Full Text for De Servo Arbitrio (Text)
' quamvis hunc habeant in canone, dignior omnibus me
iudice, qui extra canonem haberetur." (Erl. Ed., p.195. Ed. Pr.-
Luther is referring to the apocryphal book "The Rest of the Ohapters
of the Book of Esther." See Lehre und Wehre, 71, 166.) - The pas-
sage in Erl. Ed., p.324, and Ed. Pr.: "Ostende mihi in universo
genere mortalium unum, ... cui unquam in mentem venerit, hanc
esse viam ad iustitiam et ad salutem, scilicet credere in eum, qui sit
simul Deus et homo, pro peccatis hominum mortuus et suscitatus et
colZocatus ad dexteram Patris, AUT SOMNIARIT hanc iram Dei, quam
Paulus his reveZari de coelo dicit," which is thus rendered on page
328: "Show me one of the whole race of mankind ... into whose mind
it ever came that the way unto righteousness and salvation was to
believe in Him who is both God and man, who died for the sins of
men and rose again and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father,
that He might still that wrath of God the Father which Paul here
says is revealed from heaven," is thus rendered in the St. L. Edition,
1917: "Zeige mir in dem ganzen Menschengeschlecht einen, ... dem
es jemals in den Sinn gekom';"en waere, dass dies der Weg zur Ge-
rechtigkeit und zur Seligkeit sei, naemlich zu glauben an den, der zu-
gleich Gott und Mensch ist, gestorben fuer die Suenden der Menschen
und wieder auferweckt und gesetzt zur Rechten des Vaters, ODER DER
SIGH HAETTE TRAEUMEN LASSEN von dem Zorn Gottes, von dem Paulus
hier sagt, dass er vom Himmel offenbart werde." - The passage:
a • •• Philippi Melanchthonis de Locis Theologicis invectum libellum,
meo iudicio non solum immortaZitate, sed canone quoque ecclesiastico
dignum . .." (Erl. Ed., p. 117) reads in the English translation:
" ... the incontrovertible Book of Philip Melanchthon Concerning
Theological Questions, a book, in my judgment, worthy not only of
being immortalized, but of being included in the ecclesiastical canon"·
Has Our Church a Quarrel with Science? 833
(p. 14), and in the German: " ... das unueberwindliche Buechlein des
Philipp Melanchthon, Loci Communes, welches nach meinem Urteil
wert ist, nicht allein, dass es ewig bleibe, sondern auch, dass es IN DER
KrRCHE ALS RICHTSCHNUR GELTE." The German rendering is less liable
to misconception. - "ILLUDIT autem sese Diatribe ignorantia sua, dum
nihil distinguit inter Deum praedicatum et absconditum." (P.222.)
"But the Diatribe is deceived by its own ignorance, in not making
a distinction between God preached and God hidden." (P.172.) "Die
Diatribe macht sich aber selbst ZUM GESPOETTE durch ihre Unwissen-
heit, indem sie keinen Unterschied macht zwischen dem gepredigten
und dem verborgenen Gott." (P.1795.) It is hard to decide which
is the better translation. - "Bt id sequenter probat per experientiam,
quod INGRATI DEo tot vitiis subiecti fuerint." (P.327.) "This he
proves to them afterwards from experience, showing them that, being
hated of God, they were given up to so many vices." (P.332.) "Und
das beweist er folgends durch die Brfahrung, dass sie als UNDANKBARE
GEGEN GOTT so vieZen Lastern unterworfen waren." (P.1920.) The
English translation might be preferable; the preceding sentence speaks
of the wrath of God revealed from heaven. - If one of the brethren
who can find the time for it would note the passages of the German
and the English translations which differ and publish such a compila-
tion, together with the Latin original, say in the OONCORDIA THEO-
LOGICAL MONTHLY, that would prove a welcome help to those who will
be studying The Bondage of the Will.
And surely many will be studying it. Those Lutheran pastors
who are more familiar with the English language than with the Ger-
man (and with the Latin) will want this edition of De Servo Arbitrio.
. . ~
Has Our Church a Quarrel with Science?
(Essay delivered before the convention of the Western District of the
Missouri Synod, June, 1931.)
He who makes clear distinctions teaches well. So says the old
Latin proverb. Or: He whose definitions are clear at the outset, will
most likely succeed in presenting his subject in a convincing manner.
Let us therefore begin with some definitions, in keeping with the word-
ing of our topic.
Has our Ohurch a quarrel with science? is our question. The
term our Church here does not refer to the Ohristian Ohurch in
general nor to the Protestant denominations as they have been or-
ganized during the past four hundred odd years. We are speaking
of the Lutheran Church, specifically of that body which is represented
in the present convention. It is the church organization which un-