Full Text for Announcement of Sermon Studies For the Next Church Year 20-9 (Text)

(!tnurnr~itt m~tnln!liral :!InutfJlg Continuing LEHRE UND VVEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLy-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. XX September, 1949 No.9 CONTENTS Pap No Development of Doctrine for Us! Theo. Engelder (Deceased) _ 641 Sermon Study on 2 Kings 14:8-9. Walter R. Roehrs ___ _________ 652 A Series of Sermon Studies for the Church Year __________ 660 Announcement of Sermon Studies for the Next Church Year ___ 672 Miscellanea ________ .. ________________________________ 674 Theological Observer ___________________________________________ 701 Book Review ____ ._. ______________________________________________ 713 Em Prediger muss nlcht alIeln wei. de7&, also dass er d1e Schafe unter· weise, wle ale rechte Christen Bollen seJn. sondem auch daneben den Woel· fen weh1'en, dass ale d1e Schafe nlcht angrelfen und mit falscher Lehre ver- tuehren und Irrtum elnfuehren. Luther Es 1st keln Ding, das d1e Leute mehr bel der Klrche behaelt denn d1e gute Predigt. - Apologie, Art. 24 If the trumpet g:tve an uneertaln sound, who shall prepare himself to the hattie? -1 CM.14:8 Published by The Lutheran Chareh - MlIIoarl 811lod CONCOBDIA I'tJBUSIIING BOUSE, St. LoaU 18, M .. PIIIHftII IN tI'. 8. A. Announcement of Sermon Studies For the Next Church Year For the next Church Year contributors are preparing a series of studies similar to the current type. Most comments from our readers have expressed approval, and we hope that these studies will prove increasingly stimulating. For the next Church Year we are offering texts on the Gospels. We have made the effort to provide texts which have not been treated in the CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY or the Concordia Pulpit during the past five years - at least not on that day. This year we propose to insert a paragraph concerning illus- trations. Those who plan in advance will want to file this list: 1st Sunday in Advent Matt. 18: 18-20 2d Sunday in Advent Luke 12: 35-48 3d Sunday in Advent Luke 3: 3-14 4th Sunday in Advent John 3:27-36 Christmas Day John 1:1-14 New Year's Eve Matt. 28: 20 b New Year's Day Luke 13:1-9 Epiphany John 5: 33-39 1st Sunday after Epiphany John 6:28-35 2d Sunday after Epiphany Luke 4: 40-44 3d Sunday after Epiphany Luke 8: 38-40 4th Sunday after Epiphany John 7:33-39 Septuagesima Luke 14: 25-33 Sexagesima John 16: 33 Quinquagesima Luke 13: 31-33 Invocavit John 12: 23-30 Reminiscere John 8:21-30 Oculi John 2: 13-25 Laetare Luke 12: 31-34 Judica Matt. 20:20-28 Palm Sunday Matt. 11: 25-30 Maundy Thursday Luke 22: 27-30 Good Friday Matt. 27: 45-51 Easter John 20:11-18 Quasimodogeniti Luke 20: 34-38 Misericordias Domini John 3: 16-21 Jubilate John 11:1-16 Cantate Matt. 12: 38-42 Rogate Luke 18: 1-8 Ascension John 14:l2 Exaudi John 16:7 Pentecost Luke 24: 46-49 Trinity John 14:22-26 [672] 43 ANNOUNCEMENT OF SERMON STUDIES 1st Sunday after Trinity 2d Sunday after Trinity 3d Sunday after Trinity 4th Sunday after Trinity 5th Sunday after Trinity 6th Sunday after Trinity 7th Sunday after Trinity 8th Sunday after Trinity 9th Sunday after Trinity 10th Sunday after Trinity 11th Sunday after Trinity 12th Sunday after Trinity 13th Sunday after Trinity 14th Sunday after Trinity 15th Sunday after Trinity 16th Sunday after Trinity 17th Sunday after Trinity 18th Sunday after Trinity 19th Sunday after Trinity 20th Sunday after Trinity 21st Sunday after Trinity Reformation 22d Sunday after Trinity 23d Sunday after Trinity 24th Sunday after Trinity 25th Sunday after Trinity Thanksgiving John 12: 44-50 John 17:14-20 Matt. 15: 1-9 Luke 17: 1-10 Luke 12: 8-12 Matt. 19: 16-22 Matt. 15: 10-20 John 7: 14-24 Matt. 16: 24-28 Matt. 21: 12-22 Mark 2:1-12 Matt. 9: 27 -34 Matt. 5: 13-19 Matt. 12: 9-21 John 14:7-11 Matt. 9: 14-17 Luke 13:10-17 John 9: 39-41 Matt. 10: 40-42 Matt. 5: 43-48 Matt. 17: 14-21 Matt. 16: 15-19 Matt. 18: 21-22 Mark 10:23-31 Matt. 16: 5-12 Matt. 13:47-52 Luke 17:17-19 R. R. C. 673