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(!Tuurnroitt UJqrulugirnl :Snut~ly Continuing LEHRE UNO VVEHRE MAGAZIN F UER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-T HEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Vol. xvrn September, 1947 No.9 CONTENTS Page / Luther's Text-Critical Study of 2 Samuel 23:8. Paul Pet"rs _________ 641 / The Blessed Results of Justification. H. J. BOllman ___________ ._. _________ . 652 Outlines of the Nitzsch Gospel Selections _______ . __ . __ . ________ . _____ . ___________ . 660 Miscellanea ... __ ....... _. __ ._ ... _._ ............. _ ...... _ ...... __ ._._._ ... _._ ... _. ____ ....... _ ...... _ ....... 672 Theological Observer . __ ..... _ .... __ ...... _._ ..... ____ .. _. __ ... ___ ... ___ .... _ .... _ ... _ ... _._._ .......... _. 697 Book Review _ .. _ ..... _._ .... ____ . __ ._ .. _._. _____ .. ___ .. ____ .. _ .. _____________ ... ___ .... _ .._ .. __ . ____ .... __ ._ 712 E1n Pred1ger muss nicht alleln tDet- den. also dass er die Schafe unter- weise, wie sle rechte Christen sollen seln,sondem auch daneben den Woel- fen weh-ren, dass sle die Schafe rucht angrelfen und mit falscher Lehre ver- fuehren und Irrtum einfuehren. LutheT Es 1st kein Ding, das die Leute mehr bei der Klrche behaelt denn die gute Predlgt. - Apologie, Art. 24 If the trumpet give an uncertain sound. who shall prepare h imselt to the batUe? - 1 COT. 14:8 Published by the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBLlSm NG HOUSE, St. Louis 18, Mo. PRm'l"ED m 11. s. A. 652 THE BLESSED RESULTS OF JUSTIFICATION year marks the fourth centenary of Luther's death, we have an added incentive to do this very thing. In the Leichen- programm of 1546 our attention is called to the fact that Lu- ther, when he edited his translation of the Old and the New Testatment, was even summoned by his co-workers to pass judgment on certain Hebrew phrases. The words pertaining to this interesting bit of news read: "Cum Rev. vir D. Martinus Lutherus edidit Germanicam interpretationem scripturae Propheticae et Apostolicae, adhibitus est et ipse, ut de phrasi hebraea iudicaret." The Luther who entered the coUegium biblicum, as it was called either by Luth~r himself or more likely by Mathesius, was armed not only with his Latin and his new German Bibles, but invariably with His Hebrew Bible and with a new store of Hebrew vocables. Thus armed, he was called in and consulted by the Hebraists of this col- legium biblicum in order to gain his advice both in regard to the reading and the meaning of Hebrew phrases. Let us also not fail to seek Luther's advice in applying the art of textual criticism to the Masoretic text. As Lutheran theologians and scholars we emphasize with Luther not only the "buch- staebische Sinn" of a passage, but as a very necessary premise the "Buchstabe," the original letter, word, and phrase of every text. (EDITORIAL NOTE: This essay is an elaboration of a paper on the same subject, read at the Lutheran Academy Convention in Chicago on Au- gust 13, 1946, and published in The Lutheran Scholar, January, 1947.) The Blessed Results of Justification ROM. 5:1-5 By H. J. BOUMAN In human affairs the results often are not in proportion to the preparations. There the old saying "The mountain labors and brings forth a ridiculous mouse" is frequently true. It is never thus in divine affairs. There the results always are commensurate with preparations, even though our limited vision and understanding fails to see it. Let us remember this as we study the blessed results of justification according to Rom. 5: 1-5. THE BLESSED RESULTS OF JUSTIFICATION 653 V.I. LlLxmw{tEYtf:<; 01lv EX Jt[crcEw<; ELQ1lV1jv fX0!lEV :rtQo<; 'tOY ElEGV ouJ. 'to'U x'UQ[o'U l'lI-trov 'I'fj