IDqrnlngtrul flnut41y
Vol. III February, 1932 No.2
FUERBRINGER, L.: Gedacchtnisrede auf Dr. Geo. liIezger 81
DAU, W. H. T.: The Meaning of CRlvary in the Minds
of Modernists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
MAYER, E. A.: "DaB Wort sie sollen lassen stahn."... . 95
LAETSCH, TH.: Die Schriftlehre von del' Verstockung .. , 108
KRETZMANN, P. E.: Christi btellvertretende Genugmung
als dll,s wesentliche Moment in seinem Erloesungswerk 113
LAETSCH, TH.: Studies in Hosea 1-3" . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . 120
LAETSCH, TH.: In Memory of Prof. George Mezger, D. D. 127
Diopositionen ueber die zweite VOll del' Synodalkonferenz
angenommene Evangelienreihe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Miscel' 'Illen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Theological Observer. - Kil'chlich-Zeitgeschichtliches. . 140
Book Review. - Litemtur .. . . . . , ....................... , '" 152
ri. r .1i�er mu" nicht sHein weidtm.,
:11';0 d;JSS er die Schute untrrwcisc, wie
e .. :h t e Cbr:'iten BOU('fl in, oondern
RI1(; n�ot!n den Woclfen wcl,,"cn, dass
sie ,He S�1afe nicht angreifen und mit
falg ',,:( Lf"hre verfuehren und IT' tum ein
fuchrcn. - Luther.
Es 1st lein Dino::, das die Leutc mehr
bei drr liirc!le bch!lclt den die gute
PrnJi;!t. - Apolorit, Act. ?4.
If tIe truli pel- t,riv �n uncertain sound,
"'j, J .hal! prcpnrc himself to the b3ttle?
1 Cor. 11,. 8.
Published for the
Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States
(;l;ijrifti fteUbetttetenbe @enugtuung ag ba~ l1lefentHd)e Wloment ufl1l. 113
ein fjeifigex ®ott, bem niemanb ungef±raft 1t>ibexf±xelien fann. Unfex
®ot± iff ein bexaefjxenbe~ tyeuex, bex ba fjeimfudjt Me @iilnbe aIlex, Me
fidj ifjm 1t>ibexfeten. 18itten 1t>ix ®oti, bat3 ex un~ au~ ®naben box bel:
@ieIbf±bexf±ocfung lie1t>afjxe, bamit 1t>ix nidjt bem gexedjten ®exidjt bel:
mexftocfung anfjeimfaIlen. ~ fj eo . .2 a t f dj.
~ . ~
(t~dfti ftelluedretenbe ~enngtnnng al~ ba~ wefentlidje
Wloment in feinem @rli.ifnng~werf.
ilBit IDCiffouxiex fjalien un~ fdjon bon &nfang an 1t>ie aIle fdjxift~
unb oefenntni§txeuen .2utfjeranex a1t>ei ®fjxentiter gefaIlen Iaffen milffen,
obex fagen 1t>it Heliex, fie mit tyxeuben angenommen unb geixagen. ®~
gefjod augenliHcfIidj mit aux @1djmadj (Djxifti (SJe'6x. 11,26; 13,13),
bat3 man fidj einmal einen 18 u f dj t fj eo log en fdjerten laffen mut3,
1t>enn man in fdjHdjtex, oojeftibex ilBeife an bex ()ffenlioxung be~ ilBode~
®otte~ fjart. ®~ 1t>hb un~ IDCangd an ilBiffenfdjaft obex gax Unfennt~
ni~ unb Un1t>iffenfjeit boxge1t>cxfen, 1t>eH 1t>ix un~ 1t>eigexn, ben biden
neuen (unb bodj fo arten) :itfjeoxien aUf bem ®eoiete bex ~eologie unb
bex1t>anbtex ilBiffenfdjaften au foIgen. &liex 1t>it lennen fefjx 1t>ofjI bie
bexfdjiebenen Sji:)potfjefen aUf bem ®e'6iete bex 18iologie, bex &xdjaoIogie,
bex ~fjiIoIogie, bex &ftxonomie, bex ~abagogif uf1t>. 18i~ jett ift e~
un~ wex buxdj ®otte~ ®nabe gdungen, 1t>ie ~aulu~ fdjxeilit, a II e
mexnunft (nav v6't}(-la, ®n!fdjlut3 im @1inne bon &nfdjlag, 1t>a~ fidj
buxdj olot3e~ menfdjHdje~ ~enfen exgilii, 2~ox.10, 5) gefangen~
au n e fj men untex ben ®efjoxfam trfjxifti obex, 1t>ie .2utfjex e~ au~~
bl:frcft, aIle ~ilnf±e in ben ~ienf± be~ ®bangeHum~ au fteIlen, audj 1t>enn
man un~ be~1t>egen 18ufdjtfjeoIogen fdjelten 1t>m. - ®xnf±ex wex 1t>hb
bie @iadjIage babuxdj, bat3 man audj 1t>ofjl fpotteInb bon 18 I u t ~
t fj eo I 0 g en xebet. @1einen ®xunb fjat Mefex @ipott natildidj baxin,
bat3 bie Iutfjexif dje ~il:dje nadj &nIeitung bex @idjxift bie .2efjxe bon bex
91edjtfedigung aIlein au~ ®naben in ba~ 2enixum ifjxe~ corpus doc-
trinae gef±eIIt fjat. ilBeH 1t>ix filx b i e f± e II b e xi x et en b· e ® e ~
n u g t u u n g tr fj l: i fti b u x dj b a ~ 18 I u t tr fj xi fti eingetxeten finb
unb, 1t>m'~ ®ott, immex einixeten 1t>exben, f±efjen 1t>h nadj bex &nfidjt
bex mobexnen 91eHgion~pfi:)djorogie unb bamit audj be~ gefamten IDCobex~
ni§mu~ nodj im IDCittelartex unb fonnen bafjex filx bie bon un~ bex~
ixetene .2efjxe feine &nfjangex au ge1t>innen fjoffen. ilBix fonnten fjiex
nun fofod ant1t>oxien, ball 1t>ix un~ mit unfexex .2efjxe in gutex ®efeIl~
fdjaft oefinben, fdjon untex ben ®xot3en biefex ®xbe (benn faf± bie exfte
®denn±ni~, Me .2uifjex in feinem ifjeoIogifdjen ilBexbegang ge1t>ann, !tJax
bie bon bex :itfjeologie be~ ~euae~ unb be~ 18lute~ trfjxif±i), fo1t>ie bat3
e~ un~ anenfaIl~ nidji anfedjten baxf, 1t>enn bieIe bex SHugen unb bex
ilBiffenfdjaftlex Mefex ilBert bie bon un~ bexixetene @idjxift1t>afjxfjeit nidjt
114 (,l;~tifti fteUbettretenbe @enugtuung alS ba~ ltJefent1idje !moment ufltJ.
annefjmen 1110IIen, fintemal ba§ fcf)on in bet 6cf)tift, 1 ~Ot. 1, 18-29,
batgeIegt ift.
~6et e§ if! fcf)on um unfetet feThf! 111iIIen bon ~et±, 111enn 111il: ein.
mal hie fjetbotf!ecf)enben IBefjaup!ungen be£l IDloberni£lmu£l in biefet
~tage bot uw nefjmen unb biefe bann einfacf) mit ®otie£l ~ot± bet.
gleicf)en, 111eH eoen "a U e ~etdicf)feit bet IDlenf cf)en ift 111ie be£l ®taf e£l
IBlume. ~a£l ®ta£l ift betbonet unb bie IBlume aogefaIIen; a 0 e t
be § ~ (§ tt n ~ 0 t± 0 lei 0 e± in (§ 111 i g fe it ", 1 ~ett. 1, 24. 25.
~eH 111il: nicf)t£l 111ibet bie ~afjtfjeit betmilgen, fonbern nut fiit Me
~afjtfjeit, folange ®oti ®nabe unb Shaft giOt, batum 1110IIen 111.it bom
6tanbpunfte bet oiOIifcf)en :irfjeologie au£l, ofjne lange bogmatifcf)e ~u£l.
fiifjtungen, einfacf) unb fUto 111iebergeoen, 111 a £l b i e 6 cf) r i f t bon
C£fjrifti 6teIIbet±te±ung al£l bem 111efentIicf)en IDlo.
men tin f ei n e m (§ tI il fun g £l111 e d e fag t.
~a£l lefjten bie IDlobernifien bon bet (§tIilfung? ~ir
finben bie ~n±1110t± in ben 6cf)tifien ifjret leitenben ®eifier unb ~ot±.
fiifjrer, unb o111ar in unmif3berfiiinbIicf)er 6ptacf)e, 111enn menfcf)Iicf)e
!Rebe unb 6ptacf)e iioerfjaupt nocf) merfiiinbni£l unb ®eItung fjat. (§in
ge111iffer ®. lB. 6mitfj fcf)teiot: "The salvation which we may have
through Christ is located in the social power of the Christian com-
munity to transmit from generation to generation the God-conscious-
ness which is possible because of the moral courage and the spiritual
insight created by our acquaintance with Christ." (Social Idealism
and the Ohanging Gospel, 231.) ZSn einem IBucf)e bon ~. ®labben
lefen 111il::: "He who has learned to love God, who is the perfect Good-
ness and Truth, with the highest love of his heart and to love his
neighbor as himself is a saved man, no matter what creed he may
profess or what language he may speak .... No compensation offered
to God's justice was ever needed to make Him merciful to the
sinner .... When a man ceases from his evil ways and turns to God,
the divine grace immediately begins a work of restoration in his soul."
(Present-day Theology, 83.180. 183.) ~et betfioroene ~tofeffot !Rau.
fcf)enbufcf) bom IBaptif!enfeminar in !Rocf)eftet, in. V., f!errt Mefe IBefjaup.
tungen auf: "A salvation confined to the soul and its personal in-
terests is an imperfect and only partly effective salvation. . .. The
form which the process of redemption takes in a given personality
will be determined by the historical and social spiritual environment
of the man. At any rate, any religious experience in which our
fellow-men have no part or thought does not seem to be a distinctively
Christian experience." (A Theology for the Social Gospel, 95. 91.)
(§in anbetet, ~~he, fcf)teiOt: "The redemption of the world means the
prevalence of a healthy, happy, holy, human life." (Outlines of Social
Theology,228.) inocf) ein anbetet, 6eIIat£l, Iiif3t fid) fo au£l: "We have
outgrown the primitive notions of sacrifice, and the Jewish belief in
the necessity of an atonement is so contrary to our ideas of God that
~9tifti j'teUbettretenile @enugtuung n1§ iln~ l1.1efentlid)e !moment ufl1.1. 115
Paul's rabbinical theology does not strike a responsive chord." (The
Next Step in Religion.) 'iXfjnIid) ftefjen l8ebber unb (flarfe neoft bielen
anbern ber friifjeren IDloberniften unb SDiesfeitigfei±stfjeologen. (l8gL
®I)nobaloer. b. ~anfas~SDiftr. 1921.)
2u biefen gottesliifterIid)en 2!usfpriid)en miiflen tuir aoer nod) fjin"
Bufiigen, tuas einige ber fjerborragenbften IDloberniften ber ~et±Bei± als
red)±e ~ofjepriefter bes IDloberniSmus in ben ret i e n ~ a fj r en
gefd)rieoen fjaoen. ~miam 2!bams mrotun bom Union Theological
Seminary in Wetu glod f d)reivt : "We may define the cross in simple
language as God's method of overcoming sin by a love that shares.
It is a method of inwardness, a new spirit or attitude both on God's
part and on man's part. Atonement is not something that happens
to God. It is something that happens in God; and because this is
true of God, it is true also of man. Of man, too, it is true that
atonement is primarily not something done for him from without,
but something that happens within him. It follows that in the cross
we have to do not simply with a fact, but with a principle. The cross
is not something that happened once for all and was done with."
(Beliefs that Matter, 135.) @5s erfjeUt nid)i nur fjieraus, fonbern aus
ber ganBen 2!usfitfjrung bes mud)es, baf3 ber l8erfafler roeber tueif3, tuas
®iinbe nod) tuas ®nabe ifi. SDie oojeffibe 9ted)±fertigung efiftieri nid)i
fiir ifjn; an hie fielIber±teienbe ®enugiuung (ffjrifii burd) fein ~reuBes"
opfer glaubi er nid)i. ®iatt beflen opetieri er mit fjofjlen ~fjrafen, hie
einen d)tiftIid)en 2!nf±rid) fjafJen, in ~afjrfjeit aoer hie Eibree ber Eiige
unb ber l8erfiifjrung finb. Unb genau fo fiefji es mit ITosbid, ber fid)
in faThungsbolIen 2!usbriiden ergefji, unier beren ®d)ein er bie ~afjr"
fjeit bes ITlud)iobes (ffjrifti fitr bie ®iinben ber IDlenfd)fjeit Ieugne±. @5r
finbe± in bem ~reuB bes IDleif±ers nur "so perfect and convincing an
illustration of the power of a boundless love expressing itself through
utter sacrifice that He has become the unique representative on earth
of that universal principle and law. . .. Jesus has supplied an object
of loyalty for the noblest devotions of the generations since He came."
(The Modern Use of the Bible, 230£.) ®eine ganBe 2!usfiifjrung Beigi,
baf3 ber l8erfaffer ben ~eiIanb nur als IDliiril)ter unb' meifpiel aner"
fenni. SDaf3 er bas @5rliifungstued nid)i nur nid)i red)i berfianben fjai,
fonbern es birdi Ieugne±, ergifJi fid) aus bem ~eil feines angeBogenen
mud)es, tuorin er fid) gegen bas aIte l8erfiiinbnis ber ®d)rifi als bes
mud)es bon ber @5rliifung bes ganBen menfd)Iid)en ®efd)Ied)±5 burd) ben
®iifjneiob (ffjrifti tuenbe± unb ~tebiger, hie (ffjrifium ars ben IDlelfias
unb Eogos fjinfielIen, als EiieraIifien oranbmatf±.
Eeiber finbei fid) biefer ®eifi, ber es tuagi, fogar an ben ®runb"
pfeiIern ber d)rif±Iid)en 9teIigion BU riitteIn unb biefe fd)Iief3Iid) aUf bas
Wibeau einer oIof3en ~erfreIigion fjeraoBuBiefjen, nid)± nur fjiioen, fon"
bern aud) briioen, tuie ba5 leiber aus bielen neueren miid)ern erfid)i"
lid) if±. SDa5 ®efiifjrIid)e ber ganBen ®ad)Iage oeftefji Bumeifi barin,
116 ~~rifti fteUbertretenoe @enugtuung ag oas Illefentrid)e SJ.noment ufill.
ban man in gana feinet mseife Me ~auptpunfte bet c'fjtiftric'fjen 9'teIigion
au enHtiiften fuc'fjt, roie ba§ a. m. in einem fiitaHc'fj etfc'fjienenen muc'fje
bon msUfj. mranbt bet ~aII ift (SNenft unb ~ienen im j)Ceuen ::teftciment,
bef. @5. 77 f. 98. 117), roenn et untet anbetm fagt, ban a'V.t .7l0AAW'V mit
}.{n;(!o'V au nefjmen ift im @5inne bon "augunften bon bieIen" unb
V.7lS(! .7la'V7:ro'V in bet mebeutung "im ~nteteffe bon". ®ine foIc'fje ~uf~
faffung fc'fjroiic'fjt nic'fjt nut ben megtiff be§ lBetfofjnung§tobe§ aD, fonbetn
Ieugne± gerabeau ba§ eigentric'fje IDComent im ganaen ®tIofung§roed,
niimIic'fj bie @5tellbetitetung