Full Text for CTM Book Review 21-6 (Text)

Concoll ia Tbeologica Monthly JUNE • 1950 A.RCHI Conco123io Theological Monthly Published by The Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod EDITED BY mE FACULTY OF CONCORDIA SEMINARY ST. LOUIS, Mo. Address all communications to the Editorial Committee in care of the Managing Editor, F.E.Mayer, 801 De Mun Ave., St.Louis 5, Mo. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE PAUL M. BRETSCHER, RICHARD R. CAEMMERER, THEODORE HOYER, FREDERICK E. MAyER, LoUIS J. SIECK CONTENTS FOR JUNE 1950 THE NEW CREATION IN CHRIST. W' aller Bartling STUDY ON 1 TIMOTHY 1: 3-11. Otto E. Sohn THE CHRISTIAN AND GOVERNMENT. A. M. Reh10inkel A SERIES OF SERMON STUDIES FOR THE CHURCH YEAR BRIEF STUDIES THEOLOGICAL OBSERVER BOOK REVIEWS PAGE 401 419 429 441 451 454 472 Leupold. H. C.: Exposition of Genesis. -Barnes' Notes on the Old Testament (Job. Psalms). -Brunner, Bmil.· The Christian Doctrine of God. -Huggenvik. Theodore.' We Believe. -WisloD. Predrik.· I Believe in the Holy Spirit. -Cull­mann: Christ and Time. -Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge.· The Person and Work of Christ. -Paslors 0/ Btl. tuth. Church: We Beheld His Glory; What Seek Ye? By the Obedience of One; Unto a Living Hope; In Whom We Live; Teach Me Thy Paths; For This Cause. -A/bus, HtZTry J.: A Treasury of Dwight L. Moody.-Erdman, Charles R.,. Blackwood. Andrew W.: Great Pulpit Masters (Moody and Spurgeon). -Great Gospel Sermons 0: Classic; II: Contemporary). CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY is published monthly by Concordia Publishing House. 355S S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis IS, Mo .• to which all business correspondence is to be addressed. $3.00 per annum, anywhere in the world. payable in advance. Entered at the Post Office at St. Louis, Mo., as second-class matter. AcceptaQce for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in SeCtion 1103, ACt of OCtober 3, 1917, authorized on July 5. 1915. pRIlf'm) Dr v. S. A. BOOK REVIEW All books reviewed in this periodical may be procured from or through Concordia Pub­lishing House, 3558 South Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis 18, Missouri. EXPOSITION OF GENESIS. By H. C. Leupold, D. D., professor of Old Testament Exegesis, Capital University Seminary, Columbus, Ohio. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Two vols., 578 and 641 pages, 9x6. $3.00 and $3.50. BARNES' NOTES ON THE OLD TESTAMENT, EXPLANATORY AND PRAC­TICAL. Same publisher; same format. Job, two vols., 363 and 339 pages. $3.00 each. Psalms, two vols., 432 and 448 pages. $3.00 each. The Baker Book House now offers to Christian Bible students the first volumes of the Old Testament series of Barnes' Notes in excellent reprint, the New Testament series having been completed. The reviewer is sure that many students of the Old Testament will deeply appreciate the fact that the publishers have incorporated in the series Dr, Leupold's fine commentary on Genesis, which was first published in 1942. Leupold's commentary on Genesis was favorably reviewed at great length in this periodical in 1943 and so requires no new detailed review. It has found many grateful readers and has been in great demand after the first edition was exhausted. It offers an excellent historical and critical introduction to the book, a most helpful outline to acquaint the student with the con­tents of Genesis, and an exhaustive bibliography. The author employs the verse-by-verse approach, presenting his investigations and their results in lucid, plain language, which even laymen can easily understand. The Hebrew words appear in simple transliteration, which is of value especially 1:0 those who are unable to read the Hebrew script. Tactfully, yet firmly, Prof. Leupold refutes the assumptions of the unbelieving higher critics and ·defends the Messianic content of the passages which the Church has always regarded as predictions of the Messiah and His kingdom. His exegesis is Biblical and conservative, and he points out the textual values for devotional ,and homiletical use. The reviewer regrets that Leupold could not support Luther's interpretation of Gen. 4: 1, against which no valid objections have yet been offered. Barnes' Notes on the Old Testament follow consistently the expository pattern which we find in the interpretation of the New Testament: Introduction, exhaustive notes, together with supplementary notes (Job) and numerous special appendixes (Psalms). A new and clarifying trans­lation has been furnished of the difficult Book of Job. The reviewer is surprised that an author so conservative and Biblical as was Dr. Barnes 472 BOOK REVIEW 473 was unable to evaluate as Messianic Job 19:25-27 and to regard this glorious passage as teaching the final resurrection of the dead. This fact he himself states with deep regret. His objections to the traditional con­ception, however, are answered by the editor, Dr. Robert Frew, in a lengthy "Editor's Preface." Despite this and other occasional faults, Barnes' Notes on Job and Psalms deserve careful study, for here the Christian Bible student finds valuable and dependable exposition, offered in brief, pithy comments. For busy pastors Barnes' Notes are a sine qua non as they prepare their sermons or other addresses. The make-up of the volumes is excellent, and the price, considering the high quality of the books and the excessive cost of modern bookmaking, is very reasonable. ]Oh'N THEODORE MUELLER THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF GOD. By Emil Brunner. The West­minster Press, Philadelphia, Pa. 361 pages, 9 X 6. $6.00. This is the first volume of a real dogmatics by Emil Brunner, who so far has supplied the theological world merely with monographs on dog­matical Prolegomena. The book has much to commend it to the reader. Brunner, in contradistinction to Barth, realizes that there is a limit to human endurance in studying dogmatical treatises, and so, instead of being endless in hi. dogmatizing as is his Basle companion, he is quite practical and to the point. Then, too, Brunner keeps in mind the basic precept of love that he who writes must so express his thoughts that the reader can comprehend what he has to say. At times Brunner deviates from this principle, but on the whole his dogmatical presentation is concrete and lucid. Moreover, the translator, Miss Olive Wyon, has per­formed a very satisfactory job in doing Brunner's not too simple German into idiomatic, intelligible English. The contents of the book are divided into two major divisions: Prolegomena and Part I (of the projected dogmatics) "The Eternal Foundation of the Divine Self· Communication," which again is divided into two sections: "The Nature of God and His Attributes" and "The Will of God." The Prolegomena perhaps form the most important part of Brunner's first volume of dogmatics, for here he sets forth not only his conception of the position, the necessity, and the basis of Christian dogmatics, but also its relation to revelation, the witness of faith, the ecclesiastical dogma, theology, and the like. Altogether there are treated in the Prolegomena eleven different subjects, and to these are added eight "appendixes," among which the conservative student will perhaps regard the chapter on the "Authority of Scripture" as the most important. In his Prolegomena, Brunner states his fundamental credo more clearly than he has ever stated it before. Under the "Nature of God and His Attributes" he treats the "Name of God," "God, as the Lord," God as the "Holy," God as "Love," the "Triune God," the "Problem of the Divine Attributes," and the like, fully twenty-one chapters, with four additional appendixes on the special divine attributes that have been 474 BOOK REVIEW in controversy more than others, e. g., "divine omnipresence and omnis­cience." Under the second section, "The Will of God," Brunner treats the doctrines of the "Divine Decrees" and of "Election," rejecting both the