Full Text for CTM Book Review 15-10 (Text)
which speaks
and it is done.'" P.134. In this connection our author states: "The
operation of God is not an outwal ' itraint upon the human will. . . .
No one is ever saved against his will." That is fine. What is wrong
with the Calvinistic teaching is the idea that for those who remain
712 Book Review
unconverted there was no efficacious grace, no "mighty power of God."),
and on "the perseverance of the saints." (''The New Testament saint
need never fear loss of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. . . .
David prayed earnestly after his sin, 'Cast me not away from thy
presence, and take not thy holy spirit from me' [Ps. 51: 11] . No Chris-
tian need ever pray the prayer of David." "It is not an issue of salva-
tion, as this is settled once for all when regeneration took place."
pp. 80, 224.) - It departs from the old-school Reformed theology in
teaching the millennialistic aberrations ("A devil bound, Christ on the
throne, universal righteousness and peace throughout the world." pp.
231, 262. "During the period of tribulation the man of sin is revealed."
P.1l6. "The rapture of the Church before the seven-year period of
tribulation removes every Christian from the world." P.257. "The
baptism of the Holy Spirit is never found after the rapture of the Church
either in the tribulation period or in the millennium." P.261. "If all
who enter the millennium in the flesh are saved, as the Scriptures seem
to indicate, the Spirit will empower from within and, accordingly, will
have little need for His general ministry of restraining sin as exercised in
the wicked world of today." P. 262). And while it takes a firm stand
against the "extreme Pentecostal errors" (p. X), giving the Scriptural
refutation of "the theory of perfectionism," "the theory of eradication,"
"the theory of dying to self" (pp. 234--237), and insisting on the Scrip-
tural distinction between the permanent and the temporary spiritual
gifts ("With the completion of the New Testament the need for further
unusual display of miraculous works ceased." "Speaking in tongues
a temporary gift." "Certain sects have clung to the idea that the
unusual features of the apostolic age will be reproduced in any age where
people truly seek them in faith from God. . ., The undue seeking of
spiritual gifts results only in excesses of the most unholy kind." Pp.
191, 205), its teaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the filling of
the Holy Spirit and "yieldedness" present some curious and some un-
scriptural notions. (For instance: Most passages which deal with the
baptism by water are made to refer to the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
"The passage Ephesians 4:5, 'One Lord, one faith, one baptism' refers
to the things which are universal among Christians. All have the same
Lord; all have the same faith or essential doctrine; and all have one
baptism. It is patent that this passage could not refer to water baptism,
as the sacrament of baptism is observed in various forms and with
different interpretations by Christians. Instead of the symbol, the
reality is in view here, the baptism of the Holy Spirit." P.155.-
"While in this age it is impossible to be filled with the Holy Spirit
unless permanently indwelt, it is a sad reflection on the spiritual state
of many Christians that though their bodies are the temple of the
Holy Spirit, they are not yielded to Him and know nothing of the
great blessings which His unhindered ministry would bring." "Only
Christians yielded to God are filled." "The presence of the Spirit
abides even in the hearts of Christians who are unyielded and living
in sin." "A Christian unyielded to the Lord may possess great spiritual
gifts, while one yielded may have relatively minor spiritual abilities."
pp.169, 182, 214 f., 250). TH: ENGELDER
Book Review 713
The Fact of God. A Study Book for Young People and Adults. By
Jaco! Sessl', Ph.D. Publisl: by 1 FIem ~ H.RE .1
Company, N. Y. 159 pages. 71f.JX5lJ4. $1.50.
Our book does not teach Verbal Inspiration. "We must not forget
that the Bible was written by fallible !'10~ 'The eternal truths which
the writers declare receive the coloring of the minds through whicb
they passed.'" (P .45). It does not teach the sola gratia. It teaches:
the natural goodness of man, his moral freedom. "Man is equipped.
with a will to say yes or no to God. Man is potentially godlike."
(Pp. 106, 122, 134, etc.) It does not teach the Vicarious Satisfaction;
what it says on the Atonement (pp. 61, 66f., 88) does not present Jesus
as thE" Substitute of the sinner. And it asks the Church to make "the
reconstruction of the economic order" its business. That is to say, "the
Church must demand that the social order be made Christian." "To-
morrow it will establish the Kingdom of God on earth." (Pp. 94, 99 f.)
Much of the otller material offered in our book, particularly in the
field of apologetics, is valuable. The method followed in "The Forum"
(pp.141-159) gives useful hints for classwork. We pass on a few
striking statements: "'The heart has reasons which the reason cannot
understand.''' "Man cannot think far in any direction without landing
in n stery' Pp.117, 127.) "The Chu . lVith' 'Holy it cal
with very little physical equipment, but without that Spirit it can do
noL'1ing, even 'with the best equipment." "The modern Church in its
eagerness to report many accessions and in mistaking numbers for
strength has debilitated itself." (P. 96 f.) "Eternal life is not just
length of life; it is life with a new depth, lived for eternal values in
the fellowship of God." "On his eightieth birthday John Quincy
Adams was asked, 'How is my friend John Quincy Adams?' To this
ihe old man replied, 'John Quincy Adams is very well, thank you,
but the house he lives in is sadly dilapidated. It is tottering on its
foundations. The walls are badly shattered, and the roof is worn.
The building trembles in every wind, and I think John Quincy Adams
will have to move out of it before long. But he himself is very well:"
(pp.128, 139.) "This Carpenter, who was born in a borrowed manger,
preached a sermon in a borrowed boat, rode into Jerusalem on a bor-
rowed ass, ate His last supper with His disciples in a borrowed room,
and was buried in a borrowed grave, has taken empires off their
hinges and has had the greatest influence on history of all persons
who ever lived." (P,49.) TH, ENGELDER
The Short Story of Jesus. By Walter Lowrie. Charles Scribner's Sons,.
NeW York. 1943. 238 pages, 51hx8lJ2. $2.50.
Dr. Walter Lowrie, who from 1907 to 1930 was rector of St. Paul's
American Church in Rome, is best known through his translation of
Kierkp z:n!1."d. In 1929 he f.1J.blished ::l book :m the llic of Chr;.;;, 'which
had the title Jesus According to St. Mark. It comprised almost 600 pages:
and hence was quite detailed. The rell ,ining copies of this work Were'
destroyed in. 1941 when German fliers bombed London. Dr. Lowrie
then set to work to rewrite the book, which revision, however has not
yet been published. In addition he wrote a smaller work, one third as:
714 Book Review
long as the book of 1929, which is now lying before us. This book is
likewise based on Mark's Gospel. At the head of each chapter a brief
title is placed with the reference to the respective place in Mark's Gospel,
and in parentheses the parallel passages from the other Gospels are noted.
Thus on p. 52 we encounter the heading "The Sabbath Question."
Underneath it we read: "Mark 2: 23-28 (Matt. 12: 1-8; Luke 6: 1-5)."
At times the passage from Mark is printed out. Dr. Lowrie is a literary
artist, and what he submits makes pleasant reading. Unfortunately we
cannot be equally eulogistic with respect to the theology underlying
the work. It is true that he says that he writes as a "believer." In the
Preface (p. VII) he calls Albert Schweitzer his good friend, but he says
of him that as a Rationalist he would not have written a book of this
-kind. It is true that Dr. Lowrie accepts the Gospel account of the virgin
birth of Jesus and thereby indeed fixes a deep gulf between himself and
most Modernists. But when we come to his account of the resurrection
~f Jesus, we find that he denies Ll-tat Jesus' body was brought back to
:life and simply holds, as Modernists quite generally do nowadays, that
-the spirit of Jesus appeared to His disciples and thus furnished proof
-that, after all, He had conquered death (p. 220). He is honest enough
to admit that some of the resurrection accounts speak ,of the body of
Jesus as having been seen and felt by His disciples after Easter Sunday,
but, like some other critics, he holds that some of the accounts imply
that it was merely the spirit of Jesus which appeared to His fonowers.
That he does not believe in the inerrancy of the Scriptures and in the
consistency of the Gospel accounts is, of course, apparent from what
has been said and often becomes evident as one pages through his book.
The theologian who knows how to distinguish between right and wrong
may be encouraged to read this work, which has in it sections that are
quite stimulating, but every reader should know that here we are
dealing with a work which does not hesitate to assume errOrs in the
accounts given us by the holy men of God. W. ARNDT
Martin Niemoeller, Hero of the Concentration Camp. By Basil Miller.
160 pages. $1.25.
John Wesley; The World His Parish. By Basil Miller. Introduction by
Stephen W. Paine, Ph. D., President, Houghton College, Houghton,
N. Y. 140 pages. $1.00.
Martin Luther, God's Man of Destiny. By Basil Miller. Intro4uction
by Theodore Graebner, Professor of Philosophy and New Testa-
ment Interpretation, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. 149
pages. $1.00
All three published by Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids,
Three rhapsodies; sti.'llulating to read, but hardly history. The
author's books appear too rapidly to show the results of thorough study.
Perhaps his aim is only to inspire. He lives in superlatives; many of
his paragraphs should end with an exclamation mark. He always ad-
mires the subject of his biographies to the point of hero worship. His
Book Rev.iew 715
style is somewhat heavy, his diction sometimes careless. Better proof-
reading would improve the books.
The author's method of writing is perhaps best adapted to the
subject of the first title. It is, of course, much too early to write the
history of this courageous witness; but the present account, culled
mostly from newspaper reports, is interesting and inspiring. It should
be read with the reservation that future information may change the
picture. Without in any way aiming to detract from the high praise
given to his hero by the author, it should not be forgotten that wartime
is poor time to arrive at a just estimate of characters involved in it,
especially by people who themselves are naturally leaning to one or the
other side. Your young people will like to read this book.
The book on Wesley cannot be recommended to them, however.
There is too much of an endorsement of Wesley's emotionalism, and
his vague and confused conception of conversion and of the call and
consequent duties of a pastor are reproduced without any clarifying
The third book was reviewed in the Lutheran Witness of Jan.5,
1943. Naturally, the author's enthusiasm in this case strikes a responsive
chord in our heart. I hope it will be reprinted; people run for new
books "just off the press" who would not buy older books, though
better; and so some knowledge of the great Reformer may come to
places where ignorance now prevails. Some glaring mistakes should
be corrected. One is cited by Dr. Graebner in the introduction. A r e-
sult of hasty writing (p.19) : "This meant little if nothing to the young
student"; conflicting statements as to the time of Luther's enlighten-
ment (pp.27, 30, 31, 33). The plan of canceling Archbishop Albrecht's
debt to the Fuggers by an indulgence issue came from the Pope, not
from Albrecht; only the Pope had power to issue an indulgence (p. 45).
Not Carlstadt, but Luther was the author of the thesis (proposed for
the Leipzig Disputation) denying the primacy of the Pope (p. 56) . In
very poor taste are the repeated references to Katherine Luther's red
hair (did she have red hair?) , e. g., p. 112: "It cannot be told whether
Martin married Katie because of her scant red hair or not, but doubt-
less many times he must have rued the quick tongue and speedy
retort that redhead indicated." It was not a sharp and surprising blow
to Luther that he had to stay at the Koburg when his companions went
on to Augsburg (p.123); nor have I ever read that Frederick the Wise
died of a wound (p. l03). For pastors this book has little value; it is
a poor bargain to pay a dollar for this book when Koestlin with six
times the information can be bought for $3.00. Add Boehmer's Der
junge Luther or Kuiper's Martin Luther, the Formative Years, and you
are well supplied. THEo. HOYER
Marlin Luther, the Formative Years; being the story of the first thirty-
four years of his life. By Barend Klaas Kuiper. Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1943. 135 pages.
The first edition of this book was published in 1933. It was then
a book of 298 pages and sold for $2.00. The edition was sold out in two
716 Book Review
years. It was reviewed in the CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONrBLY 1933,
p. 636. What was said there may well be repeated of this second edi-
tion, which is hardly a revision, as stated on the jacket, but an abridg-
ment of the first. A reprint of the first edition would have been
preferable. Much of what was omitted added to a better understanding
of Luther the man and the reformer; e. g., who the Brethren of the
Common Life were; why Luther joined the Augustinians rather than
one of the other orders; why Luther went back to Erfurt after his
first term of teaching in Wittenberg; why he went to Rome. Twelve
pages on the origin of the University of Wittenberg were omitted in
the new edition, also a description of Rome and of the abuses witnessed
there. The last fifty-five pages were reduced to three. A pity! - But
the book is still worth buying. Weare today realizing more than
formerly the importance of the formative years in Luther's life. It is
impossible to understand the history of the Reformation if we begin
{)ur study of the movement with the 31st of October, 1517. Kuiper's
book supplies what is lacking in most of the shorter biographies of
Luther and histories of the Reformation. THEa. HOYER
he Theme of lato's Republic. By Robert George Roerber. A Dis-
sertation'esented to the Graduate ies of Wash-
ington University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Degree of Dodor of Philosophy. May, 1944. Eden Publishing
House, 1724 Chouteau Ave., St.Louis, Mo. 119 pages, 61hXl0. $2.75.
This doctoral dissertation was written by one of our young brethren
who recently was called to the professorship of classical la- Juages at
Bethany College, Mankato, Minn. Dr. Roerber, a resident of St. Louis,
has specialized in Greek and at the convocation at Washington Uni-
versity in May of this year was awarded the degree of Doctor of
The subject of his dissertation, presented herewith to the public,
is intriguing. From times immemorial people have asked themselves
whether Plato was serious when he in his most important work, The
Republic (The State), advocates community of wives and children and
the common possession of all property. The idea seems fantastic and
not in keeping with the usual good sense which Plato manifests.
Dr. Hoerber takes the view that there is sufficient evidence showing that
Plato was not contemplating the establishment of a state having in its
constitution such strange provisions. Not only has he with great care
studied the works of Plato himself, but he has likewise examined what
the contemporaries and followers of Plato in ancient times have said
on this subject. The proof which he presents, so it seems to this
reviewer, is quite cogent. The conclusion appears justified that Plato
was using his description of the ideal State merely as a sort of back,..
round agai • .. he could' '.€ influence of jusdce or in-
justice on the soul of a person. Dr. Hoerber, and properly so in our
judgment, warns against the view that the Republic is a political treatise;
its aims, so he contends, are ethical.
Strictly speaking, this publication does not belong to the category
of books ordinarily reviewed in these columns. But on account of the
Book Review 717
interest which Plato possesses for theologians and students of theology,
many of our readers will be grateful, we are sure, for this note in-
troducing them to this particular study. The book, handsomely bound,
contains 11 chapters. We are happy to see that in this materialistic
age, when the study of the ancient literatures in the original is eschewed
quite widely because it is difficult, a work of this nature could be
produced by one of the sons of Concordia SemLnary. W. AR."l"DT
The Truth about Juvenile Delinquency. By Dan Gilbert, Litt. D. Zon-
dervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. 39 pages, 51hx7Jfz.
35 cents.
This new book by the well-known Fundamentalist author takes up
a topic which is practically foremost in the minds of all who have watched
the tendencies in our country under the impact of a great war. The
situation is rapidly growing desperate, since a great many parents and
others in charge of young people, particularly or girls in the early teen
age, have done little or nothing to control the waywardness of these
problem children. Dr. Gilbert writes on the basis of information which
seems to be authentic. As one might expect, he does not mince words,
but points out all the features of the social disease with which sociologists
are trying to cope, with almost brutal frankness. The five short chapters
of the brochure bear the following titles: The Massacre of Virgins; The
Filth Column; The War Against Decency; The Blitzkrieg of Hell; The
Way to Win on the Home Front. We fully agree with the author when
he states, in proposing a remedy for the desperate sickness with which
Christian social workers are trying to cope: "There is just one solution
for sin-and that is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is just
one way to save our youth from sin, and that is by bringing them to
accept Christ as Lord and Savior. There is just one bulwark of virtue,
and that is the Bible. . . . There is just one way whereby young people
can be made safe from sin, and that is by leading them to 'hide away
the Word of God in their hearts.''' But we cannot agree with the
author that this desirable aim will be effected by "Christianizing the
public schools of America." Christian church bodies can and should
establish Christian schools and then make every effort to reach the
unchurched children in every community through the work of these
schools. Christian church bodies can also train their membership in the
duties of parenthood. Individual Christians working together with like-
minded proponents of decency and order can urge prophylactic measures
in their respective communities. Let the problem be studied everywhere
from this angle, and we may be sure that success will attend our efforts,
under the guidance and blessing of the Lord. P. E. KRETZMANN
The Care of Souls. By Rev. Enno Duemling, D. D. Order from author,
1737 N. 52d St., Milwaukee 8, Wis. 20 pages, 7¥4X5. 15 cents.
This brochure of twenty pages is written by one of our veteran
chaplains, Dr. E. Duemling of Milwaukee, who has served for forty-
two years in various public institutions of Milwaukee, Wis., and vicinity
as institutional missionary. Based on his wide experience, he gives
valuable advice to his brethren in the ministry in his usual clear and
718 Book Review
lucid style. He has selected five groups presenting peculiar difficulties
in the pastor's ministration: A. The Tuberculous. B. The Mentally m.
C. The Chronically m. D. The Hard of Hearing. E. In Extremis - the
Dying. We recommend the book to our brethren. THEo. LAETSCH
Christ and the Fine Arts. An Anthology of Pictures, Poetry, Music, and
Stories Centering in the Life of Christ. By Cynthia Pearl Maus.
Harper and Brothers, 764 pages, 6lJ4x9;2. $4.35.
This book, to a certain extent, reflects the nebulous character of the
knowledge concerning Christ which is characteristic of our age. Its the-
ology is often clearl,y inadequate and quite as often falls short of being
adequate. Many of its comments are shallow, superficial, insipid, and
even banal. There is, in many parts of the book, too much romanticism
at the expense of truth. Why cannot men and women who write on
Bible topics learn to accept the simple dictum of St. Paul concerning
the life and work of Jesus Christ: "I live, yet not I: Christ liveth in me.
And the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the
Yet we are far from condemning the book in toto. We feel that any
person who knows his Catechism is in a position to supply the theology
which is so definitely needed for a full appreciation of the wealth of
excellent material which the compiler of this book offers on its pages.
Most of the illustrations are reproductions of the masterpieces of the
ages, and the interpretation of these pictures is usually of a kind to give
the reader the proper appreciation of the artist's work. The choice of
the poetry is also, on the whole, well done, even if many of the lyrics
hardly do justice to the sublime topic which they attempt to treat.
The selection of hymns is, on the whole, very happy. We feel that the
shelves of many a pastor's library will be enriched by this book, since
the professional teacher will use discrimination with regard to certain
parts of the text. But the book should certainly not be made required
reading for immature minds, because only in selection of material is
there spiritual safety. P. E. KRETZMANN
'Strictly Confidential. By Alice M. Hustad. Augsburg Publishing
House, Minneapolis 15, Minn. 102 pages, 6X8%,. $1.50.
This book is designed to help girls understand themselves and the
problems facing them as they emerge into adolescence. In brief, clear
chapters, pervaded by a Christian spirit, the author shows her readers
how to improve their personality and their physical and mental health,
avoid the dangers of dating and other temptations, secure the right
views of sex, marriage, Christian womanhood, a career, and so forth.
The whole instruction, timely and necessary, is given in the spirit of
real helpfulness and Christian love, and deserves study by all Chris-
tian girls. An exhaustive bibliography and a glossary add to the
value of the book. The author is a teacher in the Minneapolis public
schools and has had wide experience in counseling girls.
Book Review 719
l\'Iemllry Book for Lutheran Schools. Grades I to VIII with Correlation
: ___ ledule. No. IS T. Published under tl ,dces of oard 01
Christian Education. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis. 263
pages, 7% X 5. 75 cents.
Mr. Wm. A. Kramer, A~sistant Secretary of Schools, introduces this
new publication of the Board for Parish Education as follows: "In con-
tent, this memory course does not differ radically from older courses ....
The organization of the present course is entirely new. All materials
have been arranged in logical units, and Bible passages, hymn stanzas,
and prayers do not appear separately as in the typical older courses.
Only the Catechism units have been kept separate, because it seemed
advisable to preserve the proper sequence in memorizing the Chief Parts.
New selections are introduced by appropriate statements intended to
give meaning to the selections" (pp.4 and 5). A distinct feature is the
Correlation Schedule, a device whereby the teacher can select the
mcmory material i..'l such a way that it may be integrated with the re-
ligious instruction in Bible History or the Catechism, or it may be used
in planning the school devotions. The Memory Book was prepared by
a committee consisting of Teachers H. C. Gruber, E. G. Luepke, Wm. A.
Kramer, E. F. Sagehorn, and George C. Stohlmann, chairman. Since
the publication or the new Catechism and Hymnal, this new M emury
Book is a necessarium for Christian day schools and/or confirmation
classes, and a aesiaeratu'rn for parents who attenlpt to fulfIll their ob-
ligation toward their children who are unable to attend a Christian
day school. F. E. MAYER
Know the Truth. A Series of Outlines on the Fundamental Doctrines
of the Christian Religion for the Instruction of Adults for Church
Membership. By Pastors Alfred Doerffier and Wm. H. Eifert. Pub-
lished by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis. 31 pages, 9X6.
Paper binding, 20 cents; loose-leaf, 15 cents.
This outline course of study has been prepared for instructing adults
in the religion of the Bible prior to receiving them into church mem-
bership. In the Foreword the authors tell us how the outline should be
used: "This course on the fundamental truths of our Christian religion
is given in outline form. The instructor is to supply the complete text
of the lesson in his own words. Each member of the class should be
given a copy of these outlines. The publisher is making them available
in bound and loose-leaf form; each has certain advantages. The Bible
must be used in L~e study of L1:!ese outlines; the proof texts purposely
have not been printed in full, to encourage the class to use the Bible.
Every member of the class should have also a copy of Luther's Small
Catechism. (See one-cent edition, Concordia Publishing House.) Suit-
able tracts on the subject matter under discussion can be given to the
grOUP for home study. While this COUJ."'Se ;s tlivideJ. ~ntc t"Nelve les::;on::,
the Committee does not intend to prescribe exactly twelve lesson periods
as the ideal for a group preparing for church membership. Circumstances
will deteTITtine the number of lesson periods required. It will be found
that these outlines have been so arranged that the instructor can readily
expand them into two or more lessons."
720 Book Review
Weare glad to recommend to our pastors the use of this outline
course in the manner prescribed. The authors have rendered a real
service to them. Before adults are received into our Church, they should
be well instructed in the doctrines of the Bible. A short-cut method
of instruction is unfair to such adults, detrimental to the Church, and
not in accordance with the will of the Lord. As it is, there is much
spiritual ignorance even among those who have been more or less
thoroughly instructed. What, then, can we expect of such as receive
a course of instruction that is very meager? Only a well indoctrinated
church is a strong church. Especially in these days of spiritual and doc-
trinal indifferentism, of a lowering of the moral standard, and of
apostasy, we need to look well to the thorough indoctrination of our
church members. The Word of God is the means whereby God would
bring man to faith and keep h im in His grace and service. The Bible
passages referred to in the outline should therefore be looked up and
carefully read and studied. After all, truth is truth, not because we
speak it, but because God has spoken it. J. H. C. FRITZ
Parish Practice. By Paul J. Hoh. The Muhlenberg Press, 1228 Spruce
St ., Philadelphia, Pa. 6X9¥2. 210 pages. $2.50.
Dr . Paul J. Hoh is professor of practical theology in the Lutheran
Seminary (U. L . C. A.) at Philadelphia since 1939. As stated in the
preface, the author presents this volume as a book on practical parish
administration wh ich he has prepared for students of theology, pastors,
and interested laymen. It is interspersed with problems based on life
situations, to which brief answers are given.
Its thirteen chapter headings are: 1. The Congregation; 2. The
Pastor; 3. The Church Council; 4. Employees; 5. Property; 6. Finances;
7. Publicity and Promotion; 8. Organization; 9. Records and Reports ;
10. DisciplLne; 11. Extra-Congregational Relations; 12. Christian Steward-
ship ; 13. Taking over a Parish.
The fact that it has been written with the polity and practice of
the U. L . C. A. in mind and for the purpose of preparing young men
for the ministry in the U. L. C. A. naturally colors the subject matter
presented and also the answers to some problems. As examples we
mention the preaching of trial sermons, election of a pastor by voting
on the one candidate recommended by the church council, etc.
This volume comes from the pen of a man who has had an un-
usually rich experience in pastoral problems and therefore will be a
valued addition to any pastor 's library. Young ministers w ill find in it
much that is very helpful. Older pastors will read it as a stimulating
refresher course in pastoral theology. The fine sense of humor which
the author displays makes the book very refreshing reading for anyone.
To Our Subscribers
It has been our custom to retain the names of our subscribers on our lists
for two numbers after the subscrip tion has expired, so that the subscriptions
could be continued without interruption in case a renewal came in late. We
were very happy to follow this plan at extra expense, but we are now unable
to continue this policy because of present conditions.