Full Text for CTM Book Review 19-1 (Text)

Qtnurnr~tu IDqrulngtrul :!Inutl}ly Continuing LEHRE UNO VVEHRE MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLy-THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. XIX January, 1948 No.1 CONTENTS Pale Foreword. W. Arndt _______ ______________ __ ___ _________ . __ __ _____________ ._. ____ .. _._ 1 The Word Principle in Martin Luther. Carl Walter Berner .... _ .. __ .. _._ - 13 The Pictish Church, a Victim of Garbled History. F. R. Webber 28 The Most Important Social Problem of New Testament Times - Slavery. E. C. Matte _ .. _ ...... __ .... _ ......... _ _ ..... _ .... __ .. _ ....... __ . 34 The Nassau Pericopcs _. __ . ____ . ___ ._____ ._ _ __ . __ . ___ .. _ .. _. ____ . __ .. ___ ._. __ ._ .. _ ... _ . .... _ 44 Miscellanea ._. _______ ....... _._ .. _ ..__ _ ______ __ . _______ ._ . __ .. _ .. ______ .... ____ ... ___ . __ .' .. '_.". __ ._._.' 55 Theological Observer ___ . . _ .. _. ___ .__ _____ .... __ __ ._ .......... _. __ __ . __ ._ .. __ . ___ ._ ... _ .... __ _ _ 60 Book Review .. __ . __ . ______ . _____ .. ___ . ___ .. ____ __ ___ __ ___ . ___ ... _ ....... _ ... __ _ 'i7 Eln Prediger muss nicht alIeln wei- den, also dass er die Schafe unter- weise, wie sic re<:hte Christen sollen sein, sondem auch daneben den Woel- fen wehTen, dass sle die Schafe nicht angrel!cn und mit falscher Lehre ver- tuehren und JTrtum elnfuehren. Lv.thn Es 1st kein Ding, das die Leute mehr bci der K1rche behaelt denn die gute Predlgt. - Apologle, A n . 24 If the trumpet g ive an uncertain sound, who shall p repare hlm8elf to the battle? -1 eOf'. 14:8 P ublished by the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBUSBING BOUSE, St Louis 18, Mo. PUl/DD [N '11'. B. A. Book Review All books reviewed in thls periodical may be procured from or tbrough Con- cordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Je:lferson Ave., St. Louis 18, Mo. The Lutheran Liturgy. By Luther W. Reed. Muhlenberg Press, Philadelphia. 692 pages. $7.50. 1947. Order through Con- cordia Publishing House, St. Louis 18, Mo. The subtitle of this book is: "A Study of the Common Service of the Lutheran Church in America." It is really more than that. The esteemed author, in eight chapters, before he takes up the discussion of the Common Service, treats the liturgical activity of the Christian Church from the beginning. These chapters present a very acceptable picture of the liturgical development in the Eastern and the Western Church prior to the Reformation, as well as the developments after the Reformation in the German, English, and Scandinavian countries and in the Lutheran Church in America. Then, after giving the story of the origin of the Common Service, the second part of the book is devoted to a commentary on the Order of the Holy Communion, the Minor Services, the Propers, the Litany, the Suffrages, and the Bidding Prayer and the General Prayers. He brings a wealth of material, and every pastor interested at all in the worship services of the Church will want this book for study and ready reference, even though the price seems high, which it is not, considering the scope of the work. The book has a good glossary of terms, index, and bibliography. We take great pleasure in recommending it to our pastors. There are several things that we miss in the book. One is a discussion of the modern liturgical revival in the Roman and Protestant churches, which would have brought the book fully up to date. Another is a lack of appreciation of the work of the sainted F. Lochner, whose great work Der Hauptgottesdienst der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche was really a plea for a common service. This work of a single man was ready in manuscript before the Common Service was, but could not find a publisher till 1895. We regret the author's footnote on p.175 in which he states that the Common Service Music, harmonized by Louis Kahmer, published by our old English Synod in 1906, "so far as melodies, adaptation to text, and even ornamental details of printing are concerned, was borrowed from Archer and Reed, Choral Service Book, 1901, without permission or credit." If that is true, then an apology is in place. We are not in a position to judge. How- ever, a careful comparison of the two books reveals a number of differences. For example, tile music is harmonized throughout by Kahmer; there are different settings, sometimes several, for the Kyrie, the Gloria in Excelsis, the Gloria Tibi and Laus Tibi, the Offertory, the Nunc Dimittis, the Benediction, etc. The un- biased observer would say that Mr. Kahmer prepared his book in an original way, on the basis of materials in the General Council's Church Book with Music, the Choral Service Book, and other [77] 78 BOOK REVIEW German Lutheran works. If the usual amenities were not ob- served, such as asking permission to harmonize a certain melody or a number of them, that was unfortunate, and we feel certain that if it were possible to do so, the members of that committee of forty and more years ago, under whose auspices Kahmer worked, would be the first to offer their most humble apologies. W. G. POLACK Movies and Morals. By Herbert J. Miles. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. 121 pages, 71/2 X 5. $1.50. This little volume is the report on a personal investigation which the author made of one hundred moving pictures. He found ninety-three of these pictures morally bad, three questionable, and only four good. He says: "We only know that the pictures emanating from Hollywood constitute a ruthless, immoral octopus, a monster whose giant tentacles have extended themselves to most every stratum of society and have overpowered and are forcing the moral thinking of children, youth, and adults to con- form to the twisted minds of the money-crazed film colony. They have gone a long way in making America's free citizens slaves to sin. This should not continue. This must not continue. Some- thing must be done." The suggested solution is an all-out boycott of Hollywood-produced pictures and the production of pictures under Christian auspices. - Included in the book are some startling figures on the development of this industry, the number of pictures produced, the weekly attendances at the theaters, the stupendous salaries paid to producers and stars, etc. While it would be wishful thinking to expect that the author's clarion call will be heeded, we believe that the book contains much pertinent material for use when pointing out to young and old the sin and evil por- trayed in so many films and the need for proper discrimination, especially as far as immature children are concerned. O.E.SoHN Biblical Backgrounds. A Geographical Survey of Bible Lands in the Light of the Scriptures and Recent Research. By J. McKee Adams, Ph. D., Professor of Biblical Introduction in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn. 517 pages, 6lf2X9. $3.75. The reader will do himself a favor if he acquires this book. It was given a favorable reception when it first appeared in 1934. After two printings a revised and enlarged edition was issued in 1938. A number of times it has become necessary to print it anew. The present edition represents the eleventh printing. In a fascinating way the sciences of archaeology, history, and geography are drawn on. Photography is made to yield delightful contributions, too, and the result is a production that is entertain- ing and useful. To give an idea of the scope of the work, I cannot do better than quote the table of contents. After an introduction giving "A Survey of the Biblical World," there follow fifteen chapters having these headings: 1. Mesopotamia - the River Coun- try; 2. Aram-the Land of Transition; 3. Canaan-the Land of Promise; 4. Egypt - the House of Bondage; 5. The Great BOOK REVIEW 79 Wilderness - the Land of Refuge and Wandering; 6. A Geograph- ical Survey of Canaan; 7. Conquests and Settlements in Canaan; 8. The Kingdoms; 9. The Scattered Nation Restored; 10. The Hellenistic East; 11. Herodian Palestine; 12. Palestinian Place Names in the Gospels and the Acts; 13. Jerusalem; 14. Asia Minor - the Bridge to Europe; 15. Graeco-Roman Centers. The work is copiously supplied with references which are printed in an appendix. A valuable index concludes the volume. As the table of contents shows, the author follows the chron- ological order of events in the presentation of his material. This feature makes it comparatively easy for anyone to use the book as a work of reference. Here and there we are constrained to query a chronological statement. On the whole, the author is conservative, and the dicta of negative higher critics do not frighten him into a quick surrender of the correctness of the Biblical narrative. The book is not only brimful of information, but, being written with enthusiasm and warmth, it makes delightful reading. W. ARNDT The Book of Youth. By C. Skovgaard-Petersen. Translated from the Danish by O. M. Norlie. The Danish Lutheran Publish- ing House, Blair, Nebr. 272 pages, 7% X 51f4. Price re- duced to 50 cents. This is a book dedicated to wide-awake, striving youth every- where. In three lengthy chapters the author treats of youth in the Kingdom of God, in the years of wandering, and in the years of transformation. "His delight seems to be to serve the young. He seems to know them in and out - their strength and weakness, their joys and sorrows, their hopes and fears, their physical make-up and psychological nature, their possibilities and their pitfalls. He speaks to the young with knowledge and wisdom, with grace and power, always interspersing his fund of precept with examples from life." (Quoted from the Foreword.) Fit- tingly there is a strong concluding appeal for the upward look to the hills from which our help comes. O. E. SOHN The Bible in Mission Lands. By Mildred Cable and Francesca French. Fleming H. Revell Company, New York. 125 pages, 7%X5%. $1.50. The authors are missionaries of the China Inland Mission, working many years in North China and later pioneering in the Gobi Desert. During the war they were workers for the British and Foreign Bible Society. Their book concerns the Bible, what it demands of each in- dividual, what it claims for itself, what it says of men and women and to men and women. They show the work of the translators, and in subsequent chapters the impact the Bible has had on China, Japan, India, Africa, Madagascar, Tibet, and other lands. The book is recommended for congregational and school li- braries, and any reader will derive a rich spiritual profit. It is well written and rings doctrinally true to the Bible it describes. It is intended for the average lay reader, and it would lend itself well for use as a holiday or a birthday gift. E. C. ZIMMERMANN 80 BOOK REVIEW BOOKS RECEIVED From Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo.: The Story of the Bible. Part 1. By A. C. Mueller. 95 pages, 5lf2 X 8%. 40 cents. The Story of the Bible. Teacher's Guide, Part 1. By A. C. Mueller. 88 pages, 5lf2 X 8%. 40 cents. The Story of the Bible. Part II. By A. C. Mueller. 88 pages, 5% X 8lf2. 40 cents. The Story of the Bible. Teacher's Guide, Part II. By A. C. Mueller. 85 pages, 5lf2 X 8%. 40 cents. Two new courses, with teachers' manuals, to be used as al- teTI1ate courses of the Senior Department of the Sunday school. Bringing Good News. A Workbook for Vacation Bible Schools, Beginner Department. Edited by Arthur W. Gross. 77 pages, 8% X 10%. 55 cents. Telling the Story of Jesus. A Workbook for Vacation Bible Schools, Primary Department. Edited by Arthur W. Gross. 56 pages, 8lf4 X 10%. 55 cents. Finding and Sharing Jesus. A Workbook for Vacation Bible Schools, Junior Department. Edited by Arthur W. Gross. 56 pages, 8%X10%. 45 cents. Messengers for God. A Workbook for Vacation Bible Schools, Senior Department. Edited by Arthur W. Gross. 56 pages, 8%xl0%. 45 cents. Teacher's Manual for Vacation Bible School Workbooks, First Series. Edited by Arthur W. Gross. 91 pages, 8%X10%. 75 cents. Children's Christmas Services: Our Wonderful Redeemer. By H. W. Gockel. 18 pages, 5lf4X8%. 6 cents. Angel Tidings. By E. J. Saleska. 20 pages, 5% X8%. 6 cents. The Road to Bethlehem. By E. J. Saleska. A Christmas Service for Family Worship. 16 pages, 51hx8%. 10 cents. The Birthday of Baby Jesus. By A. W. Gross. Illustrated by Otto Keisker. 28 pages, 5% X 7%. 25 cents. From Moody Press, Chicago, Ill.: Leadership for Christ. By Harold L. Lundquist. 113 pages, 5% X 7%. $1.25. From Westminster Press, Philadelphia, Pa.: The Society Kit, V 01. 5. Edited by Clyde M. Allison. 288 pages, 7% X 10%. $2.50. F1'om John Knox Press, Richmond, Va.: Worship God. A Guide Toward Genuineness in Worship. By Orene McIlwain. 1947. 157 pages, 5%X7%. $1.50. From Pilgrim Press, Boston 8, Mass.: New Testament in Modern Speech. By R. W. Weymouth. Fifth Edition, New American Printing, 4%X7%. $3.00; 3% X5%, $2.00. Fourth edition printed some years ago.