Full Text for CTM Book Review 18-5 (Text)

arnurnr~ta m~tn1ngirul flnut1}ly Continuing LEHRE UNO WEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LUTH. HOMlLETlK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERL Y-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol.xvm May, 1947 CONTENTS The lUelanchthonian Blight. Richard R. Caemmerer Conference Paper on Romans 4:5. H . J. Bollman . Sennon Study on Micah 7:14-20. Th. Laetsch Outlines on the Nitzsch Gospel Selections Miscellanea Theological Observer Book Review No.5 Pap 321 338 M8 364) __ _ 374 388 .396 Ein Predlger muss n!cbt alleln w d - den. aJao daM er die Scbafe unter- weise. wle ale recbte ChrIsten sollen seln.sondern auch daneben den Woe1- fen wehnn. da8s lie die Schafe n!cbt angrelfen und mit falscber Lehre ver- fuehren und Irrtum elnfuehren. Es Jst Jteln Dtag. du die Leute mehr bel der Klrcbe behae1t dean die gute Predlgt. - Apologte. An. 24 Luthe7- If the trumpet live an uncertain sound. who ahall prepare hlmIelf to the battle ? - 1 COf'. 14:3 Published by the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, aud Other States CONCORDIA PUBUSBING BOUSE, St. Louis 18, Mo. pUKftIJ IN 17 ... &. Book Review All books reviewed in this periodical may be procured from or through Con- cordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis 18, Mo. Things Surely to be Believed. By E. Schuyler English. Our Hope Press, New York. 307 pages, 51fzx8. $3.00. Our Lutheran Faith. By J. B. Gardner. Lutheran Literary Board, Burlington, Iowa. 80 pages, 51fz X 81f2. 75 cents. Here are two new books designed for the indoctrination of Christian adults, the first being basically Reformed Fundamentalist and the second, Lutheran. The one by Dr. English bears the explanatory subtitle "Primer of Bible Doctrine" and is the first volume in a series of four. The others are to be named "Things that Accompany Salvation," "Things Hard to be Understood," and "Things Shortly to Come to Pass." This perhaps explains why a number of important subjects, as, for example, the Means of Grace, the Sacraments, and Predestination, have been omitted. The twenty-two chapters of this volume appeared in OUT Hope over a period of about two and a half years and expound such fundamentals as the Inspiration of the Scriptures, the Trinity, the Deity, Incarnation, Virgin Birth, and Sinlessness of Christ; His Atonement and Bodily Resurrection; the Person and Work of the Holy Ghost: Repentance, Regeneration, Justification, and Sanctification; the Good and Evil Angels, Creation, the Chris- tian's Two Natures, Eternal Security, and the Second Coming of Christ. The presentation is in language so clear and simple that the volume may well serve as a textbook for beginners; yet even 'advanced students will no doubt welcome it on account of the completeness of its discussions and the excellent evaluation of Scripture passages. The reviewer commends especially the fine defense of Verbal Inspiration, Christ's atonement, and the sola fide. The writer shows his Reformed background in his treatment of "Eternal Security," Holy Baptism, and the immediate operation of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of men ("A person is made a mem- ber of Christ's Body by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is an act of God within the believer," p. 129). In defending pre- millennialism the author is definite, but not severely controversial. The book contains much apologetic material that may be of value to the minister. OUT Lutheran Faith is a distinctively Lutheran guide for adult instruction which proceeds from the premise that also adult con- firmands should be thoroughly indoctrinated. The author states that he has used the outlines for twenty years with great success in connection with the Catechism and a "Book of Instruction" written by him. The lectures closely follow Luther's Catechism, are well outlined and organized, and offer a wealth of religious and historical information in brief and effective presentation. We recommend the book both for its approach and content. The writer defends the plenary inspiration of the Bible and the sola gratia, and his theology is, in all fundamentals, thoroughly orthodox. There are, however, also statements that must be questioned. For "God's inspiration is progressive" (p. 2), it should read: "God's revelation is progressive," which no doubt the writer had in mind. [396] BOOK REVIEW 397 For him to say that "the length of each 'day' in the creation history is of minor importance" (p. 24), ignores the fact that manifestly Genesis speaks neither of seconds nor of epochs, but of natural days, a fact which ministers should not be afraid to confess. With regard to the creation of the angels (p. 25) it should be stated that they, too, were made by God within the time of the hexahemeron, since errorists teach otherwise on this point. It is hardly adequate to say that the Baptism of Jesus "was not Christian baptism, for Jesus had no sins to be washed away; it was merely preparatory, an anointing for His Messianic work" (p. 33), as our Lord Himself motivated it by saying: "It becometh us to fulfill all righteousness" (Matt. 3: 15), thus showing that also in His Baptism He put Himself under the Law. The definition of the term "Church" (p. 45) is not complete without proper emphasis on the invisible Church, which the book does not mention. The writer's explanation of the petition "Thy will be done" as meaning: "Help me honestly to endeavor to do Thy will and thus bring about Thy will in society" (p. 57) does not take into consideration the important doctrinal elements in Luther's explanation that should be stressed. The statement: "A baptism for the sake of naming the baby, without a real faith in Christ, may be a mere superstition, and so of less than no value" (p. 61) overlooks the fact of sacramental objectivity. Careful rewording of the paragraphs describing the difference between the vows of Baptism and of confirmation (p. 69) would be desired. When the author says: "Absolution must always be conditional" (p. 74), he contradicts what Luther has always empha- sized on this score. It is Lutheran teaching that Absolution should always be categorical. The statement: "In our baptismal covenant God promised us forgiveness, and in the Lord's Supper this promise is carried out" (p. 76) is in opposition to what the author stated before with regard to the benefit of Holy Baptism. The careful student will find other inaccurate and misleading statements that might be eliminated in a revision of the text. Our purpose in directing attention to them is not to obscure the many excellencies of the book as a whole, but to make it still more serviceable as, a soundly Lutheran "Guide for Adult Instruction," which we cor- dially recommend to our pastors for diligent and critical study. JOHN THEODORE MUELLER Road to Reformation. By Heinrich Boehmer. Martin Luther to the year 1521. Translated from the German by John W. Doberstein and Theodore G. Tappert. Muhlenberg Press, Philadelphia, Pa. VIII and 449 pages. $4.00. This is not a new book, but the translation of an old standard classic: Der Junge Luther; not old in the sense that it is out of date; it is still the best biography of young Luther on the market; but old in years as books go nowadays. It was published in 1925 by the Flamberg-Verlag in Gotha, illustrated with numerous woodcuts and copper etchings of the 16th century. The book was at once hailed as a valuable text, indispensable for every student of Reformation history. At that time it was true, as the reviewer in Lehre und Wehre (LXXII, 306) stated, that Boehmer shattered many old (and not so old) legends that had been woven around the central Reformation figure. The book is not quite so sensa- tional now as the reiteration of that statement, in the publisher's announcement seems to indicate; after all, Boehmer's findings, 398 BOOK REVIEW have been incorporated in the Reformation literature of the past twenty years. But for the first time the book is now offered to the average American reader. And - again to quote the previously cited review - there is not a stale sentence in it, and every page reveals the profound scholar and able writer. It is popular, addressed primarily to the general reader interested in Protestant history. There is no scientific apparatus; but it is not needed; necessary references are incorporated in the text; the bulk of the author's narration is based on Luther's own words. Best of all: It is authentic, dependable. He presents, not an idealization - nor a caricature! - of the great Reformer, but Luther as he was and talked and wrote and lived. Boehmer, already in 1925, was one of the outstanding Luther students, noted because of his Luther im Lichte der neueren Forschung. Other books added to his fame: Luthers Romfahrt, Die Jesuiten, etc. - To a Lutheran history student Boehmer's work is especially valuable, because he never loses sight of the true meaning of the Reformation; it was a religious movement which grew out of Luther's desperate search for assurance of God's favor and forgiveness; his disappointment with the means of salvation which the medieval Church had to offer, even with that much advertised way to perfect sanctification, monkery; his rediscovery of God's true Gospel. In a simple but convincing way Boehmer sketches Luther's development, from "rank Papist" unwittingly but irresistibly led to see the vast gulf between the medieval Church and the Church of Christ and the Apostles. - Every Lutheran pastor should read this book. The translation is smooth, easy to read. Make-up of the book is good, the price not too high. - The one regret that history students have with reference to Boehmer's book is that it ends with 1521; the hope often expressed in past years that the author might complete the biography has not been fulfilled. - And one hope that Lutheran students attach to the appearance of this translation is that it might be followed by many others. Research work in Reformation history has been done chiefly in Germany, and the results are published - and for most people: buried! - in the German language. The recently organized "American Society for Refor- mation Research" deserves the support of all Lutherans; one of the objects of this society is to promote the translation of primary and secondary works relevant to Reformation history. THEo. HOYER The Healing Hand of God. By the Rev. Alfred Doerffier. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. Price, 25 cents per set. Every pastor ought to welcome these leaflets, written by the well-known author of devotional booklets, Pastor Alfred Doerffier. Sixteen four-page leaflets, 3% X 5%, are enclosed in an envelope, usually offering a meditation on a Scripture passage, a prayer,. and another meditation. The folders may be used by the pastor in preparation for his visits or given to patients or mourners. The attention of our parishioners ought to be called to these meditations as a splendid gift to affiicted and mourning friends. TH.LAETscH The Lutheran Ministrant. By Dr. Enno Duemling. Northwestern Publishing House, Milwaukee 3, Wis. 160 pages, 51f4X7%. $1.50. The author of this book is the well-known late institutional missionary who for forty-four years served the Lord and His BOOK REVIEW 399 Church in His work at hospitals, penal and other institutions in the Milwaukee, Wis., area until the Lord a few months ago called him ,to his eternal rest. It is an experienced pastor who writes here in five chapters on the institutional missionary in the divine service and visitation of the sick; on the afflicted and handicapped, particularly the deaf and blind; on the relation of the pastor to the physician and the nurse; on the work in penal institutions; and on the work and training of volunteer workers. Our pastors will find many a helpful suggestion in the little volume. TH.LAETSCH New Testament Evangelism. By Arthur C. Archibald. The Judson Press, Philadelphia, 1946. 149 pages plus appendix, 8 X 5. $2.00. Current interest in evangelism suggests a review of organized evangelism in the other denominations. Dr. Archibald is a Baptist minister in Ontario and a pioneer in visitation evangelism in the Northern Baptist Convention. His book describes the methods of stimulating a congregation to personal evangelism, preparing the visitation program, training individuals for organized evan- gelism, and conducting a visitation project. Much of the suggested technique is familiar to our pastors and parishes. The project itself is what we call "canvassing." The advantage of the book is the emphasis on spiritual preparation of the workers and on the follow-up of the initial contact. The method suggested by this book is not that of religious survey merely. The author suggests canvass calls which bring a definite witness to Christ to the family which is called on. The author suggests special types and problems of evangelism. The book is stimulating. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Convention of the Ev. Luth. Synodical Conference of North America. Concordia Pub- lishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 80 pages. 13 cents. Proceedings of the Sixty-Sixth Convention of the Western District. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 88 pages. 38 cents. Synodical Report, Southern Nebraska District. 80 pages. 25 cents. The Proceedings of the Synodical Conference offer a lengthy report of the Survey Committee appointed in 1944 by the Synodical Conference to carry out the proposed re-organization of Negro mis- sions and the action taken by the convention on these matters. Various other overtures presented to the Synodical Conference are also reported together with action upon them. - The Pro- ceedings of the Western District contain the essay delivered by Prof. A. C. Repp on "The Lutheran Parochial School" and the interesting reports of the various boards and committees on the widespread work of the Western District, covering the States of Missouri, Arkansas, and Tennessee. - The Southern Nebraska Dis- trict Report contains, besides the usual matters, an essay by Prof. W. Arndt, D. D., on "The Doctrine of Justification." We would like to call attention also to the proposed constitution of the Lutheran Welfare Council of Nebraska, pp. 39-42, which was adopted by the District. TH. LAETSCH 400 BOOK REVIEW Himnario Evangelico Luterano. Iglesia Luterana Argentina. Edicion De Emergencia (3A). Bahia Blanca, Argentina (1945). 287 pages, 5 X 6%. (Price not given.) Order from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis 18, Mo. This special "emergency hymnal," which was published by our brethren in Argentina in 1945 because their supply of hymnbooks was exhausted, is a splendid sample of the fine work which our pastors in Argentina are doing to make known our precious hymnic gems to our fellow believers in South America in their vernacular. The editor, Prof. A. L. Lehenbauer, together with his assistants, D. Schmidt, V. Dorsch, and E. Sexauer, three students of theology at our Buenos Aires Seminary, has added over thirty new and improved translations of soundly Lutheran hymns not found in any other Spanish hymnbook so far and has, besides, revised others that needed correction. The versions are smooth, fiuent, melodious, and possess the rare property, not frequently found in Spanish translations, of having the accent fall on the musically strong notes. This revised "himnario" may not be the last word in the important work of Spanish hymnic endeavor, but it is evidently a step forward in the right direction and will do much to make our Spanish fellow Lutherans in South America cherish our beautiful Lutheran hymns. In the fore part of the hymnbook there are offered the Common Order Communion Service and the Introits for all Sundays in the church year. May God bless also this work of our brethren in South America. JOHN THEODORE MUELLER BOOKS RECEIVED From Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, New York, N. Y.: The Lectern. A Book of Public Prayers. By Carl A. Glover. 224 pages, 4 X 6. $1.50. Public Relations for Churches. By Stewart Harral. 136 pages, 5X7%. $1.00. What New Doctrine Is This? By Bob Shuler. 192 pages, 51f4x 7%. $1.75. Living Memorials. Principles and Plans for Church Memorials. By J. Randolph Sasnett. 192 pages, 8¥4x5%. $2.50. This book contains suggestions and techniques for securing memorials, with an appendix of dedicatory resource material and poetry for dedicatory purposes. Where Are the People? By Sidney W. Powell. 223 pages, 7¥4x5. $1.75. The technique of person-to-person evangelism presented makes this book worth-while reading. Where the New World Begins. By James Reid. 218 pages, 5%X8. $2.00. Thou Preparest a Table. By William C. Sweath. 128 pages, 5X7%. $1.00. From Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, Minn.: With Hands Uplifted. By Joseph L. Knutson. Twelve Lenten Addresses. 159 pages, 7%x5lJ4. $2.00.