Full Text for CTM Book Review 2-7 (Text)

<1tnurnrbitt ml1tnlngirttl mnut41y Continuing Lehre und Wehre (Vol. LXXVI) Magazin fuer Ev.-Luth. Homiletik (Vol. LlV) Theol. Quarterly (1897-1920)-Theol. Monthly (Vol. X) Vol. II July, 1931 No.7 CONTENTS DALLMANN, WM.: How Peter Became Pope .... Page 481 KRETZMANN, P. E.: Die Familie Davids................ 495 MUELLER, J. T.: Introduction to Sacred Theology...... 500 FUERBRINGER, L.: List of Articles Written by Dr.F.Bente 510 KRETZMANN, P. E.: Aramaismen im Neuen Testament 513 KRUEGER, 0.: Predigtstudie ueber 1 Tim. 6, 6-12. . . . . .. 520 Dispositionen ueber die von der Synodalkonferenz ange- nommene Serie alttestamentlicher Texte ............... 526 Theological Observer. - Kirchlich-Zeitgeschichtliches. . . . .. 534 Book Revie\v. - Literatur .. _ ... __ , .. , ..................... . 553 Em Predlger muse nicht allein wBid"" also dass er die Sehafe unterweise, wie aie rechte Ohrleten Bollen eern, Bontiem aueh daneben den Woelfen wehr"" dass Bie die Schafe nicht angreiien und mit faleeher Lehre verfuehren und Irrtum ein· fuehren. - Luther. Es ist kein Ding, das die Leute mehr bei der Kircha behaelt den.n die gtJtt Predigt. - ApologiB, Art. 8~. If the trumpet give an uncertain BOund, who shall prepare himself to the battle f 1 Cor. ~,8. Published for the Ev. Luth. Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States CONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE, St. Louis, Mo. I II AhCI1IVr Book Review. - .\litetatut. 553 Book Review. - 2itet4tut. 'l)a~ \neue ~eftament. itberfett bon D. ~ b 0 If t6 ~ I a t t e t. [alwet !Ser~ etnsbu~~anblung, t6tuttgatt. 1931. 574 t6eiten 5X7, in ~einwanb mit @lolbtitel gebunben. ~rets: $1.20. ~u~ in bet beutf~en t6l>ta~e me~ten fi~ bie neueten itbetfetungen bet ~ibel, bie bas gtie~if~e Otiginal but~ genaue itbetfetung in bie ~euttge t6l>ta~e bem .\lefet na~etbtingen woUen, unb bas neuefte !!Bed ift bie itbetfetung bon t6~latter, bem befannten %~eologen, bet aUf bogmatif~em unb befonbets neuteftament~ li~em @lebiet atbettet. @letabe wie bie itbetfetungen bon !!Bei3fader, !menge, !!Biefe unb anbmt ,witb man au~ biefes '!!Bed mit lnuten 3um !Serglet~e ~eran~ sie~en, wenn man au~ fonft aus guten @ltiinben bet bem unbetanbetien ~ut~et~ te~t bfetben win. t6~lattetS itberfetung ift genau wortlt~, jebo~ ni~t fUabif~, fo bab bie t6l>ra~e barunter lefben wiitbe. S)as ~u~ ent~art wetter ni~ts afS ben ~iberte~t, fogar o~ne .real>ttefiiberfdjtiften, ~at abet am \Ranbe etne bef~ranfte ~nsa~l bon ~araUeffteUen unb gibt, ebenfaUs am \Ranb, mit eigenen !!Boden ben :;Sn~art bes betteffenben ~bf~nitts an. ~in l>aar ~roben mogen bas @lefagte urufttieren. S)ie letten 3wei !Serfe ber ~l>oftelgef~i~te finb fo wiebergegeben: ,,~t blieb abet boUe 3wei :;Sa~re in ber eigenen !mietswo~nung unb na~m aUe auf, bie 3U i~m famen, berfiinbigte @lottes S'jerrfd)aft unb le~rete bom S'j~ttn :;S~fu~ [~tiftus in boUer Offentlt~feit, unge~inbert." ~ber mub ba ni~t f.t87:a :n:&.U'1}' :n:a(H!'1}ula. in fetner erften unb natiirrt~ften 18ebeutung, "Offen~eit, ij'reubigfeit//, obet, wie ~ut~er eigentlt~ gef~tieben ~at, //ij'teibigfeit// = !mut, wiebergegeben wet ben, ba ber ~egriff //,offenm~feit// fdjon in //unge~inbert// liegt1 S)ie :;Sn~arts~ angaben ber ~bf~nitte finb fut3, aber bo~ treffenb, fo \Riim. 1, 8-17: //~aulus wur [~tiftus in \Rom bediinbigen//; .real>. 2, 1-11: //ij'alf~e ~ntf~ulbigungen//; .real>. 3, 1-8: "S)er !SOtaug ber :;Suben; worin et befte~t unb wie et mibbrau~t witb.// ~bet man~e bet ~ngaben erHiutern ni~t witfli~ ben :;Sn~alt. \Riim. 1,18-8,39 wirb 3ufammengefabt in bie !!Borte: "S)as !!Bed ber giitm~en @le~ re~tigfeit in ben @llaubigen.// S)a Hilit fi~ ni~t flar edennen, wie ber itberfeter ben ~usbrud @lete~tigfett berfte~t, ob er bamit bie ~igenf~aft ber giitm~en @lete~tigfeit meint ober, wie ~ut~et in feiner mit \Re~t betii~mten unb unbet" glet~rt~ tteffenben itberfetung unb weiteren ~usfii~rung fagt: "S)ie @lete~tig" feit, bie bor @lott gilt.// Offenb. 17 witb be3ei~net als "bie t6iinbe \Roms//, .real>. 18 als "ber t6tUt3 \Roms//. S)as tiinnte ti~tig berftanben werben, ift abet bom itber" feter jebenfaUs ni~t ti~ttg gemeint, ba er unter \Rom nidjt bas riimifdje ~nti" djtiftentum berfte~t, f onbern bas seitrtdje \Rom. ~ber wit tiinnen audj fagen, bali wir ganse .real>itel mit :;Sntereffe in biefer itberfetung butdjgelefen ~aben. ~. ij'ii r b ri n g er. St. John. Introduction and Notes. By W. Graham Scroggie, D. D. (Edin- burgh). Harper & Brothers, New York and London. 132 pages, 414X6%. Price, $1.25. Order from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. lt was a genuine pleasure to read this book carefully. It is not an exhaustive commentary of the Gospel of John, but an analysis with short expository sections. It is thoroughly evangelical in content and tone, and 554 Book Review. - \.)iteratut. only rarely will one disagree with the form of a statement. The appeal of the book lies particularly in its many epigrammatic sayings, which often throw a spotlight on an inspired passage. For example: "It is as- tonishing how careful people are of their bodies and careless of their souls; they take their bodies to the springs and leave their souls by the sewer." Again: "Beware lest, while being as orthodox as heaven about the Sabbath, you be as heterodox as hell about salvation." Again: "If to-day you do not want what you need, some day you will need what you want." The book will offer fine material for sermon outlines and for Bible-class work. P. E. KRETZMANN. The Gospel of the Mediterranean. By Elmer Ellswo1·th Helms, Pastor, First Methodist Episcopal Ohurch, Los Angeles. Illustrated. Flem- ing H. Revell Company, New York, Ohicago, London, and Edinburgh. 157 pages, 5X7%. Price, $1.50. When wearied by a hard day's work, the pastor may take this book for some light reading and relaxation. He will find it interesting and informing. A number of countries, cities, and islands touched by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and visited by the author in 1930 are here made the subject of brief essays - Patmos, Oorsica, the Balearics, Oyprus, Malta, Antioch, Athens, Rome, Palestine, Egypt. Historical char- acters like Napoleon and Raymond Lull (the great missionary of the thirteenth century) are spoken of in connection with their native coun- tries. Mohammedanism and Zionism are given separate chapters. The title of the book, of course, is ill-chosen and jars our Ohristian sensibili- ties. In describing the famous localities mentioned, the writer makes frequent excursions into history, sacred and secular, realizing that his readers must know what great events came to pass there before they will feel a genuine interest in these places. We regret to say that the historical data frequently are inaccurately presented or even entirely wrong. Here are some of the particularly flagrant errors. When St. John leaves Jerusalem to take up his abode in Ephesus, "Nero is emperor of Rome. Herod AgTipps> I [!] is ruler of Palestine" (p. 16). Ooncerning the collection made by the Ohristians at Antioch for the poor saints in Jerusalem we are told: "When the collection was ready to be sent to Jeru- salem, by whose hand was it sent? Only one man received a vote, and he the unanimous vote, Brother Barnabas" (p. 57). "Antioch was at the head of the Valley of Mesopotamia. . .. For a thousand years Antioch was the capital, ruling the vast valley that lies between the Euphrates and Tigris" (p. 69 f.). "The various dialects [of ancient Greece] were blended into a new tongue - the Attic Greek" (p. 82). "Why was Socra- tes given the hemlock? Because he believed in, and taught, immortality" (p. 92). About Dionysius the Areopagite we are told that he was a judge, and then the writer continues: "Later, as we know, for it has been un- earthed, there was a church of Dionysius in Athens. Also, there was later [!] a theater or amphitheater of Dionysius." Risum teneatis, amici! A fairly good book was largely spoiled by these outrageous performances. W. ARNDT. Book Review. - Bitetatur. 555 The Christ of Every Road. A Study in Pentecost. By E. Stanley Jones. The Abingdon Press, New York, N. Y. 271 pages, 5X8%. Price, $1.50. :Much of what this popular writer and zealous missionary of the Methodist Church has to say to the churches is worth saying and needs to be taken to heart. He sets before them in burning words their duty towards God and their fellow-men and fearlessly scourges their faults and sins, such as formalism and ritualism, race snobbery, the growing passion for costly church edifices, the decline of personal missionary en- deavor, and the like. He warns against the emphasis placed on apolo- getics. "Our faith does not need protection - it needs proclamation" (p. 30) . "Jesus used no syllogisms. He announced self-verifying truths" (p. 63) . And the matter is presented in plain, emphatic language, with a brilliant style and a wealth of illustration. The pity of it is that the theology of Dr. Jones, besides being of the Reformed-Methodistic type, is infected with Modernism. The chief emphasis is placed on life. "The revelation we need is the revelation of the moral character of our Father" (p.6l). "Paul's chief emphasis was upon the Spirit-upon the Spirit and not upon 'justification,' as has been so largely held" (p. 96). The atonement is not presented as consisting in the substitutionary sacrifice of Goel. According to chapter VI the Gospel rests upon Christ's life, His death, His resurrection, and His coming into the lives of men - Pente- cost. First of all it was necessary that Jesus should step out before us to show us how to live! And while the suffering is spoken of as vicarious, the matter is presented in too vague a way to convey the thought that God's wrath came upon Jesus on account of our sins. Indeed, the wrath of God is not as much as mentioned. On the contrary, we are warned: "How we have surrounded Calvary with stone walls of adamantine theory, placed barbed-wire entanglements of exclusively correct doctrine, made men climb narrow paths of impossibly steep propositions, and when we have arrived at the top we have only a tomb - a dead doctrine about a dead Christ." In the light of this such fine statements as: "Jesus by His life wrote out against the eternities the imperishable message, 'God is Love,' and nothing can erase it" (p. 66), may mean much or nothing. Dr. Jones considers the present scientific attitude, with its demand for fact, a soil upon which our Gospel can come to its own (p. 22) and even adopts the view of Dean Inge that the new knowledge should influence our theology as much as the new Platonic philosophy helped to formulate the Christian faith in the fourth and fifth centuries. "What philosophy was then science is now" (p. 142). The Pelagianistic vein crops out in statements like these: "The joy of the gospels comes from finding some- thing that is congruous to our nature" (p. 236), and: "The soul of the East is too spiritually inclined to be utterly secular, and we have reason to hope that the ultimate issue will be Christ" (p. 21). - There is occa- sionally vague and meaningless oratory and frequently argumentation of the loosest kind, the text being made to yield unwarranted inferences. We are not bound to use the rite of Baptism, for Paul said: "I thank God I baptized none of you, save Gaius and Crispus" (p. 149). Women have the right to preach, for "at Pentecost 'one hundred and twenty were there with the women'" (p. 115). "The account says that the Spirit came 556 Book Review. - l3itetatut. upon the group while they were in an upper room - a home. Here was religion centered in that universal place of living, a home" (p. 99). "It was said of Him that 'He was full of grace' (Latin) 'and truth' (Anglo- Saxon). The Gospel interpreted through the graciousness of the Latin and through the straightforwardness of the Anglo-Saxon will in combina- tion enrich us both" (p.139). Even this: "Jesus is both [radical and conservative]. The wise scribe of the kingdom is to be both radical and conservative - he brings forth 'things new and old.' But note the order- the new is first.. And at Pentecost the young men seeing visions came before the old men dreaming dreams" (p. 129). We have heard pastors setting up Dr. Jones's writings as models for the preacher! - Dr. Jones ·does not hold that Baptism and the Lord's Supper are means of grace. Nor is the Gospel the means of grace. Prayer takes their place as the means of grace. - It goes without saying that he is a syncretist. TH. ENGELDER. The Unequal Yoke. Should a Christian Support Modernism? (The Autobiography of a Dollar.) By Ma?·tin Paul. 87 pages, 5%X7%. Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, Pa. Price, 25 cts. Order from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. ,(£~riftentum oller !Religion? Q;ine IBettad)tung tibet ben Urfl>rung unb bie Q;nttuictrung bet \Religion unb bie ftbernatilt!id)·feit bes !r~tiftentums. mon D. theol. sa t n 0 !r I e men s ® Ii bel e i n. Publication Office "Our Hope," 456 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y. 213 eieiten 5%X7%. !:!SteiS: $1.50. World Revolution and Religion. By Paul Hutchinson. The Abingdon Press, New York, N. Y. 201 pages, 5%X8. Price, $2.00. These three books belong to the field of Christian apologetics, since they deal with the spread of Modernism and its dreadful effects on present- day religious faith and life. Martin Paul's The Unequal Yoke is the :shortest of the three and in many respects the best. It is written in story form and points out the pernicious influence of Modernism on a Christian youth, whose faith is shattered by his unchristian instructors in college and seminary, who nevertheless enters the field of foreign missions, but dies in agony as he contemplates his defection from the faith of his child- hood days and his deception of the heathen who turned to him for spir- itual counsel. Throughout the little volume liberalistic views are ably attacked and refuted. The appeal of the book is to a return to Biblical practise in matters of doctrine, which implies that Christians should a) cease supporting Liberalists, b) insist on every doctrine of the Bible, 'c) abandon attempts at an outward unification of the Church until it is inwardly at one in every doctrine, and d) come out from modernistic circles and be separate "regardless of what the results may be." The story is told by the "Soul of a Dollar," which in places makes it rather awkward; it might be improved if the author would relate the story of "Spike" in the third person and enlarge on certain scenes. The author, besides quoting the outstanding apologetic works of conservative modern scholars, men- tions also "Theodore Graebner's excellent little book on Evolution." The ;book is well worth 25 cents. Book Review. - SJiteratur. 557 Gaebelein's Oh1'istentum oder Religion is evidently a translation, and the language is often stilted and ponderous. The title is misleading, for what the author wishes to show is that Christianity is the only true re- ligion since it is the religion of the only true God revealed to man. It refutes the modernistic and evolutionistic theory that religion is a "de- velopment," shows that religion is "instinctive" because it is universal and as old as the human race, and proves that religion in so far as it is true is a gift of God. Christianity, in particular, has a supernatural foundation, centers in a supernatural Person, teaches a supernatural re- demption, proclaims a supernatural salvation, a supernatural resurrection, and a supernatural second advent, and is a supernatural power. The author's presentation of the fundamentals of Christianity is, in the main, correct; but he is a thoroughgoing millennialist and looks forward to the millennial reign of Christ on earth as the complete vindication of Chris- tianity. The chief value of the volume lies in its refutation of the wide- spread superficial theories of Modernism on religion and matters religious. Paul Hutchinson's World Revolution and Religion belongs into this class of apologetic works only because of its keen analysis of present-day revolutionistic tendencies, which are undermining all existing institutions. He visions an obvious political revolution, a world-wide industrial revolu- tion, a social revolution, a racial revolution, and a religious revolution, all of which work hand in hand to produce a world-crisis and bring about a complete chaos. The picture which he paints is extremely pessimistic, and his outlook on the religious upheaval is almost pathetic. He is con- vinced that the Church as it now exists is doomed to pass away and that religion will survive only in so far as it is able to accommodate itself to the new social order. He offers no remedy and pleads for no return to that Word which shall never pass away. From this point of view the book is a complete failure. ItR chief worth Jies in its graphic portraiture of the perils that confront the Christian Church of to-day. J. T. MUELLER. Works of Martin Luther. With Introductions and Notes. A. J. Hol- man Company and the Castle Press, Philadelphia, Pa. Volume III; 464 pages, 5% X 8. Volume IV; 411 pages, same format. Price of each volume, $3.00. Order from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. This undertaking deserves the acclamation and support of all who are anxious to preserve the excellent theological treatises of Martin Luther, especially at this time, when the transition into English has made con- siderable headway. The Holman Edition, planned to comprise six or more volumes, is to contain a selection of Luther's writings that will give at least some good idea of his many-sided activity, his theological acumen, and his unflinching adherence to the truth of Scripture. Volume III contains the following treatises of the Reformer: An Argument in Defense of All the Articles of Dr. Martin Luther Wrongly Condemned in the Roman Bull; The Magnificat; An Earnest Exhortation for All Christians, Warning Them against Insurrection and Rebellion; Secular Authority, to What Extent It should be Obeyed; 'fo the Leipzig Goat; Reply to the Answer of the Leipzig Goat; Answer to the Superchristian, Superspiritual, and Super- learned Book of Goat Emser; To the Knights of the Teutonic Order. Vol- 558 Book Review. - 2iteratut. ume IV contains: On Trading and Usury and A Treatise on Usury; The Right all-d Power of a Christian Congregation; Preface to an Ordinance of a Common Chest; To the Councilmen of All Cities in Germany that They Establish and Maintain Christian Schools; Sermon on Keeping Chil- dren in School; The Burning of Friar Henry; Admonition to Peace; Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants; An Open Letter Concern- ing the Hard Book against the Peasants; An Exposition of the Eighty- second Psalm; An Exhortation to the Clergy Assembled at the Diet at Augsburg. The work of translating was, on the whole, very well done, by men who have established a reputation in this field; only rarely is the peculiar force of the original weakened, and then only where there is no corresponding idiom in English. In any event, the thought of Luther is usually preserved. The introductions are short, but ample, references to existing editions are complete, the indexes satisfactory in every way. The price of the volumes, considering the present condition of the book market, is low. P. E. KRETZMANN. 6tullien nber djriftHdje ':3JenfmiHer. &;lerausgegeoen bon :;5 0 ~ ann e 5 5' ide r. 9leue 5'ofge bel' atd)iiologiief)en I5tubien aum ef)riftHef)en Illltedum unb 9JUtteIalter. SDietrid)fef)e merfagsouef)£)anbfung, 2eiNig. 21. &;left: lI~lJri~ ftus am ~reu3 in bel' ?SHbtunft bet ~arofinget3ett." mon:;5 0 lJ ann e 5 ffi e i LWUt 12 ?SHbtafeln. 127 I5dten 6X9. ~teiS, ge£)eftet: :M.I0. SDies ift dne fe£)r H)eaieUe tunftgefef)ief)t!id)e Unterfuef)ung, bie aoer aUe bie~ jenigen, bie fief) fur fofef)e I5tubien uoer ef)riftfief)e SDenfmiifet intereffieren, er~ freuen mitb. SDet metfaffet ift dn ®tojiftabtpfamr in ~£)emniil, bet fief) fd)on feit funfunb3man3ig :;5af;ren mit bie[em I5tubium oefajit l)at unb bem nun au biefem {3mede ein me£)rmonatiger Udauo oemiUigt morben ift unb fef)liejilicf) cine liefonbete I5tubienreife, bie if;m bie 9cotgemeinfd)aft bel' beutfd)en miiffenfef)af± ermogitci)te. Illuf [oldje mieife ift es eben miigHef), folci)e einge£)enben lief onbmn I5tubien au mad)en unb in mettboUen 9Ronogta.\JlJien baraufteUen. mon bel' ®runblid)kit bes merfaffets ,eugt lebe l5eite unb am I5d)luji ein genaues mer~ aeief)niS bet oef.\Jtoef)enen SDenfmiiIer. SDa3u fommen aoer nod) 3molf ?SHbtafefn nnb unter biefen ber ®ofbbedel bes IllsliurnlJam (\;bangeIiar§ aus bem neunten :;5a£)rlJunbet±, bas fief) in bel' reicf)£)aUigen ?Siolio±£)ef :;5. ~. morgans in 9eem ~Jorf liefinbet. (\;11 ift cine golbgetrieoene Illrlieit, 1ICl:£)tiftu1l am ~reu3", bon gana 6e~ fonberer l5ef)onlJeit, mie mit fie nod) nief)t gefelJen lJalien unb bie auef) bel' merfaffer als Ilcin3igartig" be3eicf)ne±. (15.57. stafel VIL) 2. 5' u r 6 r i n g e r. The Living Hope. By Louis Wessel. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 216 pages, 6 X 9. Price, $1.25. This new sermon book contains thirteen sermons on texts taken from the First Epistle of Peter, one sermon from the Second Epistle of Peter, and six Lenten sermons on texts from various Biblical books. Dr. Wessel is an expository preacher, who makes the exposition of the text the promi- nent feature throughout the sermon and who presents the subject-matter in plain English, without unnecessary embellishments. If preachers will use this sermon book as sermon books should be used, its sale need not be restricted to the clergy. Let the preacher plow with his own oxen rather than with another man's heifer. ,T. H. C. FRITZ. Book Review. - IJiteratur. 559 The Burden Made Light. Meditations and Prayers for Sick, Convales- cents, Invalids, and A.ffi.icted. Alfred Doe1'jfte1', Concordia Publish- ing House, St. Louis, Mo. 103 pages, 514 X7%. Price, 75 cts. This practical book, written out of the wide experience of a pastor of a large congregation, ought to be placed into the hands of all our sick and afflicted fellow-men. It contains 54 meditations on a wide range of Scrip- ture texts. Each meditation is followed by a prayer which sums up the chief thought developed in the meditation. Pastors should urge their parishioners to buy a copy of this book for their sick friends, use this book while making sick-calls, or, better still, learn from the author how to make the proper use of the inexhaustible treasure-house of God's Word in their important and blessed work among the shut-ins. TH. LAETSCH. Contrary Winds and Other Sermons. By the Rev. William M. TayloT, D. D., LL. D. Richard R. Smith, Inc., New York. 372 pages, 5X7%. Price, $1.00. With Mercy and with Judgment. By Prinoipal Alexander Whyte, D. D. Richard R. Smith, Inc., New York. 285 pages, 5X7%. Price, $1.00, The publishers are to be commended for making these excellent ser- mons available in the Anvil Series of $1.00 Religious Books. Both of these preachers were Scotchmen, and their sermons must be numbered among the best productions of the modern Scottish pulpit. Dr. Taylor needs no introduction to the Lutheran clergy, for almost every minister's library contains some of his books. But Dr. Whyte is not so well known among us. He was a member of the Free Church of Scotland. After serving as minister of Free St. George's at Edinburgh for a quarter of a century, he in 1909 succeeded Dr. Marcus Dodds as professor of exe- getical theology and principal of New Oollege, Edinburgh. He died in 1921. Dr. Whyte's sermons are marked by unusual freshness, fervor, and sin- cerity, by "a rare wealth of imagination," and by their direct and telling applications to every-day life. The doctrine of the vicarious atonement is set forth clearly and emphatically, especially in the beautiful sermon on "The Ransom" (p. 214) . E. J. FRIEDRICH. .8citfn,rifi fur fl)itemanfn,c ::.t~eQrQgie. S'derausgegeben in metbinbuug mit ~ a u I .~ I t ~ a us, ~r!angen, ~ man u e I S'd i r f dj, @iittingen, unb @ e 0 r g 'ill e ~ run g, S'da[[e a. €S., bon .Ii: a r I €S tan g e, @ottingen. SDtud unb mer lag bon [. SSerte!smann, @iiterslo~. ~reis bes ;;SafW gangs: M. 20. 8. ;;S a ~ r 9 a n g, 1. m t e r t e ! i a ~ t S ~ eft. 200 €SeHen. ;;sn[)alt: €Stamm[er: ffiedjtiJ[eben uun ffied)tiJlJfiege im ~innang mit bet djtiftlicf)en @tunb~ le~re. - €Snetl)[age: SDie ~tabeftination im IJicf)te Des .!i:ritiaiSmus. - €Stange: SDie @ottesanfcf)auung IJut~eriJ. - S'dirfcf): .ffietfegaarbs ~rfmngsfcf)rift. - S'daf~ fesorinf: SDas ~roo[em bes rengiiifen @egenftanDes bei 5ffia!; €Scf)e!er. - mon SDoo~ icf)ii~: SDie ~araDo1;ie im Weuen :teftament. 2. m i e r t e [ i a ~ r iJ ~ eft. 195 €Seiten. ;;sn~a{t: €Stauffer: SDas t~eo~ rogifcf)e 'illeItbilb ber ~pota[~ptU. - ;;swanb: €Stubien Bum ~rob(em bes un~ freien 'illi!!ens. - S'daffesbrint: SDas ~roO!em Des religiiifen @egenftanDes bei 5ffial; €Scf)eler (€Scf)(un). - €Stange: SDie [~riftusftage in ber ~ugsbutgifcf)en 560 Book Review. - 13iteratur. ~onfeffion. - ®ronau: ~;,etbers religiiife :;SugenbentlnicUung. - 6tange: ilie auterd)tiftTid)e iSegrunbung bes ®ottesgebanfens. - ~emVer: ®ottesgebanfe unb ffied)tsgeftaltung in SZlftisraeI. 3. m i e t tel i a lj t s lj eft. 190 6eiten. :;snljalt: ;torm: ilie gefd)id)tHd)e Whflid)feU unb ber ®Iaube. - 6tange: 5l)ie iSebeutung bes (£ljtiftentums fur ben mobernen gJ1enfd)en. - SZluTiln: 5l)ie brei ~auvtt~Ven bes d)tiftlid)en met~ iiiljnungsgebantens. - 5l)e Slnaan: l.Jlaulinifd)e Weltanfd)auung. - i\'rante: 5l)ie re1igiiife unb volitifd)e iSebeutung bes ~onfu3ianiSmus in metgangenljeit unb ®egenlnatt. . 4. m i e t tel j a lj r s lj eft. 174 6eiten. :;Snljalt: 6tange: 5l)ie iSebeutung bes SZlugsbtttgct iSefenntniffes. - ffi. iSting: 0;inige iSIiitter aus bet fd)lnebifd)en 13utljetforfd)ung. - Ulrid): :;Sft ber 5l)cutfd)e 0;bangelifd)e ~itd)enbunb dne ~itd)e? - 6tange: Wort unb ®eift. - ~unnetlj: Sur i\'rage bet ®ef d)id)go geounbenljeit bes d)tiftlicl)en ®raubens. (Hngegangenc £iteratur. metlag bon~lbolf ~rein, 13eiV3ig: '!lie ~viftclu bd ~ird)enjnljr{l. :;So ffi u lj 1 i n g. iSanb 1: SZlbbent biS ffiogate; 154 6eUenj M. 4.75. iSanb 2: ~immelfaljrt viS 25. 60nntag nad) strinitutis j 147 6eiten; M.4.50. '!In{l ijeUige offenbnre @leljeimni{l. D. 1.Jl. ~ T e i n. 190 6eitenj M.5.50. mer I a g bon 1))1. ~ e i n f ius I 13 e i V 3 i g : '!let .\leifnnb ben ~inbern. I.Jllj. m 0 geL iSanb 1: SZlbbent Vis I.Jlfingften. 149 6eiten; M.4.80. Fl'om Hat'pel' d; B1'othel's, New Yol'k and London:- The Unlocked Door. By James Black. 232 pages, 5X7%. Price, $2.00. F1"om the Cokesbury Press, Nashville, Tenn.:- Girded with Gladness. By Rn},ce S, Wright, D. D. 152 pages, 4%X7%. Price, $1.00. F1"om Fleming H. Revell Company, New Yor-k, Chicago, London, and Edin- burgh:- The Christ We Love. By L. S. Hoffman, A. B., B. D. 224 pages, 5X 7Y2' Price, $2.00. From L. C. Page d; Company, Boston:- The Noble Thoughts of Epictetus. Edited by Dana Estes. 89 pages, 5X7%. 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