Full Text for Der Spiritus Sepiformis (Text)

5)er Spiritus Septiformis. 245 of our best hymns. When scholastic subtilities were common in the pulpit, men with a deep feeling for more spirituality gave expression to their Ohristian experience in spiritual psalms." To raise at this time the ghost of pietism lacks every justification from the standpoint of history. Even of the earlier Haugean lay preacher of Minnesota and Iowa it might have been said, as one English poet wrote of another:-He never could recapture His first fine, careless rapture. If, instead of returning to the discussion of lay preaching, prayer­meetings, and "the second birth," our Norwegian Lutherans would direct their attention to the amendment of their articles of agreement (Madison Opgjopr), they would attack a real problem and might achieve results which would lead to a greater unification of Lutheran iOTces than we have in America to-day, THEODORE GRAEBNER. ~er Spiritus Septiformis. ~n bem berannien l13fingftIieb Veni, Oreator Spiritus, bas frilfjet aiemIid) arrgcmein bem ~mlirofhts auge.fd)ticben hJurbc, bagegen aber bon ll.none (Hymni Latini, I, 242) mit grii13eret 2Bafjtfd)einIid)feit als bon ®regot bem ®ro\3en l±ammcnb lJcseid)net tn h:b , iaute± bie briHe ®±topfje: Tu septiformis munere, Digitus paternae dextrae, Tu rite promissum patris, Scnnone ditans guttura. ;tliefe ®±topfje if! bOll 2ubwig ~JCofet gegen @;nbe bcs 15. ~afjrfjunbeds nid)± ungefd)icU illietfe:\3t worhen: SDu Dift Die filienformig (lnaD, 5)er recf)tcn ~anD GOtS ft)nget trab, SDes batters gelilbt bon f)t)meltidJ, 5)ie fefen maef)eft reben tief). 2utfjets i'tbetfetung befitt bie borre Shaft bes OriginaW: SDu bift mit