m4tuingual AtntlJlg
Vol. XID February, 1942 No. 2
Through Justification unto Salvation. Theo. Hoyer _._........_______ 81
Luther: A Blessiug to the English. oW. Dallmann _._. _____.____._________ III
The Progressive Revelation of the Antiehrist. P . E. Kretzmann _______ 120
Outlines on the Wuerttemberg Epistle Selections ______..____..__..________ 137
Theolotieal Observer. - Kirehlieh-Zeitgesehiehtliehes ____________ 145
Book Review. - Literatur ---_____._________._________._________________ 154
Ein Predlger mUll DIehl alleln wei Ell 1st Jrein Ding, das die Leute
deB. al80 dais er die Scbate unter mehr bet cler K1rche behaelt denn
wei8e, wle sle rechte Chrfslen lOllen die gute Predlgt. - Apologie. Art. !4
seln, sondern auch claneben den Woel
fen wehretl, dais ale die Schafe DIehl
ancrelfm und mit falscher Lehre ver If the trumpet give an uncertain
fuebren und Irrtum einfuehren. sound, who shall prepare htmself to
LutheT the battle? - 1 Cor. 14:8
PabUshed for the
Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States
Theological Observer - Stird)fid),3eitgefdJici)t1id)es 145
Theological Observer - ~irdJlidJ· Beitgef dJidJtIidJe~
Man Does Not Love Sola Gratia. - Under this heading Rev. F . R.
Webber of Boston, Mass., has sent in the following interesting news item
to be published in the "Theological Observer" of the CONCORDIA THEO-
LOGICAL MONTHLY. The Rev. Mr. Webber writes:
"The great success of Mr. J . H. Pedlar in Cornwall may have come
to an end. He has carried on this work for six years, all the while
supporting himself by means of secular work during the week. Not
only has it been a thrilling chapter in our missionary history, but it
has proved overwhelmingly that a fearless preaching of sin and salva-
tion will stir the hearts of the people in this day when only too many
are proclaiming the greatness of man and of man's ability to work his
way into heaven by means of good conduct.
"For six years Mr. Pedlar has been given free use of a number of
chapels belonging to another denomination. For this kindness we have
been genuinely appreciative. But now comes the day when a new
church official has appeared on the scene and has decided, definitely
and finally, that there are to be no more Lutheran services in those
non- Lutheran chapels. Efforts have been in vain, and Mr. Pedlar is at
last forced to remain silent, simply becau se there is no available place
of worship. With the doubtful exception of a schoolroom in an incon-
venient location, there are no halls or empty storerooms to be had.
Moreover , the people of Cornwall are poor . Th e tin mining industry,
once the source of great prosperity, has been at a standstill for over
50 years. Cornwall has long been a depressed area. Just now heavy
taxation has added to the plight of the people. It is clear that only
immediate assistance from America can save the day.
"The situation is of particular interest because of its theological
angle. It is but one more evidence that sola gratia meets with opposition
wherever it is proclaimed. While the common people hear it with
great joy, yet there are others, usually of the more learned classes, who
are filled with resentment when told that man can do nothing whatever
to assist in his own salvation. Churc.~ dignitaries would have stoned
Luther to death for his preaching of salvation through the righteousness
and death of Christ alone. Wesley was mobbed in London, in Newcastle,
and in Bristol when he discovered the same truth and attempted to
preach it, and it was high dignitaries, not the common people, who were
responsible for the riots. The attempt to silence Mr. Pedlar is but one
more of a long list of such incidents. At least one other denomination
tried, only three years ago, to lure him away from us by flattering
offers; but this brave missionary preferred to remain an unsalaried
witness to the truth, living in a small rural cottage under conditions
similar to those on our own frontier half a century ago. He might have
had honor, recognition, and a comfortable mode of living had h e
accepted this offer.
"The men who have silenced him temporarily are not evil men.
146 Theological Observer -- Sl'ird)nc~