Full Text for High-Pressure Church Work (Text)
' for that is
what real inspiration in church-work should amount to. If the leader
of such an assembly deliberately welds the conglomerates into an
emotional unit, then the powerful influence of crowd suggestion may
work havoc in defeating the ends of conviction. Let us once more
quote Gardner (loc. cit., 245 f.): "These frequent large aggregations
of people, in which ... collective suggestion is greater and the units
are more readily fused than in smaller ones, constitute one of the
most effective means of developing and strengthening the conscious-
ness of the unity of men in an age of specialization of individuals and
groups; if only the process of psychic fusion can be kept from going
to the excess which effaces the sense of individual responsibility,
disintegrates and weakens personality, and res~~lts in hurtful collective
action. . .. If the emotional tide runs so high as to submerge the
intellectual life and drown all definite ideas in its flood, the second
purpose as well as the first is wholly defeated. No sentiment is then
developed, no ideal is established, but only a thirst is created for wild
and senseless emotional intoxication, which is disorganizing and
debilitating in its effect upon personality."
What may we learn from this discussion of high-powered sales-
manship and high-pressure work, especially in the field of the Ohurch's
endeavor to spread the Kingdom? In the first place, it might be well
for us to speak of "winning souls" rather than of "saving souls." It
844 High-Pressure Church-Work.
is true that the latter expression is found in the Bible, as when St.
Paul speaks of the possibility of saving some of the members of his
own race, Rom. 11, 14, and when he tells his pupil Timothy: "In doing
this, thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee," 1 Tim.
4, 16. But in both cases the idea of "saving" is that which we com-
monly associate with an act rescuing and does not con:flict with the
proper sense of Scripture. The phrase "saving souls" has, in sectarian
circles, gained a connotation which at least seems to place the burden
of the rescue from eternal death upon the church-worker, especially
if prayer is regarded as a means of saving and the "wrestling" for a
soul is a feature of revivals. The Bible tells us that Ohrist saved the
souls of all men from sin, death, and the power of the devil. "God
will save Zion," Ps. 69, 35. "He [the Messiah] shall save the needy,"
Ps. 72,13. "The Lord, their God. shall save them in that day as the
:flock of His people," Zech. 9, 16. "He shall save His people from their
sins," Matt. 1,21. "Ohrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners,"
1 Tim. 1, 15. "The Son of Man is come to save that which was lost,"
Matt. 18, 11. - But of men the Scripture says, of their labor of love
to bring the knowledge of salvation to others: "He that winneth
souls is wise," Provo 11, 30. "If he shall hear thee, thou hast gained
thy brother," Matt. 18, 15. "That I might gain the more; ... that
I might gain them that are under the Law; ... that I might by all
means save some," 1001'.9,19.20.22.
In the second place, the right kind of publicity certainly has the
sanction of Scripture. Some of the Bible phrases used in modern
church-advertising, it is true, are torn from their proper connection,
as Jer. 50,2, where a special prophecy against Babylon is quoted. But
we have the Great Oommission, Mark 16, 15 and Matt. 28, 19, to which
we may well add Luke 12, 3: "Whatsoever ye have spoken in dark-
ness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the
ear shall be proclaimed upon the housetops." Op. Matt. 10, 27. But
all publicity connected with the Ohurch of Jesus Ohrist must be in
conformity with the dignity and importance of His message of sal-
vation. Levity in publicity as well as in the pulpit cannot be too
strongly condemned. And just as important is the consideration that
the publicity of the bulletin-board, of the poster, of the hand-bill, of
the circular letter, of the radio announcement, be backed up by solid
and sound Bible-preaching and -teaching. It is dishonest to make
a claim concerning the full preaching of the Word of God, also ac-
cording to the confessions of the Lutheran Ohurch, and then present
a message which is nothing but a diluted solution of the truth. We
are to preach Law and Gospel, sin and grace, and make it a personal
message, so that in either case the hearer will gain the conviction:
I am the man. Glittering generalities and oratorial verbosity are not
in agreement with the specimens of preaching offered in the Bible,
either in the gospels or in the Book of Acts.
High-Pressure Ohurch-Work. 845
In close connection with this point we mention, in the third
place, the need of thorough indoctrination. Scripture itself fixes the
minimum requirements for admission into the membership of the
Ohristian Ohurch, and no faithful pastor may set these aside in the
interest of numbers. The Bible gives the following objectives for the
teaching of religion: Knowledge of Jesus Ohrist as the Son of God
and the Savior of the world, Acts 8, 37; 16,31; a life of sanctification,
1 Thess. 4, 3; the ability to examine oneself before partaking of the
Lord's Supper, 1 001'. 11,29; a constant growth in the knowledge of
the truth, Reb. 5, 12-6, 3; Eph. 4, 14-16; the ability to distinguish
between truth and error, 1 J ohn4, 1 ff.; readiness to defend the truth,
1 Pet. 3,15; contending for the faith, Jude 3. If we reduce these
requirements, we do so at our own peril and that of the Ohurch for
which we profess to be working. Indoctrinated hearts is the demand
of Scripture, and high-pressure church-work may never have the ob-
jective of gaining numbers at the expense of sound indoctrination.
In the fourth place, it is at least a matter of grave doubt whether
the objects of the Ohurch are served best by means of campaigns,
drives, and similar plans and contrivances, no matter how well-
meaning are the people who suggest them and possibly work heart and
soul for them. Projects of this kind almost invariably mean forcing
the issue, even if temporary success is registered. Supersalesmanship
will almost certainly have negative results in the end; for the resent-
ment wrought by jazz methods will come to the surface after the effect
of suggestion is worn off. The pedagogical slogan of the Bible may
well be put into the words: Education is a slow process. Our Lord
Himself says concerning the work of the Kingdom: "First the blade,
then the ear, then the full corn in the ear," Mark 4,28. The same
thought is contained in the famous saying of the Apostle Paul: "How
shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how
shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how
shall they hear without a preacher? . " So, then, faith cometh by
hearing and hearing by the Word of God," Rom. 10, 14.17. "And the
entire idea of high-pressure church-work is scored by the same apostle
when he writes: "So, then, it is not of him that willeth nor of him
that runneth, but of God, that showeth mercy," Rom. 9,16. - More-
over, it should not be forgotten that the Lord does not sanction a blind
going forward. He does indeed speak of a faith that moves moun-
tains, but that is the confidence resting upon the promises of His
Word, not upon schemes which collide with clear principles of His
eternal will. His references to the person who intends to build a tower
and does not sit down first to count the cost and to the king who
intends to wage war and does not consider first whether he be able
with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty
thousand, Luke 14, 28-33, are well known, and they are in keeping
with His pedagogy throughout the Bible.
846 ~tsjJofitionen iHm dne 6erie aftteftamentriq,et :teJ;te.
In the last place, high-pressure church-work must be looked upon
with suspicion because it almost invariably links a big project with
certain names of men. Luther showed the right attitude when he
refused to have his work associated with his name as long as this
meant identification with his person, and it was only when he could
definitely expound his position concerning the doctrine which was
connected with his name that he consented to the designation Lu-
theran for the old Apostolic Ohurch as it had been cleansed through
the work of the Reformation. This is in entire agreement with the
Holy Scriptp.res. Not the person should be in the foreground, but the
message; if the message is lost in the identity of the person, there
is something wrong. The Apostle Paul writes : "We preach not our-
selves, but Ohrist Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for
Jesus' sake," 2 Oor. 4, 5. This is in agreement with his words written
just a few months before: "Who, then, is Paul, and who is Apollos,
but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every
man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase .
. So, then, is neither he that planteth anything, neither he that
watereth, but God, that giveth the increase," 1 Oor. 3, 5-7. Herein the
:apostle agrees with John the Baptist, who plainly stated: "He [Ohrist]
must increase, but I must decrease. He that cometh from above is
above all; he that is of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the earth;
He that cometh from heaven is above all," John 3, 30. 31. If the work
of the Ohurch is done in this spirit, then the motto of our Ohurch
can and will truly stand: SOLI DEO GLORIA!
~i{;,pJ.1fiti.onen iilier bfe bun ber $~nJ.1bllnJ.1nferen&
Ilugenummene $erie IlItteftllmentIidjer ;te~te+
ShJeinn1l3hJan3igfter Sonntag nadj ;trinitnti~+
® en. 50, 15-21.
,;sofeplj ift ein morbiIb unferB SJeHanbeB ,;s@fu Cfljrifti. jillie ,;sofeplj,
ben fein mater Heber lja±±e alB feine anbern ie>oljne, bon biefen bedauft
unb in ,;sammer unb @Tenb ljineingefdjicH h:JUrbe, ®o±± aber biefe bofe
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feinen eigenen )Srubern im \STeifdj bedauft, mit grotter ie>djmadj nnb
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uUBi\ufuljren. - ,;sO] eplj iff audj ein morbifb eineB ieben ±reuen Cfljriften.
?lliie ,;sofeplj gottfeIig gefebt ljat, fo ber Cfljrift; tnie eB bem ,;sofeplj ge.
gang en if±, fo audj bem Cfljriften: ~er ®eredj±e mut bieT Teiben; aber