at length - a matter too little regarded by Anglicans, since it was through the medium of these negotiations that the language of the Lutheran Confession entered the English form- ularies at certain points. Rupp's eighth chapter, 'Justification by Faith and the English Reformers,' amply demonstrates the appro- priation of this cardinal article of Lutheranism by the English evangelicals - a fact unpalatable to certain myopic schools of Anglicanism, who apparently take for native manufacture what is clearly shown (by verbal parallels) to be an importation." We hope that by and by Mr. Rupp's book can be reviewed in this journal. A. Lambeth and Pan-Protestantism. - America (August 28, 1948) presents an excellent summary of the Lambeth Conference in an editorial which reads: "After five weeks of private consultation, the 326 bishops of the Anglican Communion issued on August 18 the resolutions, lengthy committee reports, and a superbly written covering letter summarizing the first Lambeth Conference to meet in eighteen years. Press reports emphasized the condemnation of Marxian, atheistic Communism, its cruelties, injustice, and ly- ing propaganda, as a heresy, deriving from Christianity but its antithesis and contradiction. The resolution, however, concedes that, provided he believes only in Marxist economic interpretation, a Communist can be a practical Christian - a designation applied 862 THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the whole Russian Orthodox Church. Likewise censured were 'other forms of economic dom- ination which do not in practise exhibit any clearer recognition of moral law.' In phrases reminiscent of last November's State- ment of the Bishops of the Administrative Board of NCWC [The National Catholic Welfare Conference], the spread of secularism was deplored. Respects for human rights, irrespective of race or color, was demanded; collective control of atomic power, limita- tion of national sovereignties and support of UN were recom- mended. The growing concern of the State for human welfare was welcome, but warning was given of the encroachment of the State, especially in the field of education, which endangers human personality. Remarriage of divorced persons remains forbid- den; the Committee of Marriage Discipline, however, approved a private form of prayer and dedication where marriage in the church is forbidden. Central in the Conference agenda was the theme of church unity. Lambeth, 1908, had declared that 'there could be no fulfillment of the divine purpose in any scheme of reunion which did not include the great Latin Church of the West.' Lambeth, 1948, represented the triumph of the Pan- Protestant policy in the Anglican Communion, the Conference expressing the hope of an ultimate comprehensive merger with other Protestant denominations and its present gratification at the common-denominator unity of the Church of South India. Sig- nificantly, 1948 is the fourth centenary of Cranmer's proposal to Melanchthon and Calvin that Protestants should agree on a com- mon confession of faith lest their differences make them appear contemptible in the eyes of the Roman Communion, and urging a general assembly of Protestant divines to be held in England as the safest place." The last sentence refers to a bit of history which perhaps is not generally known but shows Cranmer's close contact with both Geneva and Wittenberg. Nor is it generally known that in 1548 Cranmer had the Nuremberg Catechism trans- lated into English, and that scarcely without any change, that he induced Justus Jonas to translate the Nuremberg Catechism Sermons into Latin, that, to win the remaining Catholics in Eng- land to Protestantism, he sent itinerant preachers thoughout the land, and, finally, that he called into England a number of prom- inent Reformed theologians. In the following year (1549) he had the Parliament accept and sanction the first draft of the Book of Common Prayer, and when his plan to secure a common Con- fession of Faith, acceptable to all Protestants, failed, he moved the writing of the Forty-Two Articles of Faith, which were sanctioned in 1552. Nor must it be forgotten that in December, 1548, Melanch- thon published the flexible, indulgent Leipzig Interim, so violently opposed by Flacius and other Gnesio-Lutherans. It was largely the confessing spirit of Flacius and his fellow opponents of the Leipzig Interim that put an end to Melanchthon's unionistic med- dling with Romanists and Calvinists. J. T. M. THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER 863 International Council of Christian Churches. -Immediately before the World Council of Churches met in Amsterdam, a meet- ing was held in that city at which the so-called International Council of Christian Churches was organized. The Christian Bea- con of August 26 gives this account of the meeting. "52 churches and 31 countries were represented at the first congress of the In- ternational Council of Christian Churches in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which has now closed. And it was declared that real unity in the Spirit and in the things of Christ was enjoyed by the many delegates, observers, and advisers that attended this first congress of fundamental Bible-believing churches of the world. Elected chairman of the sessions and then elected president of the International Council, the Rev. Carl McIntire has been kept busy in directing the work of the sessions. Other officers have been elected and appointed, and the commissions to further the diversified work and ministry of the Counncil have been estab- lished. . .. Taking its stand on the Word of God as the only rule for faith and practice, the Council called upon 'Bible be- lievers and true Protestants throughout the world to separate themselves' from the World Council and invited them to join the testimony of the International Council. . .. The basis of this call was the inclusion within the World Council of 'leaders and spokesmen, past and present, some of the most notorious and near- blasphemous unbelievers of the day.''' On the World Council of Churches the official pronouncement of the International Council of Christian Churches reads thus: "While undoubtedly there are many church units in the denom- inations officially claimed by the World Council, as well as many individual members in all the churches belonging to the said de- nomination who still believe the whole Bible to be the Word of God and are Protestants in the historic sense, the World Council in its official proposals, attitude, and doctrinal expressions and ecclesiastical organizations, is anti-Biblical, anti-evangelical, and un-Protestant, as is also shown by the fact that some of its ecclesiastical units have chosen as leaders and official spokesmen, past and present, some of the most notorious and near-blasphe- mous unbelievers of the day. An organization which is led by men who call the doctrine of the deity of Christ 'distilled non- sense,' who discredit the Old Testament, and ridicule many of the doctrines of the New Testament, especially the truth of the efficacy of Christ's blood, cannot, in the Biblical and historical sense, truth- fully be called Christian." As to its own character and purposes, the pronouncement says: "On the other hand, the International Council of Christian Churches exists to protect against the tenets of Modernism and to proclaim the doctrines of the faith of the Reformation which it identifies as the 'faith once for all delivered to the saints,' and for which the New Testament admonishes us earnestly to contend." A. 864 THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER The Harvard Lectures on Immortality. - In the Sunday School Times (April 3,1948) Dr. Ernest Gordon, under the given heading, writes on the downward course which the "Harvard lectures on immortality" have taken. About 50 years ago, Miss Caroline Ingersoll of Keene, New Hampshire, dedicated $5,000 for the estab- lishment of a lectureship on that subject in honor of her father, a loyal alumnus of that university. These lectures were to con- firm the hope of life eternal, but, as Dr. Gordon shows, they mani- fested, for the greater part, downright apostasy from the Christian faith. There were exceptions, of course, but most of the lectures evinced the "creeping paralysis that marks university and theo- logical life in the America of our time." Sir William Osler, for example, the "paragon of Anglo-American medicine of the last generation," presented "an amazing essay, marked by brilliant writing," but one also "without any positive witness to the resur- rection or even to immortality as a thing in any way certain." Dr. Osler was a Canadian minister's son who had drifted far from the Christian moorings. His colleague Prof. H. A. Kelly, one of Johns Hopkins' greatest surgeons, who boldly and fearlessly con- fessed the resurrection of the dead and life eternal through faith in Christ Jesus, was never asked by President Eliot, one of the trustees of the Ingersoll Lectureship, to state the ground of his Christian hope, though the lectureship was established for the very purpose that this Christian hope might be defended. Again, Professor Ostwald, the Leipzig chemist, then teaching at Harvard, was a leader in international free thought. His contribution was as pagan as it possibly could be, for he wrote as "a materialist with whom death ends all." Then there was Prof. Wm. James, who confessed that "his own personal feeling about immortality was never of the keenest order." He wrote: "Our common animal essence of patience under suffering and enduring effort must be what redeems us in the Deity's sight. An immortality from which these inconceivable billions of fellow strivers should be excluded becomes an irrational idea for us." To this Dr. Gordon remarks: "He forgets Romans, as Osler does 1 Cor. 15." Professor Palmer, another of the lecturers, indeed defended the immortality of the soul, but he "turned for the defense of immortality to intimations fOlmd in Shakespeare's Sonnets." His colleague Professor Royce "spent most of his time defining individuality, as if that were not a thing we could take for granted. His essay was a Sahara sand- waste, nor was there a trace of a mirage of Scriptural oasis in it." Prof. Kirsopp Lake, who also lectured on the subject, was at the time professor in the Harvard Divinity School. He wrote: "Men regard the permanent survival of their individuality much as they look at schemes for their permanent rejuvenation - a pleasant dream, as Ponce de Leon's fountain of perpetual youth." He pro- posed as a substitute "for the hope of a better world above for our- selves to enjoy, the pursuit of a better world for another generation to inherit." Dr. H. E. Fosdick likewise was asked to lecture, and he said, among other things, that modern minds are not concerned THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER 865 with "orthodoxy's theatrical settings of heaven and hell." Shailer Mathews, onetime president of the Federal Council, delivered his lecture under the title of "Immortality and the Cosmic Process." One of his statements, quoted by Dr. Gordon, reads: "We shall never be more truly immortal than we are at the present hour." Another statement of his reads: "By making our social relation- ships more personal and by controlling our physical urges in the interest of those ends which are superanimal and timeless, we come into harmony with the eternal personality-producing activities of the cosmos and so share in the creative urges." Dr. J. S. Bixler, who at the time he wrote his essay was teacher of the Bible in Smith College, based his hope of immortality on Walt Whitman and Emerson. He said: "We must learn with Whitman to cultivate a mood where knowledge blends with contemplation and in which we can look up with perfect confidence and peace to the stars." Again: "It is upon the human soul with its capacity for aesthetic and mystical detachment ... that man's theories of life must be built. It is by the light of the soul that man must go forward to wrest a meaning from the ultimate mystery and to solve the final riddle of his origin and fate." Dr. Gordon judges rightly: "Bixler trusts in man for self-redemption," and he concludes his article with the words: "'Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?' asks the Apostle. He surely has. And how? By leaving them to their own imaginations and reasonings and philosophizings. This the Ingersoll Lectures prove to the hilt. They have forsaken the fountains of living waters and hewn themselves out broken cisterns that can hold no water, least of all water of life." Since this type of unbelief is being taught also at other higher schools of learning, it is well for us to remember in our intercessions and otherwise the splendid work which our Student Service Com- mission performs through the many student pastors who are serving our young people at many colleges and universities. That their work is not in vain is proved again by the April issue of the Lutheran Student Pastor, published by the Commission's active secretary, Rev. R. W. Hahn. Here are some reports: "Colorado State College: Two students were confirmed last month by Student Pastor Theo. A. Meyer"; or: "The average church attend- ance at services conducted by Student Pastor Weber at Purdue University is 199. The average contribution is 44 cents per wor- shiper. The total number of Synodical Conference students at Purdue is 375"; or: "Student Pastor Heintzen's group of 471 at the University of Illinois includes 89 women, 247 veterans, 91 married students." And these are only a few of the numerous reports of signal success reported by Rev. R. W. Hahn. "My Word shall not return unto Me void" (Is. 55: 11). J. T. M. The End of "Cuius Regio, Eius Religio." - In the Theological Quarterly (QuartaIschrift) of the Wisconsin Synod (July, 1948) Mr. Eugene Wengert, a prominent Lutheran attorney and leading Lutheran layman, offers an excellent article on the implications 55 866 THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER of the well-known formula cuius regio, eius religio, adopted as a recognized doctrine of politics in the Religious Treaty of Augs- burg, 1555. The doctrine, though practically repudiated at the close of the Thirty Years' War in 1648, was not fully· abrogated until the constitutionalism of America brought forth a new political doctrine of religious freedom in the Bill of Rights. We believe our readers will appreciate the following paragraph of Mr. Wengert's article even though they must read it removed from its context: "The century from 1555 to 1648, having adopted as the raison d'