Full Text for CTM Book Review 31-9 (Text)

CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY VOL. XXXI Melallchthon as Educator and Humanist CARL S. MEYER Melanchthon the Confessor ARTHUR CARL PIEPKORN The International Student­Test of a Living Church WILLIAM J. DANKER Brief Studies Homiletics Theological Observer Book Review September 1960 ARCHIVES No.9 MELANCHTHON. By Robert Stupperich. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter und Co., 1960. 139 pages. Paper. DM 3.60. In this quadricentennial biography (Vol. 1190 in the famed "Sammlung Giischen") Stupperich, professor at the University of Miinster-in-Westfalen and one of Europe's top living authorities on the praeceptor Germaniae, has made a noteworthy addition to the literature on Melanchthon. Its worth is not to be measured by its compressed brevity -just r --':r "';'Tods -and its modest format and price, as its scholar­ship is not to be gauged the utter absence of footnotes and the limited bibliography (a single page) . Stupperich's intimate knowledge of Melanchthon's life, mind, a.nd method and his mastery of the Melanchthon literature combine with a genuine sympathy for his subject that errs neither on the side of partisanship nor of prejudice. The result is a picture of Melanchthon that is both fair and appealing. Particularly good is the treat­ment of Luther's relationship to Melanch­thon. Although at a few points this reviewer believes that the data admit of other in­terpretations than those that Stupperich places upon them, and although he wishes that Melanchthon's role in the preparation of the "Leipzig Interim" of late 1548 had received fuller treatment, he has no serious fault to find with Stupperich's admirable presentation. It is greatly to be hoped that this little volume will soon be made avail­able in English, to complement and fre­quently to correct the presentations of Richards (to which Stupp erich docs not refer in his chapter on Manschreck. othervvise very cODl,preJJ.cnsive Melanchthon research) and ARTHUR CARL PIEPKORN l BOOK REVIE\V All books re1,iewed in this t'eriDdicai may be procured from or through Concordia Pub­lishing House, 3558 S01dh Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis 18, Missouri. HISTORICAL STUDIES: PAPERS READ BEFORE THE SECOND IRISH CON­FERENCE OF HISTORIANS. Edited by T. Desmond Williams. New York: Hilary House, 1958. vii and 99 pages. Cloth. .$2.50. Eight essays of wide range were pre­sented at Dublin in 1955, here published. Michael Oakeshott talked about "The Ac­tivity of Being an Historian." Four other essays dealt wich historiography. Among these the essay by B. H. G. -~7 on-nald on "The BistoriogJ " . tefor­illation') may be singled OllL although the editor's contribution, "The Historiography of World War II," should not be slighted. The charm and the variety of the essays alike commend them to the historical-minded reader. CARL S. MEYER DIVINE POETRY AND DRAMA IN SIX­TEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND. By Lily B. Campbell. Berkeley: University of California Press (Cambridge: Univer­sity Press), 1959. '1111 and 268 pages. Cloth. $5.00. HUMANISM AND POETRY IN THE EARLY TUDOR PERIOD: AN ESSAY. By H. A. Mason. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1959. vii and 296 pages. Cloth. 32/ -. The Renaissance brought pagan and secu­lar influences into England; these influences were counteracted by Christian humanism and by studied attempts to make the Bible part of the literature, poetry, and drama of England. Savanarola of Florence had pointed the way for the latteL Erasmus provided the philosophical basis for both attempts. 577 578 BOOK REVIEW Tyndale and Coverdale -dependent on Lu­ther -contributed to the movement. Miss Campbell tells the story of the "divine" in poetry and drama; Mason, of the Christian humanism of More, Wyatt, and Surrey. Mason incidentally also shows the depend­ence both of Wyatt and of Surrey on Luther. For them, as for the "divine" poets of the age, the Psalms became the basis of much of their poetry. Du Bartas had a great in­fluence on these "divine" poets. However, the concerns of Erasmus and more especially of Thomas More 8.5 Christian humanists need to be considered, as Mason does, for a complete picture of the literary move­ments of the Tudor period. Eoth l,~iss Car .' .. and Mr. ]',ifason have given us scholarly, albeit specialized studies, that contribute not only to an understanding of t1..~ "'"r ","uciYo HARRY G. COINER PRIMER ON ROMAN CATHOLICISM FOR PROTEST ANTS: AN APPRAISAL OF THE BASIC DIFFERENCES BE­TWEEN THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND PROTESTANTISM. By Stanley I. Stuber. Revised edition. New York: Association Press, 1960. xii -I-276 pages. Cloth. $3.50. The first edition of this work came out in 1953. It proposes to explain factually, ob­jectively and simply the basic Roman Cath­olic beliefs and practices, to present the Roman Catholic interpretation of these be­liefs and practices, to offer Stuber's inter­pretation of the "general Protestant point of view" in relation to these beliefs and prac­tices, and to provide basic information that will encourage intelligent co-operation as well as disagreement between the Roman Catholics and Protestants within a spirit or Christian love and understanding. The effort is laudable, but the nnal result is of limited value for a Lutheran. Congenitally unenthu-BOOK REVIEW 579 siastic about Roman Catholicism as a Lu­theran is bound to be, precisely the Catholic­ity of the Lutheran position as set forth in the Book of Concord makes him no less dissatisfied at many points with the "gen­eral Protestant point of view" that Stuber espouses. ARTHUR CARL PIEPKORN POLITICS AND EVANGELISM. By Phi­lippe Maury. Garden City, N. Y.: Double­day and Co., 1959. 120 pages. Cloth. $2.95. Pietism in its withdrawal from the world and its inevitable tacit endorsement of the status quo, and Roman Catholicism as the church's attempt to dominate the world are seen as the two ditches on either side which the church must avoid while the road be­tween, though rocky and difficult, is that of continuing dialogue with the world. This latter is the course urged upon the Church by Philippe Maury, a maquis member during the Nazi occupation of France and now the personable general secretary of the Wodd Student Christian Movement. Campus pastors and youth workers, as well as Christians engaged in politics and industry, will find this a stimulating book to help them find creative ways of witnessing Christ. WILLIAM J. DANKER MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY. By Max Thurian. Translated from the French by Norma Emerton. Naperville: Alec R. Al­lenson (London: SCM Press), 1959. 126 pages. Paper. $1.75. Max Thurian, a Reformed theologian and a member of the Community of Taize, France, has given non-Roman Christendom a defini­tive treatise on clerical celibacy. The author presents his work as an investigation within the tradition of the Reformation with a con­cern to listen to the fullness of the church's witness concerning celibacy. Thurian introduces his discussion of celi­bacy with several chapters on the vocation to marriage, proposing that God has given the church two legitimate vocations, that of mar­riage and celibacy. He chooses to employ the word "vocation" in both cases, since a voca­tion implies that there are at least two pos­sible choices. The presence of both vocations witnesses to the distinctive character of the church as opposed to the world. Any discus­sion of marriage, he argues, must be preceded by a discussion of celibacy so that the two are placed in their proper relationship to one another. From a practical standpoint, the author ar­gues that celibacy permits a freedom and unattachedness in the Christian life appro­priate to the service of the church. Because the celibate has consecrated himself com­pletely to the service of God he can lead a fuller life of prayer and contemplation sig­nifying his complete dependence on the Lord. Theologically, celibacy is a sign of a ne~v order where marriage is no longer a neces­sity. This eschatalogical sense, the expecta­tion of Christ's return, of which the celibate is a symbol, leads the Christian not to become too attached to the realities of his human life. Through God's promises the celibate trusts that he will be able to live a life of complete dedication and witness to our Lord's im­minence. Thurian is careful to show how Reformed theologians such as John Calvin had empha­sized the importance and significance of celi­bacy in the church. At the same time he is critical of the misunderstanding and misuse of this gift in Reformed thought and practice after Calvin. Lutherans might well share this view in respect to their own tradition and contemplate whether the inheritors of the Lutheran Symbols have neglected this gift to the church. They will especially remember the statement of the Apology: "So also vir­ginity is a gift that surpasses marriage. . . . Neither Christ nor Paul commends virginity because it justifies, but because it gives more time for praying, teaching, and serving and is 580 BOOK REVIEW not so distracted by household chores" (XXIII, pars. 38-40). On the basis of Holy Scripture and the church's history, the case for celibacy is pre­sented fairly. Speaking from a thriving com­munity of celibate men who have served the church in France and elsewhere for over a decade, Thurian demonstrates a fine under­standing of the meaning of both marriage and celibacy for the church, while at the same time he shows the respective difficulties of each. The book is of interest both to those who have not committed themselves to either vocation and also to those who are already married. The book will speak, too, to those who are habituated to think that the only vocation is marriage and that there is some­thing odd about people who do not marry. Pastors will find solid substance here for un­derstanding and ministering to single people in the parish. HARRY G. COINER A SECOND READER'S NOTEBOOK. By Gerald Kennedy. New York: Harper and Brothers. 362 pages. Cloth. $4.95. The value of a book of quotations or illus­trations can never be measured by content. Suspicion is meet when a book's claim to merit lies in having 1,001 or 2,002 illustra­tions. This book is a compilation of quota­tions that one man during his wide reading found interesting and pertinent to his work. Its recommendation then, is in the man who read it first and gathered it for others to read -a man of today, a bishop in the Methodist Church, a writer and a speaker of known ability. For men whose interests and work are in similar areas it will be helpful. GEORGE W. HOYER RABBINIC STORIES FOR CHRISTIAN MINISTERS AND TEACHERS. By Wil­liam B. Silverman. New York: Ah;ngdon Press, 1958. 221 pages. Cloth. $3.:0. This book offers Jewish homiletical source material to Christian ministers and teachers. The author expresses the hope that it "will promote understanding and strengthen the ties that bind Christian and Jew in a spiritual brotherhood." His sources have been the teachings and stories of the Hasidic rabbis of the 18th century in eastern Europe and the Midrash and Talmudic literature dating "between 200 and 500 of the Common Era." The illustrations are of limited value for Christian sermons because they always re­quire explanation of their own before they can be used to help explain, and because they come with no particular weight to a Christian audience. It repeatedly becomes apparent that the omission of "our Lord" is the significant change when the date line A. D. becomes C. E. GEORGE W. HOYER THE POWER OF HIS NAME. By Robert E. Luccock. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1960. 159 pages. Cloth. $3.00. "It is the author's hope that the gospel in these sermons is the same gospel once de­livered to the saints." So Luccock launches his third volume of fourteea sermons. The sermons cluster about Advent, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Trinity Sunday. The author tries to do two things: to speak faithfully the great Biblical realities and to communicate them to contemporaries caught in the modern web. While the sermons are not textual, they do breathe the air of the Gospel and often reflect a Biblical concern. They definitely do speak to the "existential questions raised by life in mid-twentieth century." The style is not "fussy," for the sermons possess a fun­damental structure, speak a fresh language, and keep one rethinking God's message in the modern idiom. As a footnote one must add that Luccock has given birth to some of the most intimate and arresting sermon titles published recently. DAVID S. SCHULLER THE DARK ROAD TO TRIUMPH. By Clayton E. Williams. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1960. 110 pages. Cloth. $2.75. The author is pastor of the American BOOK REVIEW 581 Church (Presbyterian) in Paris. Ralph W. Sockman proT/ides a foreword. Two sermons for Palm Sunday, two for Maundy Thursday, two for Good Friday, seven more meditations on the Seven Words, and three sermons for Easter comprise the volume. The objective of the sermons is to make Christ Master of our lives. Some of the insights are remarkably good; thus about Gethsemane: "He was seek­ing some way in which he might triumph over evil rather than suffer it" (p. 22). "We can only truly see the risen Christ if we see the cross that looms behind him" (p. 101). In the effort to stress the full humanity of Christ the deity at times seems impaired, although this is not the author's intention. While not every sermon is clearly to the subject, the redemption is preached: "In him God suf­fered the outrages of sin and in him He triumphed over evil and brought redemption to the world for you and for me" (p. 86) . The style is resourceful and concrete. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER SYMBOLIK DES ISLAM. By Rudi Pareto Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1958. 96 pages. Paper. DM 18.-. The learned professor of Semi tics and Islamics at Tiibingen has written an in­teresting contribution to the series edited by Ferdinand Herrmann, Symbolik der Religi­onen. Particularly the cult and ritual of Islam, from its 99-bead rosary (for the 99 names of God) to the Shiite passion drama, is meticulously recounted and de­scribed with a wealth of engrossing detail. However, the dimension of depth is largely lacking. What do these symbolic practices communicate to homo religiosus? What is their connection with the archetypal symbols of which Carl Jung and Mircea Eliade speak? If the author does not hold with theit" views on the universal language of symbolism, what does he, then, believe is valid by way of pro founder interpretation of the phenomena? These are some of the questions which we hope he will attempt to deal with in his next discussion of a subject with whose empirically observable data he is obviously well ac-quainted. WILLIAM ]. DANKER THE WORLD'S LIVING RELIGIONS. By Robert Ernest Hume. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1959. 335 pages. Cloth. $3.50. After twenty-five printings since its first publication in 1924, perhaps this standard work of the last generation might better have been left in honorable retirement. The method throughout is that of comparison. The religions are disassembled and the parts compared with one another in the classic manner of "comparative religions" -an ap­proach which has, as is well known, been largely superseded by the work of scholars such as Joachim Wach who has shown that a religion can best be understood in its own terms and its own context, from within rather than from without. The volume contains a great deal of useful factual information. The copious quotations from the sacred writings of the various re­ligions are especially helpful. WILLIAM]. DANKER THE TWO EMPIRES IN JAPAN. By John M. 1. Young. Tokyo: The Bible Times Press, 1958. xvi + 234 pages. Paper. $1.25. Young surveys the difficult road travelled by the churches of the Reformation in a na­tion which has long considered itself divine, voices concern about the return to Shinto practices by government leaders, and warns that the resurgence of traditional religions in Japan can fan the fires of nationalism and promote a right-wing political reaction. We wonder, seriously, however, if a West­ern mlsslOnary, especially an American, should be writing this book. At this junc­ture, missionaries might more wisely content themselves with studying Biblical principles together with Japanese Christians, while leav-582 BOOK REVIEW ing it to gifted Nipponese representatives to warn their own government and people against the infringement of religious liberty by the state. In a volume suffused with the author's identification with an extremely sep­aratistic right-wing group in the Protestant missionary spectrum, his intolerance and implacability regarding the compromising Shinto rituals in which Japanese Christians took part before and during World \'(f ar II, remind one of the Novatians and the Dona­tists rather than the main stream of evangel-ical Christianity. WILLIAM J. DANKER ALTE BRIEFE AUS INDIEN: UNVER­OFFENTLICHTE BRIEFE VON B./IR­THOLOMA"US ZIEGENBALG, 1706 BIS 1719. By Arno Lehmann. Berlin: Evan­gelische Verlagsanstalt, 1957. 552 pages. Cloth. DM 28.-. The admirably productive Professor Leh­mann, a worthy successor at Wittenberg­Halle to the great Francke who chose Ziegen­balg, has placed students of missiology in his debt by making available the rich and voluminous collection of primary source Illil­terial on which his well-known Ziegenbalg biography, Es begann in Tranquebar, was based. These letters, for the most part previously unpublished, bring to life after a quarter millennium the man who was Protestantism's pioneer foreign missionary and the first Ger­man Indologist and Dravidologist. Ziegenbalg emerges as a remarkably de­voted and creative servant of Christ hattling against overwhelming odds, chiefly those placed in his way by his indifferent or down­right hostile fellow Europeans in India. Zie­genbalg is constantly going against the grain of the European functionaries in India. The colonial governments are taking money out of India; Ziegenbalg is trying hard to bring it in. It detracts nothing from the outstand­ing achievements of this pioneer, to observe from the vantage point of the present, that they were both partly wrong. Paternalism in the mission seemed to go hand in hand with colonialism and started Asiatic missions on a path that makes it difficult to this day for genuinely indigenous churches to develop. The lively correspondence with Anglican Christians in England, who also supported the mission, shows that the mission was ecu­menical from the beginning. An index of subjects and a listing of the places where the Ziegenbalg letters are to be found adds to the value of this book. WILLIAM J. DANKER THE GURU. By Manly P. Hall. New York: Philosophical Library, 1958. 142 pages. Cloth. $3.00. Those who desire to obtain a sympathetic popular description of the relationship of gMtt and disciple in Hinduism can find it in this somewhat fanciful and idealized portrait. The miracles in the New Testament will hardly strain anyone's credulity after reading of the wonders claimed for Eastern holy men. WILLIAM J. DANKER CHURCH AND PARLIAMENT: The Re­shaping of the Church of England, 1828 to 1860. By Olive J. Brose. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press (Lon­don: Oxford University Press), 1959. Vll and 239 pages. Cloth. $5.00. Between 1828 and 1840 the struggle for disestablishment was sharp in England. The relationships between the church of the Elizabethan Settlement and of the Caroling­ian Restoration with the state had to be re­shaped if this church was to be the Estab­lished Church of England. Sir Robert Peel and Charles James Blomfield, bishop of London, led in the moderate reforms under the Ecclesiastical Commissions which re­sulted in some sharing of the church's wealth, a modus vivendi in education, and an administrative adaptation which persists to the present. The book does not purpose BOOK REVIEW 583 to be the history of the church in England during a generation of reformers. It nar­rows down closely to what is essentially the question of church-state relations in this period. In this focus the scholarly research and clear presentation of Brooklyn's Brose is very enlightening. CARL S. MEYER FRANCISCO ROMERO ON PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY. By Marjorie Silliman Harris. N ew York: Philosophical Library, c. 1960. xi and 113 pages. Cloth. $3.75. Francisco Romero (b. 1891), Argentinian ex-soldier, professor, educator, and foe of Juan Peron, is one of Latin America's most distinguished philosophers. The author of thi~ Lnief si.u~l:/, professor emeritus of philos-at Randolph-Macon College for "':-_____ n, furnishes an introduction to his ,,6i~Ct~C thC'l;:'~ for English-spC:2J~Gg read­(-:;.1"S. -,--,,-omel.V'.; C(:llliZll thesis iu '-:la~ in our anguished age Uman needs grounding in the spiritual conquests of the intelligence more than in its utilitarian conquests" and that the educational ideals of our universities should be shaped accordingly. ARTHUR CARL PIEPKORN CATHOLIC REFORMER: A LIFE OF ST. CAJET AN OF THIENE. By Paul H. Hallett. Westminster, Md.: The Newman Press, 1959. ix and 222 pages. Cloth. jt3.75. St.Cajetan of Thien (1480-1547) was a prime figure in the reformation movement within the papal church in the 16th century. His associations and collaborations with Giano Pietro Caraffa, who became Pope Paul IV, in the Oratory of Divine Love (founded in 1517) and the Theatines, his consistent efforts to raise the standards of the secular clergy, and his liturgical con­cerns stamp him as a key person in that movement. A good, critical biography of him is still needed; Hallett, a Denver jour­nalist, did not supply this need. The studied efforts to find contrasts between Cajetan and Luther, the ready retelling of pious tales of "miracles," and the self-admitted lack of original research in the primary sources detract greatly from the few merits the book possesses. CARL S. MEYER THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT. By Andre Retif. Translated by Aldhelm Dean. New York: Hawthorn Books, 19590 127 pageso Cloth. $2.95. The Catholic Spirit is VoL 88 of the Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholi­nsm. It belongs to the section on "The Organization of the Church." Under four headings it treats: Catholicity in Scripture; Catholicity, essential ;'u";' pLV~"""ivc; Cath­olicity in history; the Catholicity of the Chmrh. Here is an important concept, pre­sellleU from a Roman Catholic orient on. The vollL.'Ile receives its values and ak­nesses from th8.t orientation. CARL S. MEYER TRUMPET CALL OF REFORMATION. By Oliver Read Whitley. St. Louis: Bethany Press, 1959. 252 pages. Cloth. $3.95. Whitley of Iliff School of Theology in Denver, a member of the Disciples of Christ, gives a candid, realistic sociological analysis of that denomination. His sociocultural frame of reference has historical depth. He begins with the postulate that the self-image of a religious group and of its history are as significant as are the events themselveso He succeeds in documenting the thesis that sociological and cultural concepts must be used to interpret some aspects of social change in a religious group. His ecumenical interests afe in keeping with the traditional role of the Disciples of Christ. The formative years of the movement are to him the development of a sect to a de­nomination. The American frontier, he finds, was determinative in shaping this religious group. He argues that "the Disciples move-584 BOOK REVIEW mem was the leftwing of the Reformation translated into American, and specifically frontier, language" (p. 46). As they de­veloped they left their isolationist tendencies and became more tolerant. Within the group there appeared a conflict between the Resto­rationists and the Disciples. The conflict is not entirely sociological, however, nor would Whitley have us believe that it is. With the accents on the sociocultural Whitley seems to disregard the early trend among the Campbells and Stone and their followers toward interdenominationalism, at least in doctrinal matters. However, Whitley has made a highly use­ful pilot study from which the historians of other major American denominations can learn. CARL S. MEYER THE QUEEN'S WARDS: WARDSHIP AND MARRIAGE UNDER ELIZA­BETH 1. By Joel Hurstneld. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1958. xxii and 366 pages. Cloth. $7.50. The English Reformation was of cardinal importance for the political and social scenes as well as for the religious. Feudalism was not yet entirely extinct in England; the royal right of feudal marriage involved questions of life, liberty, and property. The dissolu­tion of the monasteries in 1536-40 added to the complexity of the situation. A schol­arly examination of feudal marriage and wards, a neglected phase of Elizabethan society and its mores, is made by Hurstneld of the University' College in London. The study will appeal to the specialist in 16th-century history. CARL S. MEYER ANNA VON BORIS; DIE HELFERIN DER KbRPERBEHINDERTEN. By Werner Dicke. Giessen: Brunnen-Verlag, 1954. 76 pages. Paper. Price not given. Annastift, founded with a donation, the legacy which she received from her grand­father, by Anna von Boris in 1897, is an orthopedic clinic of 300 beds for crippled children, with additional facilities and schools. The author has written the found­er's life for the Zeugen des gegenwartigen Gottes series. He testifies to the faith and zeal of Anna von Boris as a clear indication that God brings His blessings to every generation. The short work is edifying reading. CARL S. MEYER BERKSHIRE COUNTY: A CULTURAL HISTORY. By Richard D. Birdsall. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959. xi and 401 pages. Cloth. $6.00. Berkshire County, Mass., from the early 18th century to the time of the Civil War, had a unique regional character. Birdsall has succeeded in showing what constituted this uniqueness. Jonathan Edwards, Samuel Hop­kins, Henry W. Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and the Sedwicks, among many others, contributed to this uniqueness. Bird­sall has written much more than the cultural history of a county. He has made a valuable contribution to an understanding of what makes America. In that making Calvinism played a significant role. CARL S. MEYER LET WISDOM JUDGE. By Charles Simeon. Edited by Arthur Pollard. Chicago: Inter­Varsity Press, 1959. 190 pages. Cloth. $3.00. The reissue of Simeon's Horae homileticae under the title Expository Outlines on the If/ hole Bible renders this formidable 18th­century Anglican available to contemporary preachers. This is a useful introductory volume. It provides a biography with some insight into his evangelical emphasis and preaching method; reprints some maxims from Claude's "Essay on the Composition of a Sermon," which influenced Simeon; gives ten sermons preached to the University at Cambridge and outlines of seven others. Simeon attended Cambridge in England and BOOK REVIEW 585 was vicar of an Anglican church there and Select Preacher to the University six times. His preaching was attended with salutary effects in the community, for which he be­came well known. His method seems prolix and unnecessarily logical and diffuse to our age -perhaps a testimony to the frailty of the contemporary mind. His materials are Christ centered and evangelical. His pro­fuse outlines rigorously placed exhortation at the end; in the diagnosis of sin his tech­nique: >:vas _LLn.Jre pervasive. RICHARD R, CAEMMERER SERMONS ON PRAYER. By Charles M. Spurgeon. Edited by C. T. Cook. Grand Rapids: Zonrll"r"~n Publishing HO":/" 1959. 256 pages. Cloth. $2.95. Th .. ~nhH.h':r is gcttin.€': additional mileage fron dy widely . sermons of ;. :hrough a cally ar-ranE-in 20 voh les, of which this is No.7. It would be useful to have the dates of the 18 sermons published in this volume. They revolve about the doctrine of .he Bible concerning prayer, and more, they do move to prayer. The grace of God in Christ is made the premise for prayer throughout, and thus a current distortion of prayer as a means of rendering God gracious is avoided. Spurgeon remains a delight be­cause of the language crowded with Biblical allusion. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER THE HALTING KINGDOM.' CHRISTIAN-fTY ./IND THE L1FRICL1rJ RETlOLU­TION. By John and Rena Karefa-Smart. New York: Friendship Press, 1959. x and 86 pages. Paper. $1.00. "The Kingdom halts in Africa," said CanL __ ... ax VI! arren of the Church Mission­ary Society, and thus he gave John Karefa­Smart, an African Christian political leader with a cabinet portfolio, and his American· born wife the title of their critical survey of the parlous state of nations and churches in Africa. In this current revolution sweeping Africa into a new age it is good to hear from articulate Africans themselves. Though Africa has seen the greatest nu­merical ingatherings for Christian missions, the authors are quite sure that not all is well with the church. In fact, they raise the ques­tion whether it will survive the climactic future toward which Africa is hurrying. The church must become indigenous, relevant, and a genuine community in Christ. Segregated Protestants "9\!111 do ~lell to note: the sensitivity of Africans to unwarranted claims of white superiority. The authors serve notice (p. 75) that "there is no longer room ... in Africa for tribal or colonial or racial churches." WILLIAM J. lh\f~:,hll SANDAL7 /j""Thii MOSQUE. }(enneth C New Y( , rd Univerc' Pre-~, 1959. 160 page5. Cloth. $6.25. Kellueth Cragg, renowned Islamic scho12r and rare Christian spirit, suggests that the eager missionary with itching feet first leave his sandals at the door of the mosque to learn with patient and open-hearted humility what is going on inside the mosque and in­side the Moslem worshiper. And then he describes the posture to be desired in those who choose to fill the shoes of the messengers of Christ. The sections that follow contain priceless gems for every mes­senger of Christ, though he may never meet a Moslem all his life, a possibility which grows increasingly unlikely. Here are some samples: "The good news has to be made known in the temper that matches its events" (p. 86). "Relationships in pride are not relation­ships in Christ" (p.87). "j\ .~erting the Gospel is not JJI caching it" (p.98). ____ jt always be the church for the sr 1.~ of Christ, not Christ for the sake of the church" (p. 143). "The good news must fashion lJS ii, .its own likeness" (ibid.). 586 BOOK REVIEW These tidbits taste even better in context. What Kenneth Cragg says could perhaps be capsuled thus: The Moslem is a formid­able problem for Christian missions. The Christian himself is an even greater one. WILLIAM J. DANKER OUTSIDE THE CAMP. By Charles C West. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Com­pany, Inc., 1959. 168 pages. Cloth. $3.00. Written by the assistant director of the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey as a prepara­tory study for participants in the 18th Quad­rennial Conference on the Christian World Mission held at Athens, Ohio, in December 1959, this is a stimulating book, both more popuiar and more Jucid rhan the author's previous Communism and the Theologians. But this does not mean there is an end to all confusion. E. g., p. 117, "He descended into hell" is explained thus: "He comes to us when we are slaves in an alien household and shows us that we are children of the Father." The basic emphasis is good, namely, that the church is not the end but the agent of a missionary thrust into the world. P. 161: "[The Christian] comes together with other Christians in order to go out more effectively into this world. And when he does this he is the Church in the spot where he lives and works. To be a Christian means to take one's responsibility on that spot." WILLIAM J. DANKER DIVINE ELECTION. By G. C Berkouwer. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publish­ing Company, 1960. 336 pages. Cloth. $4.50. Divine Election is the seventh volume of Berkouwer's Studies in Dogmatics to be done into English. Like the preceding volumes this one also demonstrates the author's theological competence and his gift for telling others what he knows and wishes to communicate. Divi1te Election discusses a doctrine of the Christian faith on which Calvinists and Lu-therans have disagreed and on which both have disagreed among themselves. The author reduces the disagreement among Cal­vinists to a minimum and softens the harsh­ness of the horribile decretum of reprobation. The question is sometimes asked if Calvinists still teach the doctrine of unconditional double election. To this question the author gives at least a partial answer. On the other hand, despite his rejection of any arbitrariness on the part of God in election, he feels that Karl Barth ought to reconsider his criticism of the Reformed teachings. Students of the writings of Max Weber and Ernst Troeltsch will appreciate the author's analysis of the syllogismus practicus. L. W. SPITZ JOHANNES CLIMACUS, OR DE OMNI­BUS DUBIT ANDUM EST, AND A SERMON. By S¢ren Kierkegaard. Trans­lated by 1. H. Croxall. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1958. 196 pages. Cloth. $3.00. Croxall's meticulous and useful assessment of Kierkegaard against the background of the two short, early works presented here in translation occupies half of this book, and in itself it is a valuable contribution to Kierkegaard studies. Croxall, something of a Kierkegaard specialist, traces the biograph­ical factors in the philosopher's life that contributed to make him an author of rare and varied ability. Croxall contends that Kant and Lessing influenced Kierkegaard more than did any other philosophers. He also points om [hat it was from the point of view of orthodoxy that Kierkegaard at­tacked Hegel. Johannes Climacus is directed against the "abominable falsity" of modern philosophy which thinks that all questions can be an­swered if only we start from scratch, or rather from the premise -for it is a pre­mise -de om1~ibus dubitandum est. The work takes the form of a story of a young and promising university student, ]. C, who BOOK REVIEW 587 takes up the thesis (apparently assumed but never proved or explained by all the con­temporary philosophers) that all philosophy begins with doubt (Descartes, Hegel, et. al.) . The young dialectician subjects the thesis to rigid scrutiny and discloses that the thesis is not only unclear (is it an historical or an eternal judgment?) but offers no help on how to begin to philosophize. In fact, it operates with a bland misconception of what doubt is, as though doubt were objective. Obviously Kierkegaard, who here makes shambles of this one philosophical presup­position, is concerned only to show the utter steriliry of the contemporary philosophy and that with such a beginning one would re­main forever outside philosophy. ROBERT D. PREUS FROM SHAKESPEARE TO EXISTEN­TIALISM. By Walter Kaufmann. Boston: Beacon Press, 1959. x and 404 pages. Cloth. $5.95. This book is hard to classify. It offers a rather disjointed commentary on the philos­ophies of Shakespeare, Goethe, Nietzsche, Hegel, Kierkegaard, and a few others. The author offers his own opinions of the men involved in contrast to the opinions of others. Kaufmann writes interestingly and challengingly; he is opinionated, ruthlessly critical (which is often refreshing), and overweening. He is winning by his very frankness. He simply dislikes Kierkegaard and Hegel; Shakespeare (whom he considers to have been an unbeliever); and Nietzsche he likes (he never says just why). It is as a critic that Kaufmann ought to be read. His own views are pagan. He ex­plodes what he calls the "Hegel myth," namely, that Hegel is the progenitor of Nazism and other evils. His blast against Popper, who has supported this legend by using secondary sources, quilted quotations, and poor translations, is devastating. Very valuable is his assault against Heidegger and Heidegger's impossible rejection of logic. \Vhen reason is abandoned, says Kaufmann, there is left only an appeal to authoriry. But there is no authoriry to help in the case of Heidegger. The basic question to Heidegger is, Why is there any being at all and not nothing? Again and again he asks this question and gets nowhere answering it. Kaufmann's criticism of Heidegger's opaque­ness and obscurity is stinging. After all, he says, what can anyone do with a philosopher who says, "Der Sprung ist cle! Satz aus clem Grundsatz vom Grund in das Sagen des Seins"? Toynbee finally comes in for a good bit of Kaufmannian invective, and Kauf­mann has a point when he says that Toynbee displays more erudition than scholarship in much of his writing. But then Kaufmann, in attacking Toynbee's religious principles and his understanding of Christianity (whicb this reviewer would never endorse!) does not show erudition or scholarship either. In his dislike for Kierkegaard Kaufmann misunderstands him now and again. He confuses sanctimoniousness with Kierke­gaard's certainry that he knew the truth. And he faults Kierkegaard for not recog­nizing the piery in heathen religions, ap­parently failing to see that being a Christian and a relativist in religious matters 1S a contradiction in terms. For one who desires a crltlque of much hazy thinking among the existentialists this book will prove stimulating. One will dis­agree with much of it, but he will also enjoy much that he reads. ROBERT D. PREUS THE SATIRICAL LETTERS OF SAINT JEROME. Translated and edited by Paul Carroll. Chicago: Henry Regnery Com­pany, c. 1956. xxxi and 198 pages. Paper. $1.25. "What made [St. Jerome] a saint is rather difficult to describe," Paul Carroll concedes in his excellent 22-page introduction. If one 588 BOOK REVIEW were to read only the 16 letters in this volume the mystery of this "vain, crabby, vitupera­tive" scholar-moralist's place in the calendar of the saints would become even more opaque. And yet these letters illuminate the personality of their author as no other selec­tion of comparable compass from his other works possibly could. It is not the American idiom that Carroll deliberately -and almost always successfully -employs that makes St. Jerome (barring the topical allusions) seem so contemporaneous, but the content of the letters themselves. He banters a negligent correspondent, upbraids a monk for deserting the desert, advises Eustochium and Nepotian how to live dedicated lives in the midst of a corrupt society, proposes an ideal for tepid Christians, defends himself against his critics, calls upon a lecherous priest to repent, lashes out at St. Augustine, discusses the trials of a translator, commends the study of the Sacred Scriptures, and laments the death or a young priest and the sack of Rome by Alaric. "There is no searching into the mind and heart of Christ in these letters," Carroll concludes. "There is only the bullheaded cer­tainty in a bleak, bewildered age that Christ is life, and that men must arrive at that heart and mind 1n order to be fully human." (P. xxviii) ARTHUR CARL PIEPKORN DIE ORTHODOXE KIRCHE IN GRIE­CHiSCHER SiCHT. Edited by Panagiotis Bratsiotis. Part I: 1959; 192 pages; DM 21.80. Part II: 1960; 208 pages; DM 22.50. Stuttgart: Evangelisches Verlags­werk. Cloth. Here are the first two volumes of an excit­ing new collection of monographs in con­temporary comparative symbolics, Die Kir­chen der Welt, under the general editorship of Hans Heinrich Harms, late of the W orId Council of Churches in Geneva, Ferdinand Sigg of Zurich, and Hans-Heinrich Wolf, director of the Ecumenical Institute at Celigny. Series A will consist of descriptions of individual denominations written by theo­logians of the respective group, but with as full as possible a cognizance of the ecumen­ical implications of their denomination's posi­tion. The presentations accordingly promise to be much more authoritative than they could possibly be if written even by the most sympathetic of outsiders; at the same time the writers will make a conscious effort to interpret their respeaive denomination to fellow Christians in such a way that the volumes themselves will be a contribution to the ecumenical discussion. Series B will con­sist of supplementary volumes, containing documentation and source materials. The first two volumes to be published set a high standard for the later studies. They concern themselves with Eastern Orthodoxy as it finds expression in the Greek Church, "the most intact part of the Eastern Church at the present time." The editor, who also contributes a brief but illuminating chapter on "Intelleaual Currents and Religious Movements in the Orthodox Church of Greece," is a well-known professor of the­ology at the University of Athens and a dis­tinguished ecumenical churchman. The Metropolitan Dionysios Psarianos of Kozam and Serria has written the chapter on "Byzan­tine Music in the Greek Orthodox Church." The Archimandrite Jerome Kotsonis surveys "The Constitution and Organization of the Orthodox Church," "Greek Theology," and "The Status of the Layman within the Ec­clesiastical Organism." Andrew Theodorou contributes the sections on "Eastern Ortho­dox Monasticism" and "Eastern Orthodox Mysticism." Otherwise the essays are by pro­fessors: "An Outline of the Dogmatic Teach­ing of the Orthodox Catholic Church" by John Karmiris; "The Sacred Scriptures in the Greek Orthodox Church" by Basil Vellas; "Characteristics of Orthodox Church History" by Basil Stephanidis; "Orthodox Christian Worship" by Panagiotis Trembelas; "State­Church Relations in Greece" by Panagiotis BOOK REVIEW 589 Poulitsas; "Relations between the Eastern Orthodox Church and Heterodox Churches" by Basil Joannidis; "The Church and the World" by Nicholas Louvaris; and "Art in the Greek Orthodox Church" by George Sotiriou. The expositions are expert. Docu­mentation is complete; citations from Greek originals are translated into German, with only occasional Greek words in parentheses to permit identification of technical terms. The national orientation of the essays is not concealed, although at most points varying practices and opinions in other branches of Eastern Orthodoxy are at least noted. In the realm of theology, especially ecclesiology, the self-assured approach for which Orthodox :rarr;,;~)ants ir ~-"~enicall~-';-:s have L_ come well known -so intelligible, if not always congenial, to Lutherans --naturally than once feel constrained to echo on their own behalf the Eastern Orthodox traditional complaint: "You don't understand us." In a study that is designed to be a contribution to ecumenical understanding, the absence of a section on missions -even though it would admittedly have to be largely theoretical under the circumstances -i.s painfully obvi­ous, although this is probably the only major area of theological concern that fails to re­ceive adequate development. The skeletal tables of contents do not compensate for the lack of indexes. All in all, however, we have here an admirable compendium of Greek Orthodoxy that will be standard for a long time to come. It is an excellent antidote to the vie~ " still unfortunately current in. many places, that Eastern Orthodoxy is only a static, stagnant, and sterile shadow of RonJan finds exprc:;:;ion. Lutl1(T~lnS in turn will more CatholIcism. BOO] CEIVE) (The mention of a book in this list acknowledges its receipt and does not preclude further discussion of its contents in the Book Review section) The Baptismal Sacrifice. By George Every, Naperville: Alec R. Allenson (London: SCM Press), 1959. 112 pages. Paper. $2.00. Christus und die Pharisaer: Exegetische U1ztenuchung idber Grund tmd Verlauf der A1+seinandersetzungen. By Wolfgang Beilner. Vienna: Verlag Herder, 1959. xi + 271 pages. Paper. DM 27.-. The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon. J Herbert M. Carson. Grand Rapids: W m. _. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1960. 112 pages. Cloth. $2.00. Free Speech in the Church (Das jr-eie Wart in del' Kirche,' ~:arl Rahner. New York: Sheed and W 960. 112 pages. Cloth. $2.75_ From the Gracchi to Nero: A History of Rome from 133 B. C. to 68 A. D. By H. H. Scullard. Ne, Cork: Frederick 'L PraeG . 1959. xi + 450 pages. Paper. $1.75. God's Pattern for the Home. By Clarence W. Kerr. \:X7estchester: Good News Pub­lishers, no date. 64 pages. Paper. 50 cents. TheNeUJ Testament Dowments: A1e They Reliable? By F. F. Bruce. 5th ed. Grand Rapids: W m. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1960. 120 pages. Paper. $1.25. New Testament Sidelights: Essays in Honor of Alexander Converse Purdy. Edited by Harvey K. McArthur. Hartford: The Hartford Seminary Foundation Press, 1960. vii + 135 pages. Cloth. Price not given. The Principle of Truth, By Peter D, King. New York: Philosopl.1ical Library, 1960. 110 pages. Cloth. $3.75. ReaJons for Faith. By John H. Gerstner. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1960. x + 245 pages. Cloth. $4.00. Reinhold Niebtthr on Politics: His Political Philosophy and Its Application to Our Age as Expressed in His Writings. Edited by Harry: ,. Davis and Robert C. Gc ' :t·Jew York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 15 xviii + 364 pages. Cloth. $6.50. Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone (Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der 590 BOOK REVIEW blossen Vernunft). By Immanuel Kant. Translated and edited by Theodore M. Greene, Hoyt H. Hudson, and John R. Silber. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1960. cliv + 190 pages. Paper. $2.35. India and Christendom (Indien und das Christentum): The Historical Connections Be­tween Their Religions. By Richard Garbe. Translated by Lydia Gillingham Robinson. LaSalle: The Open Court Publishing Co., 1959. x + 310 pages. Cloth. $3.50. Luther's Works. Edited by Helmut T. Leh­mann. Volume 34: Career of the Reformer IV. Translated by Lewis W. Spitz. Philadel­phia: Muhlenberg Press, 1960. xvii + 387 pages. Cloth. $5.00. The Missionary Church in East and West. Edited by Charles C. West and David M. Paton. Naperville: Alec R. Allenson (Lon­don: SCM Press), 1959. 133 pages. Paper. $2.00. MultipMpose Tools for Bible Study. By Frederick W. Danker. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1960. xviii + 289 pages. Cloth. $3.75. Nature and History: A Study in Theolog­ical Methodology with Special Attention to the Method of Motif Research. By Bernhard Erling. Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup, 1960. 286 pages. Paper. Sw. Kr. 20.00. Gregorii Nysseni Opera. Volume I: Con­tra Eunomium Libros I-II. Edited by Wer­ner Jaeger. xv + 409 pages. Dutch Gld. 48.00. Volume VI: Gregorii Nysseni itb Can­ticum Canticorum. Edited by Hermann Lan­gerbeck. lxxxii + 490 pages. Dutch Gld. 65.00. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1960. Cloth. Die Religionen der Menschheit in Ver­gangheit und Gegenwart. By Friedrich Heiler with K. Goldammer, F. Hesse, G. Lanczowski, K. Neumann, and A. Schimmel. Stuttgart: Reclam-Verlag, 1959. 1064 pages, plus 48 plates. Cloth. DM 16.80. Symbolism in Religion and Literature. Edited by Rollo May. New York: George Braziller, 1960. 253 pages. Cloth. $5.00. To Live by His Word: The Christian Way of Life -Living by Grace. By Earl C. Smith. New York: Exposition Press, 1960. 98 pages. Cloth. $2.50. Wonderfully Made: The Human Bodj/­"God's Masterpiece" in the Light of the Bible and Medical Science. By Arthur I. Brown. Westchester: Good News Publishers, no date. 63 pages. Paper. 50 cents. Der BegrifJ der Haresie bei Schleiermacher. By Klaus-Martin Beckmann. Munich: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1959. 144 pages. Paper. DM 9.00. Ground Plan of the Bible (Grundriss der Bibelkunde). By Otto Weber. Translated by Harold Knight. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1960. 221 pages. Cloth. $3.95. Kurzer Bericht, wie der ehrwurdige Herr, unser lieber Vater und Prazeptor Philippus MetanchJhOfl. sein Leben J»e auf Rrden ge­endet und ganz christlich beschlossen hat. Edited by Wilhelm Heinsius. Munich: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1960. 68 pages. Paper. DM 3.00. The Russian Religious Mind: Kievan Christianity -the 10th to the 13th Cen­turies. By G. P. Fedotov. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1960. xvi + 431 pages. Pa­per. $1.95. A paperback reissue of an im­portant historical study first published in 1946. The Story of the Christian Church. By I. R. Wall. First Quarter. San Jose: West­ern Christian Press, 1960. vii + 62 pages. Paper. $1.00; $3.00 for four quarters. Bob and His Buddies. By Bob Murfin. Chicago: Moody Press, 1960. 160 pages. Paper. $1.49. Build My Church. By Melvin 1. Hodges. Chicago: Moody Press, 1957. 128 pages. Paper. 39 cents. The Christian Family. By Leslie and Wini­fred Brown. New York: Association Press, 1959. 80 pages. Paper. $1.00. Cross Without Velvet: Studies in Disciple­ship. By Geoffrey C. Bingham. Chicago: Moody Press, 1960. 96 pages. Cloth. $2.00. Dear Bob. By George Cowan. Chicago: Moody Press, 1960. 47 pages. Paper. 35 cents. BOOK REVIEW 591 Desert Pilgrim: The Story of /IIildred Cable's Venture for God in Central Asia. By Phyllis Thompson. Chicago: Moody Press, 1957. 127 pages. Paper. 39 cents. Faithful Witnesses: Records of Early Chris­tian l'liartyrs. By Edward Rochie Hardy. New York: Association Press, 1959. 80 pages. Paper. $1.00. A Concise Dictionary of Existentialism. By Ralph B. Winn. New York: Philosoph­ical Library, 1960. 122 pages. Cloth. $3.75. Existenti"lism a,d Indian Thought. By K. Guru Dutt. New York: Philosophical Library, 1960. 92 pages. Cloth. $2.75. A Glimpse of World Missions. By Clyde W. Taylor. Chicago: Moody Press, 1960. 128 pages. Paper. $1.25. Hegel: Highlights-An Annotated Selec­tic·n. Edited by WanJa O. ski. New York: ophicd Librt:r)', l'..~~. xxi + 361 pagos* Cloth, $4,75. Highlights of Church History. By Howard F. Vos. Chicago: Moody Press, 1960. 128 pages. Paper. 39 cenrs. Kagawa, Japanese Prophet: His Witness in Life and Word. By Jessie M. Trout. New York: Association Press, 1959. 80 pages. Paper. $1.00. Luke: The Gospel of the Son of Man. By G. Coleman Luck. Chicago: Moody Press, 1960. 128 pages. Paper. 39 cents. Modern Matet'ialism: A Philosophy of Action. By Charles S. Seely. New York: Philosophical Library, 1960. 83 pages. Cloth. $2.50. Atlas of the Classical ~f/ odd. Edited by A. A. M. van det Heyden and R R Scullard. New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1960. 221 pages. Cloth. $15.00. The Nattlrat Sciences and the Christian Message. By Aldert van der Ziei. Minne­apolis: T. S. Denison and Co., 1960. 259 pages. Cloth. $4.50. Patrology (Patrologie). By Berthold Al­taner. Translated by Hilda C. Graef. New York: H-der and Herder, 1960. xxiv + 660 pages. Cloth. $10.00. Revivals: Their Laws and Leaders. By James Burns. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1960. 353 pages. Cloth. $3.95. A reprint of the 1909 edition, with opening and closing supplementary chapters by An­drew W. Blackwood, Sr. The Social Sot£rces of Church Unity: An Intel'pretation of Unitive Forces and Move­ments in American Protestantism. By Robert Lee. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1960. 238 pages. Cloth. $4.50. Why I Am a Unitarian. By Jack Melden­sohn. New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1960. 214 pages. Cloth. $2.95. Existence and Faith: Shorter Writings of Rudolf Bultmann. Translated by Schubert N. Ogden. New York: Meridian Books, 1960. 320 pag~s. Paper. $1.45. Gospel a,tll 111 ytb in the T, _ of Rit-doll Bultmann (L)Evm~gelo e it Mito net Pc;;siero .. i Rudo., ._ .:m:nm). By Giovann, Miegge. Translated by Stephen NeilL Rich­mond: John Knox Press, 1960. viii + 152 pages. Cloth. $4.00. How Jems Became God: An Historical Study of the Life of Jesus to the Age of Constantine. By Conrad Henry Moehlman. New York: Philosophical Library, 1960. 206 pages. Cloth. $4.75. How the Catholic Church Is Governed. By Heinrich Scharp. New York: Herder and Herder, 1960. 168 pages. Cloth. $2.95. In the Twilight of Western Thought: Studies in the Pretended Autonomy of Phil­osophical Thought. By Herman Dooyeweerd. Nutley, N. J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1960. xvi + 195 pages. Cloth. $3.50. Moses. By Gerhard von Rad. New York: Association Press, 1959. 80 pages. Paper. $1.00. The Nature of Science and Gthe1' Essays. By David Greenwood. New York: Phil­osophical Library, 1959. ~~iii + 95 pages. Cloth. $3.75. Philosophy of fttdaism. By Joshua Adler. :e"Y York: Philosophical Library, 1960. 160 pages. Cloth. $3.00. 592 BOOK REVIEW Reason and Genius: Studies in Their Origin. By Alfred Hock. New York: Phil­osophical Library, 1960. 138 pages. Cloth. $3.75. Sociology of Religion. By Georg Simmel. Translated from the German by Curt Rosen­thal. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959. x + 76 pages. Cloth. $3.75. A Study of Hebrew Thought (Essai sur la Pensee Hebraique). By Claude Tresmontant. Translated by Michael Francis Gibson. New York: Desclee Co., 1960. xx + 178 pages. Cloth. $3.75. Kierkegaard. By S. U. Zuidema. Trans­lated from the Dutch by David H. Freeman. Nutley, N. J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1960. 50 pages. Paper. $1.25. The Lutheran Church Among NOl·wegian­Americans: A History of the Evangelical Lu­theran Church. VoL 1: 1825-1890; by E. Clifford Nelson and Eugene L Fevold; xix + 357 pages. Vol. 2: 1890-1959; by E. Clifford Nelson; xix + 379 pages. Minne­apolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1960. Cloth. $12.50 per two-volume set. Die Mitte der Zeit: Studien zur Theologie des Lukas. By Hans Conzelmann. Tiibingen: J. c. B. Mohr, 1960. viii + 241 pages. Cloth, DM 27.00; paper, DM 23.60. Nietzsche. By H. Van Riessen. Translated by Dirk Jellema. Nutley, N. J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1960. 51 pages. Paper. $1.25. Apocalypse 12: Histoire de l'exegese. By Pierre Urigent. Tiibingen: J. c. B. Mohr, 1959. vi + 154 pages. Paper. Price not given. The Biblical Doctri17e of Initiation: A The­ology of Baptism and Evangelism. By R. E. O. White. Grand Rapids: W m. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1960. 392 pages. Cloth. $6.00. The Book of Mary (Les Evangiles de la Vierge). By Henri Daniel-Rops. Translated by Alastair Guinan. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1960. 224 pages. Cloth. $4.95. Bultmann. By Hermann Ridderbos. Trans­lated from the Dutch by David H. Freeman. Nutley, N. J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1960. 46 pages. Paper. $1.25. The Church's Mission to the Educated American. By Joel H. Nederhood. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1960. xii + 163 pages. Paper. $2.50. Dewey. By Gordon Clark. Nutley, N. J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1960. 69 pages. Paper. $1.50. Aus der Welt der Reformation: Mit einer Liste der Veroffentlichungen der Verfasser. By Fritz Blanke. Ziirich: Zwingli Verlag, 1960. 112 pages. Boards. Sw. Fr. 14.50. The Book of Leviticus: Commentary. By Carroll Stuhlmueller. New York: Paulist Press, 1960. 96 pages. Paper. 75 cents. Difficulties in Christian Belief. By Alasdair C. MacIntyre. New York: Philosophical Li­brary, 1960. 126 pages. Cloth. $3.75. The Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr. By Edward John Carnell. Grand Rapids; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1960. 250 pages. Paper. $2.45. A large-size paperback reprint of the 1950 edition, with minor re­visions. The Scottish Reformation. By Gordon Donaldson. New York: Cambridge Univer­sity Press, 1960. 242 pages. Cloth. $5.50. The Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. By John D. Godsey. Philadelphia: The West­minster Press, 1960. 299 pages. Cloth. $6.00. The Theology of the lHajor Sects. By John H. Gerstner. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1960. 206 pages. Cloth. $3.95. Top Secret Bible Qttizzes. By Margaret Anderson. Chicago: Moody Press, 1960. 64 pages. Paper. 60 cents. The Turtle Dove: A Story of the Moun­tains of Algeria. By Ferdinand Duchene. Translated from the French by Isabelle May and Emily M. Newton. Chicago: Moody Press. No date. 256 pages. Paper. 89 cents. The Voice of Authority. By George W. Marston. Nutley, N. J.: Presbyterian andRe­formed Publishing Co., 1960. xvi + 110 pages. Cloth. $2.00.