-Qtntttnrotu m~tn1ngital :lInntt,lg Continuing LEHRE UNO WEHRE -MAGAZIN FUER Ev.-LuTH. HOMILETIK THEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY-THEOLOGICAL M ONTHLY Vol. :xvn June, 1946 No.6 CONTENTS r.p The Protestant Purgatory. Th. EngeJder _______ __________________________ 401 God's Direction in Our Lives and the Element of Chance Eo W.llimichs --------__________________ _________________________________ 425 Outlines on the Standard Epistle Lessons ______________________ __ ______ :__ -;-_ 440 Miscellanea _ _________________________________ ___________________________________ 455 Theological Observer _____________________________________________ 462 Book Review _________________________________ ______________________________________ 476 Ein P rediger muss nicht allein wei- den, also dass er die Schafe unter- w eise. wie sie r echte Christen sollen sein. sondern auch daneben den Woel- f en wehTen, dass sie die Schafe nicht angreifen und mit falscher Lehre ver- ,fuehren und Irrtwn einfuehren. ItutheT Es ist kein Ding. das die Leute rnehr bei der Kirche behaelt denn die gute Predigt. - Apologie, An. 24 If the trumpet give an uncertain sound. who shall prepare himself to the battle? -1 COT. 14:8 Published by the Ev. Luth. SYnod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBLISHING BOUSE, S1. Louis 18, Mo. PIlINTED IN 11. S . A. Book Review All books reviewed in this periodical may be procured from or through Con- cordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis 18, Mo. My Life. By William Dallmann. Concordia Publishing House. 152 pages. $1.25. Here we have the personal recollections of a man who was missionary, pastor, churchman, lecturer, and author - so says the paper jacket on the book. We would add to these "pioneer in English work." Dr. Dallmann is a man of many gifts, and he laid them all at the feet of his Savior. Indefatigable in his labors, he found time somehow to enrich the literature of our Synod with many worth-while books, books that will live long after he has entered the Church Triumphant. He also found time to preach and lecture in many places outside his own parish. Those who heard him once were always anxious to hear him again. He usually had a fresh approach to a subject, always had his own idiomatic and vigorous way of presenting it, and thus was much in demand for special occasions. His leadership in our English circles has been consistently conservative - a staunch defensor fidei in the best sense of that term - and the active mission work of the old English Missouri Synod (now our English District) was due in no small measure to his energetic activity and that of a number of his contemporaries. We read his book in manuscript with keen appreciation and recommend it most heartily to the brethren in the ministry. One thing the autobiographer, for obvious reasons, does not allow to appear in his book, and that is his own deep personal piety. As one - though younger than he by several decades - who has enjoyed the personal friendship of Dr. Dallmann for almost thirty years and who had the opportunity to visit him on several occasions when accident and sickness had brought him close to death's door, the writer feels constrained to say, in closing this review, that these personal intimate contacts made a special and lasting im- pression on him. For it was evident that everything that Dr. Dall- mann has put into his books, his sermons, his lectures, has come out of a heart filled with a fervent, childlike, humble faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior of sinners. W. G. POLACK Therefore, Stand. By Wilbur M. Smith. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston. 600 pages, 5% X 8. $3.00. As the subtitle indicates, this is "a plea for a vigorous apolo- getic in the present crisis of evangelical Christianity." The volume is intended primarily for the college youth, who is frequently ex- posed to the secularism and skepticism of our age. In the first part the author discusses the forces which have attacked evan- gelical Christianity and have practically crowded out the evan- gelical faith in large areas of the Protestant Christian Church. The author quotes extensively from the writings of such modern philosophers, scientists, and theologians as have denied the funda- mental doctrines of our Christian faith. Though the quotations at times are lengthy, the author believes that "a vigorous apologetic" [476] BOOK REVIEW 477 requires that we set forth the position of the modern skeptics so fully that the reader may clearly understand the bases and the de- ductions of liberal and secular philosophy. To the reviewer, chap- ter five, "The Civilization of Ancient Athens, Its Achievements and Impotencies" (pp. 203-246), is the most challenging in the book. The author traces the glory of the Grecian culture, especially of its philosophy, and then sets forth that in spite of the dizzy heights to which the Greek mind ascended, it. could not find a soul- satisfying answer to life's great questions. Our modern culture has not nearly reached the glory of ancient Greece and is there- fore still more incompetent than Greece to bring men real and lasting peace. Modern philosophy has no answer to the problems of modern society and must lead men progressively forward to skepticism. The author shows how the modern philosophies of religion have produced their own antagonists, for the men trained in modern empiricism are despairing of their own philosophy of religion, and in many instances point out that philosophy has found many truths, but not the truth. The quotations in this chap- ter from current philosophers and so-called theologians are well chosen and will, no doubt, arrest the attention of every youthful "doubter." The next four chapters discuss Paul's Athenian ad- dress, especially the three main doctrines of this address: the creation, the resurrection of Christ, and the righteous judgment. In these chapters the author presents the views of modern skeptics on these three great doctrines and marshals against them out- standing theologians of the English-speaking world. - The author of this vigorous apologetic is the editor of Peloubet's Select Notes on the International Bible Lessons and teacher of English Bible at Moody Bible Institute. We know of no work comparable to this in the field of Christian apologetics. The author has read exten- sively, quoting over 500 ancient and modern authors; no important work of modern liberal theology has escaped his attention; seventy- eight pages are devoted to notes and references. Dr. Smith is liberal in the use of the superlative degree and is a Fundamentalist with premillenarian leanings, but neither of these two trends mar the book. We encourage our pastors and interested laymen to study this book in spite of its 600 pages, yes, because of its ex- haustive expose of modern unbelief and skepticism, and of its truly evangelical Bible-oriented approach. F. E. MAYER The Genius of Public Worship. By Charles H. Heimsath. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York. 204 pages. $2.50. The author surveys the subject of worship from early times down to the present. He describes the worship in the Synagog, the early Church, the Greek and Roman Mass, the Lutheran service, the Presbyterian, Episcopalian, and the Free Church. He devotes a chapter to ceremonial art, another to architecture, and one to music, etc. His approach to the whole subject is objec- tive. He sums up his evaluation of the Lutheran service by quoting Evelyn Underhill: "The essence of the Lutheran service, where its real spirit survives, is God's merciful coming to man in sermon and sacrament, and man's grateful response in praise and prayer." For the discriminating pastor who wishes a refresher course in liturgics this volume will make enlightening and also inspiring reading. W. G. POLACK 478 BOOK REVIEW The Christian Answer. Editor, Henry P. Van Dusen. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 195 pages, 5¥2X8. $2.50. This book was written in reply to the present-day crisis in which the world finds itself, and it offers a liberal solution to the problems of doctrine and the social ills that have befallen man- kind. It contains five chapters: "The World Situation" (Tillich- Union); "Christianity and Its Secular Alternatives" (Green- Princeton); "Central Christian Affirmations" (Thomas-Princeton); "Christianity and Society" (Aubrey-Crozer); "Christianity and the Christian" (John Knox-Union). The editor of the book, Union's Van Dusen, has written an "Introduction," explaining its purpose and showing that what it says is the expression of some twenty-five "Young Theologians," better known as "The Theo- logical Discussion Group," among these, to name only a few, J. C. Bennett, Adelaide T. Case, Georgia Harkness, W. M. Horton, John Mackay, Reinhold Niebuhr, Richard Niebuhr, Wilhelm Pauck, and E. A. Yarrow. The heart of the book is the third chapter, which discusses "Central Christian Affirmations," that is to say, such fundamentals as "Revelation and Reason," "The Biblical Revela- tion," "God," "Creation, Man, and Sin," "Christ and the Creeds," "The Atonement," "Salvation by Faith," and so forth. Here the attempt is made to recast the ancient Christian doctrines into modern thought forms and to represent by means of the tradi- tional categories doctrines suitable to modern thought. What the chapter actually attempts to do is to justify a complete denial of the fundamentals of the Christian faith and to replace them with a philosophy of religion in agreement with conceited human reason. Really it was not necessary to write this new book, for what it says has been said already about a quarter of a century ago, and more lately, in a more refined and winning way, by Dr. Fosdick. But it is well for us to be reminded again and again of the way Liberalism is bound to go. There are fundamentally two schools of thought: the Biblical and the Liberal, and the two are antitheses. The one has a positive answer for the troubles and sorrows of a sin-cursed world; the other has none, because, after all, its theology is no more than human philosophy, which is unable to cope with the perplexities which sin has brought into the world. It is tragic that the book bears the title "The Christian Answer," for the answer which it gives is not Christian in any way. JOHN THEODORE MUELLER Stories of Popular Hymns. By Kathleen Blanchard. Zondervan Publishing House. 142 pages. $1.25. This is the third volume of hymn stories by this author. In this book she discusses sixty-seven hymns, among them not only some of the most popular, but also the greatest hymns in the English language, e. g., "Abide with Me," "Blest Be the Tie that Binds," "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," "Jerusalem the Golden," "When I Sur- vey the Wondrous Cross," "Rock of Ages," "Our God, Our Help in Ages Past," etc. By a strange oversight the index does not give the page references. W. G. POLACK Heart-Beats. By Arthur Meyer. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1945. 136 pages, 7¥4 X 4112. $1.25. "Little Messages on Subjects Which Are Vitally Close to the Heart-Strings of Humankind" is the subtitle to this book. It con- BOOK REVIEW 479 tains a series of 44 brief messages taken from everyday life, vary- ing from the stop-look-listen sign at the railroad crossing, kitchen pots and pans, blood banks, to the enthusiastic crowd at a basket- ball game. Each of the illustrations is given a spiritual application or "lesson." Or, to quote the publisher, "Each one ends on a spiritual plane, however lowly its origin, bringing out some spir- itual truth for living." While often interesting, the illustrations just as frequently seem forced or irrelevant. The applications appear trite at times, but perhaps the author will argue that it is the homely application which is understood best by the man on the street. The content of this book is evangelical, and occasionally the illustrations may serve a pastor for a sermon or a talk. A. C. REPp My Father Worketh Hitherto. A Brief Outline of Christianity's Expansion. By Eric H. Waldstrom. Augustana Book Concern. 111 pages. $1.50. This book will serve well as a textbook for men's groups and ladies' societies that have the study of missions on their educa- tional program. The author covers 1900 years of Christian mis- sions in a very acceptable way. However, he does not include missions in Japan, Malaysia, Oceanica, and Latin America. W.G.POLACK Communion Tracts. Nos. 144, 145, 146, 147, and 148. Concordia Publishing House. 5 cents each, 48 cents the dozen, $1.00 per hundred. A set of short four-page tracts, elegantly printed, with colored first page in suitable symbolism. Each tract offers a meditation in preparation for the Sacrament and a short prayer. Their use can only help increase the desire for the Sacrament. W.G.POLACK Winning the World for Christ (7 B), Lessons in Religion for Part- Time Schools, Grades 7 and 8, First Year, Semester B. Board for Parish Education. Concordia Publishing House, 1945. Teacher's Manual, 25 cents, 43 pages. Pupil Work Sheets, 15 cents. Winning the W orId for Christ is the study of the second half of the Book of Acts, prepared especially for released-time classes. The material was originally prepared by the Rev. L. Braeunig of Denver, Iowa, while a member of the staff working under the direction of the Board for Parish Education. The course first appeared in mimeographed form especially for Lutheran weekday schools of St. Louis under the direction of a local committee. The present course is the second semester study, following The Story of the Church (7 A). An improvement of past courses was made in so far as the story appears on the reverse side of the work sheets, which gives instructors an opportunity to assign the work sheets for home- work and reading. This feature was added by the Rev. A. C. Mueller, editor of our Sunday school literature. This material should be suitable also as a supplementary course for vacation Bible schools. ARTHUR C. REPP 480 BOOK REVIEW Symbols - A Practical Handbook. Compiled by the Rev. A. R. Kretzmann. Published by the Walther League. 88 pages. $1.00. Mimeographed. Second large edition. The author, pastor of St. Luke's Church, Chicago, also serves as instructor in church art at Concordia Teachers College, River Forest, Ill. His book is what the subtitle indicates, a practical handbook on the most common symbols of the Church. It answers many needs for this sort of material, as the embellishment of pro- grams, service orders, convention handbooks, Sunday bulletins. It may serve as a beginners' book in the study of symbols in the day school and in the vacation Bible school. The symbols are given in such a way that they are easily transferred to other pages. The explanatory notes are given sepa- rately. Each explanation is given with a Scripture reference, a suitable hymn from the Lutheram Hymnal, and the color scheme for the respective symbol. There is also included an excellent bibliography on church art, symbolism, architecture, heraldry, etc. W. G. POLACK BOOKS RECEIVED From Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo.: More than Conquerors. Daily devotions, April 22 to June 10, 1946. No. 68. By the Rev. Charles A. Behnke, Rochester, N. Y. 64 pages. 5 cents per copy, postpaid; 48 cents per dozen, postage extra; $3.00 per hundred, postage extra. Unser Glaube. Taegliche Andachten fuer die Zeit vom 22. April bis zum 10. June 1946. The Rev. J. Hartmeister, P. em., Altamont, Ill. Price same as above. From Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.: Home Devotional Library. Pressing On. By Dr. Lee S. Hui- zenga. 51/2 X 7%. 83 pages. $1.00. From D. C. Cook Publishing Co., Elgin, Ill.: Beyond All Price. By Grace Noll Crowell. 4%X7%. 32 pages. 50 cents. How We Got Our Bible. By Elizabeth Rathmell. 5% X 8%. 64 pages. 35 cents. From The Bethany Press, St. Louis, Mo.: The Keeper of the Door. By George E. Sweazy. 5%x7%. 190 pages. $2.00. From Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.: From Roman Priest to Radio Evangelist. By Manuel Garrido Aldama. 5% X 8. 114 pages. $1.00. After Many Days. By Joye Hoekzema. 5% X 8. 137 pages. $1.25. 101 Inspirational Poems. By Jean Connie Keegstra. 5%x7%. 92 pages. $2.50. Inspirational and Devotional Verse. Compiled by Bob Jones. Jr., LL. D. 51/2 X 8. 336 pages. $2.50. Illustrations for Preachers and Speakers. By Keith L. Brooks, D. D. 5% X 7%. 128 pages, $1.25. The Hour of Power. By John Ervin Huss. 5%X7%. 98 pages. $1.25.