Full Text for CTM Book Review 17-1 (Text)

Book Review All books reviewed in this periodical may be procured from or through Con­cordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis 18, Mo. The Preacher's Voice. By William C. Craig and R. R. Sokolowsky. The Wartburg Press, 1945. 132 pages, 5lhx9. $2.00. William C. Craig is Professor of Speech at the College of Wooster. Ralph R. Sokolowsky, who died just before the appear­ance of this book, had considerable European experience, and was speech and voice pathologist at Capital University, where he was associated with Mr. Craig. The Wartburg Press is to be com­mended for its enterprise in producing this professional volume with its fine typography and abundant illustration. Chapters I, VI, and VII concern specifically the preacher. They bring helpful suggestions concerning the vocal personality of the speaker, his preparation for the delivery of sermons, and his reading of the Scripture text. The concept of "negative capability"­speech which simply interprets thought and directs all attention away from itself -is well taken. The remaining chapters concern the voice of the speaker. A complete description of the physiology of the voice is illustrated with elaborate charts. The treatment of these chapters is somewhat more limited than that of the broader professional sections. The involvement of self-consciousness and nervous tensions in the distorting of the voice is not treated. In several respects the physi­ological data. themselves seem somewhat oversimplified. The authors assign very little scope to variations in optimum pitch between different male voices, but suggest a uniform pitch span for all. The statements: "High tenor voices most frequently use the upper level of this range" (p.67) and "There are extremely rare cases wherein there has been a speech disorder caused by con­tinuous use of too Iowa pitch" (ibid.) strike this reviewer as in­accurate. Observation with recordings of approximately 300 tenor voices indicates that the majority attempted to speak in a pitch below their optimum and produced a hoarse, or fuzzy, tone. Numerous cases were aided by raising their habitual pitch as much as four notes on the scale. Cf. also Arleigh B. Williamson, "Diag­nosis and Treatment of Seventy-two Cases of Hoarse Voice" (Quarterly Journal of Speech, April, 1945, p.189ff.) with the con­clusion: "The most common principal cause of hoarse voice was the throat tension resulting from the effort to speak at a level far below optimum pitch." Another oversimplification is the assumption that the soft palate completely blocks the entrance to the nasal cavity in all vowels and consonants except m, n, and ng (p. 56) and parallel exercises for the correction of nasality (p.111ff.). The authors are with this principle setting themselves against the assumption of the average speech physiologist that too little passage between the soft palate and the back wall of the throat cuts down head resonance and results in denasality; too much opening results in hyper­nasality. The usefulness of the nasals in exercises for resonation depends upon this function of the soft palate. The authors them­selves seem inconsistent in their definition of closed nasality (p. 77). [77] 78 BOOK REVIEW The thoroughness and practical purpose of the book, however, make it a most stimulating experience for the preacher who is anxious to improve his effectiveness and worth. RICHARD R. CAEMMERER Challenging Youth for Christ. By Mervin Rosell. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. 88 pages, 5%X7%. $1.00 Weare always happy when we can write a favorable review of a good book rather than an unfavorable one of a bad book. The publisher's jacket gives the following information concerning the author: "Has spent more than a decade in youth evangelism and city-wide campaigns, since his graduation from Northwestern Bible School and Northwestern Evangelical Seminary. Has been chosen by the youth of America to address rallies and conferences in every section of the nation, including the Chicagoland 'Youth for Christ' Rally in the great Stadium pictured on the cover. Has preached throughout the United States, Canada, Cuba, Jamaica, South America, and Mexico. Has been recently invited to preach in New Zealand and Australia in a great evangelistic mission." In his Foreword the author says: "These 'personal pentalks' have been written to challenge the youth I cannot reach per­sonally. We trust that these messages will help to meet a great need. Born and reared in an age of skepticism and mob an­tagonism against God, young people today are crying for facts concerning the supernatural . . . and will accept the challenge of the Gospel." Although written especially for youth, this book can be read by the most mature Christian for the strengthening of his faith. The author believes that the Bible is the Word of God without error of any description, that the sinner is saved alone by grace through Christ Jesus, and that saving faith in the heart of the Christian produces a godly life. A few striking pas­sages in the book are such as these: "America must become sin­conscious if she is to escape the price that former great nations have paid. . .. The influence of the American Church is ex­ceedingly weak. The nation needs a virile Church, but the Church has 'toned down' its testimony since Puritan days. To put it bluntly, the Church has become a social hall for benefits and other 'fits.' It now has begun to 'amuse, not amaze.' Its standards are disgustingly low. Its membership has lost its power. Some of its pulpits are filled with Pilates rather than with Pauls. Its policy is controlled by purses rather than by prayer. It is no longer the salt, but the sugar, of a sipping nation. Its people quote the Bible but they request, 'Prophesy . . . unto us smooth things.' Its followers fulfill the prophesied word by becoming those 'having itching ears.''' (P.13 f.) "No, the Bible is not a composite of folklore and Jewish fable. It is the reservoir of all truth-man's total knowledge of Infinity." (P.40.) "Those with little or no faith on the inside often have much religion on the outside." (P.54.) Having spoken of the insults that are heaped upon the innocent and loving Savior, the author says: "But greater than the composite of these insults . . . greater than the hate of man that put Him against the Roman tree . . . is the decision in any human heart to reject, avoid, or ignore the claims that Christ has on his life. All those sins can be forgiven, but the sin of rejection has no further appeal. (By avoiding or ignoring Jesus BOOK REVIEW 79 Christ's death for you, you reject Him!) The verdict stands! God says, 'He that believeth [see Rom. 10: 9-10 for the definition and explanation of that belief] on the Son hath everlasting life: [see 1 John 5: 9-13]; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him' (John 3:36)." (P.51.) Our pastors who purchase this book and read it will find it not only a tonic for their own spiritual life and work, but also a source of sermon material; the book is replete with passages from Scripture. J. H. C. FRITz Concordia Bible Student. Edited by Rev. A. C. Mueller under the auspices of the Board for Parish Education of the Ev. Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States. Pre­pared by Rev. J. M. Weidenschilling, S. T. D. Vol. 35, Janu­ary, 1946, No.1. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. Before us lie the proof sheets of the first number of the Con­cordia Bible Student for 1946. The publication is a quarterly, which explains why the contents are divided into 13 lessons, one for each week. A hurried perusal shows that this number is rich in doctrinal content and truly edifying. The subject treated is "The Christian and His Prayer Life" -certainly one the importance of which it is difficult to exaggerate. Here are the chapter or lesson headings: The Christian Prays; Why Christians Pray; The Great Power of Prayer; A Christian Never Prays in Vain; The Christian Prays with His Heart and Lips; Prayers that are Acceptable to God; What Christians Say in Their Prayers; How Often Christians Pray; Where a Christian Prays; The Lord's Prayer; The Lord's Prayer (continued); The Psalter, the Best Prayer Book; Review. It is evident that the weighty questions which arise in connection with the subject of prayer are here looked at. The discussion is brief and popular. Every lesson ends with a practical section, in which questions are submitted that pertain to the subject under discussion. To our mind what is submitted in this part of the lessons is really helpful. The whole number deserves a warm wel-come in our circles. W. ARNDT Junior-Hi Kit. No.2. 38 leaflets and a Sponsor's Manual. $2.00. The Society Kit, Vol. 3. Discussion Topics and Program Suggestions for Young People. $2.50. Both by Park Hays Miller and Margaret Gibson Hummel. The Westminster Press, Philadelphia. Much has been packed into these two Kits; and it has taken much thought and labor to do it. The Kits present program material along various lines, including doctrinal discussions, for juniors and for young people. The material is written from the viewpoint of the dogmatics of the Reformed churches. Also the indifferent attitude which some of these churches are taking in our day toward the truth, as God has revealed it in His Word, is given expression. In the Junior-Hi Kit we read: "Why not invite some of the Jewish young people's groups in our town to visit us? (Discuss. In holding a joint worship service with Jews, make sure to use the Old Testament only in any worship you plan. If they are attending, however, to get a better under­standing of a Christian service, plan your service as you would 80 BOOK REVIEW any Christian service of worship.)" (Program 17.) Our pastors, who would, of course, use the proper discretion in selection, can find material in these Kits which can be used in their youth societies; they also can learn what other churches are doing in youth work and in which way a variety of material can be pre­sented to arouse and hold the interest of juniors and young people, while at the same time giving them the necessary instructions for their Christian life. J. H. C. FRITz BOOKS RECEIVED From Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo.: The Golden ABC. Daily Devotions No. 65, November 23, 1945, to January 7, 1946. 5 cents each, postpaid; 48 cents per dozen, postage extra; $3.00 per hundred, postage extra. Siehe, dein Koenig kommt zu dir. Kurze Andachten fuer die Zeit vom 23. November 1945 bis zum 7. Januar 1946. Price same as above. From Wm. E. Eerdman's Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.: Satan and the Spider. By Dr. Herbert Lockyer. 87 pages, 5lh X 8. $1.00. From Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.: Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery. By Mel Larson. 100 pages, 5lh X 8. $1.25. The Second Coming of Jesus. By M. R. De Haan, M. D. 178 pages, 5lh X 8. $1.50. What of Tomorrow? By Theodore Schap. 144 pages, 5lh X 8. $1.50. Be Ye Also Ready. By Robert G. Lee. 5lhx8. 133 pages, $1.25. TO OUR SUBSCRmERS Because the paper situation is still critical, it remains necessary to dis­continue subscriptions to all of our periodicals with the last number paid for under the subscription agreement. Therefore renew your subscription promptly. Send all remittances to Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis 18, Mo.