(!Jl1rnlugtrul lInut41y
Vol. III March, 1932 No.3
MUELLER, J. T.: Lux Vent.,t 161
KRETZMANN, P E . Zwd pr,lktische Fr.\gen betretfs der
hE:.ligen T .. L . . . • .. . . . . . . .. .. . 107
1 AIER. W. A.: Vag. ries o� TeJldential Exogesib as Illus-
., .d by the Interpretation of Is. 1, 18..... 175
SIHLER, E. G.: A Note on the First Christian Congrega-
tion at Rome.. . 180
KRETZMANN, P. E.: Die HAuptschriften Luthers in chro-
nologi::cher Reihenfol"e 185
LAETSCH, TH.: Studie tIl Hosea 1-3 . ... . . . . 187
KRETZM NN, P. E .. Th Fu:;nlH 1 .l! actor in Preaching 196
Dispositionen ueber dlf' :..welte VOll der Synodalkonferenz
angenommene EV'n,,'elienreih ' . . .. .. . 202
Mi cellnn"" 213
Theologico1 0 "�rver. - KiI'chllch-Zp.itgeschichtlichE's . .. 216
Book ne"l � . - LiLt 1 �tur 233
E Pred\g(r muss nicht alletn WMdtn,
n' 0 er die Schafe unterwciae, w ie
ale re<:hte Chri ten 801len eeln, .. ,,,de:n
Jch d. � b � den Wocfen wehren dasa
1.. I t .. � -• .lJUI t J die hr
.. I der Kuche Lehaelt t! n d. gute
l'redlgt. - - ApoloU!:, Arl.24.
lie d' I3chafc nieht angreifeu uad mit If fhe 'rumpct rr\ve an unctrtaln sound.
fais.:ber I,e!lle �·.;fuehrcn und lrrtum e1n. who " pr"Pare �Imsc'f to the battle'
f'Jehren. - LulMr. 1 Cor. �. 8.
I Published for the
I Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other states t CONCORDIA PUllLISHING HOUSE, St- Laut • Xo.
Book Review. - l3itetatut. 233
Book Review. - £itctatltt.
New Analytical Indexed Bible. Authorized Version, with more ac-
curate renderings of the A. R. V. (American Revised Version) placed
in brackets in the text. A system of helps comprising textual re-
vision, analysis of the entire Bible, treatment of outstanding facts
of each book, 42 charts, contemporaneous history, a specially ar-
ranged harmony of the gospels, a condensed dictionary of the Bible,
and many other features of exceptional character and merit to facili-
tate the study and better understanding of the Scriptures. John
A. Dickson Publishing Co., Chicago. Buxton-Westerman Co., Ex-
clusive Distributors, 21 W. Elm St., Chicago, Ill. 5%X8%Xl,/±.
Printed on Warren's fine India paper. Price, $7.75 (and up, ac-
cording to the binding).
To give our reaclers an idea of the nature of this Bible, we might
mention, in addition to the features named ou the title-page, which is
transcribed above, that in the beginning of the volume we find a discus-
sion of the division of the Bible by the Hebrews, of the canon of the
Scriptures, and of the history of the text, followed by a history of the
versions, especially the English. A long chapter on the inspiration of
the Scriptures is inserted in this connection. Then there follows a chap-
ter on the progress of doctrine, intended to show how some of the great
teachings of the Bible, especially that on the Messiah, were gradually set
forth with greater fulness. The condensed dictionary of the Bible, re-
ferred to on the title-page, is called "Index and Digest" and covers 200
pages. Each book of the Scriptures is preceded by a page of introductory
remarks and a chart giving a bird's-eye view of the contents. At the COIl
clusion of each book we find an outline and a chapter giving the out-
standing facts of the book and another one pointing to the contempora-
neous history and, fillally, in the Old Testament, a section embodying New
Testament references. In the last part of the volume we find, besides
other matters, information on the Jewish calendar, on weights and mea-
sures, the Herodian family, and a section entitled "Topical Study of the
Bible." A concordance and a Bible atlas form the conclusion.
In stating our opinion of this new Bible, we can say that it contains
some highly commendable features. The binding, the pU]ler, the enumera-
tion of parallel passages, not in the margin, but below each verse (as in
our German Bible), the brief analyses, and the wealth of historical ma-
terial given in the helps are matters which elicit our approval. With
respect to some points we have our doubts. Is it really wise to insert
such a great amount of these helps between the various books of the
Scriptures, in the sacred text itself? 'Would it not be better to present
this material either before or after the Scriptures proper? Is not the
attention of the reader deflected too much by this extraneous, human
reading-matter? Furthermore, in point of scholarship the volume does
not rank as high as onc has a right to expect. For instance, concerning
the Syrian, or Peshito, Version of the Scriptures, we are told on page 4:
"This was made at Edessa in Mesopotamia, at the close of the first cen-
234 Book Review. - mterntur.
tury A. D. It is the most ancient copy of the Holy Bible." We wonder
how the editor would prove that the Peshito arose at Edessa at the close
of the first century A. D. Again, why does he say it is the most ancient
copy of the Holy Bible? Is he speaking of a special manuscript? That
is what the words imply. But all scholars know that the Peshito is not
a copy, or manuscript, but a version, and that the oldest extant manu-
scripts of it date from about the fifth century A. D. If he is referring
to the Sinai tic manuscript of the ancient Syriac Version or to the Cure-
toni an, he should have said so. The statement (p.4) that the Vulgate
"was condemned as inaccurate" by the Council of Trent is highly mis-
leading. Again, is it really generally believed that the so-called Epistle
of Barnabas was written by the famous coworker of St. Paul mentioned
in the Book of Acts? (Cf. p. 6.) The statement (p. 52) that the cherubim
are not angels we cannot endorse. More serious than such things are
a few doctrinal errors. In the paragraph on Baptism in the Bible dic-
tionary we fail to find the presentation of the Scripture doctrine of this
Sacrament. What is taught reflects the Reformed view. The statement
reads: "Baptism symbolizes regeneration and is the public profession of
faith and dislJipleship. It signifies a confession of faith, a cleansing of
the soul from sin, a death to sin, and a new life to righteousness." In
the paragraph on the Lord's Supper the real presence is not taught. We
are told: "The believer, in partaking of this Sacrament, enters into fel-
lowship with his suffering Savior and Master." This again is Reformed
teaching, which denies that Christ's body and blood are partaken of in
the Lord's Supper by all communicants, those that are worthy and those
that are unworthy. Other inaccurate or erroneous statements could be
pointed to. On the other hand, the definitions of justification and re-
generation are excellent, though that of regeneration should have men-
tioned Baptism. Now and then a misprint or a fault of style jars the
reader. Exclusive of the atlas the book comprises 1,639 pages.
Through the Bible in a Year. By Amos R. Wells. W. A. Wilde Com-
pany, Boston. 128 pages, 414 X6%. Price, $1.00.
Bible Sayings. By Amos R. Wells. W.A. Wilde Company, Boston, 126
pages, 6X71!z. Price, $1.00.
Through the Bible in a Year shows how the reading of the entire Bible
may be finished within one year, apportioning certain chapters to each day
and giving suggestions for meditation and for further study. In order to
acquaint the reader with the nature of the work, we submit a few samples
of these meditations and suggestions. The readings for the eighth week
are Num. 20 to Deut. 2.
"February 19. A life for a look! How am I looking to Jesus?
"February 20. Am I using to the full for Christ my power of speech?
"February 21. Moses' sin kept him from the Promised Land. Is any
sin of mine keeping me from such joy?
Book Review. - \literatur. 235
"February ID. Look up the references in the New Testament to the
brazen serpent and the water of Meribah.
"February 20. Find the interesting references to Balaam in the rest
of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments.
"February 21. Study the thought of atonement in chapters 28 and 29.
"February 24. Go through the entire book, mnxking the passages which
have chiefly impressed you as worthy to be remembered. You might use
red ink to mark those passages that point forward to Christ."
The isagogical remarks are not always reliable, as when Ecclesiastes
is dated after the exile and the statement is made that certain facts "would
seem to prove that Daniel was an actual historical personage." Pastors
may use it as a guide for similar work, while we would hardly recom-
mend it to our laymen;
The Bible Sayings are less satisfactory. While the book claims that
"it does include probably all that one is likely to meet in ordinary ref-
erences in reading or speech," some of the most important Scripture-
passages are lacking. Why should, e. g., Is. 60,22 be listed and Rom. 3,
24. 25. 28; 16, 17; Matt. 7, 15 be missing? vVhy should Is. 58, 13. 14 not
at once be followed by Rom. 14, 5. 6 or Col. 2, 16. 17? T. LAETSOH.
'!Iel' Sfird)engcDanfe ~oijllnn (\Jcrij!lrD~ nnb fciner Brit. mOll & r i e b t i cf)
6 d) e 11 fe, Lic. theol. SDtucf unb medag bon ~. lEetteI§mann ill ®uter§~
fDI). 1931. 112 6eiten. !j:lre1§: M.4.20.
~ud) aulier~alb bet s))Hffoutii~l1obe werben bie alten SDogmatitcr nod) ge~
lefen, unb biefe aUf grunbHrf)ct ~roeit fJeru~enbe bogmengefd)irf)t1trf)e :6tubte
mag maud)en aud) unlet un~ beranla\ien, bas untetlitocl:)enc 6tubium bet aIt~
fut~erii rf)en SDogmatifer wieber auf3une~men. 6ie fann uns babet auel) werf,
boUe SDienite letften, wenn aud) hie fy'tage nad) bct 0eftaltung bet Sl'itc!jc, bie
ben S';)intetgrunb biefet 6ci)tift bilbet, untet un§ niel)t ftrittig ift. :;Sn hiet
Sl:apiteln (1. SDas 6cI)icria£ beg Sl'itcl)engebanfens in bet narf)reformatorifel)en
%~eologie, 2. SDer Sl'itrf)engebanfe :;So~ann 0ctl)arbs, 3. ®tunbfii~e bet fird)IidJen
iRerf)tSotbnung nad) :;Sol)ann ®etljatb, 4. SDie beginneni>e .8etfe~ung bes Sl:itd)en~
gebanfens in bet S';)Od)Dttljobo,;ic) wirb bie \lel)te \Jon bet j~irrf)e na.rf) ber SDat~
fteUung bet fruljeten SDogmatifet (9J1elanrf)!ljon, ~~emnit ufw.), f obann ®etijatbs,
i>ann fpiitmr :l)DgmatUct ([aTob, Sl'iinig, Duenftebt, lBaiet) fowie bie thd)en~
ud)Hirf)en 5tl)eorien :;S.lE. ~ar.p50bg unb anberer barge1egt. (gg witl:> ge3eigt, tvte
®et~atbs SDutfteUung bet 6dJtiftleljte (unfidJtoare Sl'itcl)e, fiel)toate Sl'itdJe) eine
"boppelte j}tontfleUung bes ll!t~etif d)en Sl'itel)Cllgebunten§ gcgenuber bem fat~D~
lifcl:)en ~nftaltsgebanfen unb bem 6eftenibelll" bUllet. "SDet fatl)oHfrf)en 5tl)eo~
logic gegenuoet, hie einfarf) ifJre iiulim Sl'itcI)enotganiiation mit bet Sl'hd)e ubet~
lJaupt tbentifi3iert, ~efJt 0et~atb bas \))1oment ~erbor, bali nut erf)te unb jtla~te
(gtneurung tvidlidJ 01iebfd)aft am \letbe ~~tifti berbutgt. &:liet 1ft es fein :;Sn~
tmffe, bet met ii u ~ e t ! i dJ u n g bes Sl'irrf)engebanfen§ entgegensutreten, bie fiel)
aus bem rein en ~nfta1tiJd)araftet bet fatljolifrf)en Sl'itd)e ergab. SDen 6eften
gegenuber oetoll! 0et~arh, bali es unmiiglicf) ift, bie jittlidJ ®uten unb tva~tl)aft
j}tommen aus3ufonbern unb fut fid) aUfammensufaflen 3U l)eiHgen 0emeinben,
bie bann '0 i e Sl'itrf)e bUben foUen." (6. 37.) ~udJ bie mi~gIiicfte 5tl.ieotie bon
ben brei 6tiinbcn, tvie fie hie SDogmatifer l)atten, fommt 3Ut SDarfteUung. II~S
finb nadJ 0erl)atb £)tllnungen in bet Sl'itrf)e. SDie 6tiinbe ~lllien il)ten 6tanbott
236 Book Review. - ~itetatut.
in bet .Ritd)e feIbft; fie finb in fie ~ineingeftiftet, in ecclesia a Deo instituti,
wie ftiinbig betj'td)ett witb." (S.53.) //SDet magistratus ift ein @Hieb bet .Ritd)e.
IIUS foId)e~ ~at et aud) beftimmte lRed)te in bet .Ritd)e, ,cum sit membrum eccle-
siae, et quidem praecipuum'. . .. :;Sebet Stanb mUB feinen IIrnteU an bet j8e~
tufung bet ~famt ~aben, bie d)riftlid)e Obtigteit au~ einem bllvvelten lRed)ts~
gtunbe: a!S ~etfon, ball ift, alS praecipuum membrum ecclesiae unb blln
IIrmts wegen, alS SJUtet be~ gBttHd)en @efetell.// (S. 58 ff.) //~~ witb aud) geaeigt,
baB bie :t~eotie bon ben btei Stiinben ina I I e n i ~ ten .R 0 n f e que n a e n
@et~atb nid)t 3ufagte. . .. Sd)on biefet einIeitenbe Sat aeigt, baB @et~atb bet
ftbetna~me biefet iura episcopalia in ba~ Iut~etifd)e .Ritd)entum mit ftaden
j8ebenten gegenUbetfte~t. ~t fie~t in i~nen einen frtembfBtvet.1I (S.72.) - !fiit
gIauben, baB bet metfaff et bie ~e~te @et~atb§ im allgemeinen tid)Ug barge!egt
~at. Seine eigene Stellung ift abet nid)t bie tid)ttge. SDet Sat a. j8.: //:;Sett [bei
ben fviiteten SDogmatitetn] fte~t nic9t me~t bie .Ritd)e Ubet bem einae!nen alS bet
Otganillmu~, aI~ beffen @lieb bet einaelne allein feine ~;\;iftena unb @eltung bon
unb bor @ott ~at// (S.95) ift alS :tabeI betmeint. S.89: //So Ubetna~m ~iet
im ~ut~ettum bie Sd)tift bie Stelle, bie im fat~olifd)en !fielttitd)enred)t ball
~avfttum inne~atte.1I S. 102: //'IIrI~ finis theologiae formalis etfd)eint [bei