Full Text for CTM Book Review 2-8 (Text)
ber fauff
begeuft, f>o j oIt es bod) jio
fel)n, unb tnete red)t, bas
nad) fauft bes l110rilein
"tauffe" man bas finb
obber \)g lid) en, ber taujft
tnitt, gcmt lj\)ne\)n \)nf>
tnafjer fendt unb taufft
unb tnibbet etaufl 3uglje,
ban aud) anatne\)ffeU, \)n
5i)eutf d)et: ~ungen, bas
tnortlein "tauff" ~er tum1Jt
bon bem tnOtt "Hejfe", bas
man Heff \Jns tnafjer fen~
det, tnas man tauffet. 5i)as
fobert aud) bie bebeutung
ber tauff, ban fie liebeut,
bas bet aIte menfd) unb
junblid)e ge1Jurt bon fle\Jfc!)
unb lilut loll gant erfeujft
tnetben burd) bie gnab gob
tis. tnie tnit fliiten tnetben.
5i)rumb jolt' man bet lie~
beutung gnug tlJun unb
e\)n ted)ts uoltommens
te\)ef)en geben. (lffieimarer
~usgulie, II,727.)
Book Review. - £itetatut.
(!';iu bcr aIte Iffienfd) unb
ftinblid)e ®eburt bon
t\'feild) unb mlut foil gana
erfauft tnerben burd) bie
®nabe ®ottes j tuie tntr
lJiiren tnerben. 5i)arum
lollte man bet mebeutung
genugtun unb ein ted)t
bolltommenes {leid)en ge~
lien. (6t. £ouijet ~us,
gabe, X, 2112.)
@in ~ml!nn bpI! bern liei-
ligen, ~od)\tllirbigcl! !Salra.
mcnt bcr ~aufe.
A. mom 9lamen unb aUEe,
ten moll3ug ber ~aufe
(bom ,,{leid)en" ber ~aufe).
1. 5i)er ~egriff bes ~au,
fens fd)lieflt ben ®eban,
ten bes (l;intaud)ens in fid).
(l;tftens. 5i)idaufe !:)eifit
aUf gtied)ifd) baptismos,
aUf lateinifd) mersio; bas
bebeutet, bat man ettnas
gana ins Iffiaffer taucf)t, fo
ba13 eil tinct i!:)m aUf am~
menge!:)±. 91un ift es 3 111 at
an bie!en ,orten nid)t
me!:)r ~taud), bie ~inber
gana in bas ~auftnaffet
au berfen!en unb cin3u~
taud)en, f onbern man be,
giejit fie nut nod) mit bet
&"danb aus bem~aufl11affer.
~HJet es follte bod) fo fein
unb es tntire red)t, bafl
man, tniees bas lffiiirHein
,,~aufell befagt, bas SHnll
(b3tn. jeben, ber getauft
tnitb) gan3 ins Iffiaff er
!:)ineinf enffe unb daud)te,
um es bann tniebet l:)et,
aus3u3ieljen. 5i)enn stnei~
feUDs !ommt aud) in ber
beutf d)en 61Jrad)e bas
mliittlein "~aufel/ bon
bem Iffiort ,,:tiefe" l:)eT,
tneH man tief ins Iffiaffet
lenti, tnas man tauft. 5i)as
etforbert aud) bie ~ebeu~
tung bet :taufe; benn fie
bebeuiet, tnie tnir l:)iiren
tnerben, bafl ber aftc
Iffienfd) unb bie ftinblid)e
®e{lutt bon t\'leifd) unb
~lut gans erfauft tnerben
foll burd) bie ®nabe ®ob
tes. 5i)arum foll man ber
~ebeutung entf1Jred)enb
lJanbeln unb ein red)tes,
bofifommenes {leid)en ba~
ftir geben. (G£'altner ~us~
gabe, I, 351.)
Iffian edennt auf ben erften mUd: 5i)ie Iffieimaret ~u5gabe Dietet £utl:)ers
Iffiorie gana genau, tnie er fie gefd)rieben l:)at, !a13t fief) aber eben besljalb bon
cinem UngetiOten nid)t leid)t unb glatt lefen; bie 6t. £ouifet ~usgabe bietet aud)
£utl:)ers mlotte gana genau, abet in l:)eutiget 6d)teibtneif e unb :;'Snter1Junftion i
bie G£'altner ~u5gabe lieft fid) glatt unb fd)iin unb ift iebermann berfttinblid), ba fie
einae!ne mlorte tinbert unb bie 6at!onftmftion bereinfad)t. ~net barf man
tnirflid) fo mit l3utl:)er umgel:)en? Unb tneld)e I)Jliigfict)feiten entftel)en, tnenn bet
meatbeitet nun einmal bom £utl:)erte!;t fid) nod) fteier mad)t unb babel, bielleid)t
636 Book Review. -~- mtcratur.
o~ne e§i aU wollen, eigene lJiuffajfungen unb ®ebanten eintriigt1 Unb luitb ntd)t
oft getabe bie unnael)a~m{id)e ~tctft unb ®ue!)t ber I5prael)e £ut~ers bedoren"
ge~en 7 ~n bet ~inleitung lefen wtr, ba~ jtd) ber oetannte £utl)erfotfel)er lJ}rof.
~manuer &;litfe!) in ®iitttngen (eoen iett nae!) stuotngen berfett) nie!)t mit bet
mel)anblung bes £utl)erbeutfe!) in biefer lJiusgaue einberftanben edfiiren ronnte,
ouwol)l er fonft mit feinem roetibollen ffiat gebient ~at. ~e!) bermute, ba~ er euen
basf due mebenfen ~at, uber bas ie!) nie!)t I)inwegfommen fann, wenn iel) aue!),
nae!)bem ie!) cine ffiei~e \Jon I5teUen in biefer neuen lJiusgaue ge1efen I)aue, fagen
mu~, ba~ jte witHie!) jtd) fe!)iin unb leid)t fefen, was namentIid) fur fold)e me"
beutung I)aoen fann, bie £utf)er nod) nie gelefen (lauen. lJioer man fann jte!)
fel)nell in \)utf)er f)ineinlefen, unb wie faft jeber lJ}aftor ein griiteres englife!)es
mliirteruue!) uejttt unb georaue!)t, fo gef)iirt aud) ein orbentfiel)es beutfe!)es ®iirier"
oue!) in eine lJ}famrsbioliotl,Jet. ®it uemeden 3um l5el)lu~, ba~ biefe lJiusgaoe
aUf fee!)s manbe uereel)net ift, unb nae!)bem manb I "ben mannertriiger bes (;\;ban"
geliums" geurae!)t f)at, follen bie folgenben manbe unter biefen @ejte!)tspunften
\)utl)erfel)e l5e!)tiften btingen: manb II: ,,:Det maf)nuree!)er el)tifUiel)er \)eoens"
orbnung"; manb III: ,,:Det ,seuge aUf ber ~an3el"; manb IV unb V: "Sl)er :Dol"
tor ber &;leHigen l5d)rift"; manD VI: ,,:Der ffieformator tm ~ampf um ~bangelium
unb ~irel)e.u \). jJ u tor i n g e r.
Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly. Vol. IV, No.2, July, 1931.
64 pages, 6X9. Subscription, $2.00 a year.
We take great pleasure a.gain to call attention to this periodical, the
official organ of the Concordia Historical Institute, of which Prof. W. G.
Polack, 800 De Mun Ave., St. Louis, Mo., is editor-in-chief. The purpose
of this periodical is to offer contributions bearing on the history of the
Lutheran Church, particularly of the synods composing the Synodical
Conference. The present issue offers the following articles: Our First Col-
lege at Milwaukee; Two Interesting Visitors in St. Paul, Minn., during
August, 1856; Early Lutherans and Lutheran Churches i;;' America; Hein-
rich Wunder, D. D.; The Lutheran Church in Nova Scotia. Subscriptions
should be sent to Mr. Theo. Eckhart, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Mo.,
while literary contributions should be mailed to the editor-in-chief. There
are many interesting incidents in the long history of our Church which
should be brought to the attention of the Church before they are alto-
gether forgotten. Let pastors and laymen take an active interest in the
splendid work carried on oJ the Historical Institute. TH. LAETSCH.
The Spirit of Protestantism. By H. E. KiTk, D. D., LL. D., Minister
of the Franklin Street Presbyterian Church and Professor of Bib-
lical Literature in Goucher College, Baltimore; Sometime Mod-
erator of the Presbyterian Church in the United States (1928);
Summer Preacher in the Westminster Chapel, London (1922-27);
Annual Lecturer on Historical Christianity at Princeton University
(since 1923), etc. Cokesbury Press, Nashville, Tenn. 233 pages,
5%X7%,. Cloth. Price, $2.00.
There are various reasons why we believe this volume of lectures will
appeal to the Lutheran reader. In the first place, it is the literary product
of a scholar who is widely known for his great learning, his consummate
Book Review. - £itetatut. 637
skill in lecturing, and his loyal adherence to Fundamentalism, also, we
may add, for his intense earnestness and evident sincerity. Again, its
contents are the "Cole Lectures for 1930," delivered annually since 1903
before the faculty and student-body of the Religious School of Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tenn. Apologetic and controversial in character,
these lectures enter profoundly into the spirit of the subject and evince
a keen analysis of the present situation in theology and religion, point-
ing out at the same time the only effective cure of the abysmal chaos
which prevails because modern theology has rejected both the Bible and
the Christ of the Bible. Lastly, these lectures were held in commemo-
ration of the great protest of 1529 and the still greater confession at
Augsburg of 1530. All these factors cooperate in arresting one's atten-
tion from the start.
The first five lectures in the book are introductory; the culmination
is reached in the last lecture, "The Choice before Us: Altar or Pulpit 1"
in which the author really discusses and analyzes his theme, "The Spirit
of Protestantism." The introductory lectures treat the following sub-
jects: "The Conflict of Religion with Secularism" (the earthly, unbe-
lieving, irreligious, materialistic philosophy of to-day); "The Collapse
of the Secular Program" ("The secular rival of religion ... is now found
i.nadequate, and man is beginning to search for some resource beyond
nature," p. 85); "The Spiritual Susceptibility in the Modern World"
("I discern on time's horizon ... a new spiritual sensibility, which beyond
reasonable doubt indicates that the modern man is getting ready to re-
consider religion as the only solution of his important problems," p. 92) ;
"The Place of Jesus Christ in His Own Religion" ("Instead of boldly
preaching salvation in the name of ,Tesus, we go about trying to prove
that religion is true," p. 143; "Paul has stated the truth with convincing
potency: 'God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself.' That
was the burden of apostolic preaching," p. 149; "This redemptive appeal
is the only one that reaches the depths of human necessity," p. 160) ;
"Aspects of the Coming Reformation" ("I believe in the future of our
Reformed faith not only because it effectively purged the idolatrous ele-
ments from the Church of the Middle Ages, but also because it is more
needed now as the chief opponent of the debasing and soul-chilling secu-
larism which has grown out of the very forces that occasioned the Refor-
mation," p. 176) .
After thus preparing the way for a proper discussion of the main
issue, the author, in his last lecture, "The Choice before Us: Altar or
Pulpit?" takes up his subject, "The Spirit of Protestantism," and ana-
lyzes it thoroughly with a view to finding the essence of the Protestant
heritage to which the present Church must adhere. The spirit of Protes-
tantism he defines as "the conviction that the deed of God which gives
a foundation for communion is in preaching the Gospel of salvation to
mankind" (p. 216). "Protestantism," he says, "is the expression of the
New Testament conception of Christianity. Everything that savors of
ecclesiasticism, ritualism, sacerdotal ministries, gradations of clergy,
everything, in fact, that subordinates the essential message, the good
news of God, is alien to Protestantism, as indeed it is foreign to the
638 Book Review. - l3iterntm:.
New Testament, the charter of our faith and practise. The message
carries with it the great truths of an open Bible, a divine Lord, an aton-
ing Savior, salvation by faith, a holy life by the indwelling of the Holy
Spirit, and good works in the name of Jesus. This is the essence of our
Protestant faith. We have the best reasons for holding it, and the essen-
tial expression of it is, and must always be, the preaching of the Word"
(p. 221 ff.).
In the foregoing we have endeavored to present the main subjects
which the book discusses, together with the author's guiding principles
and his chief replies to the questions which each suggests. There is much
to commend in the volume, much that is gratifying also to the Lutheran
theologian. Nevertheless the book also presents glaring faults. Its prin-
cipal shortcoming is perhaps its indefiniteness, both in diction and sub-
stance. Extolling Christ, the author does not tell us who that Christ is;
speaking of Christ's redemptive work, he fails to point out just wherein
it consisted; arguing for acceptance of the Gospel, he does not define
the "good news of God." Thus we find also in this volume the chief fault
of modern Fundamentalism, which so moves in the vague realm of gen-
eralities that after all one is in doubt whether an author has the full
truth or not. What is needed to-day, when in theology the traditional
words and expressions are so cleverly juggled, is more than a vague gen-
eral statement - the Christian confessor must "come down to brass tacks."
Nothing else will do. Dr. Kirk, as he himself says with much emphasis,
is a Calvinist. As such, we know, the real spirit of Protestantism, the
essence of which finds its expression in the Lutheran slogans Bola Soriptura,
Bola gratia, Bola fide, the spirit of Luther and of the Augsburg Confession,
with its insistence on Scripture as the only source and norm of faith
and on justification by grace, through faith in Christ, as the only way
to salvation, is thoroughly uncongenial to him. He disavows the "Protes-
tant principle as held by Luther" and writes: "The Protestant principle
as held by Luther differed from that of Zwingli and Calvin; whereas
the protest of Luther was aimed at Jewish elements in the old faith
and his principle was that of justification by faith, the protest of Zwingli
and Calvin went deeper and aimed at the pagan elements in the old faith
and made the conception of divine sovereignty in salvation the funda-
mental principle of the Reformed faith. And this latter, beyond ques-
tion, is the essential theological principle of the Reformed churches
throughout the world to-day" (p. 172) . By "the spirit of Protestantism"
Dr. Kirk then means the spirit of Zwingli and Calvin, and the rational-
istic spirit of Zwingli and Calvin means unionism, and unionism fears
to probe the doctrines to the core lest there be trouble in the camp of
the Church. And so, while there is Fundamentalism, there is indefinite-
ness, and there are generalities, which are not found in the New Testa-
ment, nor in the ancient Christian creeds, nor in the Augsburg Confession,
nor in the true spirit of Protestantism, which gave to the world Witten-
berg, and Worms, and Augsburg, and Marburg. But it is just this true
spirit of Protestantism which alone is the "opponent of the debasing and
soul-chilling secularism which has grown out of the very forces that
occasioned the Reformation." J. T. MUELLER.
Book Review. - mtetatut. 639
:l)nl5 lI5nffion15U3itntib liei s;?einridj I5djiii.! nnb feine ftilgefdjidjtlidjen Wtnnb=
lngen. SOtud unb met lag bon ~. !Betie!§mann in @.Iiltet~lo~. 218 @5eiten
6%X9%, in Sleintuanb mU SOedel. unb lRildentUel gebunben. !j.\rei!l:
~g ift eine mufifgefef)ief)tnef)e unb aiemlief) teef)nifef)e @5ef)tift, bie un~ ~iet
1Jotliegt, bie abet folef)e, bie tiefer in bie grofle .Riref)enmufif ber lut~etifef)en .Riref)e
einbringen tuoUen, fe~r intereffieren bilrfte. SOenn Sjeinrief) @5ef)il~ ift einer bet
,groflen !meiftet - saeculi sui musicus excellentissimus tuutbe bon i~m ge.
fagt -, ber gleief) naef) ~. @5. !Baef) aU nennen ift, bon bem er fief) aber auef) tief
unterfef)eibe±, tuie benn auef) ber !mann, ber in neueret ,8eU um bie !ffiilrbigung
beiber !meifter fief) ~oef)berbient gemaef)t ~at, ber befannte ~~eolog {'rriebrief) @5.pitta,
lifted ettuag ~umoriftif ef) ber lI!Baef).unb.@5ef)il~.@5.pUtall genantit Illirb. SOag
muef) 3erfiiUt nad) einer ~inlettung (@5. 5-15) in gtuei groflere ~eile: 1. ,8ur @.Ie.
fd)ief)te bet ~~oral.paffion bot @5ef)il~ (@5. 16-75) unb 2. SOie @5ologefiinge in ben
!j.\affionen bon Sjeinrief) @5ef)il~ (@5. 76-216). ~in !namenberaeief)ni!l, bag bier.
3e~n merroeife aUf ~usfil~rungen ilber Slut~er unb elf aUf Slut~ed {'rteunb unb
mUfilalifef)en !Berater ~o~ann !ffiart~er, unb atuar ilfter~ me~rfettige, ent~iilt,
ief)Ueflt bag fd)one !Buef). Sl. if il r b r i n g e r.
This New Education. By Herman Harrell Horne. The Abingdon Press,
New York, Cincinnati, Chicago. 280 pages, 51JtX7%. Price, $2.00.
Doctor Horne, professor of the Philosophy of Education at New York
University, has published a number of books in his field, notably: Christ
in Man-makingj Jesus-Our Standard. His viewpoint is not that of one
who sees in Christ, first and foremost, the Redeemer and Substitute of man-
kind in the work of vicarious atonement. But in this new book his pe-
culiar viewpoints do not come to the front quite as strongly as elsewhere,
except in the last part of the book, where he gives as the final aim of edu-
cation "the upbuilding of humanity in the image of Divinity as revealed
in Christ Jesus." The author's viewpoint throughout this section is that
of present-worldliness, or the social gospel. But the first chapters of the
book contain much useful information on the old education as well as on
the new, or progressive, education. All the latest movements are briefly,
but adequately defined. If one wishes to be informed on the present status
of pedagogy and on the philosophy of education, including that of Dewey,
this book will give excellent service. P. E. KRETZMANN.
The Geological Ages Hoax. A Plea for Logic in Theoretical Geology.
By George MoCready Prioe. Fleming H. Revell Company, New York,
Chicago, London, Edinburgh. 126 pages, 5X71Jt. Price, $1.25. Order
from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo.
Every searcher for the truth ought to be very grateful for this latest
book by Doctor Price, whose earlier books, for instance, The New Geology
and Q. E. D., brought such excellent information. The present book is not
a learned dissertation, but a splendid summary of the fundamental argu-
ments against the vagaries of theoretical geology, with its "onion-skin
theory" and other hypotheses. The author himself states: "This book is
devoted to just one idea.' It is a criticism of the claims of geologists that
they are able to differentiate the fossils into groups, or sets, which have
definite time-values of world significance" (p. 7). The promise of the
640 Book Review. - \literatur.
preface is carried out in the body of the book in a most cOllvincing way>
the headings of some of the chapters reading: Which Are the Oldest Fos-
sils 1 Missing Ages; Skipping Many Ages; Reversing the Ages; Some
Ice-age Nonsense. The book will be of great value to everyone who wishes
to orientate himself on the present status of the difficulties concerned.
G:ingegangene ~iidjCt.
;I)arUllt fiitdjten wir ltlt~ nidjt. D. We art i n % f) 0 m. ~. ~et±ersmanlt,
@literslof). 106 ESeiten. M. 2.
(\)eredjt nun ~clfig alt~ (\)uancu. St ~ e ct f) au S. 133 ESeHen. Si'atto~
niert: M.2.40; gebunben: M.3.50.
lRcne ~irdjlidje ,3cltfdjrift. S)etausgegeben bon ~. ~etgbolt, %f). ,(laf)n nnb
anbern. ~eidJett, 13eiNig. ~af)rgang 42, .l;ieft 1. iJ'. lBeit: ,(lum neuen ~af)t;
lR. ~elte: ~ie gegenmattige 13age bet %f)eo!o\1ie; S'~. ~rutlJ: ffilel)tbeutige .I;i~rten~
morte; %f). !illotfcf)fe: ffilattl)aus ~nerian; ~. ~cr(JboH: ,(leHfcl)riften~lRunbfcf)au. -
.l;ieft 2. ~ . .l;ieber: ffilal,; ESdJelers ~ljanomenologie bet @ottesetfenntniS; .I;i. lBor~
mal)l: ~He~fdJe, ~urctl)arbt unb ber .l;iiftotismus; iJ'. ~el)le: Si'af~at EStoiSf)agen;
~. ~er\1bolt: ,(leitfcf)tiften~\Runbfcf)au. - S'deft 3. Si'. ~ornl)aufet: ~ie Si'reu3es~
abnal)me unb bas ~egrabniS ~~fu; Ill. \Romer: \Rationale unb irtationale ffilo~
mente in ber ESe61talfrage; %1J. SIIIotfd)te: ffilattl)ausffi1etian (EScf)lut); ~. ~erg~
bolt: ,(leitfd)rif±en~\Runbfd)au. - ~~eft 4. ~ . .l;ielier: ~)la!: EScf)elers ~rtenntniStf)eorie
bet \Religion; ,It @raber: ~l)rifmdJer ffiloniSmus in !illeltanfcf)auung unb 13ebens~
flif)tUng; Si'. @rot: S'Jofeas ~influt auf ~eremias IllnfdJauungen; ~. ~er(JboIt:
,(leitf dJtiften~\Runbf cf)au.
::t~eorogie bet (\)cgeultJllri. .l;ietausgegeben bon Si'. ~etf), D. ~lierf)arb uub
aubern. ~eid)ett, 13el~3i(J. ~af)rgang 25. ftverfid)ten liber ~euetfcf)einungen in
ber tf)eologifcf)en 13iteraiur. .l;ieft l.lR. @tli~macf)er: Si'itcf)engefcf)id)te, Illltertum
unb ffiHttelafter. 34 ESeiten. - .l;ief± 2 . .I;i. ~reut: Si'ircf)engefcf)icf)te, \Reformation
viS @egentoart. 27 ESeHen. - &"deft 3. .I;i. ~reut: ~f)tifmcf)e Si'unf±. 20 ESeiten. -
.l;ieft 4. .I;i.!ill. EScf)omcrus: